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var UWindowRootWindow Root; var() config string RootWindow; var float OldClipX; var float OldClipY; var bool bCreatedRoot; var float MouseX; var float MouseY; var class ConsoleClass; var config float MouseScale; var config bool ShowDesktop; var config bool bShowConsole; var bool bBlackout; var bool bUWindowType; var bool bUWindowActive; var bool bQuickKeyEnable; var bool bLocked; var bool bLevelChange; var string OldLevel; var globalconfig byte ConsoleKey; var config EInputKey UWindowKey; var UWindowConsoleWindow ConsoleWindow; function ResetUWindow() { if(Root != None) Root.Close(); Root = None; bCreatedRoot = False; ConsoleWindow = None; bShowConsole = False; CloseUWindow(); } event bool KeyEvent( EInputKey Key, EInputAction Action, FLOAT Delta ) { local byte k; k = Key; switch(Action) { case IST_Press: switch(k) { case EInputKey.IK_Escape: if (bLocked) return true; bQuickKeyEnable = False; LaunchUWindow(); return true; case ConsoleKey: if (bLocked) return true; bQuickKeyEnable = True; LaunchUWindow(); if(!bShowConsole) ShowConsole(); return true; } break; } return False; //!! because of ConsoleKey //!! return Super.KeyEvent(Key, Action, Delta); } function ShowConsole() { bShowConsole = true; if(bCreatedRoot) ConsoleWindow.ShowWindow(); } function HideConsole() { ConsoleLines = 0; bShowConsole = false; if (ConsoleWindow != None) ConsoleWindow.HideWindow(); } event Tick( float Delta ) { Super.Tick(Delta); if(bLevelChange && Root != None && string(Viewport.Actor.Level) != OldLevel) { OldLevel = string(Viewport.Actor.Level); // if this is Entry, we could be falling through to another level... if(Viewport.Actor.Level != Viewport.Actor.GetEntryLevel()) bLevelChange = False; Root.NotifyAfterLevelChange(); } } state UWindow { event Tick( float Delta ) { Global.Tick(Delta); if(Root != None) Root.DoTick(Delta); } event PostRender( canvas Canvas ) { if( bTimeDemo ) { TimeDemoCalc(); TimeDemoRender( Canvas ); } if(Root != None) Root.bUWindowActive = True; RenderUWindow( Canvas ); } event bool KeyType( EInputKey Key ) { if (Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_KeyType, None, MouseX, MouseY, Key); return True; } event bool KeyEvent( EInputKey Key, EInputAction Action, FLOAT Delta ) { local byte k; k = Key; switch (Action) { case IST_Release: switch (k) { case EInputKey.IK_LeftMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_LMouseUp, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; case EInputKey.IK_RightMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_RMouseUp, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; case EInputKey.IK_MiddleMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_MMouseUp, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; default: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_KeyUp, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; } break; case IST_Press: switch (k) { case EInputKey.IK_F9: // Screenshot return Global.KeyEvent(Key, Action, Delta); break; case ConsoleKey: if (bShowConsole) { HideConsole(); if(bQuickKeyEnable) CloseUWindow(); } else { if(Root.bAllowConsole) ShowConsole(); else Root.WindowEvent(WM_KeyDown, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); } break; case EInputKey.IK_Escape: if(Root != None) Root.CloseActiveWindow(); break; case EInputKey.IK_LeftMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_LMouseDown, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; case EInputKey.IK_RightMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_RMouseDown, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; case EInputKey.IK_MiddleMouse: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_MMouseDown, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; default: if(Root != None) Root.WindowEvent(WM_KeyDown, None, MouseX, MouseY, k); break; } break; case IST_Axis: switch (Key) { case IK_MouseX: MouseX = MouseX + (MouseScale * Delta); break; case IK_MouseY: MouseY = MouseY - (MouseScale * Delta); break; } default: break; } return true; } Begin: } function ToggleUWindow() { } function LaunchUWindow() { local int i; Viewport.bSuspendPrecaching = True; bUWindowActive = !bQuickKeyEnable; Viewport.bShowWindowsMouse = True; if(bQuickKeyEnable) bNoDrawWorld = False; else { if(Viewport.Actor.Level.NetMode == NM_Standalone) Viewport.Actor.SetPause( True ); bNoDrawWorld = ShowDesktop; } if(Root != None) Root.bWindowVisible = True; GotoState('UWindow'); } function CloseUWindow() { if(!bQuickKeyEnable) Viewport.Actor.SetPause( False ); bNoDrawWorld = False; bQuickKeyEnable = False; bUWindowActive = False; Viewport.bShowWindowsMouse = False; if(Root != None) Root.bWindowVisible = False; GotoState(''); Viewport.bSuspendPrecaching = False; } function CreateRootWindow(Canvas Canvas) { local int i; if(Canvas != None) { OldClipX = Canvas.ClipX; OldClipY = Canvas.ClipY; } else { OldClipX = 0; OldClipY = 0; } Log("Creating root window: "$RootWindow); Root = New(None) class(DynamicLoadObject(RootWindow, class'Class')); Root.BeginPlay(); Root.WinTop = 0; Root.WinLeft = 0; if(Canvas != None) { Root.WinWidth = Canvas.ClipX / Root.GUIScale; Root.WinHeight = Canvas.ClipY / Root.GUIScale; Root.RealWidth = Canvas.ClipX; Root.RealHeight = Canvas.ClipY; } else { Root.WinWidth = 0; Root.WinHeight = 0; Root.RealWidth = 0; Root.RealHeight = 0; } Root.ClippingRegion.X = 0; Root.ClippingRegion.Y = 0; Root.ClippingRegion.W = Root.WinWidth; Root.ClippingRegion.H = Root.WinHeight; Root.Console = Self; Root.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; Root.Created(); bCreatedRoot = True; // Create the console window. ConsoleWindow = UWindowConsoleWindow(Root.CreateWindow(ConsoleClass, 100, 100, 200, 200)); if(!bShowConsole) HideConsole(); UWindowConsoleClientWindow(ConsoleWindow.ClientArea).TextArea.AddText(" "); for (I=0; I<4; I++) UWindowConsoleClientWindow(ConsoleWindow.ClientArea).TextArea.AddText(MsgText[I]); } function RenderUWindow( canvas Canvas ) { local UWindowWindow NewFocusWindow; Canvas.bNoSmooth = True; Canvas.Z = 1; Canvas.Style = 1; Canvas.DrawColor.r = 255; Canvas.DrawColor.g = 255; Canvas.DrawColor.b = 255; if(Viewport.bWindowsMouseAvailable && Root != None) { MouseX = Viewport.WindowsMouseX/Root.GUIScale; MouseY = Viewport.WindowsMouseY/Root.GUIScale; } if(!bCreatedRoot) CreateRootWindow(Canvas); Root.bWindowVisible = True; Root.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; Root.bQuickKeyEnable = bQuickKeyEnable; if(Canvas.ClipX != OldClipX || Canvas.ClipY != OldClipY) { OldClipX = Canvas.ClipX; OldClipY = Canvas.ClipY; Root.WinTop = 0; Root.WinLeft = 0; Root.WinWidth = Canvas.ClipX / Root.GUIScale; Root.WinHeight = Canvas.ClipY / Root.GUIScale; Root.RealWidth = Canvas.ClipX; Root.RealHeight = Canvas.ClipY; Root.ClippingRegion.X = 0; Root.ClippingRegion.Y = 0; Root.ClippingRegion.W = Root.WinWidth; Root.ClippingRegion.H = Root.WinHeight; Root.Resized(); } if(MouseX > Root.WinWidth) MouseX = Root.WinWidth; if(MouseY > Root.WinHeight) MouseY = Root.WinHeight; if(MouseX < 0) MouseX = 0; if(MouseY < 0) MouseY = 0; // Check for keyboard focus NewFocusWindow = Root.CheckKeyFocusWindow(); if(NewFocusWindow != Root.KeyFocusWindow) { Root.KeyFocusWindow.KeyFocusExit(); Root.KeyFocusWindow = NewFocusWindow; Root.KeyFocusWindow.KeyFocusEnter(); } Root.MoveMouse(MouseX, MouseY); Root.WindowEvent(WM_Paint, Canvas, MouseX, MouseY, 0); if(bUWindowActive || bQuickKeyEnable) Root.DrawMouse(Canvas); } event Message( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string Msg, name N ) { local string OutText; Super.Message( PRI, Msg, N ); if ( Viewport.Actor == None ) return; if( Msg!="" ) { if (( MsgType[TopLine] == 'Say' ) || ( MsgType[TopLine] == 'TeamSay' )) OutText = MsgPlayer[TopLine].PlayerName$": "$MsgText[TopLine]; else OutText = MsgText[TopLine]; if (ConsoleWindow != None) UWindowConsoleClientWindow(ConsoleWindow.ClientArea).TextArea.AddText(OutText); } } event AddString( coerce string Msg ) { Super.AddString( Msg ); if( Msg!="" ) { if (ConsoleWindow != None) UWindowConsoleClientWindow(ConsoleWindow.ClientArea).TextArea.AddText(Msg); } } function UpdateHistory() { // Update history buffer. History[HistoryCur++ % MaxHistory] = TypedStr; if( HistoryCur > HistoryBot ) HistoryBot++; if( HistoryCur - HistoryTop >= MaxHistory ) HistoryTop = HistoryCur - MaxHistory + 1; } function HistoryUp() { if( HistoryCur > HistoryTop ) { History[HistoryCur % MaxHistory] = TypedStr; TypedStr = History[--HistoryCur % MaxHistory]; } } function HistoryDown() { History[HistoryCur % MaxHistory] = TypedStr; if( HistoryCur < HistoryBot ) TypedStr = History[++HistoryCur % MaxHistory]; else TypedStr=""; } function NotifyLevelChange() { Super.NotifyLevelChange(); bLevelChange = True; if(Root != None) Root.NotifyBeforeLevelChange(); } ~D~~~e~Y  K} ?% & dA K <HK&{ <A?&x?{K ~Z*_$t9b<<<_?<b_ ~c*W*J< -m %k .Nwk *m k .k  WD?DD?L]Y<W%W%?WY 0) { Line -= VertSB.MaxPos - VertSB.Pos; TempTail -= VertSB.MaxPos - VertSB.Pos; } } for (i=0; ie b yb b ]e yb u?,b v  ~L+~~M+~~e ~~q*~~sB+L <Y#s-L j [y ~5J+yFY5yyW-Q yuyu?,-B'  ~uT$F,T ~]+[daqd .}%lwd *I}[d E}d .d   ~_P+T+$RTG-Q vuvu?,G N [G T}-B-2uv-B( ~v~~T~S~*m"RV+ES jxo xxx ~~]//============================================================================= // UWindowWindow - the parent class for all Window objects //============================================================================= class UWindowWindow extends UWindowBase; #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=BlackTexture FILE=TEXTURES\Black.PCX #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=WhiteTexture FILE=TEXTURES\White.PCX // Dimensions, offset relative to parent. var float WinLeft; var float WinTop; var float WinWidth; var float WinHeight; // Relationships to other windows var UWindowWindow ParentWindow; // Parent window var UWindowWindow FirstChildWindow; // First child window - bottom window first var UWindowWindow LastChildWindow; // Last child window - WinTop window first var UWindowWindow NextSiblingWindow; // sibling window - next window above us var UWindowWindow PrevSiblingWindow; // previous sibling window - next window below us var UWindowWindow ActiveWindow; // The child of ours which is currently active var UWindowRootWindow Root; // The root window var UWindowWindow OwnerWindow; // Some arbitary owner window var UWindowWindow ModalWindow; // Some window we've opened modally. var bool bWindowVisible; var bool bNoClip; // Clipping disabled for this window? var bool bMouseDown; // Pressed down in this window? var bool bRMouseDown; // Pressed down in this window? var bool bMMouseDown; // Pressed down in this window? var bool bAlwaysBehind; // Window doesn't bring to front on click. var bool bAcceptsFocus; // Accepts key messages var bool bAlwaysOnTop; // Always on top var bool bLeaveOnscreen; // Window is left onscreen when UWindow isn't active. var bool bUWindowActive; // Is UWindow active? var bool bTransient; // Never the active window. Used for combo dropdowns7 var bool bAcceptsHotKeys; // Does this window accept hotkeys? var bool bIgnoreLDoubleClick; var bool bIgnoreMDoubleClick; var bool bIgnoreRDoubleClick; var float ClickTime; var float MClickTime; var float RClickTime; var float ClickX; var float ClickY; var float MClickX; var float MClickY; var float RClickX; var float RClickY; var UWindowLookAndFeel LookAndFeel; var Region ClippingRegion; struct MouseCursor { var Texture tex; var int HotX; var int HotY; var byte WindowsCursor; }; var MouseCursor Cursor; enum WinMessage { WM_LMouseDown, WM_LMouseUp, WM_MMouseDown, WM_MMouseUp, WM_RMouseDown, WM_RMouseUp, WM_KeyUp, WM_KeyDown, WM_KeyType, WM_Paint // Window needs painting }; // Dialog messages const DE_Created = 0; const DE_Change = 1; const DE_Click = 2; const DE_Enter = 3; const DE_Exit = 4; const DE_MClick = 5; const DE_RClick = 6; const DE_EnterPressed = 7; const DE_MouseMove = 8; const DE_MouseLeave = 9; const DE_LMouseDown = 10; const DE_DoubleClick = 11; const DE_MouseEnter = 12; const DE_HelpChanged = 13; const DE_WheelUpPressed = 14; const DE_WheelDownPressed = 15; // Ideally Key would be a EInputKey but I can't see that class here. function WindowEvent(WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) { switch(Msg) { case WM_Paint: Paint(C, X, Y); PaintClients(C, X, Y); break; case WM_LMouseDown: if(!Root.CheckCaptureMouseDown()) { if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) LMouseDown(X, Y); } break; case WM_LMouseUp: if(!Root.CheckCaptureMouseUp()) { if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) LMouseUp(X, Y); } break; case WM_RMouseDown: if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) RMouseDown(X, Y); break; case WM_RMouseUp: if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) RMouseUp(X, Y); break; case WM_MMouseDown: if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) MMouseDown(X, Y); break; case WM_MMouseUp: if(!MessageClients(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) MMouseUp(X, Y); break; case WM_KeyDown: if(!PropagateKey(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) KeyDown(Key, X, Y); break; case WM_KeyUp: if(!PropagateKey(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) KeyUp(Key, X, Y); break; case WM_KeyType: if(!PropagateKey(Msg, C, X, Y, Key)) KeyType(Key, X, Y); break; default: break; } } function SaveConfigs() { // Implemented in a child class } final function PlayerPawn GetPlayerOwner() { return Root.Console.ViewPort.Actor; } final function LevelInfo GetLevel() { return Root.Console.ViewPort.Actor.Level; } final function LevelInfo GetEntryLevel() { return Root.Console.ViewPort.Actor.GetEntryLevel(); } function Resized() { // Implemented in a child class } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function AfterPaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function Click(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function MClick(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function RClick(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function DoubleClick(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function MDoubleClick(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function RDoubleClick(float X, float Y) { // Implemented in a child class } function BeginPlay() { // Implemented in a child class } function BeforeCreate() { // Implemented in a child class } function Created() { // Implemented in a child class } function AfterCreate() { // Implemented in a child class } function MouseEnter() { // Implemented in a child class } function Activated() { // Implemented in a child class } function Deactivated() { // Implemented in a child class } function MouseLeave() { bMouseDown = False; bMMouseDown = False; bRMouseDown = False; } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { } function KeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in child class } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in child class } function bool HotKeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in child class //Log("UWindowWindow: Checking HotKeyDown for "$Self); return False; } function bool HotKeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in child class //Log("UWindowWindow: Checking HotKeyUp for "$Self); return False; } function KeyType(int Key, float X, float Y) { // Implemented in child class } function ProcessMenuKey(int Key, string KeyName) { // Implemented in child class } function KeyFocusEnter() { // Implemented in child class } function KeyFocusExit() { // Implemented in child class } function RMouseDown(float X, float Y) { ActivateWindow(0, False); bRMouseDown = True; } function RMouseUp(float X, float Y) { if(bRMouseDown) { if(!bIgnoreRDoubleClick && Abs(X-RClickX) <= 1 && Abs(Y-RClickY) <= 1 && GetLevel().TimeSeconds < RClickTime + 0.600) { RDoubleClick(X, Y); RClickTime = 0; } else { RClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; RClickX = X; RClickY = Y; RClick(X, Y); } } bRMouseDown = False; } function MMouseDown(float X, float Y) { ActivateWindow(0, False); /* DEBUG HideWindow(); */ bMMouseDown = True; } function MMouseUp(float X, float Y) { if(bMMouseDown) { if(!bIgnoreMDoubleClick && Abs(X-MClickX) <= 1 && (Y-MClickY)<=1 && GetLevel().TimeSeconds < MClickTime + 0.600) { MDoubleClick(X, Y); MClickTime = 0; } else { MClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; MClickX = X; MClickY = Y; MClick(X, Y); } } bMMouseDown = False; } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { ActivateWindow(0, False); bMouseDown = True; } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { if(bMouseDown) { if(!bIgnoreLDoubleClick && Abs(X-ClickX) <= 1 && (Y-ClickY) <= 1 && GetLevel().TimeSeconds < ClickTime + 0.600) { DoubleClick(X, Y); ClickTime = 0; } else { ClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; ClickX = X; ClickY = Y; Click(X, Y); } } bMouseDown = False; } function FocusWindow() { if(Root.FocusedWindow != None && Root.FocusedWindow != Self) Root.FocusedWindow.FocusOtherWindow(Self); Root.FocusedWindow = Self; } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { } function EscClose() { Close(); } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { local UWindowWindow Prev, Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Prev) { Prev = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; Child.Close(True); } SaveConfigs(); if(!bByParent) HideWindow(); } final function SetSize(float W, float H) { if(WinWidth != W || WinHeight != H) { WinWidth = W; WinHeight = H; Resized(); } } function Tick(float Delta) { } final function DoTick(float Delta) { local UWindowWindow Child; Tick(Delta); Child = FirstChildWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if(bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) { Child.DoTick(Delta); } Child = Child.NextSiblingWindow; } } final function PaintClients(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float OrgX, OrgY; local float ClipX, ClipY; local UWindowWindow Child; OrgX = C.OrgX; OrgY = C.OrgY; ClipX = C.ClipX; ClipY = C.ClipY; Child = FirstChildWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; C.SetPos(0,0); C.Style = GetPlayerOwner().ERenderStyle.STY_Normal; C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; C.SpaceX = 0; C.SpaceY = 0; Child.BeforePaint(C, X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop); if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if(bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) { C.OrgX = C.OrgX + Child.WinLeft*Root.GUIScale; C.OrgY = C.OrgY + Child.WinTop*Root.GUIScale; if(!Child.bNoClip) { C.ClipX = FMin(WinWidth - Child.WinLeft, Child.WinWidth)*Root.GUIScale; C.ClipY = FMin(WinHeight - Child.WinTop, Child.WinHeight)*Root.GUIScale; // Translate to child's co-ordinate system Child.ClippingRegion.X = ClippingRegion.X - Child.WinLeft; Child.ClippingRegion.Y = ClippingRegion.Y - Child.WinTop; Child.ClippingRegion.W = ClippingRegion.W; Child.ClippingRegion.H = ClippingRegion.H; if(Child.ClippingRegion.X < 0) { Child.ClippingRegion.W += Child.ClippingRegion.X; Child.ClippingRegion.X = 0; } if(Child.ClippingRegion.Y < 0) { Child.ClippingRegion.H += Child.ClippingRegion.Y; Child.ClippingRegion.Y = 0; } if(Child.ClippingRegion.W > Child.WinWidth - Child.ClippingRegion.X) { Child.ClippingRegion.W = Child.WinWidth - Child.ClippingRegion.X; } if(Child.ClippingRegion.H > Child.WinHeight - Child.ClippingRegion.Y) { Child.ClippingRegion.H = Child.WinHeight - Child.ClippingRegion.Y; } } if(Child.ClippingRegion.W > 0 && Child.ClippingRegion.H > 0) { Child.WindowEvent(WM_Paint, C, X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop, 0); Child.AfterPaint(C, X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop); } C.OrgX = OrgX; C.OrgY = OrgY; } Child = Child.NextSiblingWindow; } C.ClipX = ClipX; C.ClipY = ClipY; } final function UWindowWindow FindWindowUnder(float X, float Y) { local UWindowWindow Child; // go from Topmost downwards Child = LastChildWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if(bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) { if((X >= Child.WinLeft) && (X <= Child.WinLeft+Child.WinWidth) && (Y >= Child.WinTop) && (Y <= Child.WinTop+Child.WinHeight) && (!Child.CheckMousePassThrough(X-Child.WinLeft, Y-Child.WinTop))) { return Child.FindWindowUnder(X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop); } } Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; } // Doesn't correspond to any children - it's us. return Self; } final function bool PropagateKey(WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) { local UWindowWindow Child; // Check from WinTopmost for windows which accept focus Child = LastChildWindow; // HACK for always on top windows...need a better solution if(ActiveWindow != None && Child != ActiveWindow && !Child.bTransient) Child = ActiveWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if((bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) && Child.bAcceptsFocus) { //Log("Sending keystrokes to: "$Child); Child.WindowEvent(Msg, C, X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop, Key); return True; } //else //Log("Ignoring child: "$Child); Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; } return False; } final function UWindowWindow CheckKeyFocusWindow() { local UWindowWindow Child; // Check from WinTopmost for windows which accept key focus Child = LastChildWindow; if(ActiveWindow != None && Child != ActiveWindow && !Child.bTransient) Child = ActiveWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if(bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) { if(Child.bAcceptsFocus) { return Child.CheckKeyFocusWindow(); } } Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; } return Self; } final function bool MessageClients(WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) { local UWindowWindow Child; // go from topmost downwards Child = LastChildWindow; while(Child != None) { Child.bUWindowActive = bUWindowActive; if(bLeaveOnScreen) Child.bLeaveOnscreen = True; if(bUWindowActive || Child.bLeaveOnscreen) { if((X >= Child.WinLeft) && (X <= Child.WinLeft+Child.WinWidth) && (Y >= Child.WinTop) && (Y <= Child.WinTop+Child.WinHeight) && (!Child.CheckMousePassThrough(X-Child.WinLeft, Y-Child.WinTop))) { Child.WindowEvent(Msg, C, X - Child.WinLeft, Y - Child.WinTop, Key); return True; } } Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; } return False; } final function ActivateWindow(int Depth, bool bTransientNoDeactivate) { if(Self == Root) { if(Depth == 0) FocusWindow(); return; } if(WaitModal()) return; if(!bAlwaysBehind) { ParentWindow.HideChildWindow(Self); ParentWindow.ShowChildWindow(Self); } //Log("Activating Window "$Self); if(!(bTransient || bTransientNoDeactivate)) { if(ParentWindow.ActiveWindow != None && ParentWindow.ActiveWindow != Self) { ParentWindow.ActiveWindow.Deactivated(); } ParentWindow.ActiveWindow = Self; ParentWindow.ActivateWindow(Depth + 1, False); Activated(); } else { ParentWindow.ActivateWindow(Depth + 1, True); } if(Depth == 0) FocusWindow(); } final function BringToFront() { if(Self == Root) return; if(!bAlwaysBehind && !WaitModal()) { ParentWindow.HideChildWindow(Self); ParentWindow.ShowChildWindow(Self); } ParentWindow.BringToFront(); } final function SendToBack() { ParentWindow.HideChildWindow(Self); ParentWindow.ShowChildWindow(Self, True); } final function HideChildWindow(UWindowWindow Child) { local UWindowWindow Window; if(!Child.bWindowVisible) return; Child.bWindowVisible = False; if(Child.bAcceptsHotKeys) Root.RemoveHotkeyWindow(Child); // Check WinTopmost if(LastChildWindow == Child) { LastChildWindow = Child.PrevSiblingWindow; if(LastChildWindow != None) { LastChildWindow.NextSiblingWindow = None; } else { FirstChildWindow = None; } } else if(FirstChildWindow == Child) // Check bottommost { FirstChildWindow = Child.NextSiblingWindow; if(FirstChildWindow != None) { FirstChildWindow.PrevSiblingWindow = None; } else { LastChildWindow = None; } } else { // you mean I have to go looking for it??? Window = FirstChildWindow; while(Window != None) { if(Window.NextSiblingWindow == Child) { Window.NextSiblingWindow = Child.NextSiblingWindow; Window.NextSiblingWindow.PrevSiblingWindow = Window; break; } Window = Window.NextSiblingWindow; } } // Set the active window ActiveWindow = None; Window = LastChildWindow; while(Window != None) { if(!Window.bAlwaysOnTop) { ActiveWindow = Window; break; } Window = Window.PrevSiblingWindow; } if(ActiveWindow == None) ActiveWindow = LastChildWindow; } final function SetAcceptsFocus() { if(bAcceptsFocus) return; bAcceptsFocus = True; if(Self != Root) ParentWindow.SetAcceptsFocus(); } final function CancelAcceptsFocus() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow; Child != None; Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.CancelAcceptsFocus(); bAcceptsFocus = False; } final function GetMouseXY(out float X, out float Y) { local UWindowWindow P; X = Int(Root.MouseX); Y = Int(Root.MouseY); P = Self; while(P != Root) { X = X - P.WinLeft; Y = Y - P.WinTop; P = P.ParentWindow; } } final function GlobalToWindow(float GlobalX, float GlobalY, out float WinX, out float WinY) { local UWindowWindow P; WinX = GlobalX; WinY = GlobalY; P = Self; while(P != Root) { WinX -= P.WinLeft; WinY -= P.WinTop; P = P.ParentWindow; } } final function WindowToGlobal(float WinX, float WinY, out float GlobalX, out float GlobalY) { local UWindowWindow P; GlobalX = WinX; GlobalY = WinY; P = Self; while(P != Root) { GlobalX += P.WinLeft; GlobalY += P.WinTop; P = P.ParentWindow; } } final function ShowChildWindow(UWindowWindow Child, optional bool bAtBack) { local UWindowWindow W; if(!Child.bTransient) ActiveWindow = Child; if(Child.bWindowVisible) return; Child.bWindowVisible = True; if(Child.bAcceptsHotKeys) Root.AddHotkeyWindow(Child); if(bAtBack) { if(FirstChildWindow == None) { Child.NextSiblingWindow = None; Child.PrevSiblingWindow = None; LastChildWindow = Child; FirstChildWindow = Child; } else { FirstChildWindow.PrevSiblingWindow = Child; Child.NextSiblingWindow = FirstChildWindow; Child.PrevSiblingWindow = None; FirstChildWindow = Child; } } else { W = LastChildWindow; while(True) { if((Child.bAlwaysOnTop) || (W == None) || (!W.bAlwaysOnTop)) { if(W == None) { if(LastChildWindow == None) { // We're the only window Child.NextSiblingWindow = None; Child.PrevSiblingWindow = None; LastChildWindow = Child; FirstChildWindow = Child; } else { // We feel off the end of the list, we're the bottom (first) child window. Child.NextSiblingWindow = FirstChildWindow; Child.PrevSiblingWindow = None; FirstChildWindow.PrevSiblingWindow = Child; FirstChildWindow = Child; } } else { // We're either the new topmost (last) or we need to be inserted in the list. Child.NextSiblingWindow = W.NextSiblingWindow; Child.PrevSiblingWindow = W; if(W.NextSiblingWindow != None) { W.NextSiblingWindow.PrevSiblingWindow = Child; } else { LastChildWindow = Child; } W.NextSiblingWindow = Child; } // We're done. break; } W = W.PrevSiblingWindow; } } } function ShowWindow() { ParentWindow.ShowChildWindow(Self); WindowShown(); } function HideWindow() { WindowHidden(); ParentWindow.HideChildWindow(Self); } final function UWindowWindow CreateWindow(class WndClass, float X, float Y, float W, float H, optional UWindowWindow OwnerW, optional bool bUnique, optional name ObjectName) { local UWindowWindow Child; if(bUnique) { Child = Root.FindChildWindow(WndClass, True); if(Child != None) { Child.ShowWindow(); Child.BringToFront(); return Child; } } if(ObjectName != '') Child = New(None, ObjectName) WndClass; else Child = New(None) WndClass; Child.BeginPlay(); Child.WinTop = Y; Child.WinLeft = X; Child.WinWidth = W; Child.WinHeight = H; Child.Root = Root; Child.ParentWindow = Self; Child.OwnerWindow = OwnerW; if(Child.OwnerWindow == None) Child.OwnerWindow = Self; Child.Cursor = Cursor; Child.bAlwaysBehind = False; Child.LookAndFeel = LookAndFeel; Child.BeforeCreate(); Child.Created(); // Now add it at the WinTop of the Z-Order and then adjust child list. ShowChildWindow(Child); Child.AfterCreate(); return Child; } final function Tile(Canvas C, Texture T) { local int X, Y; X = 0; Y = 0; While(X < WinWidth) { While(Y < WinHeight) { DrawClippedTexture( C, X, Y, T ); Y += T.VSize; } X += T.USize; Y = 0; } } final function DrawHorizTiledPieces( Canvas C, float DestX, float DestY, float DestW, float DestH, TexRegion T1, TexRegion T2, TexRegion T3, TexRegion T4, TexRegion T5, float Scale ) { local TexRegion Pieces[5], R; local int PieceCount; local int j; local float X, L; Pieces[0] = T1; if(T1.T != None) PieceCount = 1; Pieces[1] = T2; if(T2.T != None) PieceCount = 2; Pieces[2] = T3; if(T3.T != None) PieceCount = 3; Pieces[3] = T4; if(T4.T != None) PieceCount = 4; Pieces[4] = T5; if(T5.T != None) PieceCount = 5; j = 0; X = DestX; while( X < DestX + DestW ) { L = DestW - (X - DestX); R = Pieces[j]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, DestY, FMin(R.W*Scale, L), R.H*Scale, R.X, R.Y, FMin(R.W, L/Scale), R.H, R.T ); X += FMin(R.W*Scale, L); j = (j+1)%PieceCount; } } final function DrawVertTiledPieces( Canvas C, float DestX, float DestY, float DestW, float DestH, TexRegion T1, TexRegion T2, TexRegion T3, TexRegion T4, TexRegion T5, float Scale ) { local TexRegion Pieces[5], R; local int PieceCount; local int j; local float Y, L; Pieces[0] = T1; if(T1.T != None) PieceCount = 1; Pieces[1] = T2; if(T2.T != None) PieceCount = 2; Pieces[2] = T3; if(T3.T != None) PieceCount = 3; Pieces[3] = T4; if(T4.T != None) PieceCount = 4; Pieces[4] = T5; if(T5.T != None) PieceCount = 5; j = 0; Y = DestY; while( Y < DestY + DestH ) { L = DestH - (Y - DestY); R = Pieces[j]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, DestX, Y, R.W*Scale, FMin(R.H*Scale, L), R.X, R.Y, R.W, FMin(R.H, L/Scale), R.T ); Y += FMin(R.H*Scale, L); j = (j+1)%PieceCount; } } final function DrawClippedTexture( Canvas C, float X, float Y, texture Tex ) { DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, Tex.USize, Tex.VSize, 0, 0, Tex.USize, Tex.VSize, Tex); } final function DrawStretchedTexture( Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, texture Tex ) { DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, Tex.USize, Tex.VSize, Tex); } final