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Lots of guns." PAH-ty time!"Now things get REALLY stupid."My, what a big gun you have."Splat splat splat." Suck it down!" 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A y Lm[y z ^%^C e^A :w:*xr:e::Rr:*ae^Y-~ eexcessive2.HitSound :7w:* r:e7::Yr:*ae  g -8g (  uK FDw*$@@.a!F@L= _J i`^w.J *M%^M,TM.J !o=M M xJclass ExcessiveHUDDomination extends ChallengeDominationHUD; simulated function DrawStatus(Canvas Canvas) { local float StatScale, ChestAmount, ThighAmount, H1, H2, X, Y, DamageTime; Local int ArmorAmount,CurAbs,i; Local inventory Inv,BestArmor; local bool bChestArmor, bShieldbelt, bThighArmor, bJumpBoots, bHasDoll; local Bot BotOwner; local TournamentPlayer TPOwner; local texture Doll, DollBelt; ArmorAmount = 0; CurAbs = 0; i = 0; BestArmor=None; for( Inv=PawnOwner.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if (Inv.bIsAnArmor) { if ( Inv.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt') ) bShieldbelt = true; else if ( Inv.IsA('Thighpads') ) { ThighAmount += Inv.Charge; bThighArmor = true; } else { bChestArmor = true; ChestAmount += Inv.Charge; } ArmorAmount += Inv.Charge; } else if ( Inv.IsA('UT_JumpBoots') ) bJumpBoots = true; else { i++; if ( i > 100 ) break; // can occasionally get temporary loops in netplay } } if ( !bHideStatus ) { TPOwner = TournamentPlayer(PawnOwner); if ( Canvas.ClipX < 400 ) bHasDoll = false; else if ( TPOwner != None) { Doll = TPOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = TPOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } else { BotOwner = Bot(PawnOwner); if ( BotOwner != None ) { Doll = BotOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = BotOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } } if ( bHasDoll ) { Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; StatScale = Scale * StatusScale; X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); if (PawnOwner.DamageScaling > 2.0) Canvas.DrawColor = PurpleColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 256*StatScale, 0, 0, 128.0, 256.0); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bShieldBelt ) { Canvas.DrawColor = BaseColor; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawIcon(DollBelt, StatScale); } if ( bChestArmor ) { ChestAmount = FMin(0.01 * ChestAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ChestAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 0, 128, 64); } if ( bThighArmor ) { ThighAmount = FMin(0.02 * ThighAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ThighAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 64*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 64, 128, 64); } if ( bJumpBoots ) { Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.SetPos(X, 128*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 128, 128, 64); } Canvas.Style = Style; if ( (PawnOwner == PlayerOwner) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { DamageTime = Level.TimeSeconds - HitTime[i]; if ( DamageTime < 1 ) { Canvas.SetPos(X + HitPos[i].X * StatScale, HitPos[i].Y * StatScale); if ( (HUDColor.G > 100) || (HUDColor.B > 100) ) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = (WhiteColor - HudColor) * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 255 * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 25, StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 64, 0, 64, 25.0, 64.0); } } } } } Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 64 * Scale; } Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor * H2 + (HUDColor - WhiteColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 128, 128, 128.0, 64.0); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.DrawColor * H2 + (WhiteColor - Canvas.DrawColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Max(0, PawnOwner.Health), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 0; } Canvas.SetPos(X, Y); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 0, 192, 128.0, 64.0); if ( bHideStatus && bShieldBelt ) Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Min(300,ArmorAmount), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); } eM { K3ka"rOM Y!A%D6O -%{ YOM @a V0b.. @ A e 66@ 6A .& jb e%'-e  >aa  e  J( @xMGz%cvxPassword::$ xyzc{}{v}zvcwNEEDPWcwWRONGPWOhcxhcw  Z k !r P r*   $.aj @@L= ~@|j Gb NMGP%oJNPassword::$ NyPo{Q{JQzJoLNEEDPWoLWRONGPWOKoNKoL q ! * O y &  h v :{ J' $=.av  @@L=  ~ { Cr.*w*%5q!X-q!:.%8:.%8(5q! d~ l C!Ol E ,@%LMI m t Lw[t u h%hn [hm 5w5*xr5[55Rr5*a[hY-p [excessive2.HitSound 57w5* r5[755Yr5*a[ Mu 2wu c*u% Iacu u wI*II$I )uI; ~class excessivethighpads expands thighpads; function bool HandlePickupQuery( inventory Item ) { local inventory S; if ( item.class == class ) { S = Pawn(Owner).FindInventoryType(class'excessiveshieldbelt'); if ( S==None ) { if ( Charge  ??2  ?}r?a?'$-'q!%!S -(q!3 q!3  Z W'; $ff?.a!P@L= d  Gr Xa>^#!| !u ! a #=^ !u u) @ F~.,,/excessive/ut.html,/UpdateServer/utmotdfallback.html&/UpdateServer/utmasterserver.txt%/UpdateServer/utircserver.txt NB3n a>$ u o Li[o h r%rs Zru 9w9*xr9Z99Rr9*aZrY-t Zexcessive2.HitSound 97w9* r9Z799Yr9*aZ e Ee  _ j& z2+r  W4r  SNr  2hr  Qr  Pr  Vr  Tr  Xr  Rr  ]r  \ { n`^w.{*K%^K,TK.{!G=K K Ef K2ra"rm` a!A%D6m -%f am` m wGvB [T [PuTPasswordzuQ[&HwTIv[&I*HwTIvH  U>!pcC.?,a!]??-L> MKlMFn%XjlPassword::$ lynX{o{jozjXkNEEDPWXkWRONGPWOTXlTXk  O ( 5class TranslocatorUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; @R&D KuuTcY)r=, W]"!Excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocatoros 8@r*z.2rz*s  {]%, \ W w r*/.&q!3-'-'a/!.- ff&??A ?,??@@YW  Qclass ExcessiveBrowserUpdateServerWindow expands UBrowserUpdateServerWindow; NclY `p\hostname\pp\hostport\Svpp\maptitle\pp\mapname\V~V.0yV3-T 'z0ExcessiveDeathMatchPlus0DeathMatchPlus3Uz0ExcessiveCTFGame0CTFGame3z0ExcessiveDomination0Domination3z0ExcessiveTeamGamePlus0TeamGamePlus3z0ExcessiveLastManStanding0LastManStanding33z0ExcessiveAssault0ExcessiveAssaultpp\gametype\0pp\numplayers\Spp\maxplayers\Sp\gamemode\openplayingpp\gamever\pp\minnetver\pl }r 2wr M*r% TaMr r wT*TT$T )rT; ^g2aYq΍a7=c j X#!w*q! @`S@ ZD?)?,Z%e,ȓS\e%Sex), S F),S ),S ),)%#), )&#),),# ),),#!),),# QwQ*}Qa/!,Q* )SQQ7 NeeBb=, R] Excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannonL} 2w} L*}% _aL} } w_*__$_ )}_; 2+r  W4r  SNr  2hr  Qr  Pr  Vr  Tr  Xr  Rr  ]r  \ mX_)Czb.. [ OPL 6O6P. #$tILD0@((zLիX?O?իX?P?|9z?'|{.xLEzLc{LE9OP  i'86:.%%6 zn 8YQ2@r*G.2rG*n   vV qZSr*/.Q&-'-'G p.d.b@dd #GD'-ZRVa  !GZ?,"GG6Z6R6Va u !Ga a !GVa w !G?,RVa E !GRa u !G?,RV?wp*?p?&a w !GRVV q!3 A b|"G{Y Gb.. h A@r 6A6@. #$tIrD0@((Brի{?A?ի{?@?s9B?'s[.xhWBr,%hr?,a  r?,`sPBrH[hW9A@  2+r  W4r  SNr  2hr  Qr  Pr  Vr  Tr  Xr  Rr  ]r  \  fK@ BD?&?,B%G,ȓK\G%KGx&, K F&,K &,K &,&%#&, &&#&,&,# &,&,#!&,&,# LwL*}La/!,L* &KLL7  2+r  W4r  SNr  2hr  Qr  Pr  Vr  Tr  Xr  Rr  ]r  \   2+r  W4r  SNr  2hr  Qr  Pr  Vr  Tr  Xr  Rr  ]r  \  TOy3wO R* aRw* )O-'  O xO$Oa/!\~.O q!%Oq!JO *Oa/!Xa/!L /O zju2g =, T]excessive2.ExcessiveRipper|c 8^V@r*U.2rU*c  ;@TQI TQtwt*ta/!ta/!,JtwJ*w.2J*.2J[JJhttw* IQ N |kzq=, ]]$#excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncherNd 8h @r*E.2rE*d  ~yR(aq=>$ Cl}l,(=, P] excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifleVX 2fr*/.d&-'-'b.. YNOP a  !PY?,"PP6Y6N6O. jPD'-a } P(X q! P@?  -P -P'a?' JgaJ  J ]  3 J b  I J u  _ J h  u J F  J d  J o  J c  w*gJ] Z  /class SniperUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; o t S  AvdG2wv  *v% ta v v wt*tt )vt; BnF'=, \]excessive2.ExcessiveSniper,class BioUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; EIIZ5I,3w* II #  HizxJxxJG @ **w*a/!a/!,dKx%xw*aa/!a/!,a%3w3*w.3*:%:%.,DC?, GMK*/M=, Q]excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle,class ExcessiveChunk2 expands UTChunk2; i,a/!ua/!\(a/!sa/!Tmexcessive2.ExcessiveHealthPack(a/!Va/!Vmexcessive2.excessivearmor(1a/!Ca/!Umexcessive2.excessivethighpads(a/!Ea/!Ymexcessive2.excessiveshieldbelt(a/!J6. 6. w?' T ,} C31%-|W ;YS1;-vz;basic-,Z %1z;info-,l %1z;rules-,t %1ez;players?%-W, %1b-, %1Kz;status-,Z %%-,l %%%-,t %1H-,t %%-W, %1z;echo-,p\echo\Y %1z;securezp\validate\HY-,z %16z;level_property-,zY %1~z;game_property-,yY %1z;player_property-,gY %1pUdpServerQuery: Unknown query: ;+-UdpServerQuery: Error responding to query.S P [WIM=a!,@>L= $ff@ dclass ExcessiveRocketLauncher expands UT_EightBall; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; local name temp, carried; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'UT_Eightball' ) { // set to the same priority as the UT_Eightball AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } function Fire( float Value ) { bPointing=True; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { bCanClientFire = true; bInstantRocket = false; if ( bInstantRocket ) { bFireLoad = True; RocketsLoaded = 1; GotoState(''); GotoState('FireRockets', 'Begin'); } else if ( Instigator.IsA('Bot') ) { if ( LockedTarget != None ) { bFireLoad = True; RocketsLoaded = 1; Instigator.bFire = 0; bPendingLock = true; GotoState(''); GotoState('FireRockets', 'Begin'); return; } else if ( (NewTarget != None) && !NewTarget.IsA('StationaryPawn') && (FRand() < 0.8) && (VSize(Instigator.Location - NewTarget.Location) > 400 + 400 * (1.25 - TimerCounter) + 1300 * FRand()) ) { Instigator.bFire = 0; bPendingLock = true; GotoState('Idle','PendingLock'); return; } else if ( !Bot(Owner).bNovice && (FRand() < 0.7) && IsInState('Idle') && (Instigator.Enemy != None) && ((Instigator.Enemy == Instigator.Target) || (Instigator.Target == None)) && !Instigator.Enemy.IsA('StationaryPawn') && (VSize(Instigator.Location - Instigator.Enemy.Location) > 700 + 1300 * FRand()) && (VSize(Instigator.Location - Instigator.Enemy.Location) < 2000) ) { NewTarget = CheckTarget(); OldTarget = NewTarget; if ( NewTarget == Instigator.Enemy ) { if ( TimerCounter > 0.6 ) SetTimer(1.0, true); Instigator.bFire = 0; bPendingLock = true; GotoState('Idle','PendingLock'); return; } } bPendingLock = false; GotoState('NormalFire'); } else GotoState('NormalFire'); } } function AltFire( float Value ) { bPointing=True; bInstantRocket = False; bCanClientFire = true; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) GoToState('AltFiring'); } simulated function PlayLoading(float rate, int num) { if( Owner == None ) return; Owner.PlayOwnedSound(CockingSound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim(LoadAnim[num],3.0, 0.05); } simulated function PlayRotating(int num) { Owner.PlayOwnedSound(Misc3Sound, SLOT_None, 0.1*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim(RotateAnim[num],3.0, 0.05); } simulated function PlayRFiring(int num) { if ( Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).shakeview(ShakeTime, ShakeMag*RocketsLoaded, ShakeVert); //shake player view PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(650, 450, 190)); } if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( bFireLoad ) PlayOwnedSound(class'RocketMk2'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None, 4.