*El4T4pG>gZ llllllllllNone WaterPaint FirePaint IceLayerFireSystemEngineCoreDROP_RainDropsADropDROP_HorizontalOscSparkDROP_VerticalOsc DRAW_Lathe_3 DRAW_Lathe_2 DRAW_Lathe_4DROP_DiagonalLine2 DRAW_Normal FireTexture IceTexture WaterTexture WaveTexture WetTextureDROP_DiagonalOsc2DROP_DiagonalOsc1SPARK_Gametes SPARK_WheelSPARK_SphereLightningSPARK_RampLightningSPARK_LineLightning SPARK_StarsFractalTextureSPARK_LocalCloudSPARK_RandomCloudSPARK_WanderOrganicSPARK_Organic SPARK_Eels SPARK_FlocksSPARK_Fountain SPARK_Emit SLIDE_LinearSLIDE_CircularSLIDE_Gestation SLIDE_WavyX SLIDE_WavyYDROP_LeakyTapTIME_FrameRateSyncTIME_RealTimeScrollDROP_DrippyTapSPARK_LissajousSPARK_Cylinder3DSPARK_CylinderSPARK_BlazeLeftSPARK_BlazeRight SPARK_ConeSPARK_OzHasSpoken SPARK_Blaze SPARK_Signal SPARK_PulseSPARK_Sparkle SPARK_BurnDROP_RandomMoverDROP_AreaClampDROP_FixedRandomSpotSPARK_JugglersSPARK_CustomCloudDROP_HalfAmpl DRAW_LatheSPARK_SprinklerDROP_DiagonalLine1DROP_FixedDepthDROP_PhaseSpotDROP_ShallowSpotDROP_VerticalLineDROP_BigWhirlyDROP_WhirlyThingDROP_HorizontalLine OldSourceTexWDrop ForceRefresh LocalSource OldGlassTexTexture OldVDisplace TickAccu OldUDisplace PanningType VDisplace TimingType UPosition VPositionStructByteBByteCByteD IntProperty DropTypeWaveAmp FX_Frequency FX_Phase FX_Amplitude FX_Speed FX_RadiusFX_Size FX_DepthFX_Time NumDropsDrops SourceFields RenderTable WaterTable WaterParity OldWaveAmpLocalSourceBitmap BumpMapLight BumpMapAngle PhongRange PhongSizeESpark UDisplace MasterCountMoveIce Amplitude Frequency VertPanSpeedHorizPanSpeed TimeMethod PanningStyle GlassTextureFloatPropertyStructProperty AuxPhase DrawPhase GlobalPhase SoundOutput LightOutputVMaskUMask BoolPropertyObjectPropertybRisingdepthTypeSourceTextureYX ScriptTextPackageDModeArrayPropertyClassEnum TextBufferObjectByteAHeat ByteProperty SparkType RenderHeatFX_Heat FX_AuxSizeFX_AreaFX_HorizSpeed FX_VertSpeed DrawMode SparksLimit NumSparksSparksOldRenderHeat StarStatus PenDownX PenDownYNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneS%s4Z!t5Sq%s4ttFGHB=?KJLIE >-0t<;:987654321@'&%$#"!A DtC t./t()*+,tP t- ts//============================================================================= // WaveTexture: Simple phongish water surface. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //============================================================================= class WaveTexture extends WaterTexture native noexport; var(WaterPaint) byte BumpMapLight; var(WaterPaint) byte BumpMapAngle; var(WaterPaint) byte PhongRange; var(WaterPaint) byte PhongSize; ti//============================================================================= // WetTexture: Water amplitude used as displacement. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //============================================================================= class WetTexture extends WaterTexture native noexport; var(WaterPaint) texture SourceTexture; var transient texture OldSourceTex; var transient int LocalSourceBitmap; tV%//============================================================================= // FireTexture: A FireEngine fire texture. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //============================================================================= class FireTexture extends FractalTexture native noexport; // // Spark types. // enum ESpark { SPARK_Burn , SPARK_Sparkle , SPARK_Pulse , SPARK_Signal , SPARK_Blaze , SPARK_OzHasSpoken , SPARK_Cone , SPARK_BlazeRight , SPARK_BlazeLeft , SPARK_Cylinder , SPARK_Cylinder3D , SPARK_Lissajous , SPARK_Jugglers , SPARK_Emit , SPARK_Fountain , SPARK_Flocks , SPARK_Eels , SPARK_Organic , SPARK_WanderOrganic , SPARK_RandomCloud , SPARK_CustomCloud , SPARK_LocalCloud , SPARK_Stars , SPARK_LineLightning , SPARK_RampLightning , SPARK_SphereLightning , SPARK_Wheel , SPARK_Gametes , SPARK_Sprinkler , }; // Draw mode types enum DMode { DRAW_Normal , DRAW_Lathe , DRAW_Lathe_2 , DRAW_Lathe_3 , DRAW_Lathe_4 , }; // // Information about a single spark. // struct Spark { var ESpark Type; // Spark type. var byte Heat; // Spark heat. var byte X; // Spark X location (0 - Xdimension-1). var byte Y; // Spark Y location (0 - Ydimension-1). var byte ByteA; // X-speed. var byte ByteB; // Y-speed. var byte ByteC; // Age, Emitter freq. var byte ByteD; // Exp.Time. }; // // Persistent fire parameters. // var(FirePaint) ESpark SparkType; var(FirePaint) byte RenderHeat; var(FirePaint) bool bRising; var(FirePaint) byte FX_Heat; var(FirePaint) byte FX_Size; var(FirePaint) byte FX_AuxSize; var(FirePaint) byte FX_Area; var(FirePaint) byte FX_Frequency; var(FirePaint) byte FX_Phase; var(FirePaint) byte FX_HorizSpeed; var(FirePaint) byte FX_VertSpeed; var(FirePaint) DMode DrawMode; var(FirePaint) int SparksLimit; var int NumSparks; var transient array Sparks; // // Transient fire parameters. // var transient int OldRenderHeat; var transient byte RenderTable[1028]; var transient byte StarStatus; var transient byte PenDownX; var transient byte PenDownY; tp// =================================================================== // WaterTexture: Simple phongish water surface. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. // =================================================================== class IceTexture extends FractalTexture native noexport; // Ice movement definitions. enum PanningType { SLIDE_Linear, SLIDE_Circular, SLIDE_Gestation, SLIDE_WavyX, SLIDE_WavyY, }; enum TimingType { TIME_FrameRateSync, TIME_RealTimeScroll, }; // Persistent IceTexture Parameters. var(IceLayer) texture GlassTexture; var(IceLayer) texture SourceTexture; var(IceLayer) PanningType PanningStyle; var(IceLayer) TimingType TimeMethod; var(IceLayer) byte HorizPanSpeed; var(IceLayer) byte VertPanSpeed; var(IceLayer) byte Frequency; var(IceLayer) byte Amplitude; var(IceLayer) bool MoveIce; var float MasterCount; var float UDisplace; var float VDisplace; var float UPosition; var float VPosition; // Transient IceTexture Parameters var transient float TickAccu; var transient int OldUDisplace; var transient int OldVDisplace; var transient texture OldGlassTex; var transient texture OldSourceTex; var transient int LocalSource; var transient int ForceRefresh; tI*//======================================================================================= // WaterTexture: Base class for fractal water textures. Parent of Wave- and WetTexture. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //======================================================================================= class WaterTexture extends FractalTexture native noexport abstract; // // Water drops. // enum WDrop { DROP_FixedDepth , // Fixed depth spot, A=depth DROP_PhaseSpot , // Phased depth spot, A=frequency B=phase DROP_ShallowSpot , // Shallower phased depth spot, A=frequency B=phase DROP_HalfAmpl , // Half-amplitude (only 128+ values) DROP_RandomMover , // Randomly moves around DROP_FixedRandomSpot , // Fixed spot with random output DROP_WhirlyThing , // Moves in small circles, A=speed B=depth DROP_BigWhirly , // Moves in large circles, A=speed B=depth DROP_HorizontalLine , // Horizontal line segment DROP_VerticalLine , // Vertical line segment DROP_DiagonalLine1 , // Diagonal '/' DROP_DiagonalLine2 , // Diagonal '\' DROP_HorizontalOsc , // Horizontal oscillating line segment DROP_VerticalOsc , // Vertical oscillating line segment DROP_DiagonalOsc1 , // Diagonal oscillating '/' DROP_DiagonalOsc2 , // Diagonal oscillating '\' DROP_RainDrops , // General random raindrops, A=depth B=distribution radius DROP_AreaClamp , // Clamp spots to indicate shallow/dry areas DROP_LeakyTap , DROP_DrippyTap , }; // // Information about a single drop. // struct ADrop { var WDrop Type; // Drop type. var byte Depth; // Drop heat. var byte X; // Spark X location (0 - Xdimension-1). var byte Y; // Spark Y location (0 - Ydimension-1). var byte ByteA; // X-speed. var byte ByteB; // Y-speed. var byte ByteC; // Age, Emitter freq. etc. var byte ByteD; // Exp.Time etc. }; // // Water parameters. // var(WaterPaint) WDrop DropType; var(WaterPaint) byte WaveAmp; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Frequency; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Phase; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Amplitude; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Speed; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Radius; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Size; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Depth; var(WaterPaint) byte FX_Time; var int NumDrops; var ADrop Drops[256]; var transient int SourceFields; var transient byte RenderTable[1028]; var transient byte WaterTable[1536]; var transient byte WaterParity; var transient int OldWaveAmp; tp //============================================================================= // FractalTexture: Base class of FireEngine fractal textures. // This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified. //============================================================================= class FractalTexture extends Texture native noexport abstract; // Transient editing parameters. var transient int UMask; var transient int VMask; var transient int LightOutput; var transient int SoundOutput; var transient int GlobalPhase; var transient byte DrawPhase; var transient byte AuxPhase; t tt tt tt tt tt ttt tt(ttttttt tt!tt"tt#tt$tt% tt& ttM t IR'}qtt XR)Pq%s4tt t FR+hqtt* tt.tt/tt0tt1tt2tt3tt4tttt6tO R7|%s4tt9t:t;t<t=t>t?t@ttAt tB ttC ttD ttE tt  ttGtH tt ttJtKtLttN tt, tt8tQttRttSttTttUttVttWttttYtZt[t\t]t^t_t`tatbtctdtetftth @tgttti ttj ttk ttl tt tSV\V_VRSVAVKVYVVVXVWVJVBV[VUV}0VS2N"i3)v%K4)T p47X{47V B5) L5 `5'R4s5+R4ur=)R4b%gE7R4|IkR4U*ER4| ZFVEdDrCAIPH^7@lGz7H7OV7}d7|r7{@7zN7y \7xi7ww7WE7YS7Za7To7U}7SKWZ7~qW7OVWd7P{ NI MX Qg Pv ZE \T ]c ^r`AaOV^ctdBePf^glhziHjVkelumDnTodpt+OB+MQ+qa'ro's~'tM'u\7Qj7MzbINW[gQwPGZW\g]w^G)]V)^e)Lt)_B)gQ)``)ao)b~)cM)b\)ck)dz)eI)fW)gffgw)hF)mU)ie)ju)kE