function DrawStretchedTextureSegment( Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, float tX, float tY, float tW, float tH, texture Tex ) { local float OrgX, OrgY, ClipX, ClipY; OrgX = C.OrgX; OrgY = C.OrgY; ClipX = C.ClipX; ClipY = C.ClipY; C.SetOrigin(OrgX + ClippingRegion.X*Root.GUIScale, OrgY + ClippingRegion.Y*Root.GUIScale); C.SetClip(ClippingRegion.W*Root.GUIScale, ClippingRegion.H*Root.GUIScale); C.SetPos((X - ClippingRegion.X)*Root.GUIScale, (Y - ClippingRegion.Y)*Root.GUIScale); C.DrawTileClipped( Tex, W*Root.GUIScale, H*Root.GUIScale, tX, tY, tW, tH); C.SetClip(ClipX, ClipY); C.SetOrigin(OrgX, OrgY); } final function ClipText(Canvas C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey) { local float OrgX, OrgY, ClipX, ClipY; OrgX = C.OrgX; OrgY = C.OrgY; ClipX = C.ClipX; ClipY = C.ClipY; C.SetOrigin(OrgX + ClippingRegion.X*Root.GUIScale, OrgY + ClippingRegion.Y*Root.GUIScale); C.SetClip(ClippingRegion.W*Root.GUIScale, ClippingRegion.H*Root.GUIScale); C.SetPos((X - ClippingRegion.X)*Root.GUIScale, (Y - ClippingRegion.Y)*Root.GUIScale); C.DrawTextClipped(S, bCheckHotKey); C.SetClip(ClipX, ClipY); C.SetOrigin(OrgX, OrgY); } final function int WrapClipText(Canvas C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey, optional int Length, optional int PaddingLength, optional bool bNoDraw) { local float W, H; local int SpacePos, CRPos, WordPos, TotalPos; local string Out, Temp, Padding; local bool bCR, bSentry; local int i; local int NumLines; local float pW, pH; // replace \\n's with Chr(13)'s i = InStr(S, "\\n"); while(i != -1) { S = Left(S, i) $ Chr(13) $ Mid(S, i + 2); i = InStr(S, "\\n"); } i = 0; bSentry = True; Out = ""; NumLines = 1; while( bSentry && Y < WinHeight ) { // Get the line to be drawn. if(Out == "") { i++; if (Length > 0) Out = Left(S, Length); else Out = S; } // Find the word boundary. SpacePos = InStr(Out, " "); CRPos = InStr(Out, Chr(13)); bCR = False; if(CRPos != -1 && (CRPos < SpacePos || SpacePos == -1)) { WordPos = CRPos; bCR = True; } else { WordPos = SpacePos; } // Get the current word. C.SetPos(0, 0); if(WordPos == -1) Temp = Out; else Temp = Left(Out, WordPos)$" "; TotalPos += WordPos; TextSize(C, Temp, W, H); // Calculate draw offset. if ( (Mid(Out, Len(Temp)) == "") && (PaddingLength > 0) ) { Padding = Mid(S, Length, PaddingLength); TextSize(C, Padding, pW, pH); if(W + X + pW > WinWidth && X > 0) { X = 0; Y += H; NumLines++; } } else { if(W + X > WinWidth && X > 0) { X = 0; Y += H; NumLines++; } } // Draw the line. if(!bNoDraw) ClipText(C, X, Y, Temp, bCheckHotKey); // Increment the draw offset. X += W; if(bCR) { X =0; Y += H; NumLines++; } Out = Mid(Out, Len(Temp)); if ((Out == "") && (i > 0)) bSentry = False; } return NumLines; } final function ClipTextWidth(Canvas C, float X, float Y, coerce string S, float W) { ClipText(C, X, Y, S); } final function DrawClippedActor( Canvas C, float X, float Y, Actor A, bool WireFrame, rotator RotOffset, vector LocOffset ) { local vector MeshLoc; local float FOV; FOV = GetPlayerOwner().FOVAngle * Pi / 180; MeshLoc.X = 4 / tan(FOV/2); MeshLoc.Y = 0; MeshLoc.Z = 0; A.SetRotation(RotOffset); A.SetLocation(MeshLoc + LocOffset); C.DrawClippedActor(A, WireFrame, ClippingRegion.W * Root.GUIScale, ClippingRegion.H * Root.GUIScale, C.OrgX + ClippingRegion.X * Root.GUIScale, C.OrgY + ClippingRegion.Y * Root.GUIScale, True); } final function DrawUpBevel( Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Texture T) { local Region R; R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpT; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X+LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.W, Y, W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpTR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpTR; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpL; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y + LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H, R.W, H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpR; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y + LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H, R.W, H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y + H - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpB; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.W, Y + H - R.H, W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpBR; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y + H - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.BevelUpArea; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.W, Y + LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H, W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.W - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBR.W, H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpTL.H - LookAndFeel.BevelUpBL.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); } final function DrawMiscBevel( Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Texture T, int BevelType) { local Region R; R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelT[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X+LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].W, Y, W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTR[BevelType].W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTR[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H, R.W, H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelR[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H, R.W, H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y + H - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelB[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].W, Y + H - R.H, W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBR[BevelType].W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBR[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y + H - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelArea[BevelType]; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].W, Y + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H, W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBR[BevelType].W, H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelTL[BevelType].H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelBL[BevelType].H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); } final function string RemoveAmpersand(string S) { local string Result; local string Underline; ParseAmpersand(S, Result, Underline, False); return Result; } final function byte ParseAmpersand(string S, out string Result, out string Underline, bool bCalcUnderline) { local string Temp; local int Pos, NewPos; local int i; local byte HotKey; HotKey = 0; Pos = 0; Result = ""; Underline = ""; while(True) { Temp = Mid(S, Pos); NewPos = InStr(Temp, "&"); if(NewPos == -1) break; Pos += NewPos; if(Mid(Temp, NewPos + 1, 1) == "&") { // It's a double &, lets add one to the output. Result = Result $ Left(Temp, NewPos) $ "&"; if(bCalcUnderline) Underline = Underline $ " "; Pos++; } else { if(HotKey == 0) HotKey = Asc(Caps(Mid(Temp, NewPos + 1, 1))); Result = Result $ Left(Temp, NewPos); if(bCalcUnderline) { for(i=0;i ParentClass, optional bool bExactClass) { local UWindowWindow P; P = ParentWindow; while(P != Root) { if(bExactClass) { if(P.Class == ParentClass) return P; } else { if(ClassIsChildOf(P.Class, ParentClass)) return P; } P = P.ParentWindow; } return None; } final function UWindowWindow FindChildWindow(class ChildClass, optional bool bExactClass) { local UWindowWindow Child, Found; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) { if(bExactClass) { if(Child.Class == ChildClass) return Child; } else { if(ClassIsChildOf(Child.Class, ChildClass)) return Child; } Found = Child.FindChildWindow(ChildClass); if(Found != None) return Found; } return None; } function GetDesiredDimensions(out float W, out float H) { local float MaxW, MaxH, TW, TH; local UWindowWindow Child, Found; MaxW = 0; MaxH = 0; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) { Child.GetDesiredDimensions(TW, TH); //Log("Calling: "$GetPlayerOwner().GetItemName(string(Child))); if(TW > MaxW) MaxW = TW; if(TH > MaxH) MaxH = TH; } W = MaxW; H = MaxH; //Log(GetPlayerOwner().GetItemName(string(Self))$": DesiredHeight: "$H); } final function TextSize(Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H) { C.SetPos(0, 0); C.TextSize(Text, W, H); W = W / Root.GUIScale; H = H / Root.GUIScale; } function ResolutionChanged(float W, float H) { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) { Child.ResolutionChanged(W, H); } } function ShowModal(UWindowWindow W) { ModalWindow = W; W.ShowWindow(); W.BringToFront(); } function bool WaitModal() { if(ModalWindow != None && ModalWindow.bWindowVisible) return True; ModalWindow = None; return False; } function WindowHidden() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.WindowHidden(); } function WindowShown() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.WindowShown(); } // Should mouse events at these co-ordinates be passed through to underlying windows? function bool CheckMousePassThrough(float X, float Y) { return False; } final function bool WindowIsVisible() { if(Self == Root) return True; if(!bWindowVisible) return False; return ParentWindow.WindowIsVisible(); } function SetParent(UWindowWindow NewParent) { HideWindow(); ParentWindow = NewParent; ShowWindow(); } function UWindowMessageBox MessageBox(string Title, string Message, MessageBoxButtons Buttons, MessageBoxResult ESCResult, optional MessageBoxResult EnterResult, optional int TimeOut) { local UWindowMessageBox W; local UWindowFramedWindow F; W = UWindowMessageBox(Root.CreateWindow(class'UWindowMessageBox', 100, 100, 100, 100, Self)); W.SetupMessageBox(Title, Message, Buttons, ESCResult, EnterResult, TimeOut); F = UWindowFramedWindow(GetParent(class'UWindowFramedWindow')); if(F!= None) F.ShowModal(W); else Root.ShowModal(W); return W; } function MessageBoxDone(UWindowMessageBox W, MessageBoxResult Result) { } function NotifyQuitUnreal() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.NotifyQuitUnreal(); } function NotifyBeforeLevelChange() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.NotifyBeforeLevelChange(); } function SetCursor(MouseCursor C) { local UWindowWindow Child; Cursor = C; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.SetCursor(C); } function NotifyAfterLevelChange() { local UWindowWindow Child; for(Child = LastChildWindow;Child != None;Child = Child.PrevSiblingWindow) Child.NotifyAfterLevelChange(); } final function ReplaceText(out string Text, string Replace, string With) { local int i; local string Input; Input = Text; Text = ""; i = InStr(Input, Replace); while(i != -1) { Text = Text $ Left(Input, i) $ With; Input = Mid(Input, i + Len(Replace)); i = InStr(Input, Replace); } Text = Text $ Input; } function StripCRLF(out string Text) { ReplaceText(Text, Chr(13)$Chr(10), ""); ReplaceText(Text, Chr(13), ""); ReplaceText(Text, Chr(10), ""); } ~^class UWindowWin95LookAndFeel expands UWindowLookAndFeel; #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ActiveFrame FILE=Textures\ActiveFrame.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=InactiveFrame FILE=Textures\InactiveFrame.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ActiveFrameS FILE=Textures\ActiveFrameS.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=InactiveFrameS FILE=Textures\InactiveFrameS.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Misc FILE=Textures\Misc.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ChkChecked FILE=Textures\ChkChecked.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ChkUnchecked FILE=Textures\ChkUnchecked.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ChkCheckedDisabled FILE=Textures\ChkCheckedDisabled.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=ChkUncheckedDisabled FILE=Textures\ChkUncheckedDisabled.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuBar FILE=Textures\MenuBar.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuHighlightL FILE=Textures\MenuHighlightL.bmp FLAGS=2 GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuHighlightM FILE=Textures\MenuHighlightM.bmp FLAGS=2 GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuHighlightR FILE=Textures\MenuHighlightR.bmp FLAGS=2 GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuArea FILE=Textures\MenuArea.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuTL FILE=Textures\MenuTL.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuT FILE=Textures\MenuT.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuTR FILE=Textures\MenuTR.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuL FILE=Textures\MenuL.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuR FILE=Textures\MenuR.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuBL FILE=Textures\MenuBL.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuB FILE=Textures\MenuB.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuBR FILE=Textures\MenuBR.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuHighlight FILE=Textures\MenuHighlight.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF var() Region SBUpUp; var() Region SBUpDown; var() Region SBUpDisabled; var() Region SBDownUp; var() Region SBDownDown; var() Region SBDownDisabled; var() Region SBLeftUp; var() Region SBLeftDown; var() Region SBLeftDisabled; var() Region SBRightUp; var() Region SBRightDown; var() Region SBRightDisabled; var() Region SBBackground; var() Region FrameSBL; var() Region FrameSB; var() Region FrameSBR; var() Region CloseBoxUp; var() Region CloseBoxDown; var() int CloseBoxOffsetX; var() int CloseBoxOffsetY; const SIZEBORDER = 3; const BRSIZEBORDER = 15; /* Framed Window Drawing Functions */ function FW_DrawWindowFrame(UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C) { local Texture T; local Region R, Temp; C.DrawColor.r = 255; C.DrawColor.g = 255; C.DrawColor.b = 255; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); R = FrameTL; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, 0, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = FrameT; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, FrameTL.W, 0, W.WinWidth - FrameTL.W - FrameTR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = FrameTR; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, W.WinWidth - R.W, 0, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); if(W.bStatusBar) Temp = FrameSBL; else Temp = FrameBL; R = FrameL; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, FrameTL.H, R.W, W.WinHeight - FrameTL.H - Temp.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = FrameR; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, W.WinWidth - R.W, FrameTL.H, R.W, W.WinHeight - FrameTL.H - Temp.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); if(W.bStatusBar) R = FrameSBL; else R = FrameBL; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, W.WinHeight - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); if(W.bStatusBar) { R = FrameSB; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, FrameBL.W, W.WinHeight - R.H, W.WinWidth - FrameSBL.W - FrameSBR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); } else { R = FrameB; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, FrameBL.W, W.WinHeight - R.H, W.WinWidth - FrameBL.W - FrameBR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); } if(W.bStatusBar) R = FrameSBR; else R = FrameBR; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, W.WinWidth - R.W, W.WinHeight - R.H, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); C.Font = W.Root.Fonts[W.F_Normal]; if(W.ParentWindow.ActiveWindow == W) C.DrawColor = FrameActiveTitleColor; else C.DrawColor = FrameInactiveTitleColor; W.ClipTextWidth(C, FrameTitleX, FrameTitleY, W.WindowTitle, W.WinWidth - 22); if(W.bStatusBar) { C.DrawColor.r = 0; C.DrawColor.g = 0; C.DrawColor.b = 0; W.ClipTextWidth(C, 6, W.WinHeight - 13, W.StatusBarText, W.WinWidth - 22); C.DrawColor.r = 255; C.DrawColor.g = 255; C.DrawColor.b = 255; } } function FW_SetupFrameButtons(UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.CloseBox.WinLeft = W.WinWidth - CloseBoxOffsetX - CloseBoxUp.W; W.CloseBox.WinTop = CloseBoxOffsetY; W.CloseBox.SetSize(CloseBoxUp.W, CloseBoxUp.H); W.CloseBox.bUseRegion = True; W.CloseBox.UpTexture = T; W.CloseBox.DownTexture = T; W.CloseBox.OverTexture = T; W.CloseBox.DisabledTexture = T; W.CloseBox.UpRegion = CloseBoxUp; W.CloseBox.DownRegion = CloseBoxDown; W.CloseBox.OverRegion = CloseBoxUp; W.CloseBox.DisabledRegion = CloseBoxUp; } function Region FW_GetClientArea(UWindowFramedWindow W) { local Region R; R.X = FrameL.W; R.Y = FrameT.H; R.W = W.WinWidth - (FrameL.W + FrameR.W); if(W.bStatusBar) R.H = W.WinHeight - (FrameT.H + FrameSB.H); else R.H = W.WinHeight - (FrameT.H + FrameB.H); return R; } function FrameHitTest FW_HitTest(UWindowFramedWindow W, float X, float Y) { if((X >= 3) && (X <= W.WinWidth-3) && (Y >= 3) && (Y <= 14)) return HT_TitleBar; if((X < BRSIZEBORDER && Y < SIZEBORDER) || (X < SIZEBORDER && Y < BRSIZEBORDER)) return HT_NW; if((X > W.WinWidth - SIZEBORDER && Y < BRSIZEBORDER) || (X > W.WinWidth - BRSIZEBORDER && Y < SIZEBORDER)) return HT_NE; if((X < BRSIZEBORDER && Y > W.WinHeight - SIZEBORDER)|| (X < SIZEBORDER && Y > W.WinHeight - BRSIZEBORDER)) return HT_SW; if((X > W.WinWidth - BRSIZEBORDER) && (Y > W.WinHeight - BRSIZEBORDER)) return HT_SE; if(Y < SIZEBORDER) return HT_N; if(Y > W.WinHeight - SIZEBORDER) return HT_S; if(X < SIZEBORDER) return HT_W; if(X > W.WinWidth - SIZEBORDER) return HT_E; return HT_None; } /* Client Area Drawing Functions */ function DrawClientArea(UWindowClientWindow W, Canvas C) { W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 0, W.WinWidth, W.WinHeight, Texture'BlackTexture'); } /* Combo Drawing Functions */ function Combo_SetupSizes(UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C) { local float TW, TH; C.Font = W.Root.Fonts[W.Font]; W.TextSize(C, W.Text, TW, TH); W.WinHeight = 12 + MiscBevelT[2].H + MiscBevelB[2].H; switch(W.Align) { case TA_Left: W.EditAreaDrawX = W.WinWidth - W.EditBoxWidth; W.TextX = 0; break; case TA_Right: W.EditAreaDrawX = 0; W.TextX = W.WinWidth - TW; break; case TA_Center: W.EditAreaDrawX = (W.WinWidth - W.EditBoxWidth) / 2; W.TextX = (W.WinWidth - TW) / 2; break; } W.EditAreaDrawY = (W.WinHeight - 2) / 2; W.TextY = (W.WinHeight - TH) / 2; W.EditBox.WinLeft = W.EditAreaDrawX + MiscBevelL[2].W; W.EditBox.WinTop = MiscBevelT[2].H; W.Button.WinWidth = ComboBtnUp.W; if(W.bButtons) { W.EditBox.WinWidth = W.EditBoxWidth - MiscBevelL[2].W - MiscBevelR[2].W - ComboBtnUp.W - SBLeftUp.W - SBRightUp.W; W.EditBox.WinHeight = W.WinHeight - MiscBevelT[2].H - MiscBevelB[2].H; W.Button.WinLeft = W.WinWidth - ComboBtnUp.W - MiscBevelR[2].W - SBLeftUp.W - SBRightUp.W; W.Button.WinTop = W.EditBox.WinTop; W.LeftButton.WinLeft = W.WinWidth - MiscBevelR[2].W - SBLeftUp.W - SBRightUp.W; W.LeftButton.WinTop = W.EditBox.WinTop; W.RightButton.WinLeft = W.WinWidth - MiscBevelR[2].W - SBRightUp.W; W.RightButton.WinTop = W.EditBox.WinTop; W.LeftButton.WinWidth = SBLeftUp.W; W.LeftButton.WinHeight = SBLeftUp.H; W.RightButton.WinWidth = SBRightUp.W; W.RightButton.WinHeight = SBRightUp.H; } else { W.EditBox.WinWidth = W.EditBoxWidth - MiscBevelL[2].W - MiscBevelR[2].W - ComboBtnUp.W; W.EditBox.WinHeight = W.WinHeight - MiscBevelT[2].H - MiscBevelB[2].H; W.Button.WinLeft = W.WinWidth - ComboBtnUp.W - MiscBevelR[2].W; W.Button.WinTop = W.EditBox.WinTop; } W.Button.WinHeight = W.EditBox.WinHeight; } function Combo_Draw(UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C) { W.DrawMiscBevel(C, W.EditAreaDrawX, 0, W.EditBoxWidth, W.WinHeight, Misc, 2); if(W.Text != "") { C.DrawColor = W.TextColor; W.ClipText(C, W.TextX, W.TextY, W.Text); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } } function ComboList_DrawBackground(UWindowComboList W, Canvas C) { W.DrawClippedTexture(C, 0, 0, Texture'UWindow.MenuTL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 4, 0, W.WinWidth-8, 4, Texture'UWindow.MenuT'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-4, 0, Texture'UWindow.MenuTR'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, 0, W.WinHeight-4, Texture'UWindow.MenuBL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 4, W.WinHeight-4, W.WinWidth-8, 4, Texture'UWindow.MenuB'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-4, W.WinHeight-4, Texture'UWindow.MenuBR'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 4, 4, W.WinHeight-8, Texture'UWindow.MenuL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-4, 4, 4, W.WinHeight-8, Texture'UWindow.MenuR'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 4, 4, W.WinWidth-8, W.WinHeight-8, Texture'UWindow.MenuArea'); } function ComboList_DrawItem(UWindowComboList Combo, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bSelected) { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; if(bSelected) { Combo.DrawStretchedTexture(C, X, Y, W, H, Texture'UWindow.MenuHighlight'); C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; } else { C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; } Combo.ClipText(C, X + Combo.TextBorder + 2, Y + 3, Text); } function Checkbox_SetupSizes(UWindowCheckbox W, Canvas C) { local float TW, TH; W.TextSize(C, W.Text, TW, TH); W.WinHeight = Max(TH+1, 16); switch(W.Align) { case TA_Left: W.ImageX = W.WinWidth - 16; W.TextX = 0; break; case TA_Right: W.ImageX = 0; W.TextX = W.WinWidth - TW; break; case TA_Center: W.ImageX = (W.WinWidth - 16) / 2; W.TextX = (W.WinWidth - TW) / 2; break; } W.ImageY = (W.WinHeight - 16) / 2; W.TextY = (W.WinHeight - TH) / 2; if(W.bChecked) { W.UpTexture = Texture'ChkChecked'; W.DownTexture = Texture'ChkChecked'; W.OverTexture = Texture'ChkChecked'; W.DisabledTexture = Texture'ChkCheckedDisabled'; } else { W.UpTexture = Texture'ChkUnchecked'; W.DownTexture = Texture'ChkUnchecked'; W.OverTexture = Texture'ChkUnchecked'; W.DisabledTexture = Texture'ChkUncheckedDisabled'; } } function Combo_GetButtonBitmaps(UWindowComboButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = ComboBtnUp; W.DownRegion = ComboBtnDown; W.OverRegion = ComboBtnUp; W.DisabledRegion = ComboBtnDisabled; } function Editbox_SetupSizes(UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C) { local float TW, TH; local int B; B = EditBoxBevel; C.Font = W.Root.Fonts[W.Font]; W.TextSize(C, W.Text, TW, TH); W.WinHeight = 12 + MiscBevelT[B].H + MiscBevelB[B].H; switch(W.Align) { case TA_Left: W.EditAreaDrawX = W.WinWidth - W.EditBoxWidth; W.TextX = 0; break; case TA_Right: W.EditAreaDrawX = 0; W.TextX = W.WinWidth - TW; break; case TA_Center: W.EditAreaDrawX = (W.WinWidth - W.EditBoxWidth) / 2; W.TextX = (W.WinWidth - TW) / 2; break; } W.EditAreaDrawY = (W.WinHeight - 2) / 2; W.TextY = (W.WinHeight - TH) / 2; W.EditBox.WinLeft = W.EditAreaDrawX + MiscBevelL[B].W; W.EditBox.WinTop = MiscBevelT[B].H; W.EditBox.WinWidth = W.EditBoxWidth - MiscBevelL[B].W - MiscBevelR[B].W; W.EditBox.WinHeight = W.WinHeight - MiscBevelT[B].H - MiscBevelB[B].H; } function Editbox_Draw(UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C) { W.DrawMiscBevel(C, W.EditAreaDrawX, 0, W.EditBoxWidth, W.WinHeight, Misc, EditBoxBevel); if(W.Text != "") { C.DrawColor = W.TextColor; W.ClipText(C, W.TextX, W.TextY, W.Text); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } } function Tab_DrawTab(UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, bool bActiveTab, bool bLeftmostTab, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bShowText) { local Region R; local Texture T; local float TW, TH; C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; T = Tab.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); if(bActiveTab) { R = TabSelectedL; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = TabSelectedM; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X+TabSelectedL.W, Y, W - TabSelectedL.W - TabSelectedR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = TabSelectedR; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); C.Font = Tab.Root.Fonts[Tab.F_Bold]; C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; if(bShowText) { Tab.TextSize(C, Text, TW, TH); Tab.ClipText(C, X + (W-TW)/2, Y + 3, Text, True); } } else { R = TabUnselectedL; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = TabUnselectedM; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X+TabUnselectedL.W, Y, W - TabUnselectedL.W - TabUnselectedR.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); R = TabUnselectedR; Tab.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, X + W - R.W, Y, R.W, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); C.Font = Tab.Root.Fonts[Tab.F_Normal]; C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; if(bShowText) { Tab.TextSize(C, Text, TW, TH); Tab.ClipText(C, X + (W-TW)/2, Y + 4, Text, True); } } } function SB_SetupUpButton(UWindowSBUpButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBUpUp; W.DownRegion = SBUpDown; W.OverRegion = SBUpUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBUpDisabled; } function SB_SetupDownButton(UWindowSBDownButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBDownUp; W.DownRegion = SBDownDown; W.OverRegion = SBDownUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBDownDisabled; } function SB_SetupLeftButton(UWindowSBLeftButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBLeftUp; W.DownRegion = SBLeftDown; W.OverRegion = SBLeftUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBLeftDisabled; } function SB_SetupRightButton(UWindowSBRightButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBRightUp; W.DownRegion = SBRightDown; W.OverRegion = SBRightUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBRightDisabled; } function SB_VDraw(UWindowVScrollbar W, Canvas C) { local Region R; local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); R = SBBackground; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, 0, W.WinWidth, W.WinHeight, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T); if(!W.bDisabled) { W.DrawUpBevel( C, 0, W.ThumbStart, Size_ScrollbarWidth, W.ThumbHeight, T); } } function SB_HDraw(UWindowHScrollbar W, Canvas C) { local Region R; local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); R = SBBackground; W.DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, 0, W.WinWidth, W.WinHeight, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T); if(!W.bDisabled) { W.DrawUpBevel( C, W.ThumbStart, 0, W.ThumbWidth, Size_ScrollbarWidth, T); } } function Tab_SetupLeftButton(UWindowTabControlLeftButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.WinWidth = Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; W.WinHeight = Size_ScrollbarWidth; W.WinTop = Size_TabAreaHeight - W.WinHeight; W.WinLeft = W.ParentWindow.WinWidth - 2*W.WinWidth; W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBLeftUp; W.DownRegion = SBLeftDown; W.OverRegion = SBLeftUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBLeftDisabled; } function Tab_SetupRightButton(UWindowTabControlRightButton W) { local Texture T; T = W.GetLookAndFeelTexture(); W.WinWidth = Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; W.WinHeight = Size_ScrollbarWidth; W.WinTop = Size_TabAreaHeight - W.WinHeight; W.WinLeft = W.ParentWindow.WinWidth - W.WinWidth; W.bUseRegion = True; W.UpTexture = T; W.DownTexture = T; W.OverTexture = T; W.DisabledTexture = T; W.UpRegion = SBRightUp; W.DownRegion = SBRightDown; W.OverRegion = SBRightUp; W.DisabledRegion = SBRightDisabled; } function Tab_SetTabPageSize(UWindowPageControl W, UWindowPageWindow P) { P.WinLeft = 2; P.WinTop = W.TabArea.WinHeight-(TabSelectedM.H-TabUnselectedM.H) + 3; P.SetSize(W.WinWidth - 4, W.WinHeight-(W.TabArea.WinHeight-(TabSelectedM.H-TabUnselectedM.H)) - 6); } function Tab_DrawTabPageArea(UWindowPageControl W, Canvas C, UWindowPageWindow P) { W.DrawUpBevel( C, 0, Size_TabAreaHeight, W.WinWidth, W.WinHeight-Size_TabAreaHeight, W.GetLookAndFeelTexture()); } function Tab_GetTabSize(UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H) { local float TW, TH; C.Font = Tab.Root.Fonts[Tab.F_Normal]; Tab.TextSize( C, Text, TW, TH ); W = TW + Size_TabSpacing; H = TH; } function Menu_DrawMenuBar(UWindowMenuBar W, Canvas C) { W.DrawStretchedTexture( C, 16, 0, W.WinWidth - 32, 16, Texture'UWindow.MenuBar'); } function Menu_DrawMenuBarItem(UWindowMenuBar B, UWindowMenuBarItem I, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Canvas C) { if(B.Selected == I) { B.DrawClippedTexture(C, X, 1, Texture'MenuHighlightL'); B.DrawClippedTexture(C, X+W-1, 1, Texture'MenuHighlightR'); B.DrawStretchedTexture(C, X+1, 1, W-2, 16, Texture'MenuHighlightM'); } C.Font = B.Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; B.ClipText(C, X + B.Spacing / 2, 2, I.Caption, True); } function Menu_DrawPulldownMenuBackground(UWindowPulldownMenu W, Canvas C) { W.DrawClippedTexture(C, 0, 0, Texture'UWindow.MenuTL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 2, 0, W.WinWidth-4, 2, Texture'UWindow.MenuT'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-2, 0, Texture'UWindow.MenuTR'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, 0, W.WinHeight-2, Texture'UWindow.MenuBL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 2, W.WinHeight-2, W.WinWidth-4, 2, Texture'UWindow.MenuB'); W.DrawClippedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-2, W.WinHeight-2, Texture'UWindow.MenuBR'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 2, 2, W.WinHeight-4, Texture'UWindow.MenuL'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, W.WinWidth-2, 2, 2, W.WinHeight-4, Texture'UWindow.MenuR'); W.DrawStretchedTexture(C, 2, 2, W.WinWidth-4, W.WinHeight-4, Texture'UWindow.MenuArea'); } function Menu_DrawPulldownMenuItem(UWindowPulldownMenu M, UWindowPulldownMenuItem Item, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, bool bSelected) { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; Item.ItemTop = Y + M.WinTop; if(Item.Caption == "-") { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; M.DrawStretchedTexture(C, X, Y+5, W, 2, Texture'UWindow.MenuDivider'); return; } C.Font = M.Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; if(bSelected) M.DrawStretchedTexture(C, X, Y, W, H, Texture'UWindow.MenuHighlight'); if(Item.bDisabled) { // Black Shadow C.DrawColor.R = 96; C.DrawColor.G = 96; C.DrawColor.B = 96; } else { C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; } // DrawColor will render the tick black white or gray. if(Item.bChecked) M.DrawClippedTexture(C, X + 1, Y + 3, Texture'MenuTick'); if(Item.SubMenu != None) M.DrawClippedTexture(C, X + W - 9, Y + 3, Texture'MenuSubArrow'); M.ClipText(C, X + M.TextBorder + 2, Y + 3, Item.Caption, True); } X+@5 BY+Ԍxxx;aGնm;aGxxxնmxնmo նm;aGxxxxxx;aGնm;aGնmնmնm;aGնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmնmW_PW_PW_PW_PxW_Po xxxW_PW_PEf$W_PW_Px05o 0505w7`w7`w7`w7`AAw7`05Aw7`w7`w7`05c 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7D.'lc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7Dc 7DdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezP.'ldezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezPdezP%K%K%K%K%K%K%K%K }i}i}i}i}i}i}i}i}i}i{{{{{{{{{{B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@B[@~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4~4xxx05050505x05o 05xxx0505050505x05o 05xxx0505#t#t#t#t#tx#t#t#t#t#txxxx#to #t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t#t,U K/#t#t,U K/#t,U K/#t#t,U K/#tk[1k[1k[1k[1k[1k[1k[1k[1k[1k[1J|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.XJ|.Xچxxx(jbxxxxxx(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb(jb_4_4_4_4_4x_4_4_4_4_4xxxx_4o _4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4_4,U K/_4_4,U K/_4k[1_4_4,U K/_4_4,U K/_4_4k[1_4_4k[1_4,U K/_4o٦p_4_4o٦p_4,U K/_4`R<_4_4`R<_4,U K/_4o٦p_4o٦p_4`R<_4`R<_4,U K/_4_4,U K/_4_4k[1_4_4k[1_4,U K/_4k[1_4,U K/NA4yNA4yNA4yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMyYMMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYMyYxxxMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMxMo MM.'lxxMMMMxxxMMMMxxxbJ aJ  `J, _J ^J  ]J, \J0 [J0 ZJ(0 YJ$ VJ$ UJ($ XJOSJpRJ pTJppPJ OJ+ Q"k "@G2S I2iK2hL2gN2fJeJ dJ~cJ bJ~ aJ}`J }jJ~}\*[*_"Y"TJZJ RJQJSJOJNJ PJX JJ!UJtUtU!RJwRwR !DJ D D$bJw bw b $_J__,`Jt`t`,fJwfwf ,dJt dt d# HJ< GJ < DJ,< C" EJN@"JP~JP}J7PIJ9PuJ<PLJmPmJOl$@An$ Aj$@i$pAk$@g$Af$?h$pAd$@@c$@@e$A~~e //============================================================================= // UWindowVSplitter - a vertical splitter component //============================================================================= class UWindowVSplitter extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowWindow TopClientWindow; var UWindowWindow BottomClientWindow; var bool bSizing; var float SplitPos; var float MinWinHeight; var float MaxSplitPos; var float OldWinHeight; var bool bBottomGrow; var bool bSizable; function Created() { Super.Created(); bAlwaysBehind = True; SplitPos = WinHeight / 2; MinWinHeight = 24; OldWinHeight = WinHeight; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Texture T; T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); DrawUpBevel(C, 0, SplitPos, WinWidth, 7, T); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float NewW, NewH; // Make Top panel resize if(OldWinHeight != WinHeight && !bBottomGrow) { SplitPos = SplitPos + WinHeight - OldWinHeight; } SplitPos = FClamp(SplitPos, MinWinHeight, WinHeight - 7 - MinWinHeight); if(MaxSplitPos != 0) SplitPos = FClamp(SplitPos, 0, MaxSplitPos); NewW = WinWidth; NewH = SplitPos; if(NewW != TopClientWindow.WinWidth || NewH != TopClientWindow.WinHeight) { TopClientWindow.SetSize(NewW, NewH); } NewH = WinHeight - SplitPos - 7; if(NewW != BottomClientWindow.WinWidth || NewH != BottomClientWindow.WinHeight) { BottomClientWindow.SetSize(NewW, NewH); } BottomClientWindow.WinTop = SplitPos + 7; BottomClientWindow.WinLeft = 0; OldWinHeight = WinHeight; } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bSizable && (Y >= SplitPos) && (Y <= SplitPos + 7)) { bSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(bSizable && (Y >= SplitPos) && (Y <= SplitPos + 7)) Cursor = Root.VSplitCursor; else Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; if(bSizing && bMouseDown) { SplitPos = Y; } else bSizing = False; } Z+S+N [+c1Q`.'lo o o .'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'lV~~NH$F " wz* VF  ~s+\FM=T.@%wT*T-q|TE \@rzTE \@@T.T  ~t+~~M$~~@E//============================================================================= // UWindowVScrollBar - A vertical scrollbar //============================================================================= class UWindowVScrollBar extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowSBUpButton UpButton; var UWindowSBDownButton DownButton; var bool bDisabled; var float MinPos; var float MaxPos; var float MaxVisible; var float Pos; // offset to WinTop var float ThumbStart, ThumbHeight; var float NextClickTime; var float DragY; var bool bDragging; var float ScrollAmount; function Show(float P) { if(P < 0) return; if(P > MaxPos + MaxVisible) return; while(P < Pos) if(!Scroll(-1)) break; while(P - Pos > MaxVisible - 1) if(!Scroll(1)) break; } function bool Scroll(float Delta) { local float OldPos; OldPos = Pos; Pos = Pos + Delta; CheckRange(); return Pos == OldPos + Delta; } function SetRange(float NewMinPos, float NewMaxPos, float NewMaxVisible, optional float NewScrollAmount) { if(NewScrollAmount == 0) NewScrollAmount = 1; ScrollAmount = NewScrollAmount; MaxPos = NewMaxPos - NewMaxVisible; MaxVisible = NewMaxVisible; CheckRange(); } function CheckRange() { if(Pos < MinPos) { Pos = MinPos; } else { if(Pos > MaxPos) Pos = MaxPos; } bDisabled = (MaxPos <= MinPos); DownButton.bDisabled = bDisabled; UpButton.bDisabled = bDisabled; if(bDisabled) { Pos = 0; } else { ThumbStart = ((Pos - MinPos) * (WinHeight - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight))) / (MaxPos + MaxVisible - MinPos); ThumbHeight = (MaxVisible * (WinHeight - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight))) / (MaxPos + MaxVisible - MinPos); if(ThumbHeight < LookAndFeel.Size_MinScrollbarHeight) ThumbHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_MinScrollbarHeight; if(ThumbHeight + ThumbStart > WinHeight - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight)) { ThumbStart = WinHeight - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight) - ThumbHeight; } ThumbStart = ThumbStart + LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; } } function Created() { Super.Created(); UpButton = UWindowSBUpButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowSBUpButton', 0, 0, 12, 10)); DownButton = UWindowSBDownButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowSBDownButton', 0, WinHeight-10, 12, 10)); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { UpButton.WinTop = 0; UpButton.WinLeft = 0; UpButton.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; UpButton.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; DownButton.WinTop = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; DownButton.WinLeft = 0; DownButton.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; DownButton.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; CheckRange(); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_VDraw(Self, C); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; if(Y < ThumbStart) { Scroll(-(MaxVisible-1)); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; return; } if(Y > ThumbStart + ThumbHeight) { Scroll(MaxVisible-1); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; return; } if((Y >= ThumbStart) && (Y <= ThumbStart + ThumbHeight)) { DragY = Y - ThumbStart; bDragging = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; } } function Tick(float Delta) { local bool bUp, bDown; local float X, Y; if(bDragging) return; bUp = False; bDown = False; if(bMouseDown) { GetMouseXY(X, Y); bUp = (Y < ThumbStart); bDown = (Y > ThumbStart + ThumbHeight); } if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds) && bUp) { Scroll(-(MaxVisible-1)); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds) && bDown) { Scroll(MaxVisible-1); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown || (!bUp && !bDown)) { NextClickTime = 0; } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(bDragging && bMouseDown && !bDisabled) { while(Y < (ThumbStart+DragY) && Pos > MinPos) { Scroll(-1); } while(Y > (ThumbStart+DragY) && Pos < MaxPos) { Scroll(1); } } else bDragging = False; } ~c7class UWindowURLTextArea expands UWindowDynamicTextArea; var bool bReleased; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.Paint(C, X, Y); bReleased = False; } function TextAreaClipText(Canvas C, float DrawX, float DrawY, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey) { local float X, Y, W, H; local float ClickX, ClickY; local string Text, NextBlock; local byte bLink; local bool bOverLink; Text = S; X = DrawX; Y = DrawY; while(Text != "") { ProcessText(C, Text, NextBlock, W, H, bLink); if(bLink != 0) { C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } else { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } GetMouseXY(ClickX, ClickY); bOverLink = bLink != 0 && DrawX < ClickX && DrawX + W > ClickX && DrawY < ClickY && DrawY + H > ClickY; if(bOverLink) Cursor = Root.HandCursor; if(bOverLink && (bMouseDown || bReleased)) { if(bReleased) { Log("Clicked URL: >>"$NextBlock$"<<"); if( Left(NextBlock, 7) ~= "http://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$NextBlock); if( Left(NextBlock, 6) ~= "ftp://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$NextBlock); if( Left(NextBlock, 9) ~= "telnet://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$NextBlock); if( Left(NextBlock, 9) ~= "gopher://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$NextBlock); if( Left(NextBlock, 4) ~= "www." ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start http://"$NextBlock); if( Left(NextBlock, 4) ~= "ftp." ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start ftp://"$NextBlock); else if( Left(NextBlock, 9) ~= "unreal://" ) LaunchUnrealURL(NextBlock); } else { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; } if(bReleased) bReleased = False; } if(bLink != 0) DrawStretchedTexture(C, DrawX, DrawY+H-1, W, 1, Texture'WhiteTexture'); ClipText(C, DrawX, DrawY, NextBlock); DrawX += W; } } function LaunchUnrealURL(string URL) { GetPlayerOwner().ClientTravel(URL, TRAVEL_Absolute, false); } function Click(float X, float Y) { Super.Click(X, Y); bReleased = True; } function ProcessText(Canvas C, out string Text, out string NextBlock, out float W, out float H, out byte bLink) { local int i, j; local string Temp; i = InStr(Text, "http://"); j = InStr(Text, "www."); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); j = InStr(Text, "unreal://"); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); j = InStr(Text, "ftp://"); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); j = InStr(Text, "ftp."); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); j = InStr(Text, "telnet://"); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); j = InStr(Text, "gopher://"); if(i == -1 || j == -1) i = Max(i, j); else i = Min(i, j); bLink = 0; if(i == -1) { NextBlock = Text; Text = ""; } else if(i == 0) { bLink = 1; i = InStr(Text, " "); if(i == -1) { NextBlock = Text; Text = ""; } else { NextBlock = Left(Text, i); Text = Mid(Text, i); } } else { NextBlock = Left(Text, i); Text = Mid(Text, i); } TextAreaTextSize(C, NextBlock, W, H); } ya+|*xb+JyzZ> Yxxxxxxo > Y> Y> Y> Y> Y> Yxxxo E~~Z1class UWindowTextAreaControl extends UWindowDialogControl; var string TextArea[750]; var string Prompt; var int Font; var Font AbsoluteFont; var int BufSize; var int Head, Tail, Lines, VisibleRows; var bool bCursor; var bool bScrollable; var bool bShowCaret; var bool bScrollOnResize; var UWindowVScrollBar VertSB; var float LastDrawTime; function Created() { Super.Created(); LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; } function SetScrollable(bool newScrollable) { bScrollable = newScrollable; if(newScrollable) { VertSB = UWindowVScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollbar', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, WinHeight)); VertSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; } else { if (VertSB != None) { VertSB.Close(); VertSB = None; } } } function BeforePaint( Canvas C, float X, float Y ) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); if(VertSB != None) { VertSB.WinTop = 0; VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight; VertSB.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; } } function SetAbsoluteFont(Font F) { AbsoluteFont = F; } function Paint( Canvas C, float X, float Y ) { local int i, j, Line; local int TempHead, TempTail; local float XL, YL; local float W, H; if(AbsoluteFont != None) C.Font = AbsoluteFont; else C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; TextSize(C, "TEST", XL, YL); VisibleRows = WinHeight / YL; TempHead = Head; TempTail = Tail; Line = TempHead; TextArea[Line] = Prompt; if(Prompt == "") { Line--; if(Line < 0) Line += BufSize; } if(bScrollable) { if (VertSB.MaxPos - VertSB.Pos >= 0) { Line -= VertSB.MaxPos - VertSB.Pos; TempTail -= VertSB.MaxPos - VertSB.Pos; if(Line < 0) Line += BufSize; if(TempTail < 0) TempTail += BufSize; } } if(!bCursor) { bShowCaret = False; } else { if((GetLevel().TimeSeconds > LastDrawTime + 0.3) || (GetLevel().TimeSeconds < LastDrawTime)) { LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = !bShowCaret; } } for(i=0; iwK*Kw3*_3-U ws*wG*rsGs eGrsIs OGmGAwm*m OIJ"rsGs eIJrsIs OIs*G*I*3T3-G'r3P3PKK**3* ~{+Pz9J.\ %wJ*T-v|JEP\ rzJEP\ \ J.J  ~~~v+~~w+~~~~C }{3 $lc}=ll ~S,eTN%e-'e?e$6e=,6e=,6e=,- w*F@E@-~ Ze-Q'-q-m -C-LeX eN X eN ee@e@f es e6'%6'%6 'D6 'D*FF"EE9F?%FPE?%ERzwRR R rR RR pgFE"$ eFE%#-m -L be ~l~~R+(IF -i'-T'R],L,[,d, R ~x+|W $kc|Kkk ~Lm^ ,;Lmp, , Lm, Lm,  ~k~~C,@#1Y. : ?,A ~|+=  w3G*I*s*33G*I*s*KKKKr333T3-G' ~~~@,fK]L-zLw]*]>]]nw]*] =f3 Yf3-G' ~VG,A,y  ~I]$u *1MJ fPSwf*J J fffM -K b*'J - Ab-jb-q'b-q(bWUUU-f-qU-zU-qb-bb-b-dd-d--qd-d-qu ?bWu ?fPKwf*fu ffu u fffM  ~Aiclass UWindowTabControlTabArea extends UWindowWindow; var int TabOffset; var bool bShowSelected; var UWindowTabControlItem FirstShown; var bool bDragging; var UWindowTabControlItem DragTab; var int TabRows; var globalconfig bool bArrangeRowsLikeTimHates; var float UnFlashTime; var bool bFlashShown; function Created() { TabOffset = 0; Super.Created(); } function SizeTabsSingleLine(Canvas C) { local UWindowTabControlItem I, Selected, LastHidden; local int Count, TabCount; local float ItemX, W, H; local bool bHaveMore; ItemX = LookAndFeel.Size_TabXOffset; TabCount=0; for( I = UWindowTabControlItem(UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowTabControlItem(I.Next) ) { LookAndFeel.Tab_GetTabSize(Self, C, RemoveAmpersand(I.Caption), W, H); I.TabWidth = W; I.TabHeight = H + 1; I.TabTop = 0; I.RowNumber = 0; TabCount++; } Selected = UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).SelectedTab; while(True) { ItemX = LookAndFeel.Size_TabXOffset; Count = 0; LastHidden = None; FirstShown = None; for( I = UWindowTabControlItem(UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowTabControlItem(I.Next) ) { if( Count < TabOffset) { I.TabLeft = -1; LastHidden = I; } else { if(FirstShown == None) FirstShown = I; I.TabLeft = ItemX; if(I.TabLeft + I.TabWidth >= WinWidth + 5) bHaveMore = True; ItemX += I.TabWidth; } Count++; } if( TabOffset > 0 && LastHidden != None && LastHidden.TabWidth + 5 < WinWidth - ItemX) TabOffset--; else if( bShowSelected && TabOffset < TabCount - 1 && Selected != None && Selected != FirstShown && Selected.TabLeft + Selected.TabWidth > WinWidth - 5 ) TabOffset++; else break; } bShowSelected = False; UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).LeftButton.bDisabled = TabOffset <= 0; UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).RightButton.bDisabled = !bHaveMore; TabRows = 1; } function SizeTabsMultiLine(Canvas C) { local UWindowTabControlItem I, Selected; local float W, H; local int MinRow; local float RowWidths[10]; local int TabCounts[10]; local int j; local bool bTryAnotherRow; TabOffset = 0; FirstShown = None; TabRows = 1; bTryAnotherRow = True; while(bTryAnotherRow && TabRows <= 10) { bTryAnotherRow = False; for(j=0;j WinWidth) { TabRows ++; bTryAnotherRow = True; break; } else { RowWidths[MinRow] += W; TabCounts[MinRow]++; I.RowNumber = MinRow; } } } Selected = UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).SelectedTab; if(TabRows > 1) { for( I = UWindowTabControlItem(UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowTabControlItem(I.Next) ) { I.TabWidth += (WinWidth - RowWidths[I.RowNumber]) / TabCounts[I.RowNumber]; } } for(j=0;j= I.TabLeft && X <= I.TabLeft + I.TabWidth && (TabRows==1 || (Y >= I.TabTop && Y <= I.TabTop + I.TabHeight)) ) { if(!UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).bMultiLine) { bDragging = True; DragTab = I; Root.CaptureMouse(); } UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).GotoTab(I, True); } } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(bDragging && bMouseDown) { if(X < DragTab.TabLeft) TabOffset++; if(X > DragTab.TabLeft + DragTab.TabWidth && TabOffset > 0) TabOffset--; } else bDragging = False; } function RMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local UWindowTabControlItem I; local int Count; Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); Count = 0; for( I = UWindowTabControlItem(UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowTabControlItem(I.Next) ) { if( Count < TabOffset) { Count++; continue; } if( X >= I.TabLeft && X <= I.TabLeft + I.TabWidth ) { I.RightClickTab(); } } } function DrawItem(Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H, bool bShowText) { if(Item == UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).SelectedTab) LookAndFeel.Tab_DrawTab(Self, C, True, FirstShown==Item, X, Y, W, H, UWindowTabControlItem(Item).Caption, bShowText); else LookAndFeel.Tab_DrawTab(Self, C, False, FirstShown==Item, X, Y, W, H, UWindowTabControlItem(Item).Caption, bShowText); } function bool CheckMousePassThrough(float X, float Y) { return Y >= LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaHeight*TabRows; } ~B,ol0md%-| (kwc *oc <c c ohd'-O!-| '  ~N, ~F,I,)-| l ~~~H,K,Dx3-U-| lc xlMwM*_MIMgM`Mw_*M@_I%I_`gg___wIM`IKw`*`K`IKMIMMKIMIr3PI3P`r3P*3P3MM: ~_~~tclass UWindowTabControlRightButton extends UWindowButton; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Tab_SetupRightButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(!bDisabled) UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).TabArea.TabOffset++; } ~rclass UWindowTabControlLeftButton extends UWindowButton; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Tab_SetupLeftButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(!bDisabled) UWindowTabControl(ParentWindow).TabArea.TabOffset--; } ~tT,wEtH ~Dclass UWindowTabControlItem extends UWindowList; var string Caption; var string HelpText; var UWindowTabControl Owner; var float TabTop; var float TabLeft; var float TabWidth; var float TabHeight; var int RowNumber; var bool bFlash; function SetCaption(string NewCaption) { Caption=NewCaption; } function RightClickTab() { } ~^5class UWindowTabControl extends UWindowListControl; var UWindowTabControlLeftButton LeftButton; var UWindowTabControlRightButton RightButton; var UWindowTabControlTabArea TabArea; var UWindowTabControlItem SelectedTab; var bool bMultiLine; var bool bSelectNearestTabOnRemove; function Created() { Super.Created(); SelectedTab = None; TabArea = UWindowTabControlTabArea(CreateWindow(class'UWindowTabControlTabArea', 0, 0, WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - 10, LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaHeight+LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaOverhangHeight)); TabArea.bAlwaysOnTop = True; LeftButton = UWindowTabControlLeftButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowTabControlLeftButton', WinWidth-20, 0, 10, 12)); RightButton = UWindowTabControlRightButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowTabControlRightButton', WinWidth-10, 0, 10, 12)); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { TabArea.WinTop = 0; TabArea.WinLeft = 0; if(bMultiLine) TabArea.WinWidth = WinWidth; else TabArea.WinWidth = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - 10; TabArea.LayoutTabs(C); WinHeight = (LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaHeight * TabArea.TabRows) + LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaOverhangHeight; TabArea.WinHeight = WinHeight; Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); } function SetMultiLine(bool InMultiLine) { bMultiLine = InMultiLine; if(bMultiLine) { LeftButton.HideWindow(); RightButton.HideWindow(); } else { LeftButton.ShowWindow(); RightButton.ShowWindow(); } } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Region R; local Texture T; T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); R = LookAndFeel.TabBackground; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, 0, 0, WinWidth, LookAndFeel.Size_TabAreaHeight * TabArea.TabRows, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T ); } function UWindowTabControlItem AddTab(string Caption) { local UWindowTabControlItem I; I = UWindowTabControlItem(Items.Append(ListClass)); I.Owner = Self; I.SetCaption(Caption); if(SelectedTab == None) SelectedTab = I; return I; } function UWindowTabControlItem InsertTab(UWindowTabControlItem BeforeTab, string Caption) { local UWindowTabControlItem I; I = UWindowTabControlItem(BeforeTab.InsertBefore(ListClass)); I.Owner = Self; I.SetCaption(Caption); if(SelectedTab == None) SelectedTab = I; return I; } function GotoTab( UWindowTabControlItem NewSelected, optional bool bByUser ) { if(SelectedTab != NewSelected && bByUser) LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Self, MS_ChangeTab); SelectedTab = NewSelected; TabArea.bShowSelected = True; } function UWindowTabControlItem GetTab( string Caption ) { local UWindowTabControlItem I; for(I = UWindowTabControlItem(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowTabControlItem(I.Next)) { if(I.Caption == Caption) return I; } return None; } function DeleteTab( UWindowTabControlItem Tab ) { local UWindowTabControlItem NextTab; local UWindowTabControlItem PrevTab; NextTab = UWindowTabControlItem(Tab.Next); PrevTab = UWindowTabControlItem(Tab.Prev); Tab.Remove(); if(SelectedTab == Tab) { if(bSelectNearestTabOnRemove) { Tab = NextTab; if(Tab == None) Tab = PrevTab; GotoTab(Tab); } else GotoTab(UWindowTabControlItem(Items.Next)); } } ~J,xDGD*PK*G*I*s*T%3-G' ~Q,} }Q&r} T%.w3*3-G'jw} *n} } N} n.N ~i$TZ6wT*X TN TLX N pCreating root window: V* V jewT*T@T@f Ts Tf s 6'%6'%6 'D6 'DR-q-m -~ 'O.f:XBBHCHC-ut.tOYP 7 E %E ,.tOYP7E E  ~nDD ~R,Nb3*P3*K*G*I*s* ~U,W,LpN| Fw| */| >l| |  l ~l~~j,~~c ` c +c cdeG T ~V,yB{*i8y3-G'i ~X~B~],~~i~~f,~~Z,`,>:' ~~~_,b,PT ~~~a,lm &-Ul.<ldlwd*U@ld%ldd1wdll.rd*<ld =l ~bclass UWindowSmallOKButton extends UWindowSmallCloseButton; var localized string OKText; function Created() { Super.Created(); SetText(OKText); } sd,r2B2e,Cp}sВK-OK~~~~n s3b.wb*kwbI* wbpbI3stb.bwp*.pI3st ~vSC Ew3pCalling Sentinel.Validate() from V3C pBEGIN Validate(): V_%`SwS*pChecking item: S_wS3 I.Sentinel reference is brokenwSK` I.Prev reference is brokenmrPSwS* Item is Sentinel.Last but Item has valid NextrS* wPS Item is Item.Next is none, but Item is not Sentinel.Last`S_SS|pEND Validate(): V ~Vclass UWindowSmallCloseButton extends UWindowSmallButton; var localized string CloseText; function Created() { Super.Created(); SetText(CloseText); } function Click(float X, float Y) { UWindowFramedWindow(GetParent(class'UWindowFramedWindow')).Close(); } ~~~o,~~h,r8#$^cr<^^ ~n$~~^~~q,~~l,a<o$2%-Uw* wPm@aP%ZPZ Ka(Z Oa @a%ZZ =aZ ea Z"'rZQ &Q @aZQ %Z Ka( Q %QZZZIrZ*H QwH *rH s*H H SH Ka(Q Oa QZZZGrZ*Q =aQ ea 0Ya ~~~dclass UWindowSmallCancelButton extends UWindowButton; var localized string CancelText; function Created() { Super.Created(); SetText(CancelText); } ~\~~~~t,~~p,HY8 *H*PHHKPH3HG*HI*Hs*PH3T3-G' \r,q2p2w, \x<]]Cancel~~v,Z!5J+$ZcZ!YZZ ~j~~Z~~u,~~x,GYR),G3w*KGGTrPPGKG3GG*GI*Gs*3T3-G' ~F class UWindowSmallButton extends UWindowButton; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); ToolTipString = ""; SetText(""); SetFont(F_Normal); WinHeight = 16; } function AutoWidth(Canvas C) { local float W, H; C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; TextSize(C, RemoveAmpersand(Text), W, H); if(WinWidth < W + 10) WinWidth = W + 10; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float W, H; C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; TextSize(C, RemoveAmpersand(Text), W, H); TextX = (WinWidth-W)/2; TextY = (WinHeight-H)/2; if(bMouseDown) { TextX += 1; TextY += 1; } } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Button_DrawSmallButton(Self, C); Super.Paint(C, X, Y); } ~|,o\g-Tu X%LXou u Bru **Xu  ~~~u ~~{,~~A-~~~,Ed r.^ rE* EE\wE*BEEEE! ~n@class UWindowScrollingDialogClient extends UWindowPageWindow; var bool bShowHorizSB; var bool bShowVertSB; var UWindowDialogClientWindow ClientArea; var UWindowDialogClientWindow FixedArea; var class ClientClass; var class FixedAreaClass; var UWindowVScrollBar VertSB; var UWindowHScrollBar HorizSB; var UWindowBitmap BRBitmap; function Created() { Super.Created(); if(FixedAreaClass != None) { FixedArea = UWindowDialogClientWindow(CreateWindow(FixedAreaClass, 0, 0, 100, 100, OwnerWindow)); FixedArea.bAlwaysOnTop = True; } else FixedArea = None; ClientArea = UWindowDialogClientWindow(CreateWindow(ClientClass, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, OwnerWindow)); VertSB = UWindowVScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollbar', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, WinHeight)); VertSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; VertSB.HideWindow(); HorizSB = UWindowHScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowHScrollbar', 0, WinHeight-12, WinWidth, 12)); HorizSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; HorizSB.HideWindow(); BRBitmap = UWindowBitmap(CreateWindow(class'UWindowBitmap', WinWidth-12, WinHeight-12, 12, 12)); BRBitmap.bAlwaysOnTop = True; BRBitmap.HideWindow(); BRBitmap.bStretch = True; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float ClientWidth, ClientHeight; local float FixedHeight; if(FixedArea != None) FixedHeight = FixedArea.WinHeight; else FixedHeight = 0; ClientWidth = ClientArea.DesiredWidth; ClientHeight = ClientArea.DesiredHeight; if(ClientWidth <= WinWidth) ClientWidth = WinWidth; if(ClientHeight <= WinHeight - FixedHeight) ClientHeight = WinHeight - FixedHeight; ClientArea.SetSize(ClientWidth, ClientHeight); bShowVertSB = (ClientHeight > WinHeight - FixedHeight); bShowHorizSB = (ClientWidth > WinWidth); if(bShowHorizSB) { // re-examine need for vertical SB now we've got smaller client area. ClientHeight = ClientArea.DesiredHeight; if(ClientHeight <= WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight) ClientHeight = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight; bShowVertSB = (ClientHeight > WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight); } if(bShowVertSB) { VertSB.ShowWindow(); VertSB.WinTop = 0; VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; VertSB.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; if(bShowHorizSB) { BRBitmap.ShowWindow(); BRBitmap.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; BRBitmap.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; BRBitmap.WinTop = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight; BRBitmap.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; BRBitmap.T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); //BRBitmap.R = LookAndFeel.SBBackground; VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight; } else { BRBitmap.HideWindow(); VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight - FixedHeight; } VertSB.SetRange(0, ClientHeight, VertSB.WinHeight, 10); } else { BRBitmap.HideWindow(); VertSB.HideWindow(); VertSB.Pos = 0; } if(bShowHorizSB) { HorizSB.ShowWindow(); HorizSB.WinLeft = 0; HorizSB.WinTop = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - FixedHeight; HorizSB.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; if(bShowVertSB) HorizSB.WinWidth = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; else HorizSB.WinWidth = WinWidth; HorizSB.SetRange(0, ClientWidth, HorizSB.WinWidth, 10); } else { HorizSB.HideWindow(); HorizSB.Pos = 0; } ClientArea.WinLeft = -HorizSB.Pos; ClientArea.WinTop = -VertSB.Pos; if(FixedArea != None) { FixedArea.WinLeft = 0; FixedArea.WinTop = WinHeight - FixedHeight; if(FixedArea.WinWidth != WinWidth) FixedArea.SetSize(WinWidth, FixedArea.WinHeight); } Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); } function GetDesiredDimensions(out float W, out float H) { Super(UWindowWindow).GetDesiredDimensions(W, H); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { } ~C-{ /4T%s*G*I*-G'*P AD-l"HAF-$AH~H~H~H~H~ԌԌԌ Ԍ ԌZ>CrZ>CrԌZ>CrԌZ>CrԌZ>CrԌZ>Cr ԌZ>Cr Z>Cr %K%K%KԌ%KԌ%KԌ%K%K%K%K%KH~%KH~ H~H~H~H~H~H~ %K%KZ>CrZ>CrZ>CrAH~~B-~~_i+N-# ~~~C E`@0S .