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); else PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None, 4.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); if (!bInstantRocket) PlayAnim(FireAnim[num], 3.45, 0.05); } state NormalFire { function AnimEnd() { if ( bRotated ) { bRotated = false; PlayLoading(1.1, RocketsLoaded); } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (RocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { GotoState('FireRockets'); return; } RocketsLoaded++; AmmoType.UseAmmo(1); if (pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) bTightWad=True; NewTarget = CheckTarget(); if ( Pawn(NewTarget) != None ) Pawn(NewTarget).WarnTarget(Pawn(Owner), ProjectileSpeed, vector(Pawn(Owner).ViewRotation)); if ( LockedTarget != None ) { If ( NewTarget != LockedTarget ) { LockedTarget = None; Owner.PlaySound(Misc2Sound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); bLockedOn=False; } else if (LockedTarget != None) Owner.PlaySound(Misc1Sound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } bPointing = true; Owner.MakeNoise(0.6 * Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); RotateRocket(); } } function RotateRocket() { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) == None ) { if ( FRand() > 0.33 ) Pawn(Owner).bFire = 0; if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire == 0 ) { GoToState('FireRockets'); return; } } if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0 ) { GotoState('FireRockets'); return; } if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount == 1 ) Owner.PlaySound(Misc2Sound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayRotating(RocketsLoaded-1); bRotated = true; } } state ClientFiring { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire == 0) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) FiringRockets(); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else if ( ( bRotated ) && ( ClientRocketsLoaded < 6 ) ) { PlayLoading(1.1, ClientRocketsLoaded); bRotated = false; ClientRocketsLoaded++; } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (ClientRocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { FiringRockets(); return; } Enable('Tick'); PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function BeginState() { bFireLoad = true; if ( bInstantRocket ) { Disable('AnimEnd'); ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; FiringRockets(); if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else { FiringRockets(); return; } } else { ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function EndState() { ClientRocketsLoaded = 0; bClientDone = false; bRotated = false; } } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire == 0) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) FiringRockets(); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else if ( ( bRotated ) && ( ClientRocketsLoaded < 6 ) ) { PlayLoading(1.1, ClientRocketsLoaded); bRotated = false; ClientRocketsLoaded++; } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (ClientRocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { FiringRockets(); return; } Enable('Tick'); PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function BeginState() { bFireLoad = false; if ( bInstantRocket ) { Disable('AnimEnd'); ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; FiringRockets(); if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else { FiringRockets(); return; } } else { ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function EndState() { ClientRocketsLoaded = 0; bClientDone = false; bRotated = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state AltFiring { function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if( (pawn(Owner).bAltFire==0) || (RocketsLoaded > 5) || bInstantRocket ) // If if Fire button down, load up another GoToState('FireRockets'); } function AnimEnd() { if ( bRotated && (RocketsLoaded <= 6) ) { bRotated = false; PlayLoading(1.1, RocketsLoaded); } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (RocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { GotoState('FireRockets'); return; } RocketsLoaded++; AmmoType.UseAmmo(1); if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) == None) && ((FRand() > 0.5) || (Pawn(Owner).Enemy == None)) ) Pawn(Owner).bAltFire = 0; bPointing = true; Owner.MakeNoise(0.6 * Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); RotateRocket(); } } /* function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); RocketsLoaded = 1; bFireLoad = False; if (!bInstantRocket) RotateRocket(); }*/ function RotateRocket() { if (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) { GotoState('FireRockets'); return; } PlayRotating(RocketsLoaded-1); bRotated = true; } function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); RocketsLoaded = 1; bFireLoad = False; RotateRocket(); } Begin: bLockedOn = False; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state FireRockets { function Fire(float F) {} function AltFire(float F) {} function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function bool SplashJump() { return false; } function BeginState() { local vector FireLocation, StartLoc, X,Y,Z; local rotator FireRot, RandRot; local ExcessiveRocket r; local ExcessiveSeekingRocket s; local ExcessiveGrenade g; local float Angle, RocketRad; local pawn BestTarget, PawnOwner; local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner; local int DupRockets; local bool bMultiRockets; PawnOwner = Pawn(Owner); if ( PawnOwner == None ) return; PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner); Angle = 0; DupRockets = RocketsLoaded - 1; if (DupRockets < 0) DupRockets = 0; if ( PlayerOwner == None ) bTightWad = ( FRand() * 4 < PawnOwner.skill ); GetAxes(PawnOwner.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartLoc = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; if ( bFireLoad ) AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustAim(ProjectileSpeed, StartLoc, AimError, True, bWarnTarget); else AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustToss(AltProjectileSpeed, StartLoc, AimError, True, bAltWarnTarget); if ( PlayerOwner != None ) AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.ViewRotation; PlayRFiring(RocketsLoaded-1); Owner.MakeNoise(PawnOwner.SoundDampening); if ( !bFireLoad ) { LockedTarget = None; bLockedOn = false; } else if ( LockedTarget != None ) { BestTarget = Pawn(CheckTarget()); if ( (LockedTarget!=None) && (LockedTarget != BestTarget) ) { LockedTarget = None; bLockedOn=False; } } else BestTarget = None; bPendingLock = false; bPointing = true; FireRot = AdjustedAim; RocketRad = 4; if (bTightWad || !bFireLoad) RocketRad=7; bMultiRockets = ( RocketsLoaded > 1 ); While ( RocketsLoaded > 0 ) { if ( bMultiRockets ) Firelocation = StartLoc - (Sin(Angle)*RocketRad - 7.5)*Y + (Cos(Angle)*RocketRad - 7)*Z - X * 4 * FRand(); else FireLocation = StartLoc; if (bFireLoad) { if ( Angle > 0 ) { if ( Angle < 3 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw - Angle * 600; else if ( Angle > 3.5 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw + (Angle - 3) * 600; else FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw; } if ( LockedTarget != None ) { s = Spawn( class 'ExcessiveSeekingRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); s.Seeking = LockedTarget; s.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if ( Angle > 0 ) s.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } else { r = Spawn( class'ExcessiveRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); r.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if (RocketsLoaded>4 && bTightWad) r.bRing=True; if ( Angle > 0 ) r.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } } else { g = Spawn( class 'ExcessiveGrenade',, '', FireLocation,AdjustedAim); g.NumExtraGrenades = DupRockets; if ( DupRockets > 0 ) { RandRot.Pitch = FRand() * 1500 - 750; RandRot.Yaw = FRand() * 1500 - 750; RandRot.Roll = FRand() * 1500 - 750; g.Velocity = g.Velocity >> RandRot; } } Angle += 1.0484; //2*3.1415/6; RocketsLoaded--; } bTightWad=False; if (bInstantRocket) { Disable('AnimEnd'); bRotated = true; RocketsLoaded = 1; PlayLoading(1.5,0); } else bRotated = false; } function AnimEnd() { if ( !bRotated && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); RocketsLoaded = 1; bRotated = true; return; } LockedTarget = None; Finish(); } Begin: Sleep(0.18); Finish(); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } N aL0RIFF WAVEfmt "V"Vdata ~}zzxwwvttttvvwx__b}zz}zvZYXXVVXXYYYZZYqpnpqqswz}qpXPL]]ZZZ\\\\tx{v\XSPO5210027RYvx}iX54578>D`gȺcB>E?:54475;FIS^yYPLXgn{zrklsskVDBDGJZkt}tppomox¸m_G*!'1DT]elrwwtqqrw}ſ]D42,&#-CQV[cjnkZKUhv|xj_J3'&)0=S|{VLJMVcy½|j`ZWSSZfmlVRKE?9658>HZn|Ͼ{j\G0% #)-.))6CLSZdlry~îxmS@-)#,FRY[\]\S=;;CYr̼{tg^^ZQ<63125CQYcmwnihlwŷne`_[XTMLOH=61036:AKXvȼ}oc\@1& "3EUgy¶vtlbJ=2'&+3?=:567:BP]fouoZH5 &$*/7BWftƺte\UG;1)"'.8BU_ecbeo|ŶwneYLF?5-,.4@N^kwyn_URRQNHHJILNKLR]djosx~¼xgVF5("%),.2:FS]jtŷq`WNF?;96569@ENU[`fiioyõysplibYSMHD?=>HU_ir{wofa_``[UTW[^][WUWZ^diou|~sgUF8/,,05E+LCs$jdf*e~8JS8-tv%00K9U2i׸|U#o*9՚7xɛoB͵^NR /V(4x4!(CJ*~@OPE7 /.n39&<`;730/.+d&!o13nk, ;vD*k\1־cڝՖOlڑd > {O9xa)d  e2,39'tV6r1~ED7#Bd&)>JA)Y$T'!%*& ,p&./%P!L4(HLB9,%%''$M! " #"M A!z=&6E=S4 i56A|< /&'/2-%:$'*40^.%?#/4*) &>uEt6{l)7;O857=BxB@@BEoG^GFGHK5M`J3Aq3'}%/$@IUC/,sd "|~E V *|32΂ֈroɟ< VꪥN' Z/JuU^GܪMXKg  9 !^  a]2^n@3O75j~iW+b'hen%фŒR֥e+Yekwa2jpj_üŠ}0ÇĞ_-ƚʸ>bJzգߙN̵ٵFːԗaҋS]xѝ` ÿ tYطœk%(Om6VWˊD{@ϋNݾDߋPY\-eI *v B[ Ap|bBXG;@ fiL^ # & i  s G| k1 r ) ! : r @*   l io\! } Z pg J #&()*+f,,-.1452-\**/]340|)0$z"#$ $ /   t Ee~vPEkVCs \  Y t  * ~ u d Lc  x   i{ /Gh  \ + 0) $: ;|hf(r '06P|bDyYQx!$sANVl.gSuXObIT2,i{0m(Ad[S@|gm+|f}`"Y8LGDOf< wl,',.@Z'JFl4QC)>5l|r]b&N>Z#E35L1"0T Ij\pjifgI}kIBo*W Ea x oh5  !' -,y8 p[s,H9!Gj`8<OfnfM60:LWO<( slmvwqbYRQSROLIHFGGILRSNOS]gpvwvyCclass excessiveshieldbelt extends ut_shieldbelt; function bool HandlePickupQuery( inventory Item ) { local inventory S; if ( item.class == class ) { S = Pawn(Owner).FindInventoryType(class'excessiveShieldbelt'); if ( S==None ) { if ( Charge$ V ?