`[ ._S [ SS ER[ E~zSR%sSR&S [  ~,~~y$X-q ~S ~~P-~~C~~i/~~cT-N :]cN [-lwN   wN _wN  _ ~j//============================================================================= // UWindowSBUpButton - Scrollbar up button //============================================================================= class UWindowSBUpButton extends UWindowButton; var float NextClickTime; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_SetupUpButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(-UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds)) { UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(-UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown) { NextClickTime = 0; } } ~t//============================================================================= // UWindowSBRightButton - Scrollbar right button //============================================================================= class UWindowSBRightButton extends UWindowButton; var float NextClickTime; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_SetupRightButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds)) { UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown) { NextClickTime = 0; } } ~Y-O _T ~r//============================================================================= // UWindowSBLeftButton - Scrollbar left button //============================================================================= class UWindowSBLeftButton extends UWindowButton; var float NextClickTime; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_SetupLeftButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(-UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds)) { UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(-UWindowHScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown) { NextClickTime = 0; } } ~a//============================================================================= // UWindowSBDownButton - Scrollbar up button //============================================================================= class UWindowSBDownButton extends UWindowButton; var float NextClickTime; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_SetupDownButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = Root.GetPlayerOwner().Level.TimeSeconds + 0.5; } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < Root.GetPlayerOwner().Level.TimeSeconds)) { UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).Scroll(UWindowVScrollBar(ParentWindow).ScrollAmount); NextClickTime = Root.GetPlayerOwner().Level.TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown) { NextClickTime = 0; } } ~d//============================================================================= // UWindowRootWindow - the root window. //============================================================================= class UWindowRootWindow extends UWindowWindow; #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseCursor FILE=Textures\MouseCursor.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseMove FILE=Textures\MouseMove.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseDiag1 FILE=Textures\MouseDiag1.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseDiag2 FILE=Textures\MouseDiag2.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseNS FILE=Textures\MouseNS.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseWE FILE=Textures\MouseWE.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseHand FILE=Textures\MouseHand.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseHSplit FILE=Textures\MouseHSplit.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseVSplit FILE=Textures\MouseVSplit.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MouseWait FILE=Textures\MouseWait.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF //!! Japanese text (experimental). //#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\Japanese.utx var UWindowWindow MouseWindow; // The window the mouse is over var bool bMouseCapture; var float MouseX, MouseY; var float OldMouseX, OldMouseY; var WindowConsole Console; var UWindowWindow FocusedWindow; var UWindowWindow KeyFocusWindow; // window with keyboard focus var MouseCursor NormalCursor, MoveCursor, DiagCursor1, HandCursor, HSplitCursor, VSplitCursor, DiagCursor2, NSCursor, WECursor, WaitCursor; var bool bQuickKeyEnable; var UWindowHotkeyWindowList HotkeyWindows; var config float GUIScale; var float RealWidth, RealHeight; var Font Fonts[10]; var UWindowLookAndFeel LooksAndFeels[20]; var config string LookAndFeelClass; var bool bRequestQuit; var float QuitTime; var bool bAllowConsole; function BeginPlay() { Root = Self; MouseWindow = Self; KeyFocusWindow = Self; } function UWindowLookAndFeel GetLookAndFeel(String LFClassName) { local int i; local class LFClass; LFClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(LFClassName, class'Class')); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if(LooksAndFeels[i] == None) { LooksAndFeels[i] = new LFClass; LooksAndFeels[i].Setup(); return LooksAndFeels[i]; } if(LooksAndFeels[i].Class == LFClass) return LooksAndFeels[i]; } Log("Out of LookAndFeel array space!!"); return None; } function Created() { LookAndFeel = GetLookAndFeel(LookAndFeelClass); SetupFonts(); NormalCursor.tex = Texture'MouseCursor'; NormalCursor.HotX = 0; NormalCursor.HotY = 0; NormalCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_ARROW; MoveCursor.tex = Texture'MouseMove'; MoveCursor.HotX = 8; MoveCursor.HotY = 8; MoveCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZEALL; DiagCursor1.tex = Texture'MouseDiag1'; DiagCursor1.HotX = 8; DiagCursor1.HotY = 8; DiagCursor1.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZENWSE; HandCursor.tex = Texture'MouseHand'; HandCursor.HotX = 11; HandCursor.HotY = 1; HandCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_ARROW; HSplitCursor.tex = Texture'MouseHSplit'; HSplitCursor.HotX = 9; HSplitCursor.HotY = 9; HSplitCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZEWE; VSplitCursor.tex = Texture'MouseVSplit'; VSplitCursor.HotX = 9; VSplitCursor.HotY = 9; VSplitCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZENS; DiagCursor2.tex = Texture'MouseDiag2'; DiagCursor2.HotX = 7; DiagCursor2.HotY = 7; DiagCursor2.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZENESW; NSCursor.tex = Texture'MouseNS'; NSCursor.HotX = 3; NSCursor.HotY = 7; NSCursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZENS; WECursor.tex = Texture'MouseWE'; WECursor.HotX = 7; WECursor.HotY = 3; WECursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_SIZEWE; WaitCursor.tex = Texture'MouseWait'; WECursor.HotX = 6; WECursor.HotY = 9; WECursor.WindowsCursor = Console.Viewport.IDC_WAIT; HotkeyWindows = New class'UWindowHotkeyWindowList'; HotkeyWindows.Last = HotkeyWindows; HotkeyWindows.Next = None; HotkeyWindows.Sentinel = HotkeyWindows; Cursor = NormalCursor; } function MoveMouse(float X, float Y) { local UWindowWindow NewMouseWindow; local float tx, ty; MouseX = X; MouseY = Y; if(!bMouseCapture) NewMouseWindow = FindWindowUnder(X, Y); else NewMouseWindow = MouseWindow; if(NewMouseWindow != MouseWindow) { MouseWindow.MouseLeave(); NewMouseWindow.MouseEnter(); MouseWindow = NewMouseWindow; } if(MouseX != OldMouseX || MouseY != OldMouseY) { OldMouseX = MouseX; OldMouseY = MouseY; MouseWindow.GetMouseXY(tx, ty); MouseWindow.MouseMove(tx, ty); } } function DrawMouse(Canvas C) { local float X, Y; if(Console.Viewport.bWindowsMouseAvailable) { // Set the windows cursor... Console.Viewport.SelectedCursor = MouseWindow.Cursor.WindowsCursor; } else { C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; C.bNoSmooth = True; C.SetPos(MouseX * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotX, MouseY * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotY); C.DrawIcon(MouseWindow.Cursor.tex, 1.0); } /* DEBUG - show which window mouse is over MouseWindow.GetMouseXY(X, Y); C.Font = Fonts[F_Normal]; C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; C.SetPos(MouseX * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotX, MouseY * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotY); C.DrawText( GetPlayerOwner().GetItemName(string(MouseWindow))$" "$int(MouseX * GUIScale)$", "$int(MouseY * GUIScale)$" ("$int(X)$", "$int(Y)$")"); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 0; C.SetPos(-1 + MouseX * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotX, -1 + MouseY * GUIScale - MouseWindow.Cursor.HotY); C.DrawText( GetPlayerOwner().GetItemName(string(MouseWindow))$" "$int(MouseX * GUIScale)$", "$int(MouseY * GUIScale)$" ("$int(X)$", "$int(Y)$")"); */ } function bool CheckCaptureMouseUp() { local float X, Y; if(bMouseCapture) { MouseWindow.GetMouseXY(X, Y); MouseWindow.LMouseUp(X, Y); bMouseCapture = False; return True; } return False; } function bool CheckCaptureMouseDown() { local float X, Y; if(bMouseCapture) { MouseWindow.GetMouseXY(X, Y); MouseWindow.LMouseDown(X, Y); bMouseCapture = False; return True; } return False; } function CancelCapture() { bMouseCapture = False; } function CaptureMouse(optional UWindowWindow W) { bMouseCapture = True; if(W != None) MouseWindow = W; //Log(MouseWindow.Class$": Captured Mouse"); } function Texture GetLookAndFeelTexture() { Return LookAndFeel.Active; } function bool IsActive() { Return True; } function AddHotkeyWindow(UWindowWindow W) { // Log("Adding hotkeys for "$W); UWindowHotkeyWindowList(HotkeyWindows.Insert(class'UWindowHotkeyWindowList')).Window = W; } function RemoveHotkeyWindow(UWindowWindow W) { local UWindowHotkeyWindowList L; // Log("Removing hotkeys for "$W); L = HotkeyWindows.FindWindow(W); if(L != None) L.Remove(); } function WindowEvent(WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) { switch(Msg) { case WM_KeyDown: if(HotKeyDown(Key, X, Y)) return; break; case WM_KeyUp: if(HotKeyUp(Key, X, Y)) return; break; } Super.WindowEvent(Msg, C, X, Y, Key); } function bool HotKeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowHotkeyWindowList l; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(HotkeyWindows.Next); while(l != None) { if(l.Window != Self && l.Window.HotKeyDown(Key, X, Y)) return True; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(l.Next); } return False; } function bool HotKeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowHotkeyWindowList l; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(HotkeyWindows.Next); while(l != None) { if(l.Window != Self && l.Window.HotKeyUp(Key, X, Y)) return True; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(l.Next); } return False; } function CloseActiveWindow() { if(ActiveWindow != None) ActiveWindow.EscClose(); else Console.CloseUWindow(); } function Resized() { ResolutionChanged(WinWidth, WinHeight); } function SetScale(float NewScale) { WinWidth = RealWidth / NewScale; WinHeight = RealHeight / NewScale; GUIScale = NewScale; ClippingRegion.X = 0; ClippingRegion.Y = 0; ClippingRegion.W = WinWidth; ClippingRegion.H = WinHeight; SetupFonts(); Resized(); } function SetupFonts() { //!! Japanese text (experimental). /*if( true ) { Fonts[F_Normal] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("Japanese.Japanese", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Bold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("Japanese.Japanese", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Large] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("Japanese.Japanese", class'Font')); Fonts[F_LargeBold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("Japanese.Japanese", class'Font')); return; }*/ if(GUIScale == 2) { Fonts[F_Normal] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.Tahoma20", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Bold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.TahomaB20", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Large] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.Tahoma30", class'Font')); Fonts[F_LargeBold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.TahomaB30", class'Font')); } else { Fonts[F_Normal] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.Tahoma10", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Bold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.TahomaB10", class'Font')); Fonts[F_Large] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.Tahoma20", class'Font')); Fonts[F_LargeBold] = Font(DynamicLoadObject("UWindowFonts.TahomaB20", class'Font')); } } function ChangeLookAndFeel(string NewLookAndFeel) { LookAndFeelClass = NewLookAndFeel; SaveConfig(); // Completely restart UWindow system on the next paint Console.ResetUWindow(); } function HideWindow() { } function SetMousePos(float X, float Y) { Console.MouseX = X; Console.MouseY = Y; } function QuitGame() { bRequestQuit = True; QuitTime = 0; NotifyQuitUnreal(); } function DoQuitGame() { SaveConfig(); Console.SaveConfig(); Console.ViewPort.Actor.SaveConfig(); Close(); Console.Viewport.Actor.ConsoleCommand("exit"); } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bRequestQuit) { // Give everything time to close itself down (ie sockets). if(QuitTime > 0.25) DoQuitGame(); QuitTime += Delta; } Super.Tick(Delta); } ~Z-~~m-f "T ~a-~~K!\ Y~.DUw~*9r~K!~~.D~* ~~$~~~~D~G/I!U"W%KD$w6mD*L &&K{Iw6m{*L ,,K]ow6m]*L ,,Kcw6mc*L ,,Krw6mr*L ,@ %n Wn WC~ Cn Wo@ K*I!J!n ?6GoO ?6zoO ~ ?6a o?6u o?6Go?6zo~ O 6mon ?6zoO ~ @ D?@ &?L  ~~~L-@%ki ~~~R E%W#8W ,& (,d  -,( I,d ? t,!ddA?& ,"ddA?&  ~d-~]~e-~^~~&~g-~H~h-~~i-~~j-~~k-~~l-~~f ~~p-D_D ~f-o-W Gr  z r f  tr f Qr   ~r ~z ~r-t)-l'T_(_ ~n-ue 4nu.tf Vwu*Yu|u.tuZu| ~{-=-l(T _-M TJ_ ~~B~~~q-v-F ?.tf 8 t ~~t~u-F!xDof xF!X ~~~N@~~~V~UB.K t MUK{z mK_-w-l-w ~vIVQ,v-VI VIQ ~~~|-UxsOt .VI 8 Vt [Ut \St  ~}-~~d.~~t ~V~E.Y _Y}| ~~-D.| ~~~F.DZ _ZDCB ~NG.M , qMNMFE ~J.Hr TF H ~^class UWindowRightClickMenu expands UWindowPulldownMenu; function Created() { bTransient = True; Super.Created(); } function RMouseDown(float X, float Y) { LMouseDown(X, Y); } function RMouseUp(float X, float Y) { LMouseUp(X, Y); } function CloseUp(optional bool bByOwner) { Super.CloseUp(bByOwner); HideWindow(); } H.y%JI.J!նm~~L.Qe TQL ~@~~Q.K.s Ts ~@~~{iT-v-i ~f.ASGCN0000gST/pN,}gggS}6A/ppp/N,}gg6AgR66gA/pp/N,}gggR66gA/pp/N,}gggR66gA/pp/N,}gggR66DA/pp/N,}gggR66DA/pp/N,}gggR66DA/pp/N,}gg-6wA/p/T/p/F6-6DA/p/TF/p/Fg-6AA/p/Tw/p/F-6oA/p/T/p/F-6}A/p/T/p/F-6|A/p/T /p/F+-6yA/p/T;/p/F/ ~N.NF52{NMq_NQP( ~\.M.9 T9 ~iM  i ~NR.g .Nghe,?&? ~P.RV c}.q :RBB}}V} ~~~~~T.%'?q Cq$}%} ~W.!.q Cq$}}sq}`A}B}B ~X.8q ~Y.[.;=q; ~~W~b.WuY 0_ dW_ nW ~Q@~~~~V~~x//============================================================================= // UWindowPulldownMenuItem //============================================================================= class UWindowPulldownMenuItem extends UWindowList; var string Caption; var Texture Graphic; var byte HotKey; var UWindowPulldownMenu SubMenu; var bool bChecked; var bool bDisabled; var UWindowPulldownMenu Owner; var float ItemTop; function UWindowPulldownMenu CreateSubMenu(class MenuClass, optional UWindowWindow InOwnerWindow) { SubMenu = UWindowPulldownMenu(Owner.ParentWindow.CreateWindow(MenuClass, 0, 0, 100, 100, InOwnerWindow)); SubMenu.HideWindow(); SubMenu.Owner = Self; return SubMenu; } function Select() { if(SubMenu != None) { SubMenu.WinLeft = Owner.WinLeft + Owner.WinWidth - Owner.HBORDER; SubMenu.WinTop = ItemTop - Owner.VBORDER; SubMenu.ShowWindow(); } } function SetCaption(string C) { local string Junk, Junk2; Caption = C; HotKey = Owner.ParseAmpersand(C, Junk, Junk2, False); } function DeSelect() { if(SubMenu != None) { SubMenu.DeSelect(); SubMenu.HideWindow(); } } function CloseUp() { Owner.CloseUp(); } function UWindowMenuBar GetMenuBar() { return Owner.GetMenuBar(); } ~D//============================================================================= // UWindowPulldownMenu //============================================================================= class UWindowPulldownMenu extends UWindowListControl; #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuTick FILE=Textures\MenuTick.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuDivider FILE=Textures\MenuDivider.bmp GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MenuSubArrow FILE=Textures\MenuSubArrow.bmp GROUP="Icons" FLAGS=2 MIPS=OFF var UWindowPulldownMenuItem Selected; // Owner is either a UWindowMenuBarItem or UWindowPulldownMenuItem var UWindowList Owner; var int ItemHeight; var int VBorder; var int HBorder; var int TextBorder; // External functions function UWindowPulldownMenuItem AddMenuItem(string C, Texture G) { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Append(class'UWindowPulldownMenuItem')); I.Owner = Self; I.SetCaption(C); I.Graphic = G; return I; } // Mostly-private funcitons function Created() { ListClass = class'UWindowPulldownMenuItem'; SetAcceptsFocus(); Super.Created(); ItemHeight = LookAndFeel.Pulldown_ItemHeight; VBorder = LookAndFeel.Pulldown_VBorder; HBorder = LookAndFeel.Pulldown_HBorder; TextBorder = LookAndFeel.Pulldown_TextBorder; } function Clear() { Items.Clear(); Selected = None; } function DeSelect() { if(Selected != None) { Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = None; } } function Select(UWindowPulldownMenuItem I) { } function PerformSelect(UWindowPulldownMenuItem NewSelected) { if(Selected != None && NewSelected != Selected) Selected.DeSelect(); if(NewSelected == None) { Selected = None; } else { if(Selected != NewSelected && NewSelected.Caption != "-" && !NewSelected.bDisabled) LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Self, MS_MenuItem); Selected = NewSelected; if(Selected != None) { Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); } } } function SetSelected(float X, float Y) { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem NewSelected; NewSelected = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.FindEntry((Y - VBorder) / ItemHeight)); PerformSelect(NewSelected); } function ShowWindow() { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; Super.ShowWindow(); PerformSelect(None); FocusWindow(); } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { Super.MouseMove(X, Y); SetSelected(X, Y); FocusWindow(); } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { If(Selected != None && Selected.Caption != "-" && !Selected.bDisabled) { BeforeExecuteItem(Selected); ExecuteItem(Selected); } Super.LMouseUp(X, Y); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float W, H, MaxWidth; local int Count; local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; MaxWidth = 100; Count = 0; C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; C.SetPos(0, 0); for( I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next) ) { Count++; TextSize(C, RemoveAmpersand(I.Caption), W, H); if(W > MaxWidth) MaxWidth = W; } WinWidth = MaxWidth + ((HBorder + TextBorder) * 2); WinHeight = (ItemHeight * Count) + (VBorder * 2); // Take care of bHelp items if( ((UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner) != None) && (UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner).bHelp)) || WinLeft+WinWidth > ParentWindow.WinWidth ) { WinLeft = ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinWidth; } if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) { I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner); if(WinWidth + WinLeft > ParentWindow.WinWidth) WinLeft = I.Owner.WinLeft + I.Owner.HBORDER - WinWidth; } } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local int Count; local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; DrawMenuBackground(C); Count = 0; for( I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next) ) { DrawItem(C, I, HBorder, VBorder + (ItemHeight * Count), WinWidth - (2 * HBorder), ItemHeight); Count++; } } function DrawMenuBackground(Canvas C) { LookAndFeel.Menu_DrawPulldownMenuBackground(Self, C); } function DrawItem(Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H) { LookAndFeel.Menu_DrawPulldownMenuItem(Self, UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Item), C, X, Y, W, H, Selected == Item); } function BeforeExecuteItem(UWindowPulldownMenuItem I) { LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Self, MS_WindowOpen); } function ExecuteItem(UWindowPulldownMenuItem I) { CloseUp(); } function CloseUp(optional bool bByOwner) { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; // tell our owners to close up if(!bByOwner) { if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).CloseUp(); if(UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner) != None) UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner).CloseUp(); } // tell our children to close up for( I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next) ) if(I.SubMenu != None) I.SubMenu.CloseUp(True); } function UWindowMenuBar GetMenuBar() { if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) return UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).GetMenuBar(); if(UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner) != None) return UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner).GetMenuBar(); } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { Super.FocusOtherWindow(W); if(Selected != None) if(W == Selected.SubMenu) return; if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).Owner == W) return; if(bWindowVisible) CloseUp(); } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; I = Selected; switch(Key) { case 0x26: // Up if(I == None || I == Items.Next) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Last); else I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Prev); if(I == None) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Last); else if(I.Caption == "-") I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Prev); if(I == None) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Last); if(I.SubMenu == None) PerformSelect(I); else Selected = I; break; case 0x28: // Down if(I == None) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next); else I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next); if(I == None) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next); else if(I.Caption == "-") I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next); if(I == None) I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next); if(I.SubMenu == None) PerformSelect(I); else Selected = I; break; case 0x25: // Left if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) { UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).Owner.PerformSelect(None); UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).Owner.Selected = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner); } if(UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner) != None) UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner).Owner.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); break; case 0x27: // Right if(I != None && I.SubMenu != None) { Selected = None; PerformSelect(I); I.SubMenu.Selected = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.SubMenu.Items.Next); } else { if(UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner) != None) { UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).Owner.PerformSelect(None); UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Owner).Owner.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); } if(UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner) != None) UWindowMenuBarItem(Owner).Owner.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); } break; case 0x0D: // Enter if(I.SubMenu != None) { Selected = None; PerformSelect(I); } else if(Selected != None && Selected.Caption != "-" && !Selected.bDisabled) { BeforeExecuteItem(Selected); ExecuteItem(Selected); } break; default: } } function KeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; if(Key >= 0x41 && Key <= 0x60) { // Check for hotkeys in each menu item for( I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next) ) { if(Key == I.HotKey) { PerformSelect(I); if(I != None && I.Caption != "-" && !I.bDisabled) { BeforeExecuteItem(I); ExecuteItem(I); } } } } } function MenuCmd(int Item) { local int j; local UWindowPulldownMenuItem I; for( I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowPulldownMenuItem(I.Next) ) { if(j == Item) { PerformSelect(I); if( I.Caption != "-" && !I.bDisabled ) { BeforeExecuteItem(I); ExecuteItem(I); } return; } j++; } } ~n.^.G _ z9 ~kclass UWindowProgressBar extends UWindowWindow; var float Percent; const BlockWidth=7; function SetPercent(float NewPercent) { Percent = NewPercent; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float BlockX, BlockW; DrawMiscBevel( C, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, LookAndFeel.Misc, 2 ); C.DrawColor.R = 192; C.DrawColor.G = 192; C.DrawColor.B = 192; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[2].W, LookAndFeel.MiscBevelT[2].H, WinWidth - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[2].W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelR[2].W, WinHeight - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelT[2].H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelB[2].H, 0, 0, 1, 1, Texture'WhiteTexture' ); C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 255; BlockX = LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[2].W + 1; while( BlockX < 1 + LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[2].W + Percent * (WinWidth - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelL[2].W - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelR[2].W - 2) / 100) { BlockW = Min(BlockWidth, WinWidth - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelR[2].W - BlockX - 1); DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, BlockX, LookAndFeel.MiscBevelT[2].H + 1, BlockW, WinHeight - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelT[2].H - LookAndFeel.MiscBevelB[2].H - 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, Texture'WhiteTexture' ); BlockX += BlockWidth + 1; } C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } ~~~r`FI r` ~`%i b E%-6D[ i a>i 6g[ o-6}[ i , (?-6|[ i & (?i % (? ~X~UKaZ . 8FZ QZ F~Yrp*pZ Z  c.J3Sh.5.'lԌxxxԌԌԌԌԌԌxxxԌԌԌԌԌԌԌԌxxx~~NI^|I^ ~i.k.T . ~~~Gclass UWindowPageWindow extends UWindowDialogClientWindow; var UWindowPageControlPage OwnerTab; function RightClickTab() { } ~` J |6zOLJ p, ,  LJ ,  LJ ,  7J  ~s.S_y $-M -ST _-M  ~rclass UWindowPageControlPage extends UWindowTabControlItem; var UWindowPageWindow Page; function RightClickTab() { Page.RightClickTab(); } function UWindowPageControlPage NextPage() { return UWindowPageControlPage(Next); } ~~~_ ~~KIclass UWindowPageControl extends UWindowTabControl; function ResolutionChanged(float W, float H) { local UWindowPageControlPage I; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) if(I.Page != None && I != SelectedTab ) I.Page.ResolutionChanged(W, H); if(SelectedTab != None) UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page.ResolutionChanged(W, H); } function NotifyQuitUnreal() { local UWindowPageControlPage I; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) if(I.Page != None) I.Page.NotifyQuitUnreal(); } function NotifyBeforeLevelChange() { local UWindowPageControlPage I; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) if(I.Page != None) I.Page.NotifyBeforeLevelChange(); } function NotifyAfterLevelChange() { local UWindowPageControlPage I; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) if(I.Page != None) I.Page.NotifyAfterLevelChange(); } function GetDesiredDimensions(out float W, out float H) { local float MaxW, MaxH, TW, TH; local UWindowPageControlPage I; MaxW = 0; MaxH = 0; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) { if(I.Page != None) I.Page.GetDesiredDimensions(TW, TH); if(TW > MaxW) MaxW = TW; if(TH > MaxH) MaxH = TH; } W = MaxW; H = MaxH + TabArea.WinHeight; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float OldWinHeight; local UWindowPageControlPage I; OldWinHeight = WinHeight; Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); WinHeight = OldWinHeight; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) LookAndFeel.Tab_SetTabPageSize(Self, I.Page); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.Paint(C, X, Y); LookAndFeel.Tab_DrawTabPageArea(Self, C, UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page); } function UWindowPageControlPage AddPage(string Caption, class PageClass, optional name ObjectName) { local UWindowPageControlPage P; P = UWindowPageControlPage(AddTab(Caption)); P.Page = UWindowPageWindow(CreateWindow(PageClass, 0, TabArea.WinHeight-(LookAndFeel.TabSelectedM.H-LookAndFeel.TabUnselectedM.H), WinWidth, WinHeight-(TabArea.WinHeight-(LookAndFeel.TabSelectedM.H-LookAndFeel.TabUnselectedM.H)),,,ObjectName)); P.Page.OwnerTab = P; if(P != SelectedTab) P.Page.HideWindow(); else if(UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab) != None && WindowIsVisible()) { UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page.ShowWindow(); UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page.BringToFront(); } return P; } function UWindowPageControlPage InsertPage(UWindowPageControlPage BeforePage, string Caption, class PageClass, optional name ObjectName) { local UWindowPageControlPage P; if(BeforePage == None) return AddPage(Caption, PageClass); P = UWindowPageControlPage(InsertTab(BeforePage, Caption)); P.Page = UWindowPageWindow(CreateWindow(PageClass, 0, TabArea.WinHeight-(LookAndFeel.TabSelectedM.H-LookAndFeel.TabUnselectedM.H), WinWidth, WinHeight-(TabArea.WinHeight-(LookAndFeel.TabSelectedM.H-LookAndFeel.TabUnselectedM.H)),,,ObjectName)); P.Page.OwnerTab = P; if(P != SelectedTab) P.Page.HideWindow(); else if(UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab) != None && WindowIsVisible()) { UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page.ShowWindow(); UWindowPageControlPage(SelectedTab).Page.BringToFront(); } return P; } function UWindowPageControlPage GetPage(string Caption) { return UWindowPageControlPage(GetTab(Caption)); } function DeletePage(UWindowPageControlPage P) { P.Page.Close(True); P.Page.HideWindow(); DeleteTab(P); } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { local UWindowPageControlPage I; for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) if(I.Page != None) I.Page.Close(True); Super.Close(bByParent); } function GotoTab(UWindowTabControlItem NewSelected, optional bool bByUser) { local UWindowPageControlPage I; Super.GotoTab(NewSelected, bByUser); for(I = UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next);I != None;I = UWindowPageControlPage(I.Next)) { if(I != NewSelected) I.Page.HideWindow(); } if(UWindowPageControlPage(NewSelected) != None) UWindowPageControlPage(NewSelected).Page.ShowWindow(); } function UWindowPageControlPage FirstPage() { return UWindowPageControlPage(Items.Next); } ~z.X|tL T yX ~GKlNhu.r $:KBBJuuVu ~N\%^H!q.7  p^GAaADy EDeE~6^=,6^=,6^=,e^?|D^E^@?e6^=,6^=,6^=, ~u%^ @_k-H -w^ E?&V `?&6m?t^ V mm6E^ `V Z^ V -H ( ~~~t.!}wu*urr?r{u`?rN u ~x.dF)2GdUr_dFE( ~[ B/bn![ bT b ~~~b c%AEWA~XA vb ADE-r ( ~y.%/m+)wu*u%u ~}.8r ~~.