-. -H -H'm W[ b^wA* ws*Aa/!\sa/!LwAscV a/!d:A:scU .A {c ' w*$b[ sAT P O   o `>"$.@@a, fff??L=w.*). . 2class ExcessiveRocketPack extends RocketPack; W >C=a!33??L= $ff@  Dz !w*  erclass ExcessiveEnforcer expands Enforcer; function SpawnDouble() { local Pawn P; local Inventory Copy; if (SlaveEnforcer == None) { P = Pawn(Owner); // spawn a double Copy = Spawn(class, P); Copy.BecomeItem(); ItemName = DoubleName; SlaveEnforcer = ExcessiveEnforcer(Copy); SetTwoHands(); AIRating = 0.4; SlaveEnforcer.SetUpSlave( Pawn(Owner).Weapon == self ); SlaveEnforcer.SetDisplayProperties(Style, Texture, bUnlit, bMeshEnviromap); SetTwoHands(); } } function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'doubleenforcer' ) { AutoSwitchPriority = i; DoubleSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); bMuzzleFlash++; PlayAnim('Shoot', 3.2, 0.02); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayAnim('T1', 3.8, 0.05); bFirstFire = true; } simulated function PlayRepeatFiring() { if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.2, vect(325, 225, 95)); PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); } bMuzzleFlash++; PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim('Shot2', 3.8 , 0.05); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local UT_Shellcase s; local vector realLoc; realLoc = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); if (Other == Level) { if ( bIsSlave || (SlaveEnforcer != None) ) Spawn(class'UT_LightWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); else Spawn(class'UT_WallHit',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); } else if ((Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) { if ( FRand() < 0.2 ) X *= 5; Other.TakeDamage(HitDamage, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 3000.0*X, MyDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); else Other.PlaySound(Sound 'ChunkHit',, 4.0,,100); } } simulated function PlayNormRepeatFiring() { if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.2, vect(325, 225, 95)); PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); } bMuzzleFlash++; PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim('Shoot', 3.2 , 0.05); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state NormalFire { ignores Fire, AltFire, AnimEnd; function Timer() { if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SlaveEnforcer.Fire(0); } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SetTimer(0.20, false); Repeater: if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { FlashCount++; TraceFire(0.2); PlayNormRepeatFiring(); FinishAnim(); } if ( bIsSlave ) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) Goto('Repeater'); } else if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); else if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) == None ) Pawn(Owner).bFire = int( FRand() < ReFireRate ); Goto('Repeater'); } PlayAnim('Shoot', 2.8, 0.05); Finish(); } state AltFiring { ignores Fire, AltFire, AnimEnd; function Timer() { if ( Slaveenforcer != none ) Slaveenforcer.AltFire(0); } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SetTimer(0.20, false); FinishAnim(); Repeater: if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { FlashCount++; if(frand()<0.4) TraceFire2(AltAccuracy); else TraceFire(AltAccuracy); PlayRepeatFiring(); FinishAnim(); } if ( AltAccuracy < 3 ) AltAccuracy += 0.5; if ( bIsSlave ) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) Goto('Repeater'); } else if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); else if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) == None ) Pawn(Owner).bAltFire = int( FRand() < AltReFireRate ); Goto('Repeater'); } PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); Finish(); } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { if ( bIsSlave ) Global.ClientFire(Value); return false; } simulated function Timer() { if ( (SlaveEnforcer != none) && SlaveEnforcer.ClientAltFire(0) ) return; SetTimer(0.5, false); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( Pawn(Owner) == None ) GotoState(''); else if ( Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0 ) { PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bIsSlave && !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( bFirstFire || (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0) ) { PlayRepeatFiring(); bFirstFire = false; } else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else { PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); GotoState(''); } } simulated function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); if ( SlaveEnforcer != None ) SetTimer(0.2, false); else SetTimer(0.5, false); } simulated function EndState() { Super.EndState(); if ( SlaveEnforcer != None ) SlaveEnforcer.GotoState(''); } } function TraceFire2( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z, AimDir; local actor Other; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2.75*AimError, False, False); EndTrace = StartTrace + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 )* Y * 1000 + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 ) * Z * 1000; AimDir = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace += (10000 * AimDir); Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); ProcessTraceHit2(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, vector(AdjustedAim),Y,Z); } function ProcessTraceHit2(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local int rndDam; local Actor a; if (Other == Level) Spawn(class'UT_LightWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); else if ( (Other!=self) && (Other!=Owner) && (Other != None) ) { if ( Other.IsA('Bot') && (FRand() < 0.2) ) Pawn(Other).WarnTarget(Pawn(Owner), 500, X); rndDam = 12 + Rand(13); if ( FRand() < 0.2 ) X *= 2.5; Other.TakeDamage(rndDam, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, rndDam*500.0*X, MyDamageType); } a = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); a.DrawScale = a.DrawScale/3; HurtRadius(60,60.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } q S K2ma"r}} r!A%D6} -%S r}}  I D)1M>-%!?%&-' *$ Q b 3 , Q   cdef@aG@<:GR M L N Ga @  !YB Y1pN.bNN Fqp NqN #$tIpD?,((9cp?'|NxTJcpJTp?,Cf,a P p?,bPcpf%JfH|TJFq  qWB$.@a!h@L= ^CMFE%iACPassword::$ CyEi{F{AFzAiBNEEDPWiBWRONGPWOpiCpiB _  a%I %A%H *C#wC*C-lCa/!E-_'Ca/!CH?C-C'-F'l?CaC Ca/!X-@' A A,d#CC0-b.b?-g(wb*Bb]b-g'\.w\*B\]\-g'-g$?,@4aBCCCCI-_6$]-Fl #<l?b(l4aBCBCCBx-CH ף<H?b(HB4aBCBCBCB-@C4aBCBCCCBr--A%A,DAD?&;6A6A:6,d:6,d2b(b%?@D6C?,?@DJa A?,A?,@BABAF"--?b?,@`?,?,bBb,2|?S?|b'b(Sb(b%|4a CBCCCB,2|?S?|b'b(Sb(b%|'%D?,Db?,? --??,b?,@ ?,?,bb4a CB@CCB? --_S ',aD?,Db?,? +class ExcessiveTracer expands MTracer; yk m($aa!a (class ExcessivePAmmo expands PAmmo; i > Ba!hY@L=$.@ oclass ExcessiveBrowserMainWindow expands UBrowserMainWindow; function BeginPlay() { Super.BeginPlay(); ClientClass = class'ExcessiveBrowserMainClientWindow'; } ,class ExcessiveBioAmmo extends BioAmmo; s 6class ExcessivePlasmaSphere expands PlasmaSphere; EAclass ExcessiveDeathMatchPlus extends DeathMatchPlus; var string Mutators[16]; var int NumMutators; var globalconfig bool bUseHitSound; var globalconfig string ReservedPassword; var globalconfig int NumReservedSpots; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { local Mutator M; local class MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } o DG uK r*/.&q!-'-'(G r*.V-6?%-'r -( .class ExcessiveFlakAmmo extends FlakAmmo; loGuD ]_ ]Em_PasswordzmF]&o_@n]&@*o_@n ~h& |O3 D r`^w.D*O%^O,TO.D!j=O O AF * 4class ExcessiveBladeHopper expands BladeHopper; Rg (^*$ 0class ExcessiveShockCore expands ShockCore; $--(!̌?D- ,q!- &}:.%-'}w.*.)B.9. Sw*"w*a$.-(SSw*a$.-'b?.a _  \%F %D%D *H#wH*H-lHa/!E-['Ha/!Cn?H-z'-'K?H\H Ha/!X-y' D D,d#HH0-`.b?-y(w`*v`Z`-y'f.wf*vfZf-y'-y$"?,"@4avCCCCI-[6$"Z-K #<K?b(K"4avCBCCBx-zn ף<n?b(n"B4avCBCBCB-y"C4avCBCCCBr--D%D,qDq?&;"6D6D:6,d:6,d2b(b%?@q6C?,?@qJa D?,D?,@BABDF"--"?g?,@`"?,?,gB"g,2w?b?wb'b(bb(b%w4a CBCCCB,2w?b?wb'b(bb(b%w'%D"?,Dg?,? --"??,g?,@ "?,?,g"g4a CB@CCB? --[S ',\D"?,Dg?,?  S Cr.*w*%5q!X-q!:.%8:.%8(5q! /class ExcessiveRazorAlt expands Razor2Alt; mIclass ExcessiveBrowserIRCSetupClient expands UBrowserIRCSetupClient; r class ExcessiveBrowserIRCSystemPage expands UBrowserIRCSystemPage; function Created() { Super.Created(); Splitter = UWindowVSplitter(CreateWindow(class'UWindowVSplitter', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); SetupClient = UBrowserIRCSetupClient(Splitter.CreateWindow(class'ExcessiveBrowserIRCSetupClient', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight, Self)); TextArea.SetParent(Splitter); Splitter.TopClientWindow = SetupClient; Splitter.BottomClientWindow = TextArea; Splitter.SplitPos = 45; Splitter.MaxSplitPos = 45; Splitter.MinWinHeight = 0; Splitter.bSizable = True; Splitter.bBottomGrow = True; Setup(); } lJclass ExcessiveHUDTeam extends ChallengeTeamHUD; simulated function DrawStatus(Canvas Canvas) { local float StatScale, ChestAmount, ThighAmount, H1, H2, X, Y, DamageTime; Local int ArmorAmount,CurAbs,i; Local inventory Inv,BestArmor; local bool bChestArmor, bShieldbelt, bThighArmor, bJumpBoots, bHasDoll; local Bot BotOwner; local TournamentPlayer TPOwner; local texture Doll, DollBelt; ArmorAmount = 0; CurAbs = 0; i = 0; BestArmor=None; for( Inv=PawnOwner.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if (Inv.bIsAnArmor) { if ( Inv.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt') ) bShieldbelt = true; else if ( Inv.IsA('Thighpads') ) { ThighAmount += Inv.Charge; bThighArmor = true; } else { bChestArmor = true; ChestAmount += Inv.Charge; } ArmorAmount += Inv.Charge; } else if ( Inv.IsA('UT_JumpBoots') ) bJumpBoots = true; else { i++; if ( i > 100 ) break; // can occasionally get temporary loops in netplay } } if ( !bHideStatus ) { TPOwner = TournamentPlayer(PawnOwner); if ( Canvas.ClipX < 400 ) bHasDoll = false; else if ( TPOwner != None) { Doll = TPOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = TPOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } else { BotOwner = Bot(PawnOwner); if ( BotOwner != None ) { Doll = BotOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = BotOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } } if ( bHasDoll ) { Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; StatScale = Scale * StatusScale; X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); if (PawnOwner.DamageScaling > 2.0) Canvas.DrawColor = PurpleColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 256*StatScale, 0, 0, 128.0, 256.0); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bShieldBelt ) { Canvas.DrawColor = BaseColor; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawIcon(DollBelt, StatScale); } if ( bChestArmor ) { ChestAmount = FMin(0.01 * ChestAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ChestAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 0, 128, 64); } if ( bThighArmor ) { ThighAmount = FMin(0.02 * ThighAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ThighAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 64*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 64, 128, 64); } if ( bJumpBoots ) { Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.SetPos(X, 128*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 128, 128, 64); } Canvas.Style = Style; if ( (PawnOwner == PlayerOwner) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { DamageTime = Level.TimeSeconds - HitTime[i]; if ( DamageTime < 1 ) { Canvas.SetPos(X + HitPos[i].X * StatScale, HitPos[i].Y * StatScale); if ( (HUDColor.G > 100) || (HUDColor.B > 100) ) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = (WhiteColor - HudColor) * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 255 * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 25, StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 64, 0, 64, 25.0, 64.0); } } } } } Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 64 * Scale; } Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor * H2 + (HUDColor - WhiteColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 128, 128, 128.0, 64.0); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.DrawColor * H2 + (WhiteColor - Canvas.DrawColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Max(0, PawnOwner.Health), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 0; } Canvas.SetPos(X, Y); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 0, 192, 128.0, 64.0); if ( bHideStatus && bShieldBelt ) Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Min(300,ArmorAmount), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); } Cclass ExcessiveBrowserIRCWindow expands UBrowserIRCWindow; function Created() { Super.Created(); PageControl = UWindowPageControl(CreateWindow(class'UWindowPageControl', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); PageControl.SetMultiLine(True); PageControl.bSelectNearestTabOnRemove = True; SystemPage = UBrowserIRCSystemPage(PageControl.AddPage(SystemName, class'ExcessiveBrowserIRCSystemPage').Page); SystemPage.PageParent = PageControl; } iBHMXa  ! ?,lծ333@6@~?&wX*X@XTRծ>>lծL>L>~ծ>??, rBa  \YPYwB wB wB*B( ,W.\`Flia  \Y?, ii?BB`jG\Y?,   DaNUr.*2>.$U:.%q!- r%q!- &a$.:&-' {p 2wp l*p% `alp p w`*``$` )p`; ,class ExcessiveChunk4 expands UTChunk4; r`* $ J}wk evaDc8ra* ra ra r* A GAQ?,raaa/!K8 D?,G.Q@~Gaa; D?G.Q`F~Gaa-aa/!sa  Q\ ?,  m 0class ExcessiveBulletBox expands BulletBox; i_class ExcessiveHUDCTF extends ChallengeCTFHUD; simulated function DrawGameSynopsis(Canvas Canvas) { local float XL, YL, XOffset, YOffset; local int MaxPlayers; local string Spread; local TournamentGameReplicationInfo GRI; local int i; if ( (PawnOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo == None) || PawnOwner.PlayerReplicationInfo.bIsSpectator || (PlayerCount == 1) ) return; Canvas.Font = MyFonts.GetBigFont( Canvas.ClipX ); Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; Canvas.SetPos(0, YOffset + YL); GRI = TournamentGameReplicationInfo(PlayerOwner.GameReplicationInfo); if ( GRI != None ) for ( i=0 ;i<4; i++ ) DrawTeam(Canvas, GRI.Teams[i]); // Rank String Canvas.StrLen(RankString, XL, YL); if ( bHideAllWeapons ) YOffset = Canvas.ClipY - YL*2; else if ( HudScale * WeaponScale * Canvas.ClipX <= Canvas.ClipX - 256 * Scale ) YOffset = Canvas.ClipY - 64*Scale - YL*2; else YOffset = Canvas.ClipY - 128*Scale - YL*2; Canvas.SetPos(0, YOffset); Canvas.DrawText(RankString, False); if (bTiedScore) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; Canvas.SetPos(XL, YOffset); Canvas.DrawText(" "$Rank@"/"@PlayerCount, False); Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; // Spread String Canvas.SetPos(0, YOffset + YL); if (Lead > 0) Spread = SpreadString$" +"$Lead; else Spread = SpreadString$" "$Lead; Canvas.DrawText(Spread, False); } simulated function DrawStatus(Canvas Canvas) { local float StatScale, ChestAmount, ThighAmount, H1, H2, X, Y, DamageTime; Local int ArmorAmount,CurAbs,i; Local inventory Inv,BestArmor; local bool bChestArmor, bShieldbelt, bThighArmor, bJumpBoots, bHasDoll; local Bot BotOwner; local TournamentPlayer TPOwner; local texture Doll, DollBelt; ArmorAmount = 0; CurAbs = 0; i = 0; BestArmor=None; for( Inv=PawnOwner.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if (Inv.bIsAnArmor) { if ( Inv.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt') ) bShieldbelt = true; else if ( Inv.IsA('Thighpads') ) { ThighAmount += Inv.Charge; bThighArmor = true; } else { bChestArmor = true; ChestAmount += Inv.Charge; } ArmorAmount += Inv.Charge; } else if ( Inv.IsA('UT_JumpBoots') ) bJumpBoots = true; else { i++; if ( i > 100 ) break; // can occasionally get temporary loops in netplay } } if ( !bHideStatus ) { TPOwner = TournamentPlayer(PawnOwner); if ( Canvas.ClipX < 400 ) bHasDoll = false; else if ( TPOwner != None) { Doll = TPOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = TPOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } else { BotOwner = Bot(PawnOwner); if ( BotOwner != None ) { Doll = BotOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = BotOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } } if ( bHasDoll ) { Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; StatScale = Scale * StatusScale; X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); if (PawnOwner.DamageScaling > 2.0) Canvas.DrawColor = PurpleColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 256*StatScale, 0, 0, 128.0, 256.0); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bShieldBelt ) { Canvas.DrawColor = BaseColor; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawIcon(DollBelt, StatScale); } if ( bChestArmor ) { ChestAmount = FMin(0.01 * ChestAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ChestAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 0, 128, 64); } if ( bThighArmor ) { ThighAmount = FMin(0.02 * ThighAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ThighAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 64*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 64, 128, 64); } if ( bJumpBoots ) { Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.SetPos(X, 128*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 128, 128, 64); } Canvas.Style = Style; if ( (PawnOwner == PlayerOwner) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { DamageTime = Level.TimeSeconds - HitTime[i]; if ( DamageTime < 1 ) { Canvas.SetPos(X + HitPos[i].X * StatScale, HitPos[i].Y * StatScale); if ( (HUDColor.G > 100) || (HUDColor.B > 100) ) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = (WhiteColor - HudColor) * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 255 * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 25, StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 64, 0, 64, 25.0, 64.0); } } } } } Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 64 * Scale; } Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor * H2 + (HUDColor - WhiteColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 128, 128, 128.0, 64.0); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.DrawColor * H2 + (WhiteColor - Canvas.DrawColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Max(0, PawnOwner.Health), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 0; } Canvas.SetPos(X, Y); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 0, 192, 128.0, 64.0); if ( bHideStatus && bShieldBelt ) Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Min(300,ArmorAmount), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); } Uclass ExcessiveShockExpl expands UT_SpriteBallExplosion; var int Damage; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { if ( Level.NetMode != NM_Client ) MakeSound(); if ( !Level.bDropDetail ) Texture = SpriteAnim[Rand(3)]; if ( (Level.NetMode!=NM_DedicatedServer) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) SetTimer(0.05+FRand()*0.04,False); else LightRadius = 6; Super(AnimSpriteEffect).PostBeginPlay(); } simulated Function Timer() { if ( Level.bDropDetail ) return; if ( FRand() < 0.4 + (MissCount - 1.5 * ExpCount) * 0.25 ) { ExpCount++; Spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallChild',Self, '', Location + (20 + 20 * FRand()) * (VRand() + Vect(0,0,0.5)) ); HurtRadius(Damage,60.0, class'Shockproj'.Default.MyDamageType, 0, Location ); MakeNoise(1.0); } else MissCount++; if ( (ExpCount < 3) && (LifeSpan > 0.45) ) SetTimer(0.05+FRand()*0.05,False); } kJclass ExcessiveHUD extends ChallengeHUD; simulated function DrawStatus(Canvas Canvas) { local float StatScale, ChestAmount, ThighAmount, H1, H2, X, Y, DamageTime; Local int ArmorAmount,CurAbs,i; Local inventory Inv,BestArmor; local bool bChestArmor, bShieldbelt, bThighArmor, bJumpBoots, bHasDoll; local Bot BotOwner; local TournamentPlayer TPOwner; local texture Doll, DollBelt; ArmorAmount = 0; CurAbs = 0; i = 0; BestArmor=None; for( Inv=PawnOwner.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if (Inv.bIsAnArmor) { if ( Inv.