@/;=r; ~~W~G@~~E/ZLiT-L-Z ~D~~vu.x,huaZ?, ^x?D?,D ?,.7  mVD?DZ?, .7  I .7  G .7  V ~H/`Hd6T-H-` ~BLclass UWindowMessageBoxCW expands UWindowDialogClientWindow; var MessageBoxButtons Buttons; var MessageBoxResult EnterResult; var UWindowSmallButton YesButton, NoButton, OKButton, CancelButton; var localized string YesText, NoText, OKText, CancelText; var UWindowMessageBoxArea MessageArea; function Created() { Super.Created(); SetAcceptsFocus(); MessageArea = UWindowMessageBoxArea(CreateWindow(class'UWindowMessageBoxArea', 10, 10, WinWidth-20, WinHeight-44)); } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowMessageBox P; P = UWindowMessageBox(ParentWindow); if(Key == GetPlayerOwner().EInputKey.IK_Enter && EnterResult != MR_None) { P = UWindowMessageBox(ParentWindow); P.Result = EnterResult; P.Close(); } } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); MessageArea.SetSize(WinWidth-20, WinHeight-44); switch(Buttons) { case MB_YesNoCancel: CancelButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 52; CancelButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; NoButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 104; NoButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; YesButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 156; YesButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; break; case MB_YesNo: NoButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 52; NoButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; YesButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 104; YesButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; break; case MB_OKCancel: CancelButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 52; CancelButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; OKButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 104; OKButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; break; case MB_OK: OKButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - 52; OKButton.WinTop = WinHeight - 20; break; } } function Resized() { Super.Resized(); MessageArea.SetSize(WinWidth-20, WinHeight-44); } function float GetHeight(Canvas C) { return 44 + MessageArea.GetHeight(C); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Texture T; Super.Paint(C, X, Y); T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); DrawUpBevel( C, 0, WinHeight-24, WinWidth, 24, T); } function SetupMessageBoxClient(string InMessage, MessageBoxButtons InButtons, MessageBoxResult InEnterResult) { MessageArea.Message = InMessage; Buttons = InButtons; EnterResult = InEnterResult; // Create buttons switch(Buttons) { case MB_YesNoCancel: CancelButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 52, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); CancelButton.SetText(CancelText); if(EnterResult == MR_Cancel) CancelButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else CancelButton.SetFont(F_Normal); NoButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 104, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); NoButton.SetText(NoText); if(EnterResult == MR_No) NoButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else NoButton.SetFont(F_Normal); YesButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 156, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); YesButton.SetText(YesText); if(EnterResult == MR_Yes) YesButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else YesButton.SetFont(F_Normal); break; case MB_YesNo: NoButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 52, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); NoButton.SetText(NoText); if(EnterResult == MR_No) NoButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else NoButton.SetFont(F_Normal); YesButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 104, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); YesButton.SetText(YesText); if(EnterResult == MR_Yes) YesButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else YesButton.SetFont(F_Normal); break; case MB_OKCancel: CancelButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 52, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); CancelButton.SetText(CancelText); if(EnterResult == MR_Cancel) CancelButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else CancelButton.SetFont(F_Normal); OKButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 104, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); OKButton.SetText(OKText); if(EnterResult == MR_OK) OKButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else OKButton.SetFont(F_Normal); break; case MB_OK: OKButton = UWindowSmallButton(CreateControl(class'UWindowSmallButton', WinWidth - 52, WinHeight - 20, 48, 16)); OKButton.SetText(OKText); if(EnterResult == MR_OK) OKButton.SetFont(F_Bold); else OKButton.SetFont(F_Normal); break; } } function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) { local UWindowMessageBox P; P = UWindowMessageBox(ParentWindow); if(E == DE_Click) { switch(C) { case YesButton: P.Result = MR_Yes; P.Close(); break; case NoButton: P.Result = MR_No; P.Close(); break; case OKButton: P.Result = MR_OK; P.Close(); break; case CancelButton: P.Result = MR_Cancel; P.Close(); break; } } } ~T/DK T%xV$w6mV*z&&xOIw6mO*z,,xhow6mh*z,,xtw6mt*z,,xyw6my*z,l %d Yd YZj Zd Y\l x*Dd L?6G\p j ?6z\p ?6a \?6u \?6G\j p ?6z\6m\d ?6G\p j l D?l &?z ~sJ/i\(-i-ls-i ~~~L/dFWX_Fd-c ~U/V~GAhzVVV&G{~V>~V WGVfVG ~V/eMR_ Me ~~~~~h%ajSppClicked Link: >>a<<X|a,mailto:E&pstart a|a,http://E&pstart a|a,ftp://E&pstart a|a, telnet://E&pstart a7|a, gopher://E&pstart ar|a,www.E&pstart http://a|a,ftp.E&pstart ftp://a|a, unreal://}a ~N/~~b @~~x~&~O/n%mj ~:YJR{ %g %?{ b?g iY?{ ?g sg s{ sg % ~e/@-?b ~@Qb &z@b && h@b }QR{~h>~h hhRzh&"hh&zh&"hh}h&h ~[/hzM_zh-g ~e%~~ReC /W-Z -e7-Z E F UE F  ~K class UWindowMessageBoxArea expands UWindowWindow; var string Message; function float GetHeight(Canvas C) { local float TW, TH, H; local int L; local float OldWinHeight; OldWinHeight = WinHeight; WinHeight = 1000; C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; TextSize(C, "A", TW, TH); L = WrapClipText(C, 0, 0, Message,,,, True); H = TH * L; WinHeight = OldWinHeight; return H; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; C.DrawColor.R = 0; C.DrawColor.G = 0; C.DrawColor.B = 0; WrapClipText(C, 0, 0, Message); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } ~T D/QVy T Q@ @ ?, VD?D@ ?, .7  I .7  G .7  V.7  #kVQ@  ~} _/L :S} LQ:L, K-lH-M t _Q ~S/N}nEjN$( ~dclass UWindowMessageBox expands UWindowFramedWindow; var MessageBoxResult Result; var float TimeOutTime; var int TimeOut; var bool bSetupSize; var int FrameCount; function SetupMessageBox(string Title, string Message, MessageBoxButtons Buttons, MessageBoxResult InESCResult, optional MessageBoxResult InEnterResult, optional int InTimeOut) { WindowTitle = Title; UWindowMessageBoxCW(ClientArea).SetupMessageBoxClient(Message, Buttons, InEnterResult); Result = InESCResult; TimeOutTime = 0; TimeOut = InTimeOut; FrameCount = 0; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Region R; if(!bSetupSize) { SetSize(200, WinHeight); R = LookAndFeel.FW_GetClientArea(Self); SetSize(200, (WinHeight - R.H) + UWindowMessageBoxCW(ClientArea).GetHeight(C)); WinLeft = int((Root.WinWidth - WinWidth) / 2); WinTop = int((Root.WinHeight - WinHeight) / 2); bSetupSize = True; } Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); } function AfterPaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.AfterPaint(C, X, Y); if(TimeOut != 0) { FrameCount++; if(FrameCount >= 5) { TimeOutTime = GetEntryLevel().TimeSeconds + TimeOut; TimeOut = 0; } } if(TimeOutTime != 0 && GetEntryLevel().TimeSeconds > TimeOutTime) { TimeOutTime = 0; Close(); } } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { Super.Close(bByParent); OwnerWindow.MessageBoxDone(Self, Result); } ~}//============================================================================= // UWindowMenuBarItem - An Unreal menu bar item //============================================================================= class UWindowMenuBarItem extends UWindowList config; var string Caption; var UWindowMenuBar Owner; var UWindowPulldownMenu Menu; var float ItemLeft; var float ItemWidth; var bool bHelp; var byte HotKey; function SetHelp(bool b) { bHelp = b; } function SetCaption(string C) { local string Junk, Junk2; Caption = C; HotKey = Owner.ParseAmpersand(C, Junk, Junk2, False); } function UWindowPulldownMenu CreateMenu(Class MenuClass) { Menu = UWindowPulldownMenu(Owner.ParentWindow.CreateWindow(MenuClass, 0, 0, 100, 100)); Menu.HideWindow(); Menu.Owner = Self; return Menu; } function DeSelect() { Owner.LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Owner, MS_MenuCloseUp); Menu.DeSelect(); Menu.HideWindow(); } function Select() { Owner.LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Owner, MS_MenuPullDown); Menu.ShowWindow(); Menu.WinLeft = ItemLeft + Owner.WinLeft; Menu.WinTop = 14; Menu.WinWidth = 100; Menu.WinHeight = 100; } function CloseUp() { Owner.CloseUp(); } function UWindowMenuBar GetMenuBar() { return Owner.GetMenuBar(); } ~d/za +0-w-zw-zB.o: o?, @A AD.`: `?, @A AB*D* ~[Q//============================================================================= // UWindowMenuBar - A menu bar //============================================================================= class UWindowMenuBar extends UWindowListControl; var UWindowMenuBarItem Selected; var UWindowMenuBarItem Over; var bool bAltDown; var int Spacing; function Created() { ListClass = class'UWindowMenuBarItem'; SetAcceptsHotKeys(True); Super.Created(); Spacing = 10; } function UWindowMenuBarItem AddHelpItem(string Caption) { Local UWindowMenuBarItem I; I = AddItem(Caption); I.SetHelp(True); return I; } function UWindowMenuBarItem AddItem(string Caption) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Append(class'UWindowMenuBarItem')); I.Owner = Self; I.SetCaption(Caption); return I; } function ResolutionChanged(float W, float H) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; for( I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next) ) if(I.Menu != None) I.Menu.ResolutionChanged(W, H); Super.ResolutionChanged(W, H); } function Paint(Canvas C, float MouseX, float MouseY) { local float X; local float W, H; local UWindowMenuBarItem I; DrawMenuBar(C); for( I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next) ) { C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; TextSize( C, RemoveAmpersand(I.Caption), W, H ); if(I.bHelp) { DrawItem(C, I, (WinWidth - (W + Spacing)), 1, W + Spacing, 14); } else { DrawItem(C, I, X, 1, W + Spacing, 14); X = X + W + Spacing; } } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; Super.MouseMove(X, Y); Over = None; for( I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next) ) { if(X >= I.ItemLeft && X <= I.ItemLeft + I.ItemWidth) { if(Selected != None) { if(Selected != I) { Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = I; Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); } } else { Over = I; } } } } function MouseLeave() { Super.MouseLeave(); Over=None; } function Select(UWindowMenuBarItem I) { } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; for( I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next) ) { if(X >= I.ItemLeft && X <= I.ItemLeft + I.ItemWidth) { //Log("Click "$I.Caption); if(Selected != None) { Selected.DeSelect(); } if(Selected == I) { Selected = None; Over = I; } else { Selected = I; Selected.Select(); } Select(Selected); return; } } if(Selected != None) { Selected.DeSelect(); } Selected = None; Select(Selected); } function DrawItem(Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H) { local string Text; local string Underline; C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; UWindowMenuBarItem(Item).ItemLeft = X; UWindowMenuBarItem(Item).ItemWidth = W; LookAndFeel.Menu_DrawMenuBarItem(Self, UWindowMenuBarItem(Item), X, Y, W, H, C); } function DrawMenuBar(Canvas C) { DrawStretchedTexture( C, 0, 0, WinWidth, 16, Texture'MenuBar' ); } function CloseUp() { if(Selected != None) { Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = None; } } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { Root.Console.CloseUWindow(); } function UWindowMenuBar GetMenuBar() { return Self; } function bool HotKeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; if(Key == 0x12) bAltDown = True; if(bAltDown) { // Check for hotkeys in each menu item for( I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next) ) { if(Key == I.HotKey) { if(Selected != None) Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = I; Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); bAltDown = False; return True; } } } return False; } function bool HotKeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { if(Key == 0x12) bAltDown = False; return False; } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; switch(Key) { case 0x25: // Left I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Selected.Prev); if(I==None || I==Items) I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Last); if(Selected != None) Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = I; Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); break; case 0x27: // Right I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Selected.Next); if(I==None) I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next); if(Selected != None) Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = I; Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); break; } } function MenuCmd(int Menu, int Item) { local UWindowMenuBarItem I; local int j; j=0; for(I = UWindowMenuBarItem(Items.Next); I != None; I = UWindowMenuBarItem(I.Next)) { if(j == Menu && I.Menu != None) { if(Selected != None) Selected.DeSelect(); Selected = I; Selected.Select(); Select(Selected); I.Menu.MenuCmd(Item); return; } j++; } } ~tMclass UWindowLookAndFeel extends UWindowBase; var() Texture Active; // Active widgets, window frames, etc. var() Texture Inactive; // Inactive Widgets, window frames, etc. var() Texture ActiveS; var() Texture InactiveS; var() Texture Misc; // Miscellaneous: backgrounds, bevels, etc. var() Region FrameTL; var() Region FrameT; var() Region FrameTR; var() Region FrameL; var() Region FrameR; var() Region FrameBL; var() Region FrameB; var() Region FrameBR; var() Color FrameActiveTitleColor; var() Color FrameInactiveTitleColor; var() Color HeadingActiveTitleColor; var() Color HeadingInActiveTitleColor; var() int FrameTitleX; var() int FrameTitleY; var() Region BevelUpTL; var() Region BevelUpT; var() Region BevelUpTR; var() Region BevelUpL; var() Region BevelUpR; var() Region BevelUpBL; var() Region BevelUpB; var() Region BevelUpBR; var() Region BevelUpArea; var() Region MiscBevelTL[4]; var() Region MiscBevelT[4]; var() Region MiscBevelTR[4]; var() Region MiscBevelL[4]; var() Region MiscBevelR[4]; var() Region MiscBevelBL[4]; var() Region MiscBevelB[4]; var() Region MiscBevelBR[4]; var() Region MiscBevelArea[4]; var() Region ComboBtnUp; var() Region ComboBtnDown; var() Region ComboBtnDisabled; var() int ColumnHeadingHeight; var() Region HLine; var() Color EditBoxTextColor; var() int EditBoxBevel; var() Region TabSelectedL; var() Region TabSelectedM; var() Region TabSelectedR; var() Region TabUnselectedL; var() Region TabUnselectedM; var() Region TabUnselectedR; var() Region TabBackground; var() float Size_ScrollbarWidth; var() float Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; // Interchange W and H for horizontal SB's var() float Size_MinScrollbarHeight; var() float Size_TabAreaHeight; // The height of the clickable tab area var() float Size_TabAreaOverhangHeight; // The height of the tab area overhang var() float Size_TabSpacing; var() float Size_TabXOffset; var() float Pulldown_ItemHeight; var() float Pulldown_VBorder; var() float Pulldown_HBorder; var() float Pulldown_TextBorder; function Texture GetTexture(UWindowFramedWindow W) { if(W.bStatusBar) { if(W.IsActive()) return ActiveS; else return InactiveS; } else { if(W.IsActive()) return Active; else return Inactive; } } /* Setup Functions */ function Setup(); function FW_DrawWindowFrame(UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C); function Region FW_GetClientArea(UWindowFramedWindow W); function FrameHitTest FW_HitTest(UWindowFramedWindow W, float X, float Y); function FW_SetupFrameButtons(UWindowFramedWindow W, Canvas C); function DrawClientArea(UWindowClientWindow W, Canvas C); function Combo_SetupSizes(UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C); function Combo_Draw(UWindowComboControl W, Canvas C); function Combo_GetButtonBitmaps(UWindowComboButton W); function Combo_SetupLeftButton(UWindowComboLeftButton W); function Combo_SetupRightButton(UWindowComboRightButton W); function Checkbox_SetupSizes(UWindowCheckbox W, Canvas C); function Checkbox_Draw(UWindowCheckbox W, Canvas C); function ComboList_DrawBackground(UWindowComboList W, Canvas C); function ComboList_DrawItem(UWindowComboList Combo, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bSelected); function Editbox_SetupSizes(UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C); function Editbox_Draw(UWindowEditControl W, Canvas C); function SB_SetupUpButton(UWindowSBUpButton W); function SB_SetupDownButton(UWindowSBDownButton W); function SB_SetupLeftButton(UWindowSBLeftButton W); function SB_SetupRightButton(UWindowSBRightButton W); function SB_VDraw(UWindowVScrollbar W, Canvas C); function SB_HDraw(UWindowHScrollbar W, Canvas C); function Tab_DrawTab(UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, bool bActiveTab, bool bLeftmostTab, float X, float Y, float W, float H, string Text, bool bShowText); function Tab_GetTabSize(UWindowTabControlTabArea Tab, Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H); function Tab_SetupLeftButton(UWindowTabControlLeftButton W); function Tab_SetupRightButton(UWindowTabControlRightButton W); function Tab_SetTabPageSize(UWindowPageControl W, UWindowPageWindow P); function Tab_DrawTabPageArea(UWindowPageControl W, Canvas C, UWindowPageWindow P); function Menu_DrawMenuBar(UWindowMenuBar W, Canvas C); function Menu_DrawMenuBarItem(UWindowMenuBar B, UWindowMenuBarItem I, float X, float Y, float W, float H, Canvas C); function Menu_DrawPulldownMenuBackground(UWindowPulldownMenu W, Canvas C); function Menu_DrawPulldownMenuItem(UWindowPulldownMenu M, UWindowPulldownMenuItem Item, Canvas C, float X, float Y, float W, float H, bool bSelected); function Button_DrawSmallButton(UWindowSmallButton B, Canvas C); function PlayMenuSound(UWindowWindow W, MenuSound S); function ControlFrame_SetupSizes(UWindowControlFrame W, Canvas C); function ControlFrame_Draw(UWindowControlFrame W, Canvas C); ~k //============================================================================= // UWindowListControl - Abstract class for list controls // - List boxes // - Dropdown Menus // - Combo Boxes, etc //============================================================================= class UWindowListControl extends UWindowDialogControl; var class ListClass; var UWindowList Items; function DrawItem(Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H) { // Declared in Subclass } function Created() { Super.Created(); Items = New ListClass; Items.Last = Items; Items.Next = None; Items.Prev = None; Items.Sentinel = Items; } ~]class UWindowListBoxItem expands UWindowList; var bool bSelected; var string HelpText; ~mf8mT.,: ,?, TJf?,T-T'i.k: k?, @A AiW_.( :vBB__n_@_-l(|} ~y/yR>FD{yUyvPkHPuyk ~NW//============================================================================= // UWindowListBox - a listbox //============================================================================= class UWindowListBox extends UWindowListControl; var float ItemHeight; var UWindowVScrollbar VertSB; var UWindowListBoxItem SelectedItem; var bool bCanDrag; var bool bCanDragExternal; var string DefaultHelpText; var bool bDragging; var float DragY; var UWindowListBox DoubleClickList; // list to send items to on double-click function Created() { Super.Created(); VertSB = UWindowVScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollbar', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, WinHeight)); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float MouseX, float MouseY) { local UWindowListBoxItem OverItem; local string NewHelpText; VertSB.SetRange(0, Items.CountShown(), int(WinHeight/ItemHeight)); NewHelpText = DefaultHelpText; if(SelectedItem != None) { OverItem = GetItemAt(MouseX, MouseY); if(OverItem == SelectedItem && OverItem.HelpText != "") NewHelpText = OverItem.HelpText; } if(NewHelpText != HelpText) { HelpText = NewHelpText; Notify(DE_HelpChanged); } } function SetHelpText(string T) { Super.SetHelpText(T); DefaultHelpText = T; } function Sort() { Items.Sort(); } function Paint(Canvas C, float MouseX, float MouseY) { local float y; local UWindowList CurItem; local int i; CurItem = Items.Next; i = 0; while((CurItem != None) && (i < VertSB.Pos)) { if(CurItem.ShowThisItem()) i++; CurItem = CurItem.Next; } for(y=0;(y < WinHeight) && (CurItem != None);CurItem = CurItem.Next) { if(CurItem.ShowThisItem()) { DrawItem(C, CurItem, 0, y, WinWidth - 12, ItemHeight); y = y + ItemHeight; } } } function Resized() { Super.Resized(); VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth-12; VertSB.WinTop = 0; VertSB.SetSize(12, WinHeight); } function UWindowListBoxItem GetItemAt(float MouseX, float MouseY) { local float y; local UWindowList CurItem; local int i; if(MouseX < 0 || MouseX > WinWidth) return None; CurItem = Items.Next; i = 0; while((CurItem != None) && (i < VertSB.Pos)) { if(CurItem.ShowThisItem()) i++; CurItem = CurItem.Next; } for(y=0;(y < WinHeight) && (CurItem != None);CurItem = CurItem.Next) { if(CurItem.ShowThisItem()) { if(MouseY >= y && MouseY <= y+ItemHeight) return UWindowListBoxItem(CurItem); y = y + ItemHeight; } } return None; } function MakeSelectedVisible() { local UWindowList CurItem; local int i; VertSB.SetRange(0, Items.CountShown(), int(WinHeight/ItemHeight)); if(SelectedItem == None) return; i = 0; for(CurItem=Items.Next; CurItem != None; CurItem = CurItem.Next) { if(CurItem == SelectedItem) break; if(CurItem.ShowThisItem()) i++; } VertSB.Show(i); } function SetSelectedItem(UWindowListBoxItem NewSelected) { if(NewSelected != None && SelectedItem != NewSelected) { if(SelectedItem != None) SelectedItem.bSelected = False; SelectedItem = NewSelected; if(SelectedItem != None) SelectedItem.bSelected = True; Notify(DE_Click); } } function SetSelected(float X, float Y) { local UWindowListBoxItem NewSelected; NewSelected = GetItemAt(X, Y); SetSelectedItem(NewSelected); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); SetSelected(X, Y); if(bCanDrag || bCanDragExternal) { bDragging = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); DragY = Y; } } function DoubleClick(float X, float Y) { Super.DoubleClick(X, Y); if(GetItemAt(X, Y) == SelectedItem) { DoubleClickItem(SelectedItem); } } function ReceiveDoubleClickItem(UWindowListBox L, UWindowListBoxItem I) { I.Remove(); Items.AppendItem(I); SetSelectedItem(I); L.SelectedItem = None; L.Notify(DE_Change); Notify(DE_Change); } function DoubleClickItem(UWindowListBoxItem I) { if(DoubleClickList != None && I != None) DoubleClickList.ReceiveDoubleClickItem(Self, I); } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { local UWindowListBoxItem OverItem; Super.MouseMove(X, Y); if(bDragging && bMouseDown) { OverItem = GetItemAt(X, Y); if(bCanDrag && OverItem != SelectedItem && OverItem != None && SelectedItem != None) { SelectedItem.Remove(); if(Y < DragY) OverItem.InsertItemBefore(SelectedItem); else OverItem.InsertItemAfter(SelectedItem, True); Notify(DE_Change); DragY = Y; } else { if(bCanDragExternal && CheckExternalDrag(X, Y) != None) bDragging = False; } } else bDragging = False; } function bool ExternalDragOver(UWindowDialogControl ExternalControl, float X, float Y) { local UWindowListBox B; local UWindowListBoxItem OverItem; // Subclass should return false and not call this version if this external // drag should be denied. B = UWindowListBox(ExternalControl); if(B != None && B.SelectedItem != None) { OverItem = GetItemAt(X, Y); B.SelectedItem.Remove(); if(OverItem != None) OverItem.InsertItemBefore(B.SelectedItem); else Items.AppendItem(B.SelectedItem); SetSelectedItem(B.SelectedItem); B.SelectedItem = None; B.Notify(DE_Change); Notify(DE_Change); if(bCanDrag || bCanDragExternal) { Root.CancelCapture(); bDragging = True; bMouseDown = True; Root.CaptureMouse(Self); DragY = Y; } return True; } return False; } ~q%~~yZ/Ns yNO O ?, WD?DO ?, .7  I .7  G .7  W.7  #qWNO  ~~~th/VN  ^?, ,V^FD?D^?, .7  I .7  G .7  ]F ~l/~~p/~~VU  8-m'V ~_//============================================================================= // UWindowList - a generic linked list class //============================================================================= class UWindowList extends UWindowBase; var UWindowList Next; var UWindowList Last; // Only valid for sentinel var UWindowList Prev; var UWindowList Sentinel; var int InternalCount; var bool bItemOrderChanged; var bool bSuspendableSort; var int CompareCount; var bool bSortSuspended; var UWindowList CurrentSortItem; // Binary tree variables for sentinel var bool bTreeSort; // Binary tree variables for each element var UWindowList BranchLeft; var UWindowList BranchRight; var UWindowList ParentNode; /* Tree Sorting: - Items must be added with AppendItem() - Items which require resorting must call MoveItemSorted() - Should call Tick and set bSuspendableSort - for large sorts! */ /********** These things can be called on any element **********/ function UWindowList CreateItem(Class C) { local UWindowList NewElement; NewElement = New C; return NewElement; } function GraftLeft(UWindowList NewLeft) { assert(Sentinel.bTreeSort); BranchLeft = NewLeft; if(NewLeft != None) NewLeft.ParentNode = Self; } function GraftRight(UWindowList NewRight) { assert(Sentinel.bTreeSort); BranchRight = NewRight; if(NewRight != None) NewRight.ParentNode = Self; } // Return rightmost child of subtree function UWindowList RightMost() { local UWindowList L; assert(Sentinel.bTreeSort); if(BranchRight == None) return None; L = Self; while(L.BranchRight != None) L = L.BranchRight; return L; } // Return leftmost child of subtree function UWindowList LeftMost() { local UWindowList L; assert(Sentinel.bTreeSort); if(BranchLeft == None) return None; L = Self; while(L.BranchLeft != None) L = L.BranchLeft; return L; } function Remove() { local UWindowList T; if(Next != None) Next.Prev = Prev; if(Prev != None) Prev.Next = Next; if(Sentinel != None) { if(Sentinel.bTreeSort && ParentNode!