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt') ) bShieldbelt = true; else if ( Inv.IsA('Thighpads') ) { ThighAmount += Inv.Charge; bThighArmor = true; } else { bChestArmor = true; ChestAmount += Inv.Charge; } ArmorAmount += Inv.Charge; } else if ( Inv.IsA('UT_JumpBoots') ) bJumpBoots = true; else { i++; if ( i > 100 ) break; // can occasionally get temporary loops in netplay } } if ( !bHideStatus ) { TPOwner = TournamentPlayer(PawnOwner); if ( Canvas.ClipX < 400 ) bHasDoll = false; else if ( TPOwner != None) { Doll = TPOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = TPOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } else { BotOwner = Bot(PawnOwner); if ( BotOwner != None ) { Doll = BotOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = BotOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } } if ( bHasDoll ) { Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; StatScale = Scale * StatusScale; X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); if (PawnOwner.DamageScaling > 2.0) Canvas.DrawColor = PurpleColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 256*StatScale, 0, 0, 128.0, 256.0); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bShieldBelt ) { Canvas.DrawColor = BaseColor; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawIcon(DollBelt, StatScale); } if ( bChestArmor ) { ChestAmount = FMin(0.01 * ChestAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ChestAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 0, 128, 64); } if ( bThighArmor ) { ThighAmount = FMin(0.02 * ThighAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ThighAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 64*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 64, 128, 64); } if ( bJumpBoots ) { Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.SetPos(X, 128*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 128, 128, 64); } Canvas.Style = Style; if ( (PawnOwner == PlayerOwner) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { DamageTime = Level.TimeSeconds - HitTime[i]; if ( DamageTime < 1 ) { Canvas.SetPos(X + HitPos[i].X * StatScale, HitPos[i].Y * StatScale); if ( (HUDColor.G > 100) || (HUDColor.B > 100) ) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = (WhiteColor - HudColor) * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 255 * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 25, StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 64, 0, 64, 25.0, 64.0); } } } } } Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 64 * Scale; } Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor * H2 + (HUDColor - WhiteColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 128, 128, 128.0, 64.0); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.DrawColor * H2 + (WhiteColor - Canvas.DrawColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Max(0, PawnOwner.Health), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 0; } Canvas.SetPos(X, Y); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 0, 192, 128.0, 64.0); if ( bHideStatus && bShieldBelt ) Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Min(600,ArmorAmount), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); } d]86:.%%6  F @r*- & bj}X.wX*a%a,taXaax}G-j}?,?j?,@}?,j?,}?,j a((- xjaѨp S/S(j}%Ypp +SYpp S aY( qclass ExcessiveBrowserUpdateServerLink expands UBrowserUpdateServerLink; var config string MainServerAddress; var config string SecondaryServerAddress; function QueryUpdateServer() { UpdateServerAddress = MainServerAddress; Super.QueryUpdateServer(); } function SetupURIs() { MaxURI = 3; //URIs[3] = "/UpdateServer/utmotd"$Level.EngineVersion$".html"; URIs[3] = "/excessive/ut.html"; URIs[2] = "/UpdateServer/utmotdfallback.html"; URIs[1] = "/UpdateServer/utmasterserver.txt"; URIs[0] = "/UpdateServer/utircserver.txt"; } function HTTPError(int ErrorCode) { UpdateServerAddress = SecondaryServerAddress; Super.HTTPError(ErrorCode); } function HTTPReceivedData(string Data) { ProcessData(Data); UpdateServerAddress = SecondaryServerAddress; if(CurrentURI == MaxURI) CurrentURI--; if(CurrentURI == 0) Success(); else { CurrentURI--; BrowseCurrentURI(); } } jV class ExcessiveAmpMsg extends CriticalEventPlus; var(Message) string AmpMessage[11]; static function string GetString(optional int Spree, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { return Default.AmpMessage[Rand(11)]; } static simulated function ClientReceive( PlayerPawn P, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { Super.ClientReceive(P, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject); P.PlaySound(Sound'Botpack.Pickups.AmpPickup',, 4.0); return; } Y \ '-r.*q!F-!?%q!e- ,!̌?-(- ,6 u!:&-' X i& ]_@ W% %B%@ *E#wE*E-lEa/!E-S'Ea/!Co?E-s'-t'^?EWE Ea/!X-r' B B,d#EE0-`.b?-l(w`*@`R`-l'i.wi*@iRi-l'-l$#?,#@4a@CCCCI-S6$#R-t^ #<^?b(^#4a@CBCCBx-so ף<o?b(o#B4a@CBCBCB-r#C4a@CBCCCBr--B%B,RBR?&;#6B6B:6,d:6,d2b(b%?@R6C?,?@RJa B?,B?,@BABBF"--#?d?,@`#?,?,dB#d,2F?W?Fb'b(Wb(b%F4a CBCCCB,2F?W?Fb'b(Wb(b%F'%D#?,Dd?,? --#??,d?,@ #?,?,d#d4a CB@CCB? --SS ',WD#?,Dd?,? e class ExcessiveExplodingChunk expands UTChunk2; simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { ExplodeChunk(); } simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( (Pawn(Other) != None) && (Other != Instigator) ) ExplodeChunk(); } function BlowUp(vector HitLocation) { HurtRadius(70,90.0, MyDamageType, 50000, HitLocation ); MakeNoise(0.8); } simulated function ExplodeChunk() { local UT_SpriteBallExplosion s; s = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,Location); s.DrawScale *= 0.6; BlowUp(Location); Destroy(); } wclass ExcessiveBioSplash extends ExcessiveBioGel; auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('UT_BioGel') ) /*&& (LifeSpan > Default.LifeSpan - 0.2) )*/ return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } } ,class ExcessiveChunk3 expands UTChunk3; t_  .class ExcessiveMiniammo extends Miniammo; ~class ExcessiveInvisibility expands UT_invisibility; function GiveTo( pawn Other ) { Instigator = Other; BecomeItem(); Other.AddInventory( Self ); GotoState('Activated'); } e-'v-v! &6L-r.*q!sk-!?%q!es6 &:&-'  P`Z r*q!9 ,class ExcessiveChunk1 expands UTChunk1; i o B{ 8 @r*_.2r_*{  iWJ  q%-(-( y H$  FD -' ~class ExcessiveShockProj extends ShockProj; var int popcount; function SuperExplosion() { local int i, iExpl; local vector v; local excessiveshockproj esp; popcount++; log("Pop count!!!!: "$popcount); foreach radiusactors(class'excessiveshockproj',esp,350) esp.popcount=popcount; HurtRadius(Damage*5, 310, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*1.7, Location ); Spawn(Class'ut_ComboRing',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); PlaySound(ExploSound,,20.0,,2000,0.6); iExpl = 3 + Rand(3); for (i = 0; i < iExpl; i++) spawn(class'ExcessiveShockExpl',Self,,Location + (100 + 100 * FRand()) * (VRand() + Vect(0,0,0.5))); Destroy(); } singular function TakeDamage( int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, vector momentum, name damageType ) { if (damageType == MyDamageType && popcount<2) SuperExplosion(); Super.TakeDamage( NDamage, instigatedBy, hitlocation, momentum, damageType ); } class ExcessiveFlakSlug expands flakslug; function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local vector start; local int i, j; HurtRadius(damage, 150, 'FlakDeath', MomentumTransfer, HitLocation); start = Location + 10 * HitNormal; Spawn( class'ut_FlameExplosion',,,Start); j = 4 + Rand(4); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) Spawn( class 'ExcessiveExplodingChunk',, '', Start, Rotator(VRand())); Destroy(); } iJclass ExcessiveHUDAssault extends AssaultHUD; simulated function DrawStatus(Canvas Canvas) { local float StatScale, ChestAmount, ThighAmount, H1, H2, X, Y, DamageTime; Local int ArmorAmount,CurAbs,i; Local inventory Inv,BestArmor; local bool bChestArmor, bShieldbelt, bThighArmor, bJumpBoots, bHasDoll; local Bot BotOwner; local TournamentPlayer TPOwner; local texture Doll, DollBelt; ArmorAmount = 0; CurAbs = 0; i = 0; BestArmor=None; for( Inv=PawnOwner.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if (Inv.bIsAnArmor) { if ( Inv.IsA('UT_Shieldbelt') ) bShieldbelt = true; else if ( Inv.IsA('Thighpads') ) { ThighAmount += Inv.Charge; bThighArmor = true; } else { bChestArmor = true; ChestAmount += Inv.Charge; } ArmorAmount += Inv.Charge; } else if ( Inv.IsA('UT_JumpBoots') ) bJumpBoots = true; else { i++; if ( i > 100 ) break; // can occasionally get temporary loops in netplay } } if ( !bHideStatus ) { TPOwner = TournamentPlayer(PawnOwner); if ( Canvas.ClipX < 400 ) bHasDoll = false; else if ( TPOwner != None) { Doll = TPOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = TPOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } else { BotOwner = Bot(PawnOwner); if ( BotOwner != None ) { Doll = BotOwner.StatusDoll; DollBelt = BotOwner.StatusBelt; bHasDoll = true; } } if ( bHasDoll ) { Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; StatScale = Scale * StatusScale; X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); if (PawnOwner.DamageScaling > 2.0) Canvas.DrawColor = PurpleColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 256*StatScale, 0, 0, 128.0, 256.0); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bShieldBelt ) { Canvas.DrawColor = BaseColor; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawIcon(DollBelt, StatScale); } if ( bChestArmor ) { ChestAmount = FMin(0.01 * ChestAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ChestAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 0); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 0, 128, 64); } if ( bThighArmor ) { ThighAmount = FMin(0.02 * ThighAmount,1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor * ThighAmount; Canvas.SetPos(X, 64*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 64, 128, 64); } if ( bJumpBoots ) { Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.SetPos(X, 128*StatScale); Canvas.DrawTile(Doll, 128*StatScale, 64*StatScale, 128, 128, 128, 64); } Canvas.Style = Style; if ( (PawnOwner == PlayerOwner) && Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { for ( i=0; i<4; i++ ) { DamageTime = Level.TimeSeconds - HitTime[i]; if ( DamageTime < 1 ) { Canvas.SetPos(X + HitPos[i].X * StatScale, HitPos[i].Y * StatScale); if ( (HUDColor.G > 100) || (HUDColor.B > 100) ) Canvas.DrawColor = RedColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = (WhiteColor - HudColor) * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 255 * FMin(1, 2 * DamageTime); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 25, StatScale * HitDamage[i] * 64, 0, 64, 25.0, 64.0); } } } } } Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 64 * Scale; } Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor * H2 + (HUDColor - WhiteColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 128, 128, 128.0, 64.0); if ( PawnOwner.Health < 50 ) { H1 = 1.5 * TutIconBlink; H2 = 1 - H1; Canvas.DrawColor = Canvas.DrawColor * H2 + (WhiteColor - Canvas.DrawColor) * H1; } else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Max(0, PawnOwner.Health), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); Canvas.DrawColor = HUDColor; if ( bHideStatus && bHideAllWeapons ) { X = 0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale; Y = Canvas.ClipY - 64 * Scale; } else { X = Canvas.ClipX - 128 * StatScale - 140 * Scale; Y = 0; } Canvas.SetPos(X, Y); Canvas.DrawTile(Texture'BotPack.HudElements1', 128*Scale, 64*Scale, 0, 192, 128.0, 64.0); if ( bHideStatus && bShieldBelt ) Canvas.DrawColor = GoldColor; else Canvas.DrawColor = WhiteColor; DrawBigNum(Canvas, Min(300,ArmorAmount), X + 4 * Scale, Y + 16 * Scale, 1); } Vclass ExcessiveTranslocatorTarget expands TranslocatorTarget; auto state Pickup { simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { if ( bAlreadyHit ) { bBounce = false; return; } bAlreadyHit = ( HitNormal.Z > 0.7 ); PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc); // hit wall sound Velocity = 0.3*(( Velocity dot HitNormal ) * HitNormal * (-2.17) + Velocity); // Reflect off Wall w/damping speed = VSize(Velocity); } } U_|j_  Q%m %@%x *?#w?*?-l?a/!E-P'?a/!Cp??-o'-p'm??Q? ?a/!X-n' @ @,d#??0-s.b?-i(ws*DsOs-i'h.wh*DhOh-i'-i$(?,(@4aDCCCCI-P6$(O-pm #<m?b(m(4aDCBCCBx-op ף<p?b(p(B4aDCBCBCB-n(C4aDCBCCCBr--@%@,c@c?&;(6@6@:6,d:6,d2b(b%?@c6C?,?@cJa @?,@?,@BAB@F"--(?`?,@`(?,?,`B(`,2C?Z?Cb'b(Zb(b%C4a CBCCCB,2C?Z?Cb'b(Zb(b%C'%D(?,D`?,? --(??,`?,@ (?,?,`(`4a CB@CCB? --PS ',QD(?,D`?,? [ y K3ua"ryh l!A%D6y -%y lyh J class ExcessiveGrenade expands ut_grenade; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local vector X,Y,Z; local rotator RandRot; Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) PlayAnim('WingIn'); SetTimer(1.5+FRand()*0.5,false); //Grenade begins unarmed if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { GetAxes(Instigator.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Velocity = X * (Instigator.Velocity Dot X)*0.4 + Vector(Rotation) * (Speed + FRand() * 100); Velocity.z += 210; MaxSpeed = 1000; RandSpin(50000); bCanHitOwner = False; if (Instigator.HeadRegion.Zone.bWaterZone) { bHitWater = True; Disable('Tick'); Velocity=0.6*Velocity; } } } -class ExcessiveRocket extends rocketmk2; j class ExcessiveSeekingRocket extends ut_SeekingRocket; simulated function Timer() { local ut_SpriteSmokePuff b; local vector SeekingDir; local float MagnitudeVel; if ( InitialDir == vect(0,0,0) ) InitialDir = Normal(Velocity); if ( (Seeking != None) && (Seeking != Instigator) ) { SeekingDir = Normal(Seeking.Location - Location); if ( (SeekingDir Dot InitialDir) > 0 ) { MagnitudeVel = VSize(Velocity); SeekingDir = Normal(SeekingDir * 0.75 * MagnitudeVel + Velocity); Velocity = MagnitudeVel * SeekingDir; Acceleration = 12.5 * SeekingDir; SetRotation(rotator(Velocity)); } } if ( bHitWater || (Level.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) ) Return; if ( (Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail) || (FRand() < 0.5) ) { b = Spawn(class'ut_SpriteSmokePuff'); b.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } } class ExcessiveBioGel expands UT_BioGel; function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostbeginPlay(); SetTimer(3.0, false); } singular function TakeDamage( int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, vector momentum, name damageType ) { } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('ExcessiveBioGel') ) return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); MakeNoise(0.3); bOnGround = True; PlaySound(ImpactSound); SetWall(HitNormal, Wall); PlayAnim('Hit'); GoToState('OnSurface'); } simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone ) { local waterring w; if (!NewZone.bWaterZone) Return; if (!bOnGround) { w = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); w.DrawScale = 0.1; } bOnGround = True; Velocity=0.1*Velocity; } function Timer() { GotoState('Exploding'); } function BeginState() { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { Velocity = Vector(Rotation) * Speed; Velocity.z += 120; if( Region.zone.bWaterZone ) Velocity=Velocity*0.7; } if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) RandSpin(100000); LoopAnim('Flying',0.4); bOnGround=False; PlaySound(SpawnSound); } } Bclass ExcessiveBioGlob expands ExcessiveBioGel; var float TempScale; var int NumSplash; var vector SpawnPoint; function PostBeginPlay() { TempScale = DrawScale; Super.PostBeginPlay(); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('ExcessiveBioGel') ) return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); MakeNoise(1); bOnGround = True; PlaySound(ImpactSound); SetWall(HitNormal, Wall); if ( DrawScale > 1 ) NumSplash = int(2 * DrawScale) - 1; SpawnPoint = Location + 5 * HitNormal; DrawScale= FMin(DrawScale, 3.0); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); } GoToState('OnSurface'); } } function SpawnSplash() { local vector Start; local Projectile Gel; NumSplash--; Start = SpawnPoint + 4 * VRand(); if (Owner != None) { Gel = Spawn(class'ExcessiveBioGlob',,,Start,Rotator(Start - Location)); Gel.DrawScale = TempScale; } else Spawn(class'ExcessiveBioSplash',,,Start,Rotator(Start - Location)); } state OnSurface { function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); else Disable('Tick'); } else Disable('Tick'); } function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('ExcessiveBioGel') ) return; GotoState('Exploding'); } } PC -' tclass HitSound expands Mutator; #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="..\Excessive2\Sounds\hit.WAV" NAME="Hit" GROUP="Sounds" #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="..\Excessive2\Sounds\thit.WAV" NAME="TeamHit" GROUP="Sounds" var sound Hit; var sound TeamHit; var bool Initialized; function PostBeginPlay() { if (Initialized) return; Initialized = True; Level.Game.RegisterDamageMutator( Self ); } simulated function MutatorTakeDamage( out int ActualDamage, Pawn Victim, Pawn InstigatedBy, out Vector HitLocation, out Vector Momentum, name DamageType) { local sound Sound; if ( (InstigatedBy != None) && (Victim != None) ) { if ( (InstigatedBy.IsA('PlayerPawn')) && (Victim.IsA('Pawn')) ) { if (InstigatedBy != Victim) { Sound = Hit; if (Level.Game.IsA('TeamGamePlus')) if (InstigatedBy.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team == Victim.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team) Sound = TeamHit; PlayerPawn(InstigatedBy).ClientPlaySound(Sound,, true); } } } if ( NextDamageMutator != None ) NextDamageMutator.MutatorTakeDamage( ActualDamage, Victim, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType ); } GXQHA=$:ettt{#Ut{#U> Y=$:eRSMTVq%c.rc* `.>k&Xk%k%r`*-?,cc TUVI 6T6U6V--c #ID'-Yc jID'-xw`*c I&bc-*-(w*^.}w* w^*-(^*-(-'Mp@U- -p@-H&m%-HqIկ>p@Uկ>p?,VT?,qI->?%3>?, -6MD?6>?X}>`@ -6MD?6>?,?X6M6w*ra F !qMrrk>?%r fff?L>ta X !qMtkl,-t- '>?%t fff?L>Wsa N !qs kWk%6qD??6qD??6qD??s as q>1?d-(-v! -'&!?%-( T qclass EnforcerUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { local Pawn P; local Inventory Inv; Super.ModifyPlayer(Other); for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) for( Inv=P.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) if (ExcessiveEnforcer(Inv)!=None) { ExcessiveEnforcer(Inv).SpawnDouble(); break; } if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyPlayer(Other); } KxP L U=, ttttГ2\+1Гt=$:e2]excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcerg fGvL ca czdaPasswordzd}c&tfauec&u*tfauet  fN  qclass ExcessivePowerups expands Mutator; function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other, out byte bSuperRelevant) { // remove regular health if ( Other.IsA('MedBox') || Other.IsA('HealthVial') ) return false; // replace big keg with better one if ( Other.IsA('HealthPack') && !Other.IsA('ExcessiveHealthPack') ) { ReplaceWith(Other, "excessive2.ExcessiveHealthPack"); return false;} if ( Other.IsA('armor2') && !Other.IsA('excessivearmor') ) { ReplaceWith(Other, "excessive2.excessivearmor"); return false;} if ( Other.IsA('thighpads') && !Other.IsA('excessivethighpads') ) { ReplaceWith(Other, "excessive2.excessivethighpads"); return false;} if ( Other.IsA('ut_shieldbelt') && !Other.IsA('excessiveshieldbelt') ) { ReplaceWith(Other, "excessive2.excessiveshieldbelt"); return false; } // put it here just because if ( Other.IsA('ZoneInfo') ) ZoneInfo(Other).ZoneGravity.Z = ZoneInfo(Other).ZoneGravity.Z*0.968000; return true; } RMQSoJ=$:eԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝXԝX11[Kclass ExcessiveHammer expands ImpactHammer; var int MomentumTransfer; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; local name temp, carried; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'ImpactHammer' ) { // set to the same priority as the ImpactHammer AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } // couldn't find it so set to 0 AutoSwitchPriority = 0; } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function bool ClientFire( float Value ) { if ( bCanClientFire ) { if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); Owner.PlayOwnedSound(Misc1Sound, SLOT_Misc, 1.3*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim('Pull', 0.13, 0.05); Owner.MakeNoise(1.0); if ( Role < ROLE_Authority ) GotoState('ClientFiring'); return true; } return false; } function Fire( float Value ) { bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; ClientFire(Value); GoToState('Firing'); } state Firing { function AltFire(float F) { } simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local Pawn P; if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); if ( Bot(Owner) != None ) { if ( Bot(Owner).Enemy == None ) Bot(Owner).bFire = 0; else Bot(Owner).bFire = 1; } P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { AmbientSound = None; GotoState(''); return; } else if( P.bFire==0 ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GoToState('Idle'); return; } ChargeSize += 0.22 * DeltaTime; Count += DeltaTime; if ( Count > 0.2 ) { Count = 0; Owner.MakeNoise(1.0); } if (ChargeSize > 1) { HurtRadius(1000,220.0, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Owner.Location ); Pawn(Owner).Health = -1000; Pawn(Owner).Died(None, 'Fell', Owner.Location); spawn(class'ExcessiveHammerShockWave',,,Location); spawn(class'NuclearMark',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); Destroy(); GoToState(''); } } function BeginState() { ChargeSize = 0.0; Count = 0.0; } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); AmbientSound = None; } Begin: FinishAnim(); AmbientSound = TensionSound; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; LoopAnim('Shake', 0.9); } state ClientFiring { simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local Pawn P; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { AmbientSound = None; GotoState(''); return; } else if( P.bFire==0 ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GoToState('Idle'); return; } } simulated function AnimEnd() { AmbientSound = TensionSound; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; LoopAnim('Shake', 0.9); Disable('AnimEnd'); } } state Idle { function AnimEnd() { PlayIdleAnim(); } function bool PutDown() { GotoState('DownWeapon'); return True; } simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if ( bChangeWeapon ) PutDown(); ChargeSize -= 0.22 * DeltaTime; if (ChargeSize < 0) ChargeSize = 0; } function BeginState() { ChargeSize = 0.0; Count = 0.0; } Begin: bPointing=False; if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) ) Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon(); //Goto Weapon that has Ammo if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 ) Fire(0.0); if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 ) AltFire(0.0); Disable('AnimEnd'); PlayIdleAnim(); } state AltFiring { function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { ChargeSize -= 0.75 * DeltaTime; if (ChargeSize < 0) ChargeSize = 0; } function Fire(float F) { } function AltFire(float F) { } function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function AnimEnd() { Finish(); } Begin: Sleep(0.0); } State DownWeapon { ignores Fire, AltFire, AnimEnd; function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); ChargeSize = 0; } } function ProcessAltTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local vector realLoc; local float scale; if ( (Other == None) || (Other == Owner) || (Other == self) || (Owner == None) ) return; realLoc = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); scale = VSize(realLoc - HitLocation)/180; if ( (Other == Level) || Other.IsA('Mover') ) { Owner.TakeDamage(200.0 * scale, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, -40000.0 * X * scale, MyDamageType); } else { Other.TakeDamage(5000 * scale, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 30000.0 * X * scale, MyDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } Y2class ExcessiveBioRifle expands ut_biorifle; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'ut_biorifle' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard BioRifle AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None, 1.7*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //fast fire goop PlayAnim('Charging', 10, 0.05); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(Sound'Botpack.BioRifle.BioAltRep', SLOT_Misc, 1.3*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //loading goop PlayAnim('Charging',2.0,0.05); } function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustToss(ProjSpeed, Start, 0, True, (bWarn || (FRand() < 0.4))); return Spawn(ProjClass,self,, Start,AdjustedAim); } function AltFire( float Value ) { bPointing=True; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(20) ) { GoToState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; ClientAltFire(Value); } else { GoToState(''); bCanClientFire = true; } } state AltFiring { ignores AnimEnd; function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if ( ChargeSize < 1.0 ) { Count += DeltaTime; if (Count > 0.5) { ChargeSize += Count; Count = 0; if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) == None) && (FRand() < 0.2) ) GoToState('ShootLoad'); } } if( (pawn(Owner).bAltFire==0) ) GoToState('ShootLoad'); } function BeginState() { ChargeSize = 0.0; Count = 0.0; } function EndState() { ChargeSize = FMin(ChargeSize, 1.0); } Begin: FinishAnim(); } state ShootLoad { function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function Fire(float F) { } function AltFire(float F) { } function Timer() { local rotator R; local vector start, X,Y,Z; GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); R = Owner.Rotation; R.Yaw = R.Yaw + Rand(8000) - 4000; R.Pitch = R.Pitch + Rand(1000) - 500; Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Spawn(AltProjectileClass,,, Start,R); } function AnimEnd() { Finish(); } function BeginState() { Local Projectile Gel; Gel = ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget); Gel.DrawScale = 1.0 + 0.8 * (14 * ChargeSize); PlayAltBurst(); } Begin: } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } aOf$( _  N%k %=%j *<#w<*<-l<a/!E-M'<a/!Cu?<-k'-m't?<N< <a/!X-j' = =,d#<<0-I.b?-(wI*~ILI-'C.wC*~CLC-'-$+?,+@4a~CCCCI-M6$+L-mt #<t?b(t+4a~CBCCBx-ku ף<u?b(u+B4a~CBCBCB-j+C4a~CBCCCBr--=%=,w=w?&;+6=6=:6,d:6,d2b(b%?@w6C?,?@wJa =?,=?,@BAB=F"--+?_?,@`+?,?,_B+_,2E?v?Eb'b(vb(b%E4a CBCCCB,2E?v?Eb'b(vb(b%E'%D+?,D_?,? --+??,_?,@ +?,?,_+_4a CB@CCB? --MS 'XND+?,D_?,? ]-class ExcessiveShockRifle expands ShockRifle; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'ShockRifle' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard ShockRifle AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); LoopAnim('Fire1', 0.6 + 0.30 * FireAdjust,0.05); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); PlayAnim('Fire2', 1.6 + 0.4 * FireAdjust,0.05); } function AltFire( float Value ) { local actor HitActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, Start; if ( Owner == None ) return; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) //make sure won't blow self up { Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Z * vect(0,0,1); if ( Pawn(Owner).Enemy != None ) HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Start + 250 * Normal(Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Start), Start, false, vect(12,12,12)); else HitActor = self; if ( HitActor != None ) { Global.Fire(Value); return; } } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { GotoState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) { if ( Owner.IsInState('TacticalMove') && (Owner.Target == Pawn(Owner).Enemy) && (Owner.Physics == PHYS_Walking) && !Bot(Owner).bNovice && (FRand() * 6 < Pawn(Owner).Skill) ) Pawn(Owner).SpecialFire(); } bPointing=True; ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget); ClientAltFire(value); } } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local int i; local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner; if (Other==None) { HitNormal = -X; HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*10000.0; } PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner); if ( PlayerOwner != None ) PlayerOwner.ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(450, 190, 650)); SpawnEffect(HitLocation, Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + (FireOffset.X + 20) * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z); if ( ShockProj(Other)!=None ) { AmmoType.UseAmmo(3); ShockProj(Other).SuperExplosion(); } else Spawn(class'ut_RingExplosion5',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) Other.TakeDamage(HitDamage, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 60000.0*X, MyDamageType); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } {5class ExcessiveMinigun expands minigun2; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'Minigun2' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard Minigun AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } function TraceFire( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z, AimDir; local actor Other; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2.75*AimError, False, False); EndTrace = StartTrace + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 )* Y * 1000 + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 ) * Z * 1000; AimDir = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace += (10000 * AimDir); Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); Count++; if ( Count == 4 ) { Count = 0; if ( VSize(HitLocation - StartTrace) > 250 ) Spawn(class'MTracer',,, StartTrace + 96 * AimDir,rotator(EndTrace - StartTrace)); } ProcessTraceHit(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, vector(AdjustedAim),Y,Z); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local int rndDam; local Actor a; if (Other == Level) Spawn(class'UT_LightWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); else if ( (Other!=self) && (Other!=Owner) && (Other != None) ) { if ( Other.IsA('Bot') && (FRand() < 0.2) ) Pawn(Other).WarnTarget(Pawn(Owner), 500, X); rndDam = 12 + Rand(13); if ( FRand() < 0.2 ) X *= 2.5; Other.TakeDamage(rndDam, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, rndDam*500.0*X, MyDamageType); } a = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); a.DrawScale = a.DrawScale/3; HurtRadius(60,60.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } function AltFire( float Value ) { Enable('Tick'); if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; ShotAccuracy = 2.5; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; ClientAltFire(value); GoToState('AltFiring'); } else GoToState('Idle'); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag*2, ShakeVert); PlayAnim('Shoot1',1 + 0.3 * FireAdjust, 0.05); AmbientGlow = 250; AmbientSound = FireSound; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; } state AltFiring { Begin: Sleep(0.13); GenerateBullet(); if ( AnimSequence == 'Shoot2' ) Goto('FastShoot'); Goto('Begin'); FastShoot: Sleep(0.04); GenerateBullet(); Goto('FastShoot'); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } simulated function PlayUnwind() { if ( Owner != None ) { PlayOwnedSound(Misc1Sound, SLOT_Misc, 3.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //Finish firing, power down PlayAnim('UnWind',2.0, 0.05); //was 1.5 } } Lclass ExcessiveTranslocator expands Translocator; function ThrowTarget() { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; if (Level.Game.LocalLog != None) Level.Game.LocalLog.LogSpecialEvent("throw_translocator", Pawn(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID); if (Level.Game.WorldLog != None) Level.Game.WorldLog.LogSpecialEvent("throw_translocator", Pawn(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerID); if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) bBotMoveFire = true; Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Pawn(Owner).ViewRotation = Pawn(Owner).AdjustToss(TossForce, Start, 0, true, true); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); TTarget = Spawn(class'ExcessiveTranslocatorTarget',,, Start); if (TTarget!