=None) { if(BranchLeft != None) { if(ParentNode.BranchLeft == Self) ParentNode.GraftLeft(BranchLeft); if(ParentNode.BranchRight == Self) ParentNode.GraftRight(BranchLeft); // If we had a right branch we better move it // into the far right of the left branch. T = BranchLeft.Rightmost(); if(T != None) T.GraftRight(BranchRight); } else { if(ParentNode.BranchLeft == Self) ParentNode.GraftLeft(BranchRight); if(ParentNode.BranchRight == Self) ParentNode.GraftRight(BranchRight); // no left branch to worry about. } ParentNode = None; BranchLeft = None; BranchRight = None; } Sentinel.InternalCount--; Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; if(Sentinel.Last == Self) Sentinel.Last = Prev; Prev=None; Next=None; /* Sentinel.Validate(); */ Sentinel = None; } } function int Compare(UWindowList T, UWindowList B) { // declare actual sort method in subclass return 0; } // Inserts a new element before us. DO NOT CALL on the sentinel. function UWindowList InsertBefore(Class C) { local UWindowList NewElement; NewElement = CreateItem(C); InsertItemBefore(NewElement); return NewElement; } function UWindowList InsertAfter(Class C) { local UWindowList NewElement; NewElement = CreateItem(C); InsertItemAfter(NewElement); return NewElement; } // Inserts an element before us. DO NOT CALL on the sentinel. function InsertItemBefore(UWindowList NewElement) { assert(Sentinel != Self); NewElement.BranchLeft = None; NewElement.BranchRight = None; NewElement.ParentNode = None; NewElement.Sentinel = Sentinel; NewElement.BranchLeft = None; NewElement.BranchRight = None; NewElement.ParentNode = None; NewElement.Prev = Prev; Prev.Next = NewElement; Prev = NewElement; NewElement.Next = Self; if(Sentinel.Next == Self) Sentinel.Next = NewElement; Sentinel.InternalCount++; Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; } function InsertItemAfter(UWindowList NewElement, optional bool bCheckShowItem) { local UWindowList N; N = Next; if(bCheckShowItem) while(N != None && !N.ShowThisItem()) N = N.Next; if(N != None) N.InsertItemBefore(NewElement); else Sentinel.DoAppendItem(NewElement); Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; } function ContinueSort() { local UWindowList N; CompareCount = 0; bSortSuspended = False; while(CurrentSortItem != None) { N = CurrentSortItem.Next; AppendItem(CurrentSortItem); CurrentSortItem = N; // split sort over multiple frames, if it's BIG if(CompareCount >= 10000 && bSuspendableSort) { bSortSuspended = True; return; } } } function Tick(float Delta) { if(bSortSuspended) ContinueSort(); } function UWindowList Sort() { local UWindowList S; local UWindowList CurrentItem; local UWindowList Previous; local UWindowList Best; local UWindowList BestPrev; if(bTreeSort) { if(bSortSuspended) { ContinueSort(); return Self; } CurrentSortItem = Next; DisconnectList(); ContinueSort(); return Self; } CurrentItem = Self; while(CurrentItem != None) { S = CurrentItem.Next; Best = CurrentItem.Next; Previous = CurrentItem; BestPrev = CurrentItem; // Find the best server while(S != None) { if(CurrentItem.Compare(S, Best) <= 0) { Best = S; BestPrev = Previous; } Previous = S; S = S.Next; } // If we're not already in the right order, move the best one next. if(Best != CurrentItem.Next) { // Delete Best's old position BestPrev.Next = Best.Next; if(BestPrev.Next != None) BestPrev.Next.Prev = BestPrev; // Fix Self and Best Best.Prev = CurrentItem; Best.Next = CurrentItem.Next; CurrentItem.Next.Prev = Best; CurrentItem.Next = Best; // Fix up Sentinel if Best was also Last if(Sentinel.Last == Best) { Sentinel.Last = BestPrev; if(Sentinel.Last == None) Sentinel.Last = Sentinel; } } CurrentItem = CurrentItem.Next; } //Validate(); return Self; } function DisconnectList() { Next=None; Last=Self; Prev=None; BranchLeft = None; BranchRight = None; ParentNode = None; InternalCount = 0; Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; } function DestroyList() { local UWindowList L, Temp; L = Next; InternalCount = 0; if(Sentinel != None) Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; while(L != None) { Temp = L.Next; L.DestroyListItem(); L = Temp; } DestroyListItem(); } function DestroyListItem() { Next=None; Last=Self; Sentinel=None; Prev=None; BranchLeft=None; BranchRight=None; ParentNode=None; } function int CountShown() { local int C; local UWindowList I; for(I = Next;I != None; I = I.Next) if(I.ShowThisItem()) C++; return C; } function UWindowList CopyExistingListItem(Class ItemClass, UWindowList SourceItem) { local UWindowList I; I = Append(ItemClass); Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; return I; } // for Listboxes only (so far) function bool ShowThisItem() { return True; } /********** These things can only be called on the sentinel **********/ function int Count() { return InternalCount; } function MoveItemSorted(UWindowList Item) { local UWindowList L; if(bTreeSort) { Item.Remove(); AppendItem(Item); } else { for(L=Next;L != None; L = L.Next) if(Compare(Item, L) <= 0) break; if(L != Item) { Item.Remove(); if(L == None) AppendItem(Item); else L.InsertItemBefore(Item); } } } function SetupSentinel(optional bool bInTreeSort) { Last = Self; Next = None; Prev = None; BranchLeft = None; BranchRight = None; ParentNode = None; Sentinel = Self; InternalCount = 0; bItemOrderChanged = True; bTreeSort = bInTreeSort; } function Validate() { local UWindowList I, Previous; local int Count; if(Sentinel != Self) { Log("Calling Sentinel.Validate() from "$Self); Sentinel.Validate(); return; } Log("BEGIN Validate(): "$Class); Count = 0; Previous = Self; for(I = Next; I != None; I = I.Next) { Log("Checking item: "$Count); if(I.Sentinel != Self) Log(" I.Sentinel reference is broken"); if(I.Prev != Previous) Log(" I.Prev reference is broken"); if(Last == I && I.Next != None) Log(" Item is Sentinel.Last but Item has valid Next"); if(I.Next == None && Last != I) Log(" Item is Item.Next is none, but Item is not Sentinel.Last"); Previous = I; Count++; } Log("END Validate(): "$Class); } // For sentinel only function UWindowList Append(Class C) { local UWindowList NewElement; NewElement = CreateItem(C); AppendItem(NewElement); return NewElement; } function AppendItem(UWindowList NewElement) { local UWindowList Node, OldNode, Temp; local int Test; if(bTreeSort) { // Check for worst cases! if(Next != None && Last != Self) { if(Compare(NewElement, Last) >= 0) { // put at end of list Node = Last; Node.InsertItemAfter(NewElement, False); Node.GraftRight(NewElement); return; } if(Compare(NewElement, Next) <= 0) { // put at front of list Node = Next; Node.InsertItemBefore(NewElement); Node.GraftLeft(NewElement); return; } } Node = Self; while(True) { if(Node == Self) Test = 1; else Test = Compare(NewElement, Node); // special case for equality if(Test == 0) { Node.InsertItemAfter(NewElement, False); return; } else if(Test > 0) { // Traverse right OldNode = Node; Node = Node.BranchRight; if(Node == None) { // Move past equal values Temp = OldNode; while(Temp.Next != None && Temp.Next.ParentNode == None) Temp = Temp.Next; Temp.InsertItemAfter(NewElement, False); OldNode.GraftRight(NewElement); return; } } else { // Traverse left OldNode = Node; Node = Node.BranchLeft; if(Node == None) { OldNode.InsertItemBefore(NewElement); OldNode.GraftLeft(NewElement); return; } } } } else DoAppendItem(NewElement); } function DoAppendItem(UWindowList NewElement) { NewElement.Next = None; Last.Next = NewElement; NewElement.Prev = Last; NewElement.Sentinel = Self; NewElement.BranchLeft = None; NewElement.BranchRight = None; NewElement.ParentNode = None; Last = NewElement; Sentinel.InternalCount++; Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; } // For sentinel only function UWindowList Insert(Class C) { local UWindowList NewElement; NewElement = CreateItem(C); InsertItem(NewElement); return NewElement; } function InsertItem(UWindowList NewElement) { NewElement.Next = Next; if(Next != None) Next.Prev = NewElement; Next = NewElement; if(Last == Self) Last = Next; NewElement.Prev = Self; NewElement.Sentinel = Self; NewElement.BranchLeft = None; NewElement.BranchRight = None; NewElement.ParentNode = None; Sentinel.InternalCount++; Sentinel.bItemOrderChanged = True; } // For sentinel only function UWindowList FindEntry(int Index) { local UWindowList l; local int i; l = Next; for(i=0;iU-6AX' U/U-6AX( A-6DX'6X-a HREF= /A-6DX(6X NOBR-6oX' /NOBR-6oX( BLINK-6yX' /BLINK-6yX(  ~5Q2B ;5B|9-O.9 zs ~Sm%UT} uL[   L[ >>L[ <<L[ &&UVW[ -Y ~~~N0Zi$Y%[.w[*YZw[}*jw1*1%1[1!!1[} i^ Y[.[  ~o%m&u^ ~y EXYY6E-@-EAC3BWQEAy We ~~~~~/@js  ~F0{.k-'-m -L-'E-L-(::$i'--\w*-Q'q! 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Parsed on add and display ------------------------- ... ... ... ... ... Parsed only on display ---------------------- > < &   Planned improvements --------------------
  • item 1
  • item 2...
Bugs ---- The parsing is pretty slack! */ // default styles var Color TextColor; var Color BGColor; var Color LinkColor; var Color ALinkColor; var float LastBlinkTime; var bool bShowBlink; var bool bReleased; function SetHTML(string HTML) { Clear(); ReplaceText(HTML, Chr(13)$Chr(10), " "); ReplaceText(HTML, Chr(13), " "); ReplaceText(HTML, Chr(10), " "); AddText(HTML); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { C.DrawColor = BGColor; DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, Texture'WhiteTexture'); Super.Paint(C, X, Y); bReleased = False; } function Click(float X, float Y) { Super.Click(X, Y); bReleased = True; } function ProcessURL(string URL) { Log("Clicked Link: >>"$URL$"<<"); if( Left(URL, 7) ~= "mailto:" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$URL); if( Left(URL, 7) ~= "http://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$URL); if( Left(URL, 6) ~= "ftp://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$URL); if( Left(URL, 9) ~= "telnet://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$URL); if( Left(URL, 9) ~= "gopher://" ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start "$URL); if( Left(URL, 4) ~= "www." ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start http://"$URL); if( Left(URL, 4) ~= "ftp." ) GetPlayerOwner().ConsoleCommand("start ftp://"$URL); else if( Left(URL, 9) ~= "unreal://" ) LaunchUnrealURL(URL); } function OverURL(string URL) { } function LaunchUnrealURL(string URL) { GetPlayerOwner().ClientTravel(URL, TRAVEL_Absolute, false); } function TextAreaTextSize(Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H) { ReplaceText(Text, " ", " "); ReplaceText(Text, ">", ">"); ReplaceText(Text, "<", "<"); ReplaceText(Text, "&", "&"); TextSize(C, Text, W, H); } function TextAreaClipText(Canvas C, float DrawX, float DrawY, coerce string Text, optional bool bCheckHotkey) { ReplaceText(Text, " ", " "); ReplaceText(Text, ">", ">"); ReplaceText(Text, "<", "<"); ReplaceText(Text, "&", "&"); ClipText(C, DrawX, DrawY, Text, bCheckHotKey); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overloaded functions from UWindowDynamicTextArea /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function WrapRow(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L) { local HTMLStyle CurrentStyle; local UWindowHTMLTextRow R; local string Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText; Super.WrapRow(C, L); // Generate the DisplayString and StyleString lines for each row R = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L); while(R != None && (R == L || R.WrapParent == L)) { R.DisplayString = ""; R.StyleString = ""; CurrentStyle = R.StartStyle; Input = R.Text; while(Input != "") { ParseHTML(Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText); if(LeftText != "" || R.DisplayString == "") { R.DisplayString = R.DisplayString $ LeftText; R.StyleString = R.StyleString $ WriteStyleText(CurrentStyle, Len(LeftText)); } ProcessInlineHTML(HTML, CurrentStyle); SetCanvasStyle(C, CurrentStyle); Input = RightText; } R = UWindowHTMLTextRow(R.Next); } } function float DrawTextLine(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L, float Y) { local float X, W, H, MouseX, MouseY; local HTMLStyle CurrentStyle; local float RowHeight; local Color OldColor; local int StylePos, DisplayPos, i; local string S; RowHeight = 0; CurrentStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle; if(CurrentStyle.bCenter) { W = CalcHTMLTextWidth(C, L.Text, CurrentStyle); if(VertSB.bWindowVisible) X = int(((WinWidth - VertSB.WinWidth) - W) / 2); else X = int((WinWidth - W) / 2); } else X = 2; if(GetEntryLevel().TimeSeconds > LastBlinkTime + 0.5) { bShowBlink = !bShowBlink; LastBlinkTime = GetEntryLevel().TimeSeconds; } if(UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).DisplayString == "") SetCanvasStyle(C, CurrentStyle); else { while(DisplayPos < Len(UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).DisplayString)) { i = ReadStyleText(UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StyleString, StylePos, CurrentStyle); S = Mid(UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).DisplayString, DisplayPos, i); DisplayPos += i; SetCanvasStyle(C, CurrentStyle); TextAreaTextSize(C, S, W, H); if(H > RowHeight) RowHeight = H; if(CurrentStyle.bLink) { GetMouseXY(MouseX, MouseY); if(X < MouseX && X + W > MouseX && Y < MouseY && Y + H > MouseY) { Cursor = Root.HandCursor; OverURL(CurrentStyle.LinkDestination); if(bMouseDown || bReleased) { if(bReleased) { ProcessURL(CurrentStyle.LinkDestination); bReleased = False; } else C.DrawColor = ALinkColor; } } } if(CurrentStyle.BGColor != BGColor) { OldColor = C.DrawColor; C.DrawColor = CurrentStyle.BGColor; DrawStretchedTexture(C, X, Y, W, H, Texture'WhiteTexture'); C.DrawColor = OldColor; } if(!CurrentStyle.bBlink || bShowBlink) TextAreaClipText(C, X, Y, S); if(CurrentStyle.bLink || CurrentStyle.bUnderline) DrawStretchedTexture(C, X, Y+H-1, W, 1, Texture'WhiteTexture'); X += W; } } if(RowHeight == 0) TextAreaTextSize(C, "A", W, RowHeight); return RowHeight; } function UWindowDynamicTextRow SplitRowAt(UWindowDynamicTextRow L, int SplitPos) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow N; local HTMLStyle CurrentStyle; N = Super.SplitRowAt(L, SplitPos); // update the style by processing from the start of L to the split position. UWindowHTMLTextRow(N).EndStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle; CurrentStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle; HTMLUpdateStyle(L.Text, CurrentStyle); UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(N).StartStyle = CurrentStyle; return N; } function RemoveWrap(UWindowDynamicTextRow L) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow N; // copy final endstyle to current row N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); while(N != None && N.WrapParent == L) { UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(N).EndStyle; N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(N.Next); } Super.RemoveWrap(L); } function int GetWrapPos(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L, float MaxWidth) { local float W, LineWidth, NextWordWidth; local string Input, NextWord; local int WordsThisRow, WrapPos; local HTMLStyle CurrentStyle; CurrentStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle; // quick check if(CalcHTMLTextWidth(C, L.Text, CurrentStyle) <= MaxWidth) return -1; Input = L.Text; WordsThisRow = 0; LineWidth = 0; WrapPos = 0; NextWord = ""; CurrentStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle; while(Input != "" || NextWord != "") { if(NextWord == "") { RemoveNextWord(Input, NextWord); NextWordWidth = CalcHTMLTextWidth(C, NextWord, CurrentStyle); } if(WordsThisRow > 0 && LineWidth + NextWordWidth > MaxWidth) { return WrapPos; } else { WrapPos += Len(NextWord); LineWidth += NextWordWidth; NextWord = ""; WordsThisRow++; } } return -1; } // Find the next word - but don't split up HTML tags. function RemoveNextWord(out string Text, out string NextWord) { local int i; local bool bInsideTag; local string Ch; bInsideTag = False; for(i=0;i") bInsideTag = False; if(Ch == "<") bInsideTag = True; if(Ch == " " && !bInsideTag) break; } while(Mid(Text, i, 1) == " ") i++; NextWord = Left(Text, i); Text = Mid(Text, i); } function UWindowDynamicTextRow AddText(string NewLine) { local string Input, Output, LeftText, RightText, HTML, Temp; local int i; local UWindowDynamicTextRow L; local HTMLStyle CurrentStyle, StartStyle; if(List.Last == List) { CurrentStyle.BulletLevel = 0; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = ""; CurrentStyle.TextColor = TextColor; CurrentStyle.BGColor = BGColor; CurrentStyle.bCenter = bHCenter; CurrentStyle.bLink = False; CurrentStyle.bUnderline = False; CurrentStyle.bNoBR = False; CurrentStyle.bHeading = False; CurrentStyle.bBold = False; CurrentStyle.bBlink = False; } else CurrentStyle = UWindowHTMLTextRow(List.Last).EndStyle; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; // convert \\n's ->
's i = InStr(NewLine, "\\n"); while(i != -1) { NewLine = Left(NewLine, i) $ "
" $ Mid(NewLine, i + 2); i = InStr(NewLine, "\\n"); } Input = NewLine; Output = ""; while(Input != "") { ParseHTML(Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText); switch(GetTag(HTML)) { // multiline HTML tags case "P": if((Output $ LeftText) != "") { L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; } StartStyle = CurrentStyle; L = Super.AddText(""); UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; break; case "BR": L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; break; case "BODY": Temp = GetOption(HTML, "BGCOLOR="); if(Temp != "") { BGColor = ParseColor(Temp); CurrentStyle.BGColor = BGColor; StartStyle.BGColor = BGColor; } Temp = GetOption(HTML, "LINK="); if(Temp != "") LinkColor = ParseColor(Temp); Temp = GetOption(HTML, "ALINK="); if(Temp != "") ALinkColor = ParseColor(Temp); Temp = GetOption(HTML, "TEXT="); if(Temp != "") { TextColor = ParseColor(Temp); CurrentStyle.TextColor = TextColor; } Output = Output $ LeftText; break; case "CENTER": if((Output $ LeftText) != "") { L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; } CurrentStyle.bCenter = True; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; break; case "/CENTER": L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; CurrentStyle.bCenter = False; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; break; // Inline HTML tags case "H1": if((Output $ LeftText) != "") { L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; } CurrentStyle.bHeading = True; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; break; case "/H1": L = Super.AddText(Output $ LeftText); Output = ""; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; CurrentStyle.bHeading = False; StartStyle = CurrentStyle; break; case "FONT": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; Temp = GetOption(HTML, "COLOR="); if(Temp != "") CurrentStyle.TextColor = ParseColor(Temp); Temp = GetOption(HTML, "BGCOLOR="); if(Temp != "") CurrentStyle.BGColor = ParseColor(Temp); break; case "/FONT": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.TextColor = TextColor; CurrentStyle.BGColor = BGColor; break; case "B": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bBold = True; break; case "/B": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bBold = False; break; case "U": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bUnderline = True; break; case "/U": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bUnderline = False; break; case "A": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bLink = True; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = GetOption(HTML, "HREF="); break; case "/A": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bLink = False; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = ""; break; case "NOBR": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bNoBR = True; break; case "/NOBR": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bNoBR = False; break; case "BLINK": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bBlink = True; break; case "/BLINK": Output = Output $ LeftText $ HTML; CurrentStyle.bBlink = False; break; default: Output = Output $ LeftText; break; } Input = RightText; } L = Super.AddText(Output); UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).StartStyle = StartStyle; UWindowHTMLTextRow(L).EndStyle = CurrentStyle; return L; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTML Text Processing /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the next HTML tag, the text before it and everthing after it. function ParseHTML(string Input, out string LeftText, out string HTML, out string RightText) { local int i; i = InStr(Input, "<"); if(i == -1) { LeftText = Input; HTML = ""; RightText = ""; return; } LeftText = Left(Input, i); HTML = Mid(Input, i); i = InStr(HTML, ">"); if(i == -1) { RightText = ""; return; } RightText = Mid(HTML, i+1); HTML = Left(HTML, i+1); } function float CalcHTMLTextWidth(Canvas C, string Text, out HTMLStyle CurrentStyle) { local string Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText; local float W, H, Width; Width = 0; Input = Text; while(Input != "") { ParseHTML(Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText); SetCanvasStyle(C, CurrentStyle); TextAreaTextSize(C, LeftText, W, H); Width += W; ProcessInlineHTML(HTML, CurrentStyle); Input = RightText; } return Width; } // Update CurrentStyle based on the contents of the HTML tag provided function ProcessInlineHTML(string HTML, out HTMLStyle CurrentStyle) { local string Temp; if(HTML == "") return; switch(GetTag(HTML)) { case "H1": CurrentStyle.bHeading = True; break; case "/H1": CurrentStyle.bHeading = False; break; case "FONT": Temp = GetOption(HTML, "COLOR="); if(Temp != "") CurrentStyle.TextColor = ParseColor(Temp); Temp = GetOption(HTML, "BGCOLOR="); if(Temp != "") CurrentStyle.BGColor = ParseColor(Temp); break; case "/FONT": CurrentStyle.TextColor = TextColor; CurrentStyle.BGColor = BGColor; break; case "B": CurrentStyle.bBold = True; break; case "/B": CurrentStyle.bBold = False; break; case "U": CurrentStyle.bUnderline = True; break; case "/U": CurrentStyle.bUnderline = False; break; case "A": CurrentStyle.bLink = True; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = GetOption(HTML, "HREF="); break; case "/A": CurrentStyle.bLink = False; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = ""; break; case "NOBR": CurrentStyle.bNoBR = True; break; case "/NOBR": CurrentStyle.bNoBR = False; break; case "BLINK": CurrentStyle.bBlink = True; break; case "/BLINK": CurrentStyle.bBlink = False; break; } } // update the current style based on some text input function HTMLUpdateStyle(string Input, out HTMLStyle CurrentStyle) { local string LeftText, HTML, RightText; while(Input != "") { ParseHTML(Input, LeftText, HTML, RightText); ProcessInlineHTML(HTML, CurrentStyle); Input = RightText; } } function string GetOption(string HTML, string Option) { local int i, j; local string s; i = InStr(Caps(HTML), Caps(Option)); if(i == 1 || Mid(HTML, i-1, 1) == " ") { s = Mid(HTML, i+Len(Option)); j = FirstMatching(InStr(s, ">"), InStr(s, " ")); s = Left(s, j); if(Left(s, 1) == "\"") s = Mid(s, 1); if(Right(s, 1) == "\"") s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1); return s; } return ""; } function string GetTag(string HTML) { local int i; if(HTML == "") return ""; HTML = Mid(HTML, 1); // lose < i = FirstMatching(InStr(HTML, ">"), InStr(HTML, " ")); if(i == -1) return Caps(HTML); else return Caps(Left(HTML, i)); } function Color ParseColor(string S) { local Color C; if(Left(S, 1) == "#") S = Mid(S, 1); C.R = 16 * GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 0, 1)) + GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 1, 1)); C.G = 16 * GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 2, 1)) + GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 3, 1)); C.B = 16 * GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 4, 1)) + GetHexDigit(Mid(S, 5, 1)); return C; } function int GetHexDigit(string D) { switch(caps(D)) { case "0": return 0; case "1": return 1; case "2": return 2; case "3": return 3; case "4": return 4; case "5": return 5; case "6": return 6; case "7": return 7; case "8": return 8; case "9": return 9; case "A": return 10; case "B": return 11; case "C": return 12; case "D": return 13; case "E": return 14; case "F": return 15; } return 0; } function int FirstMatching(int i, int j) { if(i == -1) return j; if(j == -1) return i; else return Min(i, j); } function SetCanvasStyle(Canvas C, HTMLStyle CurrentStyle) { if(CurrentStyle.bLink) C.DrawColor = LinkColor; else C.DrawColor = CurrentStyle.TextColor; if(CurrentStyle.bHeading) C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_LargeBold]; else if(CurrentStyle.bBold) C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Bold]; else C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; } function string WriteStyleText(HTMLStyle CurrentStyle, int CharCount) { local string Pad; local string Temp; local string Output; Pad = "0000"; Temp = string(CharCount); Output = Left(Pad, 4 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(Len(CurrentStyle.LinkDestination)); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 4 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp $ CurrentStyle.LinkDestination; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.TextColor.R); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.TextColor.G); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.TextColor.B); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.BGColor.R); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.BGColor.G); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; Temp = string(CurrentStyle.BGColor.B); Output = Output $ Left(Pad, 3 - Len(Temp)) $ Temp; if(CurrentStyle.bCenter) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bLink) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bUnderline) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bNoBR) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bHeading) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bBold) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; if(CurrentStyle.bBlink) Output = Output $ "T"; else Output = Output $ "F"; return Output; } function int ReadStyleText(string StyleString, out int StylePos, out HTMLStyle CurrentStyle) { local string Temp; local int CharCount; local int i; CharCount = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 4)); StylePos += 4; i = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 4)); StylePos += 4; CurrentStyle.LinkDestination = Mid(StyleString, StylePos, i); StylePos += i; CurrentStyle.TextColor.R = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.TextColor.G = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.TextColor.B = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.BGColor.R = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.BGColor.G = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.BGColor.B = Int(Mid(StyleString, StylePos, 3)); StylePos += 3; CurrentStyle.bCenter = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bLink = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bUnderline = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bNoBR = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bHeading = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bBold = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; CurrentStyle.bBlink = Mid(StyleString, StylePos++, 1) == "T"; return CharCount; } y@3I%mPA3HmayzZxxxo xo xo `˛`˛p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$`˛`˛p$`˛`˛p$p$`˛p$p$p$`˛p$p$p$`˛ ˏp$p$p$p$o xxxxp$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$> Y> Y> Y> Y> Y> Y> Y> Yxo S*K *J *l M O fE~~F3~~S}2Wnbk WWcW?f!?6 cWc?RWc]?6 c?6 cWc-t'WcIk WcOk WcTk WcQk WcRcWcKSWcGcWcJc ~[!//============================================================================= // UWindowHSplitter - a horizontal splitter component //============================================================================= class UWindowHSplitter extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowWindow LeftClientWindow; var UWindowWindow RightClientWindow; var bool bSizing; var float SplitPos; var float MinWinWidth; var float OldWinWidth; var float MaxSplitPos; var bool bRightGrow; var bool bSizable; function Created() { Super.Created(); bAlwaysBehind = True; SplitPos = WinWidth / 2; MinWinWidth = 24; OldWinWidth = WinWidth; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Texture T; T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); DrawUpBevel(C, SplitPos, 0, 7, WinHeight, T); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float NewW, NewH; // Make Left panel resize if(OldWinWidth != WinWidth && !bRightGrow) { SplitPos = SplitPos + WinWidth - OldWinWidth; } SplitPos = FClamp(SplitPos, MinWinWidth, WinWidth - 7 - MinWinWidth); if(MaxSplitPos != 0) SplitPos = FClamp(SplitPos, 0, MaxSplitPos); NewW = SplitPos; NewH = WinHeight; if(NewH != LeftClientWindow.WinHeight || NewW != LeftClientWindow.WinWidth) { LeftClientWindow.SetSize(NewW, NewH); } LeftClientWindow.WinTop = 0; LeftClientWindow.WinLeft = 0; NewW = WinWidth - SplitPos - 7; if(NewH != RightClientWindow.WinHeight || NewW != RightClientWindow.WinWidth) { RightClientWindow.SetSize(NewW, NewH); } RightClientWindow.WinTop = 0; RightClientWindow.WinLeft = SplitPos + 7; OldWinWidth = WinWidth; } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bSizable && (X >= SplitPos) && (X <= SplitPos + 7)) { bSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(bSizable && (X >= SplitPos) && (X <= SplitPos + 7)) Cursor = Root.HSplitCursor; else Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; if(bSizing && bMouseDown) { SplitPos = X; } else bSizing = False; } ~k ~~~~TC3Kg6_6 c6_6 z 6 _DK?6 c6 nK-@6 _DK?6 z 6 Y6 _DK?6 z 6 t_ ~H'~~_~~NO'CiCf,6C$6C$6C$*C?6 ,@K?6 ,@v?6 ,@K?6 ,@M?6 ,@v?6 ,@S?? v6C$6C$6C=,W ?6 ,@K&W ?&6 ,@KU?6 ,@K?6 ,@M?,?,dO?,D?6 ,@MW ?&*CW ?6 ,@v&O?6 ,@v?6 ,@S?&?? vW ?,&6C=,6C=,6C=, ~OG3ffMI?,If?, H?, H?,$I?, H?,I?, H?,$If?, H?,*If?, H?,$DI?,Hf?,*I?,Hf?,$If?,Hf?,$H?,$Hf?,$I?,$If?,$$  D3X2GL3`.'lo o o .'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'l.'lV~~H9class UWindowHSliderControl extends UWindowDialogControl; var float MinValue; var float MaxValue; var float Value; var int Step; // 0 = continuous var float SliderWidth; var float SliderDrawX, SliderDrawY; var float TrackStart; var float TrackWidth; var bool bSliding; var bool bNoSlidingNotify; function Created() { Super.Created(); SliderWidth = WinWidth / 2; TrackWidth = 4; } function SetRange(float Min, float Max, int NewStep) { MinValue = Min; MaxValue = Max; Step = NewStep; Value = CheckValue(Value); } function float GetValue() { return Value; } function SetValue(float NewValue, optional bool bNoNotify) { local float OldValue; OldValue = Value; Value = CheckValue(NewValue); if(Value != OldValue && !bNoNotify) { // Notify Notify(DE_Change); } } function float CheckValue(float Test) { local float TempF; local float NewValue; NewValue = Test; if(Step != 0) { TempF = NewValue / Step; NewValue = Int(TempF + 0.5) * Step; } if(NewValue < MinValue) NewValue = MinValue; if(NewValue > MaxValue) NewValue = MaxValue; return NewValue; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float W, H; Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); TextSize(C, Text, W, H); WinHeight = H+1; switch(Align) { case TA_Left: SliderDrawX = WinWidth - SliderWidth; TextX = 0; break; case TA_Right: SliderDrawX = 0; TextX = WinWidth - W; break; case TA_Center: SliderDrawX = (WinWidth - SliderWidth) / 2; TextX = (WinWidth - W) / 2; break; } SliderDrawY = (WinHeight - 2) / 2; TextY = (WinHeight - H) / 2; TrackStart = SliderDrawX + (SliderWidth - TrackWidth) * ((Value - MinValue)/(MaxValue - MinValue)); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Texture T; local Region R; T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); if(Text != "") { C.DrawColor = TextColor; ClipText(C, TextX, TextY, Text); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; } R = LookAndFeel.HLine; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, SliderDrawX, SliderDrawY, SliderWidth, R.H, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T); DrawUpBevel(C, TrackStart, SliderDrawY-4, TrackWidth, 10, T); } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseUp(X, Y); if(bNoSlidingNotify) Notify(DE_Change); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if((X >= TrackStart) && (X <= TrackStart + TrackWidth)) { bSliding = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); } if(X < TrackStart && X > SliderDrawX) { if(Step != 0) SetValue(Value - Step); else SetValue(Value - 1); } if(X > TrackStart + TrackWidth && X < SliderDrawX + SliderWidth) { if(Step != 0) SetValue(Value + Step); else SetValue(Value + 1); } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { Super.MouseMove(X, Y); if(bSliding && bMouseDown) { SetValue((((X - SliderDrawX) / (SliderWidth - TrackWidth)) * (MaxValue - MinValue)) + MinValue, bNoSlidingNotify); } else bSliding = False; } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local PlayerPawn P; P = GetPlayerOwner(); switch (Key) { case P.EInputKey.IK_Left: if(Step != 0) SetValue(Value - Step); else SetValue(Value - 1); break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Right: if(Step != 0) SetValue(Value + Step); else SetValue(Value + 1); break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Home: SetValue(MinValue); break; case P.EInputKey.IK_End: SetValue(MaxValue); break; default: Super.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); break; } } &M3O$D N3|[$&)> Y> Y> Y> Yo xxxxԌ~~~s ~MK3klAk6XNkk T ~b~~n~~JP3$mpn$h$ (?$#on$]hx$@A?6 ,v?6 ,S$b $$@$$f$n .$$@$n$h $$@$$f?,$n$h?, $z$?,?,$P$x?,$T$@?6 ,K$T?6 ,v$i?6 i4$-w$T$f?6 ,K?6 ,M?6 i?6 r?6 g$T$?6 ,v?6 ,S$i$?6 i?6 ,M?6 r?6 g$i$T$B$?6 ,M?6 r?6 g$B$T$D$?6 ,M?6 g$D$T$B?6 r$B?6 r$D?6 g$D?6 g?$T$f?6 ,K?6 ,M?6 i$T$?6 ,v?6 ,S$i$?6 i?6 ,M$i$T$i$T ~|E//============================================================================= // UWindowHScrollBar - A horizontal scrollbar //============================================================================= class UWindowHScrollBar extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowSBLeftButton LeftButton; var UWindowSBRightButton RightButton; var bool bDisabled; var float MinPos; var float MaxPos; var float MaxVisible; var float Pos; // offset to WinTop var float ThumbStart, ThumbWidth; var float NextClickTime; var float DragX; var bool bDragging; var float ScrollAmount; function Show(float P) { if(P < 0) return; if(P > MaxPos + MaxVisible) return; while(P < Pos) if(!Scroll(-1)) break; while(P - Pos > MaxVisible - 1) if(!Scroll(1)) break; } function bool Scroll(float Delta) { local float OldPos; OldPos = Pos; Pos = Pos + Delta; CheckRange(); return Pos == OldPos + Delta; } function SetRange(float NewMinPos, float NewMaxPos, float NewMaxVisible, optional float NewScrollAmount) { if(NewScrollAmount == 0) NewScrollAmount = 1; ScrollAmount = NewScrollAmount; MinPos = NewMinPos; MaxPos = NewMaxPos - NewMaxVisible; MaxVisible = NewMaxVisible; CheckRange(); } function CheckRange() { if(Pos < MinPos) { Pos = MinPos; } else { if(Pos > MaxPos) Pos = MaxPos; } bDisabled = (MaxPos <= MinPos); LeftButton.bDisabled = bDisabled; RightButton.bDisabled = bDisabled; if(bDisabled) { Pos = 0; } else { ThumbStart = ((Pos - MinPos) * (WinWidth - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight))) / (MaxPos + MaxVisible - MinPos); ThumbWidth = (MaxVisible * (WinWidth - (2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight))) / (MaxPos + MaxVisible - MinPos); if(ThumbWidth < LookAndFeel.Size_MinScrollbarHeight) ThumbWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_MinScrollbarHeight; if(ThumbWidth + ThumbStart > WinWidth - 2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight) { ThumbStart = WinWidth - 2*LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight - ThumbWidth; } ThumbStart = ThumbStart + LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; } } function Created() { Super.Created(); LeftButton = UWindowSBLeftButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowSBLeftButton', 0, 0, 10, 12)); RightButton = UWindowSBRightButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowSBRightButton', WinWidth-10, 0, 10, 12)); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LeftButton.WinTop = 0; LeftButton.WinLeft = 0; LeftButton.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; LeftButton.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; RightButton.WinTop = 0; RightButton.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; RightButton.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarButtonHeight; RightButton.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; CheckRange(); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.SB_HDraw(Self, C); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(bDisabled) return; if(X < ThumbStart) { Scroll(-(MaxVisible-1)); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; return; } if(X > ThumbStart + ThumbWidth) { Scroll(MaxVisible-1); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.5; return; } if((X >= ThumbStart) && (X <= ThumbStart + ThumbWidth)) { DragX = X - ThumbStart; bDragging = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; } } function Tick(float Delta) { local bool bLeft, bRight; local float X, Y; if(bDragging) return; bLeft = False; bRight = False; if(bMouseDown) { GetMouseXY(X, Y); bLeft = (X < ThumbStart); bRight = (X > ThumbStart + ThumbWidth); } if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds) && bLeft) { Scroll(-(MaxVisible-1)); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(bMouseDown && (NextClickTime > 0) && (NextClickTime < GetLevel().TimeSeconds) && bRight) { Scroll(MaxVisible-1); NextClickTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds + 0.1; } if(!bMouseDown || (!bLeft && !bRight)) { NextClickTime = 0; } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(bDragging && bMouseDown && !bDisabled) { while(X < (ThumbStart+DragX) && Pos > MinPos) { Scroll(-1); } while(X > (ThumbStart+DragX) && Pos < MaxPos) { Scroll(1); } } else bDragging = False; } ~Q3~~uW3T Th (?oTQ]bjnb?,Pj?,-2n?&P?& ~@Ri iRh (?oRQ]fqgf?, f?,  ~IS3mq%#mAi^m@mfmf,{m]^mjm5^mnmPm]6^=,6^=,6^=, ~]class UWindowHotkeyWindowList extends UWindowList; var UWindowWindow Window; function UWindowHotkeyWindowList FindWindow(UWindowWindow W) { local UWindowHotkeyWindowList l; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(Next); while(l != None) { if(l.Window == W) return l; l = UWindowHotkeyWindowList(l.Next); } return None; } ~YN(/= ]N ~AX3tP3K$tiv Yt2Xv@t?,@ ^t(ivt?, ]t(ivt?, Zt@Xv@t?,t?,@ \t6ivt?,t?, Xt2Xv@@t?, _t@Xvt?,@@t?, [t@Xv@@t?,t?, b ~h9//============================================================================= // UWindowGridColumn - a grid column //============================================================================= class UWindowGridColumn extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowGridColumn NextColumn; var UWindowGridColumn PrevColumn; var bool bSizing; var string ColumnHeading; var int ColumnNum; function Created() { Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); if(WinWidth < 1) WinWidth = 1; } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(X > Min(WinWidth - 5, ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinLeft - 5) && Y < 12) { bSizing = True; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).bSizingColumn = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); } } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseUp(X, Y); UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).bSizingColumn = False; } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { if(X > Min(WinWidth - 5, ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinLeft - 5) && Y < 12) { Cursor = Root.HSplitCursor; } else { Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; } if(bSizing && bMouseDown) { WinWidth = X; if(WinWidth < 1) WinWidth = 1; if(WinWidth > ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinLeft - 1) WinWidth = ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinLeft - 1; } else { bSizing = False; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).bSizingColumn = False; } } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local Region R; local Texture T; local Color FC; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).PaintColumn(C, Self, X, Y); if(IsActive()) { T = LookAndFeel.Active; FC = LookAndFeel.HeadingActiveTitleColor; } else { T = LookAndFeel.InActive; FC = LookAndFeel.HeadingInactiveTitleColor; } C.DrawColor.r = 255; C.DrawColor.g = 255; C.DrawColor.b = 255; DrawUpBevel( C, 0, 0, WinWidth, LookAndFeel.ColumnHeadingHeight, T); C.DrawColor = FC; ClipText( C, 2, 1, ColumnHeading); C.DrawColor.r = 255; C.DrawColor.g = 255; C.DrawColor.b = 255; } function Click(float X, float Y) { local int Row; if(Y < 12) { if(X <= Min(WinWidth - 5, ParentWindow.WinWidth - WinLeft - 5)) { UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).SortColumn(Self); } } else { Row = ((Y - 12) / UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RowHeight) + UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).TopRow; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).SelectRow(Row); } } function RMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local int Row; Super.RMouseDown(X, Y); if(Y > 12) { Row = ((Y - 12) / UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RowHeight) + UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).TopRow; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).SelectRow(Row); UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RightClickRowDown(Row, X+WinLeft, Y+WinTop); } } function RMouseUp(float X, float Y) { local int Row; Super.RMouseUp(X, Y); if(Y > 12) { Row = ((Y - 12) / UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RowHeight) + UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).TopRow; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).SelectRow(Row); UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RightClickRow(Row, X+WinLeft, Y+WinTop); } } function DoubleClick(float X, float Y) { local int Row; if(Y < 12) { Click(X, Y); } else { Row = ((Y - 12) / UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).RowHeight) + UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).TopRow; UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).DoubleClickRow(Row); } } function MouseLeave() { Super.MouseLeave(); UWindowGrid(ParentWindow.ParentWindow).MouseLeaveColumn(Self); } ~a//============================================================================= // UWindowGridClient - The client area on a grid. //============================================================================= class UWindowGridClient extends UWindowWindow; function Created() { } ~@[3bKC'B6[=,6[=,6[=,-Mb$X[}B~ K W6[$6[$6[$6[$6[$6[$b5[}?bd?,B?,J ~~~[R//============================================================================= // UWindowGrid - a grid with sizable columns and clickable column headings. //============================================================================= class UWindowGrid extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowGridColumn FirstColumn; var UWindowGridColumn LastColumn; var UWindowGridClient ClientArea; var int TopRow; var float RowHeight; var UWindowVScrollbar VertSB; var UWindowHScrollbar HorizSB; var bool bShowHorizSB; var bool bSizingColumn; var bool bNoKeyboard; function Created() { ClientArea = UWindowGridClient(CreateWindow(class'UWindowGridClient', 0, 0, WinWidth - 12, WinHeight)); VertSB = UWindowVScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollbar', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, WinHeight)); VertSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; HorizSB = UWindowHScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowHScrollbar', 0, WinHeight-12, WinWidth, 12)); HorizSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; HorizSB.HideWindow(); bShowHorizSB = False; if(!bNoKeyboard) SetAcceptsFocus(); Super.Created(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); Resized(); } function Resized() { local float Offset; local UWindowGridColumn colColumn; local float TotalWidth; TotalWidth = 0; colColumn = FirstColumn; while(colColumn != None) { TotalWidth = TotalWidth + colColumn.WinWidth; colColumn = colColumn.NextColumn; } if(!bSizingColumn) HorizSB.SetRange(0, TotalWidth, WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth, 10); if(!HorizSB.bDisabled) { // Need a horizontal scrollbar HorizSB.ShowWindow(); bShowHorizSB = True; } else { HorizSB.HideWindow(); bShowHorizSB = False; HorizSB.Pos = 0; } ClientArea.WinTop = 0; ClientArea.WinLeft = 0; ClientArea.WinWidth = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; if(bShowHorizSB) ClientArea.WinHeight = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; else ClientArea.WinHeight = WinHeight; if(bShowHorizSB) { HorizSB.WinTop = WinHeight-LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; HorizSB.WinLeft = 0; HorizSB.WinWidth = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; HorizSB.WinHeight = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; } VertSB.WinTop = 0; VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth-LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; VertSB.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; if(bShowHorizSB) VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; else VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight; if(bShowHorizSB) Offset = 1 - HorizSB.Pos; else Offset = 1; colColumn = FirstColumn; while(colColumn != None) { colColumn.WinLeft = Offset ; colColumn.WinTop = 0; colColumn.WinHeight = WinHeight; Offset = Offset + colColumn.WinWidth; colColumn = colColumn.NextColumn; } } function UWindowGridColumn AddColumn(string ColumnHeading, float DefaultWidth) { local UWindowGridColumn NewColumn; local UWindowGridColumn OldLastColumn; OldLastColumn = LastColumn; if(LastColumn == None) { NewColumn = UWindowGridColumn(ClientArea.CreateWindow(class'UWindowGridColumn', 0, 0, DefaultWidth, WinHeight)); FirstColumn = NewColumn; NewColumn.ColumnNum = 0; } else { NewColumn = UWindowGridColumn(ClientArea.CreateWindow(class'UWindowGridColumn', LastColumn.WinLeft + LastColumn.WinWidth, 0, DefaultWidth, WinHeight)); LastColumn.NextColumn = NewColumn; NewColumn.ColumnNum = LastColumn.ColumnNum + 1; } LastColumn = NewColumn; NewColumn.NextColumn = None; NewColumn.PrevColumn = OldLastColumn; NewColumn.ColumnHeading = ColumnHeading; return NewColumn; } function Paint(Canvas C, float MouseX, float MouseY) { local float X; local Texture T; local Region R; X = LastColumn.WinWidth + LastColumn.WinLeft; T = GetLookAndFeelTexture(); DrawUpBevel( C, X, 0, WinWidth-X, LookAndFeel.ColumnHeadingHeight, T); if(bShowHorizSB) { // R = LookAndFeel.SBBackground; DrawStretchedTextureSegment( C, WinWidth-LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth, WinHeight-LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth, LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth, LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth, R.X, R.Y, R.W, R.H, T); } } function PaintColumn(Canvas C, UWindowGridColumn Column, float MouseX, float MouseY) { // defined in subclass } function SortColumn(UWindowGridColumn Column) { // defined in subclass } function SelectRow(int Row) { // defined in subclass } function RightClickRow(int Row, float X, float Y) { // defined in subclass } function RightClickRowDown(int Row, float X, float Y) { // defined in subclass } function DoubleClickRow(int Row) { // defined in subclass } function MouseLeaveColumn(UWindowGridColumn Column) { // defined in subclass } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { switch(Key) { case 0x26: // IK_Up case 0xEC: // IK_MouseWheelUp VertSB.Scroll(-1); break; case 0x28: // IK_Down case 0xED: // IK_MouseWheelDown VertSB.Scroll(1); break; case 0x21: // IK_PageUp VertSB.Scroll(-(VertSB.MaxVisible-1)); break; case 0x22: // IK_PageDown VertSB.Scroll(VertSB.MaxVisible-1); break; } } ~bb3_3)w-2 P ?%P 6.  .  l P 6=-2P  ~5r3sb5sr-O .  .  l P 6? ~@~L4Sev C-njS6w*-q'TS ~u ~ L5" " " " *"`~@ ~E^3Zw\l):Z#oOZ]]\Z?D\?&,Zb $ZpZ?,Zn3 $ZpZnZ]3 0$ZpZ?,?,ZnZ]?,3 ZHZ?,?,ZPZ\?,Z-dZI WZO WZT WZQ S28ZI NZO NZT NZQ T2 ~YV//============================================================================= // UWindowFramedWindow - a Windows95 style framed window //============================================================================= class UWindowFramedWindow extends UWindowWindow; var class ClientClass; var UWindowWindow ClientArea; var localized string WindowTitle; var string StatusBarText; var float MoveX, MoveY; // co-ordinates where the move was requested var float MinWinWidth, MinWinHeight; var bool bTLSizing; var bool bTSizing; var bool bTRSizing; var bool bLSizing; var bool bRSizing; var bool bBLSizing; var bool bBSizing; var bool bBRSizing; var bool bMoving; var bool bSizable; var bool bStatusBar; var UWindowFrameCloseBox CloseBox; function Created() { Super.Created(); MinWinWidth = 50; MinWinHeight = 50; ClientArea = CreateWindow(ClientClass, 4, 16, WinWidth - 8, WinHeight - 20, OwnerWindow); CloseBox = UWindowFrameCloseBox(CreateWindow(Class'UWindowFrameCloseBox', WinWidth-20, WinHeight-20, 11, 10)); } function Texture GetLookAndFeelTexture() { return LookAndFeel.GetTexture(Self); } function bool IsActive() { return ParentWindow.ActiveWindow == Self; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); Resized(); LookAndFeel.FW_SetupFrameButtons(Self, C); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.FW_DrawWindowFrame(Self, C); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local FrameHitTest H; H = LookAndFeel.FW_HitTest(Self, X, Y); Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(H == HT_TitleBar) { MoveX = X; MoveY = Y; bMoving = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; } if(bSizable) { switch(H) { case HT_NW: bTLSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_NE: bTRSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_SW: bBLSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_SE: bBRSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_N: bTSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_S: bBSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_W: bLSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; case HT_E: bRSizing = True; Root.CaptureMouse(); return; } } } function Resized() { local Region R; if(ClientArea == None) { Log("Client Area is None for "$Self); return; } R = LookAndFeel.FW_GetClientArea(Self); ClientArea.WinLeft = R.X; ClientArea.WinTop = R.Y; if((R.W != ClientArea.WinWidth) || (R.H != ClientArea.WinHeight)) { ClientArea.SetSize(R.W, R.H); } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { local float OldW, OldH; local FrameHitTest H; H = LookAndFeel.FW_HitTest(Self, X, Y); if(bMoving && bMouseDown) { WinLeft = Int(WinLeft + X - MoveX); WinTop = Int(WinTop + Y - MoveY); } else bMoving = False; Cursor = Root.NormalCursor; if(bSizable && !bMoving) { switch(H) { case HT_NW: case HT_SE: Cursor = Root.DiagCursor1; break; case HT_NE: case HT_SW: Cursor = Root.DiagCursor2; break; case HT_W: case HT_E: Cursor = Root.WECursor; break; case HT_N: case HT_S: Cursor = Root.NSCursor; break; } } // Top Left if(bTLSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.DiagCursor1; OldW = WinWidth; OldH = WinHeight; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, WinWidth - X), Max(MinWinHeight, WinHeight - Y)); WinLeft = Int(WinLeft + OldW - WinWidth); WinTop = Int(WinTop + OldH - WinHeight); } else bTLSizing = False; // Top if(bTSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.NSCursor; OldH = WinHeight; SetSize(WinWidth, Max(MinWinHeight, WinHeight - Y)); WinTop = Int(WinTop + OldH - WinHeight); } else bTSizing = False; // Top Right if(bTRSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.DiagCursor2; OldH = WinHeight; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, X), Max(MinWinHeight, WinHeight - Y)); WinTop = Int(WinTop + OldH - WinHeight); } else bTRSizing = False; // Left if(bLSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.WECursor; OldW = WinWidth; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, WinWidth - X), WinHeight); WinLeft = Int(WinLeft + OldW - WinWidth); } else bLSizing = False; // Right if(bRSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.WECursor; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, X), WinHeight); } else bRSizing = False; // Bottom Left if(bBLSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.DiagCursor2; OldW = WinWidth; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, WinWidth - X), Max(MinWinHeight, Y)); WinLeft = Int(WinLeft + OldW - WinWidth); } else bBLSizing = False; // Bottom if(bBSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.NSCursor; SetSize(WinWidth, Max(MinWinHeight, Y)); } else bBSizing = False; // Bottom Right if(bBRSizing && bMouseDown) { Cursor = Root.DiagCursor1; SetSize(Max(MinWinWidth, X), Max(MinWinHeight, Y)); } else bBRSizing = False; } function ToolTip(string strTip) { StatusBarText = strTip; } function WindowEvent(WinMessage Msg, Canvas C, float X, float Y, int Key) { if(Msg == WM_Paint || !WaitModal()) Super.WindowEvent(Msg, C, X, Y, Key); } function WindowHidden() { Super.WindowHidden(); LookAndFeel.PlayMenuSound(Self, MS_WindowClose); } ~j'kZ!Ku . 8 u qu Fku  ~~~j3~~Fg3`p,o ``-t'`Io `Oo `To `Qo `Ri`Kt`Gi`Js ~Hclass UWindowFrameCloseBox extends UWindowButton; function Created() { bNoKeyboard = True; Super.Created(); } function Click(float X, float Y) { ParentWindow.Close(); } // No keyboard support function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { }  P5" " " " *"=l~a@                 ~|l3MLh.uGHMhM (?M#oHM]ZGM@A?6 uv?6 uSMb $MJ MMU Mn ?$MJ MnMZ $MJ MMU ?,MnMZ?, MpM?,?,MPMG?,MlMJ ?6 uKMl?6 uvMlMU ?6 uK?6 uMMlM?6 uv?6 uS ~qclass UWindowEditControl extends UWindowDialogControl; var float EditBoxWidth; var float EditAreaDrawX, EditAreaDrawY; var UWindowEditBox EditBox; function Created() { local Color C; Super.Created(); EditBox = UWindowEditBox(CreateWindow(class'UWindowEditBox', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); EditBox.NotifyOwner = Self; EditBox.bSelectOnFocus = True; EditBoxWidth = WinWidth / 2; SetEditTextColor(LookAndFeel.EditBoxTextColor); } function SetNumericOnly(bool bNumericOnly) { EditBox.bNumericOnly = bNumericOnly; } function SetNumericFloat(bool bNumericFloat) { EditBox.bNumericFloat = bNumericFloat; } function SetFont(int NewFont) { Super.SetFont(NewFont); EditBox.SetFont(NewFont); } function SetHistory(bool bInHistory) { EditBox.SetHistory(bInHistory); } function SetEditTextColor(Color NewColor) { EditBox.SetTextColor(NewColor); } function Clear() { EditBox.Clear(); } function string GetValue() { return EditBox.GetValue(); } function SetValue(string NewValue) { EditBox.SetValue(NewValue); } function SetMaxLength(int MaxLength) { EditBox.MaxLength = MaxLength; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Editbox_Draw(Self, C); Super.Paint(C, X, Y); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); LookAndFeel.Editbox_SetupSizes(Self, C); } function SetDelayedNotify(bool bDelayedNotify) { Editbox.bDelayedNotify = bDelayedNotify; } ~k3~~us3q3 I ~VP  4-m'V ~Nclass UWindowEditBoxHistory expands UWindowList; var string HistoryText; ~zo3_J1_Di[_J _U _fG{_][_j_5[_n_P_]6[=,6[=,6[=, ~H// UWindowEditBox - simple edit box, for use in other controls such as // UWindowComboxBoxControl, UWindowEditBoxControl etc. class UWindowEditBox extends UWindowDialogControl; var string Value; var string Value2; var int CaretOffset; var int MaxLength; var float LastDrawTime; var bool bShowCaret; var float Offset; var UWindowDialogControl NotifyOwner; var bool bNumericOnly; var bool bNumericFloat; var bool bCanEdit; var bool bAllSelected; var bool bSelectOnFocus; var bool bDelayedNotify; var bool bChangePending; var bool bControlDown; var bool bShiftDown; var bool bHistory; var bool bKeyDown; var UWindowEditBoxHistory HistoryList; var UWindowEditBoxHistory CurrentHistory; function Created() { Super.Created(); bCanEdit = True; bControlDown = False; bShiftDown = False; MaxLength = 255; CaretOffset = 0; Offset = 0; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; } function SetHistory(bool bInHistory) { bHistory = bInHistory; if(bHistory && HistoryList==None) { HistoryList = new(None) class'UWindowEditBoxHistory'; HistoryList.SetupSentinel(); CurrentHistory = None; } else if(!bHistory && HistoryList!=None) { HistoryList = None; CurrentHistory = None; } } function SetEditable(bool bEditable) { bCanEdit = bEditable; } function SetValue(string NewValue, optional string NewValue2) { Value = NewValue; Value2 = NewValue2; if(CaretOffset > Len(Value)) CaretOffset = Len(Value); Notify(DE_Change); } function Clear() { CaretOffset = 0; Value=""; Value2=""; bAllSelected = False; if(bDelayedNotify) bChangePending = True; else Notify(DE_Change); } function SelectAll() { if(bCanEdit && Value != "") { CaretOffset = Len(Value); bAllSelected = True; } } function string GetValue() { return Value; } function string GetValue2() { return Value2; } function Notify(byte E) { if(NotifyOwner != None) { NotifyOwner.Notify(E); } else { Super.Notify(E); } } function InsertText(string Text) { local int i; for(i=0;i MaxLength) return False; CaretOffset++; Value = NewValue; if(bDelayedNotify) bChangePending = True; else Notify(DE_Change); return True; } function bool Backspace() { local string NewValue; if(CaretOffset == 0) return False; NewValue = Left(Value, CaretOffset - 1) $ Mid(Value, CaretOffset); CaretOffset--; Value = NewValue; if(bDelayedNotify) bChangePending = True; else Notify(DE_Change); return True; } function bool Delete() { local string NewValue; if(CaretOffset == Len(Value)) return False; NewValue = Left(Value, CaretOffset) $ Mid(Value, CaretOffset + 1); Value = NewValue; Notify(DE_Change); return True; } function bool WordLeft() { while(CaretOffset > 0 && Mid(Value, CaretOffset - 1, 1) == " ") CaretOffset--; while(CaretOffset > 0 && Mid(Value, CaretOffset - 1, 1) != " ") CaretOffset--; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function bool MoveLeft() { if(CaretOffset == 0) return False; CaretOffset--; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function bool MoveRight() { if(CaretOffset == Len(Value)) return False; CaretOffset++; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function bool WordRight() { while(CaretOffset < Len(Value) && Mid(Value, CaretOffset, 1) != " ") CaretOffset++; while(CaretOffset < Len(Value) && Mid(Value, CaretOffset, 1) == " ") CaretOffset++; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function bool MoveHome() { CaretOffset = 0; LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function bool MoveEnd() { CaretOffset = Len(Value); LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = True; return True; } function EditCopy() { if(bAllSelected || !bCanEdit) GetPlayerOwner().CopyToClipboard(Value); } function EditPaste() { if(bCanEdit) { if(bAllSelected) Clear(); InsertText(GetPlayerOwner().PasteFromClipboard()); } } function EditCut() { if(bCanEdit) { if(bAllSelected) { GetPlayerOwner().CopyToClipboard(Value); bAllSelected = False; Clear(); } } else EditCopy(); } function KeyType( int Key, float MouseX, float MouseY ) { if(bCanEdit && bKeyDown) { if( !bControlDown ) { if(bAllSelected) Clear(); bAllSelected = False; if(bNumericOnly) { if( Key>=0x30 && Key<=0x39 ) { Insert(Key); } } else { if( Key>=0x20 && Key<0x80 ) { Insert(Key); } } } } } function KeyUp(int Key, float X, float Y) { local PlayerPawn P; bKeyDown = False; P = GetPlayerOwner(); switch (Key) { case P.EInputKey.IK_Ctrl: bControlDown = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Shift: bShiftDown = False; break; } } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local PlayerPawn P; bKeyDown = True; P = GetPlayerOwner(); switch (Key) { case P.EInputKey.IK_Ctrl: bControlDown = True; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Shift: bShiftDown = True; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Escape: break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Enter: if(bCanEdit) { if(bHistory) { if(Value != "") { CurrentHistory = UWindowEditBoxHistory(HistoryList.Insert(class'UWindowEditBoxHistory')); CurrentHistory.HistoryText = Value; } CurrentHistory = HistoryList; } Notify(DE_EnterPressed); } break; case P.EInputKey.IK_MouseWheelUp: if(bCanEdit) Notify(DE_WheelUpPressed); break; case P.EInputKey.IK_MouseWheelDown: if(bCanEdit) Notify(DE_WheelDownPressed); break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Right: if(bCanEdit) { if(bControlDown) WordRight(); else MoveRight(); } bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Left: if(bCanEdit) { if(bControlDown) WordLeft(); else MoveLeft(); } bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Up: if(bCanEdit && bHistory) { bAllSelected = False; if(CurrentHistory != None && CurrentHistory.Next != None) { CurrentHistory = UWindowEditBoxHistory(CurrentHistory.Next); SetValue(CurrentHistory.HistoryText); MoveEnd(); } } break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Down: if(bCanEdit && bHistory) { bAllSelected = False; if(CurrentHistory != None && CurrentHistory.Prev != None) { CurrentHistory = UWindowEditBoxHistory(CurrentHistory.Prev); SetValue(CurrentHistory.HistoryText); MoveEnd(); } } break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Home: if(bCanEdit) MoveHome(); bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_End: if(bCanEdit) MoveEnd(); bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Backspace: if(bCanEdit) { if(bAllSelected) Clear(); else Backspace(); } bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Delete: if(bCanEdit) { if(bAllSelected) Clear(); else Delete(); } bAllSelected = False; break; case P.EInputKey.IK_Period: case P.EInputKey.IK_NumPadPeriod: if (bNumericFloat) Insert(Asc(".")); break; default: if( bControlDown ) { if( Key == Asc("c") || Key == Asc("C")) EditCopy(); if( Key == Asc("v") || Key == Asc("V")) EditPaste(); if( Key == Asc("x") || Key == Asc("X")) EditCut(); } else { if(NotifyOwner != None) NotifyOwner.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); else Super.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); } break; } } function Click(float X, float Y) { Notify(DE_Click); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); Notify(DE_LMouseDown); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float W, H; local float TextY; C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; TextSize(C, "A", W, H); TextY = (WinHeight - H) / 2; TextSize(C, Left(Value, CaretOffset), W, H); C.DrawColor.R = 255; C.DrawColor.G = 255; C.DrawColor.B = 255; if(W + Offset < 0) Offset = -W; if(W + Offset > (WinWidth - 2)) { Offset = (WinWidth - 2) - W; if(Offset > 0) Offset = 0; } C.DrawColor = TextColor; if(bAllSelected) { DrawStretchedTexture(C, Offset + 1, TextY, W, H, Texture'UWindow.WhiteTexture'); // Invert Colors C.DrawColor.R = 255 ^ C.DrawColor.R; C.DrawColor.G = 255 ^ C.DrawColor.G; C.DrawColor.B = 255 ^ C.DrawColor.B; } ClipText(C, Offset + 1, TextY, Value); if((!bHasKeyboardFocus) || (!bCanEdit)) bShowCaret = False; else { if((GetLevel().TimeSeconds > LastDrawTime + 0.3) || (GetLevel().TimeSeconds < LastDrawTime)) { LastDrawTime = GetLevel().TimeSeconds; bShowCaret = !bShowCaret; } } if(bShowCaret) ClipText(C, Offset + W - 1, TextY, "|"); } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { if(bChangePending) { bChangePending = False; Notify(DE_Change); } bKeyDown = False; Super.Close(bByParent); } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { if(bChangePending) { bChangePending = False; Notify(DE_Change); } if(NotifyOwner != None) NotifyOwner.FocusOtherWindow(W); else Super.FocusOtherWindow(W); } function KeyFocusEnter() { if(bSelectOnFocus && !bHasKeyboardFocus) SelectAll(); Super.KeyFocusEnter(); } function DoubleClick(float X, float Y) { Super.DoubleClick(X, Y); SelectAll(); } function KeyFocusExit() { bAllSelected = False; Super.KeyFocusExit(); }  ^" " " " *0"۫p~@ ~qu3|h3(6v=,6v=,6v=,{|-M4O|\*vZY?6 4?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{4U|}*vZ?6 OYY?6 O?6 A?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{4A|p*vZY?6 4Y?6 4?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{v|&| (?6v$6v$6v$-I|ov W A|3vZYW ?,Y?, '&4M|\*vZY?6 4?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{4S|}*vZ?6 MYY?6 M?6 J?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{4J|p*vZY?6 4Y?6 4?6 4?64?64?6 4?6 4{v|%| (?6v$6v$6v$&-I|ov W A|3vZYW ?,Y?, ' ~Cclass UWindowDynamicTextRow expands UWindowList; var string Text; var UWindowDynamicTextRow WrapParent; var bool bRowDirty; ~o|class UWindowDynamicTextArea expands UWindowDialogControl; var config int MaxLines; var bool bTopCentric; var float DefaultTextHeight; var bool bScrollOnResize; var bool bVCenter; var bool bHCenter; var bool bAutoScrollbar; var bool bVariableRowHeight; // Assumes !bTopCentric, !bScrollOnResize var float WrapWidth; // private var UWindowDynamicTextRow List; var UWindowVScrollBar VertSB; var float OldW, OldH; var bool bDirty; var int Count; var int VisibleRows; var int Font; var Font AbsoluteFont; var color TextColor; var class RowClass; function Created() { Super.Created(); VertSB = UWindowVScrollbar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollbar', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, WinHeight)); VertSB.bAlwaysOnTop = True; Clear(); } function Clear() { bDirty = True; if(List != None) { if(List.Next == None) return; List.DestroyList(); } List = new RowClass; List.SetupSentinel(); } function SetAbsoluteFont(Font F) { AbsoluteFont = F; } function SetFont(int F) { Font = F; } function SetTextColor(Color C) { TextColor = C; } function TextAreaClipText(Canvas C, float DrawX, float DrawY, coerce string S, optional bool bCheckHotkey) { ClipText(C, DrawX, DrawY, S, bCheckHotkey); } function TextAreaTextSize(Canvas C, string Text, out float W, out float H) { TextSize(C, Text, W, H); } function BeforePaint( Canvas C, float X, float Y ) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); VertSB.WinTop = 0; VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight; VertSB.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; } function Paint( Canvas C, float MouseX, float MouseY ) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow L; local int SkipCount, DrawCount; local int i; local float Y, Junk; local bool bWrapped; C.DrawColor = TextColor; if(AbsoluteFont != None) C.Font = AbsoluteFont; else C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; if(OldW != WinWidth || OldH != WinHeight) { WordWrap(C, True); OldW = WinWidth; OldH = WinHeight; bWrapped = True; } else if(bDirty) { WordWrap(C, False); bWrapped = True; } if(bWrapped) { TextAreaTextSize(C, "A", Junk, DefaultTextHeight); VisibleRows = WinHeight / DefaultTextHeight; Count = List.Count(); VertSB.SetRange(0, Count, VisibleRows); if(bScrollOnResize) { if(bTopCentric) VertSB.Pos = 0; else VertSB.Pos = VertSB.MaxPos; } if(bAutoScrollbar && !bVariableRowHeight) { if(Count <= VisibleRows) VertSB.HideWindow(); else VertSB.ShowWindow(); } } if(bTopCentric) { SkipCount = VertSB.Pos; L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(List.Next); for(i=0; i < SkipCount && (L != None) ; i++) L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); if(bVCenter && Count <= VisibleRows) Y = int((WinHeight - (Count * DefaultTextHeight)) / 2); else Y = 1; DrawCount = 0; while(Y < WinHeight) { DrawCount++; if(L != None) { Y += DrawTextLine(C, L, Y); L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); } else Y += DefaultTextHeight; } if(bVariableRowHeight) { VisibleRows = DrawCount - 1; while(VertSB.Pos + VisibleRows > Count) VisibleRows--; VertSB.SetRange(0, Count, VisibleRows); if(bAutoScrollbar) { if(Count <= VisibleRows) VertSB.HideWindow(); else VertSB.ShowWindow(); } } } else { SkipCount = Max(0, Count - (VisibleRows + VertSB.Pos)); L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(List.Last); for(i=0; i < SkipCount && (L != List) ; i++) L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Prev); Y = WinHeight - DefaultTextHeight; while(L != List && L != None && Y > -DefaultTextHeight) { DrawTextLine(C, L, Y); Y = Y - DefaultTextHeight; L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Prev); } } } function UWindowDynamicTextRow AddText(string NewLine) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow L; local string Temp; local int i; bDirty = True; i = InStr(NewLine, "\\n"); if(i != -1) { Temp = Mid(NewLine, i+2); NewLine = Left(NewLine, i); } else Temp = ""; // reuse a row if possible L = CheckMaxRows(); if(L != None) List.AppendItem(L); else L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(List.Append(RowClass)); L.Text = NewLine; L.WrapParent = None; L.bRowDirty = True; if(Temp != "") AddText(Temp); return L; } function UWindowDynamicTextRow CheckMaxRows() { local UWindowDynamicTextRow L; L = None; while(MaxLines > 0 && List.Count() > MaxLines - 1 && List.Next != None) { L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(List.Next); RemoveWrap(L); L.Remove(); } return L; } function WordWrap(Canvas C, bool bForce) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow L; for(L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(List.Next); L != None; L = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next)) if(L.WrapParent == None && (L.bRowDirty || bForce)) WrapRow(C, L); bDirty = False; } function WrapRow(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow CurrentRow, N; local float MaxWidth; local int WrapPos; if(WrapWidth == 0) { if(VertSB.bWindowVisible || bAutoScrollbar) MaxWidth = WinWidth - VertSB.WinWidth; else MaxWidth = WinWidth; } else MaxWidth = WrapWidth; L.bRowDirty = False; // fast check - single line? N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); if(N == None || N.WrapParent != L) { if(GetWrapPos(C, L, MaxWidth) == -1) return; } RemoveWrap(L); CurrentRow = L; while(True) { WrapPos = GetWrapPos(C, CurrentRow, MaxWidth); if(WrapPos == -1) break; CurrentRow = SplitRowAt(CurrentRow, WrapPos); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions to override to change format/layout /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function float DrawTextLine(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L, float Y) { local float X, W, H; if(bHCenter) { TextAreaTextSize(C, L.Text, W, H); if(VertSB.bWindowVisible) X = int(((WinWidth - VertSB.WinWidth) - W) / 2); else X = int((WinWidth - W) / 2); } else X = 2; TextAreaClipText(C, X, Y, L.Text); return DefaultTextHeight; } // find where to break the line function int GetWrapPos(Canvas C, UWindowDynamicTextRow L, float MaxWidth) { local float W, H, LineWidth, NextWordWidth; local string Input, NextWord; local int WordsThisRow, WrapPos; // quick check TextAreaTextSize(C, L.Text, W, H); if(W <= MaxWidth) return -1; Input = L.Text; WordsThisRow = 0; LineWidth = 0; WrapPos = 0; NextWord = ""; while(Input != "" || NextWord != "") { if(NextWord == "") { RemoveNextWord(Input, NextWord); TextAreaTextSize(C, NextWord, NextWordWidth, H); } if(WordsThisRow > 0 && LineWidth + NextWordWidth > MaxWidth) { return WrapPos; } else { WrapPos += Len(NextWord); LineWidth += NextWordWidth; NextWord = ""; WordsThisRow++; } } return -1; } function UWindowDynamicTextRow SplitRowAt(UWindowDynamicTextRow L, int SplitPos) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow N; N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.InsertAfter(RowClass)); if(L.WrapParent == None) N.WrapParent = L; else N.WrapParent = L.WrapParent; N.Text = Mid(L.Text, SplitPos); L.Text = Left(L.Text, SplitPos); return N; } function RemoveNextWord(out string Text, out string NextWord) { local int i; i = InStr(Text, " "); if(i == -1) { NextWord = Text; Text = ""; } else { while(Mid(Text, i, 1) == " ") i++; NextWord = Left(Text, i); Text = Mid(Text, i); } } function RemoveWrap(UWindowDynamicTextRow L) { local UWindowDynamicTextRow N; // Remove previous word-wrapping N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); while(N != None && N.WrapParent == L) { L.Text = L.Text $ N.Text; N.Remove(); N = UWindowDynamicTextRow(L.Next); } }  T5" " " " *D"'As~ @ ~Z~~x+//============================================================================= // UWindowDialogControl - a control which notifies a dialog control group //============================================================================= class UWindowDialogControl extends UWindowWindow; var UWindowDialogClientWindow NotifyWindow; var string Text; var int Font; var color TextColor; var TextAlign Align; var float TextX, TextY; // changed by BeforePaint functions var bool bHasKeyboardFocus; var bool bNoKeyboard; var bool bAcceptExternalDragDrop; var string HelpText; var float MinWidth, MinHeight; // minimum heights for layout control var UWindowDialogControl TabNext; var UWindowDialogControl TabPrev; function Created() { if(!bNoKeyboard) SetAcceptsFocus(); } function KeyFocusEnter() { Super.KeyFocusEnter(); bHasKeyboardFocus = True; } function KeyFocusExit() { Super.KeyFocusExit(); bHasKeyboardFocus = False; } function SetHelpText(string NewHelpText) { HelpText = NewHelpText; } function SetText(string NewText) { Text = NewText; } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); C.Font = Root.Fonts[Font]; } function SetFont(int NewFont) { Font = NewFont; } function SetTextColor(color NewColor) { TextColor = NewColor; } function Register(UWindowDialogClientWindow W) { NotifyWindow = W; Notify(DE_Created); } function Notify(byte E) { if(NotifyWindow != None) { NotifyWindow.Notify(Self, E); } } function bool ExternalDragOver(UWindowDialogControl ExternalControl, float X, float Y) { return False; } function UWindowDialogControl CheckExternalDrag(float X, float Y) { local float RootX, RootY; local float ExtX, ExtY; local UWindowWindow W; local UWindowDialogControl C; WindowToGlobal(X, Y, RootX, RootY); W = Root.FindWindowUnder(RootX, RootY); C = UWindowDialogControl(W); if(W != Self && C != None && C.bAcceptExternalDragDrop) { W.GlobalToWindow(RootX, RootY, ExtX, ExtY); if(C.ExternalDragOver(Self, ExtX, ExtY)) return C; } return None; } function KeyDown(int Key, float X, float Y) { local PlayerPawn P; local UWindowDialogControl N; P = Root.GetPlayerOwner(); switch (Key) { case P.EInputKey.IK_Tab: if(TabNext != None) { N = TabNext; while(N != Self && !N.bWindowVisible) N = N.TabNext; N.ActivateWindow(0, False); } break; default: Super.KeyDown(Key, X, Y); break; } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { Super.MouseMove(X, Y); Notify(DE_MouseMove); } function MouseEnter() { Super.MouseEnter(); Notify(DE_MouseEnter); } function MouseLeave() { Super.MouseLeave(); Notify(DE_MouseLeave); } ~Pclass UWindowDialogClientWindow extends UWindowClientWindow; // Used for scrolling var float DesiredWidth; var float DesiredHeight; var UWindowDialogControl TabLast; function OKPressed() { } function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) { // Handle this notification in a subclass. } function UWindowDialogControl CreateControl(class ControlClass, float X, float Y, float W, float H, optional UWindowWindow OwnerWindow) { local UWindowDialogControl C; C = UWindowDialogControl(CreateWindow(ControlClass, X, Y, W, H, OwnerWindow)); C.Register(Self); C.Notify(C.DE_Created); if(TabLast == None) { TabLast = C; C.TabNext = C; C.TabPrev = C; } else { C.TabNext = TabLast.TabNext; C.TabPrev = TabLast; TabLast.TabNext.TabPrev = C; TabLast.TabNext = C; TabLast = C; } return C; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.Paint(C, X, Y); LookAndFeel.DrawClientArea(Self, C); } function GetDesiredDimensions(out float W, out float H) { W = DesiredWidth; H = DesiredHeight; }  T5" " " " *D"tu~@ ~ ~~R1 "F q'Rb,  ~Z4~~class UWindowControlFrame expands UWindowWindow; var UWindowWindow Framed; function SetFrame(UWindowWindow W) { Framed = W; W.SetParent(Self); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { if(Framed != None) LookAndFeel.ControlFrame_SetupSizes(Self, C); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.ControlFrame_Draw(Self, C); } ~~~bF4D4)u-2 O ?%O 6.% .% h O 6=-2O  ~5V4u`5ut-O .% .% h O 6? ~yx3eI 9~ ee-t'eI~ eO~ eT~ eQ~ eRLeK_eGLeJY ~@class UWindowConsoleWindow extends UWindowFramedWindow; var float OldParentWidth, OldParentHeight; function Created() { Super.Created(); bSizable = True; bStatusBar = True; bLeaveOnScreen = True; OldParentWidth = ParentWindow.WinWidth; OldParentHeight = ParentWindow.WinHeight; SetDimensions(); SetAcceptsFocus(); } function ShowWindow() { Super.ShowWindow(); if(ParentWindow.WinWidth != OldParentWidth || ParentWindow.WinHeight != OldParentHeight) { SetDimensions(); OldParentWidth = ParentWindow.WinWidth; OldParentHeight = ParentWindow.WinHeight; } } function ResolutionChanged(float W, float H) { SetDimensions(); } function SetDimensions() { if (ParentWindow.WinWidth < 500) { SetSize(200, 150); } else { SetSize(410, 310); } WinLeft = ParentWindow.WinWidth/2 - WinWidth/2; WinTop = ParentWindow.WinHeight/2 - WinHeight/2; } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { ClientArea.Close(True); Root.Console.HideConsole(); } ~~~xG4kS:@ kk-t'kI@ kO@ kT@ kQ@ kRZkKVkGZkJU ~Hclass UWindowConsoleTextAreaControl extends UWindowDynamicTextArea; ~BM)o ,8)M*w* cM ~vJ4pB49<B pp-t'pIB pOB pTB pQB pRrpK\pGrpJ] ~Kclass UWindowConsoleClientWindow extends UWindowDialogClientWindow; var UWindowConsoleTextAreaControl TextArea; var UWindowEditControl EditControl; function Created() { TextArea = UWindowConsoleTextAreaControl(CreateWindow(class'UWindowConsoleTextAreaControl', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); EditControl = UWindowEditControl(CreateControl(class'UWindowEditControl', 0, WinHeight-16, WinWidth, 16)); EditControl.SetFont(F_Normal); EditControl.SetNumericOnly(False); EditControl.SetMaxLength(400); EditControl.SetHistory(True); } function Notify(UWindowDialogControl C, byte E) { local string s; Super.Notify(C, E); switch(E) { case DE_EnterPressed: switch(C) { case EditControl: if(EditControl.GetValue() != "") { s = EditControl.GetValue(); Root.Console.Message( None, "> "$s, 'Console' ); EditControl.Clear(); if( !Root.Console.ConsoleCommand( s ) ) Root.Console.Message( None, Localize("Errors","Exec","Core"), 'Console' ); } break; } break; case DE_WheelUpPressed: switch(C) { case EditControl: TextArea.VertSB.Scroll(-1); break; } break; case DE_WheelDownPressed: switch(C) { case EditControl: TextArea.VertSB.Scroll(1); break; } break; } } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); EditControl.SetSize(WinWidth, 17); EditControl.WinLeft = 0; EditControl.WinTop = WinHeight - EditControl.WinHeight; EditControl.EditBoxWidth = WinWidth; TextArea.SetSize(WinWidth, WinHeight - EditControl.WinHeight); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { DrawStretchedTexture(C, 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, Texture'BlackTexture'); } ~o G'D, hDo DiH ~CM4uAG=A uu-t'uIA uOA uTA uQA uRguK_uGguJ` ~Zclass UWindowComboRightButton extends UWindowButton; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Combo_SetupRightButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local int i; Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(!bDisabled) { i = UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).GetSelectedIndex(); i++; if(i >= UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).List.Items.Count()) i = 0; UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).SetSelectedIndex(i); } } ~I4~~tP4_z[?N_E E_b*D__?6E ?6E ?6 E ?6 E N_-u_6eD_z-_WN ~S class UWindowComboListItem extends UWindowList; var string Value; var string Value2; // A second, non-displayed value var int SortWeight; var float ItemTop; function int Compare(UWindowList T, UWindowList B) { local UWindowComboListItem TI, BI; local string TS, BS; TI = UWindowComboListItem(T); BI = UWindowComboListItem(B); if(TI.SortWeight == BI.SortWeight) { TS = caps(TI.Value); BS = caps(BI.Value); if(TS == BS) return 0; if(TS < BS) return -1; return 1; } else return TI.SortWeight - BI.SortWeight; } ~R4~~uW4U4 A ~VO  =-m'V ~rS4Xykd@KXF EXb*UXX?6F ?6F ?6 F ?6 F KX-jX6eUXEXP-K ~zfclass UWindowComboList extends UWindowListControl; var UWindowComboControl Owner; var UWindowVScrollBar VertSB; var UWindowComboListItem Selected; var int ItemHeight; var int VBorder; var int HBorder; var int TextBorder; var int MaxVisible; function Sort() { Items.Sort(); } function WindowShown() { Super.WindowShown(); FocusWindow(); } function Clear() { Items.Clear(); } function Texture GetLookAndFeelTexture() { return LookAndFeel.Active; } function Setup() { VertSB = UWindowVScrollBar(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVScrollBar', 0, WinWidth - 16, 16, WinHeight)); } function Created() { ListClass = class'UWindowComboListItem'; bAlwaysOnTop = True; bTransient = True; Super.Created(); ItemHeight = 15; VBorder = 3; HBorder = 3; TextBorder = 9; Super.Created(); } function int FindItemIndex(string Value, optional bool bIgnoreCase) { local UWindowComboListItem I; local int Count; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next); Count = 0; while(I != None) { if(bIgnoreCase && I.Value ~= Value) return Count; if(I.Value == Value) return Count; Count++; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next); } return -1; } function int FindItemIndex2(string Value2, optional bool bIgnoreCase) { local UWindowComboListItem I; local int Count; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next); Count = 0; while(I != None) { if(bIgnoreCase && I.Value2 ~= Value2) return Count; if(I.Value2 == Value2) return Count; Count++; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next); } return -1; } function string GetItemValue(int Index) { local UWindowComboListItem I; local int Count; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next); Count = 0; while(I != None) { if(Count == Index) return I.Value; Count++; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next); } return ""; } function RemoveItem(int Index) { local UWindowComboListItem I; local int Count; if(Index == -1) return; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next); Count = 0; while(I != None) { if(Count == Index) { I.Remove(); return; } Count++; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next); } } function string GetItemValue2(int Index) { local UWindowComboListItem I; local int Count; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next); Count = 0; while(I != None) { if(Count == Index) return I.Value2; Count++; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next); } return ""; } function AddItem(string Value, optional string Value2, optional int SortWeight) { local UWindowComboListItem I; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Append(class'UWindowComboListItem')); I.Value = Value; I.Value2 = Value2; I.SortWeight = SortWeight; } function InsertItem(string Value, optional string Value2, optional int SortWeight) { local UWindowComboListItem I; I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Insert(class'UWindowComboListItem')); I.Value = Value; I.Value2 = Value2; I.SortWeight = SortWeight; } function SetSelected(float X, float Y) { local UWindowComboListItem NewSelected, Item; local int i, Count; Count = 0; for( Item = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next);Item != None; Item = UWindowComboListItem(Item.Next) ) Count++; i = (Y - VBorder) / ItemHeight + VertSB.Pos; if(i < 0) i = 0; if(i >= VertSB.Pos + Min(Count, MaxVisible)) i = VertSB.Pos + Min(Count, MaxVisible) - 1; NewSelected = UWindowComboListItem(Items.FindEntry(i)); if(NewSelected != Selected) { if(NewSelected == None) Selected = None; else Selected = NewSelected; } } function MouseMove(float X, float Y) { Super.MouseMove(X, Y); if(Y > WinHeight) VertSB.Scroll(1); if(Y < 0) VertSB.Scroll(-1); SetSelected(X, Y); FocusWindow(); } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { If(Y >= 0 && Y <= WinHeight && Selected != None) { ExecuteItem(Selected); } Super.LMouseUp(X, Y); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { Root.CaptureMouse(); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local float W, H, MaxWidth; local int Count; local UWindowComboListItem I; local float ListX, ListY; local float ExtraWidth; C.Font = Root.Fonts[F_Normal]; C.SetPos(0, 0); MaxWidth = Owner.EditBoxWidth; ExtraWidth = ((HBorder + TextBorder) * 2); Count = Items.Count(); if(Count > MaxVisible) { ExtraWidth += LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; WinHeight = (ItemHeight * MaxVisible) + (VBorder * 2); } else { VertSB.Pos = 0; WinHeight = (ItemHeight * Count) + (VBorder * 2); } for( I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next) ) { TextSize(C, RemoveAmpersand(I.Value), W, H); if(W + ExtraWidth > MaxWidth) MaxWidth = W + ExtraWidth; } WinWidth = MaxWidth; ListX = Owner.EditAreaDrawX + Owner.EditBoxWidth - WinWidth; ListY = Owner.Button.WinTop + Owner.Button.WinHeight; if(Count > MaxVisible) { VertSB.ShowWindow(); VertSB.SetRange(0, Count, MaxVisible); VertSB.WinLeft = WinWidth - LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth - HBorder; VertSB.WinTop = HBorder; VertSB.WinWidth = LookAndFeel.Size_ScrollbarWidth; VertSB.WinHeight = WinHeight - 2*VBorder; } else { VertSB.HideWindow(); } Owner.WindowToGlobal(ListX, ListY, WinLeft, WinTop); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { local int Count; local UWindowComboListItem I; DrawMenuBackground(C); Count = 0; for( I = UWindowComboListItem(Items.Next);I != None; I = UWindowComboListItem(I.Next) ) { if(VertSB.bWindowVisible) { if(Count >= VertSB.Pos) DrawItem(C, I, HBorder, VBorder + (ItemHeight * (Count - VertSB.Pos)), WinWidth - (2 * HBorder) - VertSB.WinWidth, ItemHeight); } else DrawItem(C, I, HBorder, VBorder + (ItemHeight * Count), WinWidth - (2 * HBorder), ItemHeight); Count++; } } function DrawMenuBackground(Canvas C) { LookAndFeel.ComboList_DrawBackground(Self, C); } function DrawItem(Canvas C, UWindowList Item, float X, float Y, float W, float H) { LookAndFeel.ComboList_DrawItem(Self, C, X, Y, W, H, UWindowComboListItem(Item).Value, Selected == Item); } function ExecuteItem(UWindowComboListItem I) { Owner.SetValue(I.Value, I.Value2); CloseUp(); } function CloseUp() { Owner.CloseUp(); } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { Super.FocusOtherWindow(W); if(bWindowVisible && W.ParentWindow.ParentWindow != Self && W.ParentWindow != Self && W.ParentWindow != Owner) CloseUp(); } ~~~~~be4[4)w-2 R ?%R 6.% .% h R 6=-2R  ~jX4hvzAOG hhSh-hahhh ?,hh-t'hIG hOG hTG hQG hRrhK\hGrhJ] ~[class UWindowComboLeftButton extends UWindowButton; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Combo_SetupLeftButton(Self); } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { local int i; Super.LMouseDown(X, Y); if(!bDisabled) { i = UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).GetSelectedIndex(); i--; if(i < 0) i = UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).List.Items.Count() - 1; UWindowComboControl(OwnerWindow).SetSelectedIndex(i); } } ~g4tW+%-u()wO*O ~j]4_hCJH __S_-_a___ __-t'_IH _OH _TH _QH _Rg_K__Gg_J` ~l@class UWindowComboControl extends UWindowDialogControl; var float EditBoxWidth; var float EditAreaDrawX, EditAreaDrawY; var UWindowEditBox EditBox; var UWindowComboButton Button; var UWindowComboLeftButton LeftButton; var UWindowComboRightButton RightButton; var class ListClass; var UWindowComboList List; var bool bListVisible; var bool bCanEdit; var bool bButtons; function Created() { Super.Created(); EditBox = UWindowEditBox(CreateWindow(class'UWindowEditBox', 0, 0, WinWidth-12, WinHeight)); EditBox.NotifyOwner = Self; EditBoxWidth = WinWidth / 2; EditBox.bTransient = True; Button = UWindowComboButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowComboButton', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, 10)); Button.Owner = Self; List = UWindowComboList(Root.CreateWindow(ListClass, 0, 0, 100, 100)); List.LookAndFeel = LookAndFeel; List.Owner = Self; List.Setup(); List.HideWindow(); bListVisible = False; SetEditTextColor(LookAndFeel.EditBoxTextColor); } function SetButtons(bool bInButtons) { bButtons = bInButtons; if(bInButtons) { LeftButton = UWindowComboLeftButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowComboLeftButton', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, 10)); RightButton = UWindowComboRightButton(CreateWindow(class'UWindowComboRightButton', WinWidth-12, 0, 12, 10)); } else { LeftButton = None; RightButton = None; } } function Notify(byte E) { Super.Notify(E); if(E == DE_LMouseDown) { if(!bListVisible) { if(!bCanEdit) { DropDown(); Root.CaptureMouse(List); } } else CloseUp(); } } function int FindItemIndex(string V, optional bool bIgnoreCase) { return List.FindItemIndex(V, bIgnoreCase); } function RemoveItem(int Index) { List.RemoveItem(Index); } function int FindItemIndex2(string V2, optional bool bIgnoreCase) { return List.FindItemIndex2(V2, bIgnoreCase); } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { if(bByParent && bListVisible) CloseUp(); Super.Close(bByParent); } function SetNumericOnly(bool bNumericOnly) { EditBox.bNumericOnly = bNumericOnly; } function SetNumericFloat(bool bNumericFloat) { EditBox.bNumericFloat = bNumericFloat; } function SetFont(int NewFont) { Super.SetFont(NewFont); EditBox.SetFont(NewFont); } function SetEditTextColor(Color NewColor) { EditBox.SetTextColor(NewColor); } function SetEditable(bool bNewCanEdit) { bCanEdit = bNewCanEdit; EditBox.SetEditable(bCanEdit); } function int GetSelectedIndex() { return List.FindItemIndex(GetValue()); } function SetSelectedIndex(int Index) { SetValue(List.GetItemValue(Index), List.GetItemValue2(Index)); } function string GetValue() { return EditBox.GetValue(); } function string GetValue2() { return EditBox.GetValue2(); } function SetValue(string NewValue, optional string NewValue2) { EditBox.SetValue(NewValue, NewValue2); } function SetMaxLength(int MaxLength) { EditBox.MaxLength = MaxLength; } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Combo_Draw(Self, C); Super.Paint(C, X, Y); } function AddItem(string S, optional string S2, optional int SortWeight) { List.AddItem(S, S2, SortWeight); } function InsertItem(string S, optional string S2, optional int SortWeight) { List.InsertItem(S, S2, SortWeight); } function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); LookAndFeel.Combo_SetupSizes(Self, C); List.bLeaveOnscreen = bListVisible && bLeaveOnscreen; } function CloseUp() { bListVisible = False; EditBox.SetEditable(bCanEdit); EditBox.SelectAll(); List.HideWindow(); } function DropDown() { bListVisible = True; EditBox.SetEditable(False); List.ShowWindow(); } function Sort() { List.Sort(); } function ClearValue() { EditBox.Clear(); } function Clear() { List.Clear(); EditBox.Clear(); } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { Super.FocusOtherWindow(W); if(bListVisible && W.ParentWindow != Self && W != List && W.ParentWindow != List) CloseUp(); } ~CH2S @ Kz CS v.z _.S _y .S [RS jy .S _y .z [y z  ~i`4U gEH@HU z?6 U6 S?,H^]U ?,U U z?6 U6 S?, ~y' 11~5q4zb5zw-O .% .% h R 6? ~ic4K aGRK GeGaK K aK  ~keP"-u' -~ O ~z ~~~A~mf4GiHspG%G (?GopFsYEsUDY ~~~k4~~db4x {S|.x w|*r|Fx .x _.|_|.|dx  ~py ~B~~l4~~us4p4 B ~A!j4O|H=O2X~AO?, A ` ~VR  :-m'V ~iwa ~hr4gQIMrg1[giVI ? W2g%iVI \?&? Z2g-XVI ?&?\?,A Y2V%g (?6V$6V$6V$g9VI ?gb,@[{' ~u class UWindowComboButton extends UWindowButton; var UWindowComboControl Owner; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Combo_GetButtonBitmaps(Self); bMouseDown = Owner.bListVisible; } function LMouseDown(float X, float Y) { if(!bDisabled) { if(Owner.bListVisible) Owner.CloseUp(); else { Owner.DropDown(); Root.CaptureMouse(Owner.List); } } } function Click(float X, float Y) { } function FocusOtherWindow(UWindowWindow W) { Super.FocusOtherWindow(W); if(Owner.bListVisible && W.ParentWindow != Owner && W.ParentWindow != Owner.List && W.ParentWindow.ParentWindow != Owner.List) Owner.CloseUp(); } ~5o/e r5e }-O .  .  l U  E? ~p[j*2 [R  ~\~~~~V~~k//============================================================================= // UWindowClientWindow - a blanked client-area window. //============================================================================= class UWindowClientWindow extends UWindowWindow; #exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=Background FILE=Textures\Background.pcx GROUP="Icons" MIPS=OFF function Close(optional bool bByParent) { if(!bByParent) ParentWindow.Close(bByParent); Super.Close(bByParent); } ~du4y^XKyi^ Yy2X^@y?,@ ^y(i^y?, ]y(i^y?, Zy@X^@y?,y?,@ \y6i^y?,y?, Xy2X^@@y?, _y@X^y?,@@y?, [y@X^@@y?,y?, b ~R //============================================================================= // UWindowCheckbox - a checkbox //============================================================================= class UWindowCheckbox extends UWindowButton; var bool bChecked; function BeforePaint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Checkbox_SetupSizes(Self, C); Super.BeforePaint(C, X, Y); } function Paint(Canvas C, float X, float Y) { LookAndFeel.Checkbox_Draw(Self, C); Super.Paint(C, X, Y); } function LMouseUp(float X, float Y) { if(!bDisabled) { bChecked = !bChecked; Notify(DE_Change); } Super.LMouseUp(X, Y); } ~h C; local Object O; i = InStr(Text, ","); if(i == -1) { ObjectClass=Text; Text=""; } else { ObjectClass=Left(Text, i); Text=Mid(Text, i+1); } //Log("Class: "$ObjectClass); C = class(DynamicLoadObject(ObjectClass, class'Class')); O = new C; while(Text != "") { i = InStr(Text, "="); if(i == -1) { Log("Missing value for property "$ObjectClass$"."$Text); PropertyName=Text; PropertyValue=""; } else { PropertyName=Left(Text, i); Text=Mid(Text, i+1); } if(Left(Text, 1) == "\"") { i = InStrAfter(Text, "\"", 1); if(i == -1) { Log("Missing quote for "$ObjectClass$"."$PropertyName); return O; } PropertyValue = Mid(Text, 1, i-1); Temp = Mid(Text, i+1, 1); if(Temp != "" && Temp != ",") Log("Missing comma after close quote for "$ObjectClass$"."$PropertyName); Text = Mid(Text, i+2); } else { i = InStr(Text, ","); if(i == -1) { PropertyValue=Text; Text=""; } else { PropertyValue=Left(Text, i); Text=Mid(Text, i+1); } } //Log("Property: "$PropertyName$" => "$PropertyValue); O.SetPropertyText(PropertyName, PropertyValue); } return O; } ~q w<# H   ' ~x4{o4d{ K%K,urKN*KN dKN@KNrKNdKNK"Out of LookAndFeel array space!!* ~bw4z4)-2 U ?%)U  E.  .  l U  E=-2U   W5" " ""*%:4*;Es"7a0~@doOJQ%J+2dOdExJ7_JOvnvP68YYI'VKttiYLR^LGIF0*tQ'JG'C'Doxx2577E__donJ=VXfd>'$1+   nv|@uIqiUaupukSr_JCY^<''n2'*E  !r.1Lo;=8+H]NyaD1qip}')8y/vnhq+9xd?b(.r_B/##M.  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