=None) { bTTargetOut = true; TTarget.Master = self; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) TTarget.SetCollisionSize(0,0); TTarget.Throw(Pawn(Owner), MaxTossForce, Start); } else GotoState('Idle'); } r4class ExcessiveSniper expands SniperRifle; var int trace; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'SniperRifle' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard Sniper Rifle AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function PlayFiring() { local int r; PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*3.0); PlayAnim(FireAnims[Rand(5)],0.9 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.05); if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && (PlayerPawn(Owner).DesiredFOV == PlayerPawn(Owner).DefaultFOV) ) bMuzzleFlash++; } function TraceFire( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z; local actor Other; local Pawn PawnOwner; PawnOwner = Pawn(Owner); Owner.MakeNoise(PawnOwner.SoundDampening); GetAxes(PawnOwner.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + PawnOwner.Eyeheight * Z; AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2*AimError, False, False); X = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace = StartTrace + 10000 * X; Other = PawnOwner.TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); if ( VSize(HitLocation - StartTrace) > 250 ) { if (trace == 3) { Spawn(class'ExcessiveTracer',,, StartTrace + 98 * X,rotator(EndTrace - StartTrace)); trace = 0; } else trace++; } ProcessTraceHit(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, X,Y,Z); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local UT_Shellcase s; local Actor a; s = Spawn(class'UT_ShellCase',, '', Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + 30 * X + (2.8 * FireOffset.Y+5.0) * Y - Z * 1); if ( s != None ) { s.DrawScale = 2.0; s.Eject(((FRand()*0.3+0.4)*X + (FRand()*0.2+0.2)*Y + (FRand()*0.3+1.0) * Z)*160); } if (Other == Level) Spawn(class'UT_HeavyWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) { Other.TakeDamage(87, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 30000.0*X, MyDamageType); a = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); a.DrawScale = a.DrawScale*1.2; HurtRadius(117,120.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } state Idle { function Fire( float Value ) { if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { GotoState('NormalFire'); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) { // simulate bot using zoom if ( Bot(Owner).bSniping && (FRand() < 0.65) ) AimError = AimError/FClamp(StillTime, 1.0, 8.0); else if ( VSize(Owner.Location - OwnerLocation) < 6 ) AimError = AimError/FClamp(0.5 * StillTime, 1.0, 3.0); else StillTime = 0; } TraceFire(0.0); AimError = Default.AimError; ClientFire(Value); } } } Iclass ExcessiveRipper expands ripper; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'Ripper' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard Ripper AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local Rotator A1, A2; local Vector LStart, RStart, Spawnoffset; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; // Spawnoffset.X = FireOffset.X; Spawnoffset.Y = 85; Spawnoffset.Z = FireOffset.Z; RStart = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + Spawnoffset.X * X + Spawnoffset.Y * Y + Spawnoffset.Z * Z; Spawnoffset.Y = -85; LStart = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + Spawnoffset.X * X + Spawnoffset.Y * Y + Spawnoffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn); if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) && (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire == 0) ) { // A1 = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, RStart, AimError, True, bWarn); A2 = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, LStart, AimError, True, bWarn); A1.Roll -= 8192; A1.Yaw -= 4096; A2.Roll += 8192; A1.Yaw += 4096; Spawn(ProjClass,,, RStart,A1); Spawn(ProjClass,,, LStart,A2); } return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim); } simulated function PlayFiring() { LoopAnim( 'Fire', 1.4 + 0.6 * FireAdjust, 0.05 ); PlayOwnedSound(class'Razor2'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None,4.2); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { LoopAnim('Fire', 2.7 + 0.3 * FireAdjust,0.05); PlayOwnedSound(class'Razor2Alt'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None,4.2); } WFclass ExcessivePulseGun expands PulseGun; // import a new sound file //#exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\ExcessivePulseFire.WAV" NAME="ExcessivePulseFire" GROUP="ExcessivePulseGun" function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'PulseGun' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard PulseGun AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } simulated function PlayFiring() { FlashCount++; // comment this out when you replace the sound file AmbientSound = FireSound; SoundVolume = Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*255; // LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0); bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2); } // PlayFiring /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state NormalFire { ignores AnimEnd; function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local Vector LStart, RStart, Spawnoffset; local Rotator A1, A2; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Spawnoffset.X = FireOffset.X; Spawnoffset.Y = 135; Spawnoffset.Z = FireOffset.Z; RStart = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + Spawnoffset.X * X + Spawnoffset.Y * Y + Spawnoffset.Z * Z; Spawnoffset.Y = -135; LStart = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + Spawnoffset.X * X + Spawnoffset.Y * Y + Spawnoffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn); // A1 = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, RStart, AimError, True, bWarn); A2 = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, LStart, AimError, True, bWarn); // RStart = RStart - Sin(Angle)*Y*4 + (Cos(Angle)*4 - 10.78)*Z; LStart = LStart - Sin(Angle)*Y*4 + (Cos(Angle)*4 - 10.78)*Z; Start = Start - Sin(Angle)*Y*4 + (Cos(Angle)*4 - 10.78)*Z; Angle += 1.8; // uncomment this with new sound file name //PlayOwnedSound(Sound'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun.ExcessivePulseFire', SLOT_None, 2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); Spawn(ProjClass,,, RStart,A1); Spawn(ProjClass,,, LStart,A2); return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim); } function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if (Owner==None) GotoState('Pickup'); } function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); Angle = 0; AmbientGlow = 200; } function EndState() { PlaySpinDown(); AmbientSound = None; AmbientGlow = 0; OldFlashCount = FlashCount; Super.EndState(); } Begin: Sleep(0.13); Finish(); } function AltFire( float Value ) { if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { GotoState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; ClientAltFire(value); if ( PlasmaBeam == None ) { PlasmaBeam = PBolt(ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget)); if ( FireOffset.Y == 0 ) PlasmaBeam.bCenter = true; else if ( Mesh == mesh'PulseGunR' ) PlasmaBeam.bRight = false; } } } state AltFiring { ignores AnimEnd; function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local Pawn P; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { GotoState('Pickup'); return; } if ( (P.bAltFire == 0) || (P.IsA('Bot') && ((P.Enemy == None) || (Level.TimeSeconds - Bot(P).LastSeenTime > 5))) ) { P.bAltFire = 0; Finish(); return; } Count += Deltatime; if ( Count > 0.24 ) { if ( Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( InstFlash,InstFog); if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); Count -= 0.24; if ( !AmmoType.UseAmmo(3) ) Finish(); } } function EndState() { AmbientGlow = 0; AmbientSound = None; if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) { PlasmaBeam.Destroy(); PlasmaBeam = None; } Super.EndState(); } Begin: AmbientGlow = 200; FinishAnim(); LoopAnim( 'boltloop'); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } vHclass ExcessiveFlakCannon expands UT_FlakCannon; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'UT_FlakCannon' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard Flak Cannon AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } function DropFrom(vector StartLocation) { // keep weapon from being dropped } state NormalFire { ignores AnimEnd; function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: FlashCount++; Sleep(0.20); Finish(); } function AltFire( float Value ) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); Spawn(class'WeaponLight',,'',Start+X*20,rot(0,0,0)); Start = Start + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustToss(AltProjectileSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bAltWarnTarget); Spawn(class'ExcessiveFlakSlug',,, Start,AdjustedAim); ClientAltFire(Value); GoToState('AltFiring'); } } state AltFiring { ignores AnimEnd; function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: FlashCount++; Sleep(0.27); Finish(); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } // Fire chunks function Fire( float Value ) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local Bot B; local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); B = Bot(Owner); P = Pawn(Owner); Owner.MakeNoise(2.0 * P.SoundDampening); AdjustedAim = P.AdjustAim(AltProjectileSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarnTarget); GetAxes(AdjustedAim,X,Y,Z); Spawn(class'WeaponLight',,'',Start+X*20,rot(0,0,0)); Start = Start + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk1',, '', Start, AdjustedAim); Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk2',, '', Start - Z, AdjustedAim); Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk3',, '', Start + 2 * Y + Z, AdjustedAim); Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk4',, '', Start - Y, AdjustedAim); Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk1',, '', Start + 2 * Y - Z, AdjustedAim); // lower skill bots fire less flak chunks if ( B != None ) if ( B.Skill > 1 ) Spawn( class 'ExcessiveChunk3',, '', Start + Y - Z, AdjustedAim); ClientFire(Value); GoToState('NormalFire'); } } state ClientFiring { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { return false; } simulated function bool ClientAltFire(float Value) { return false; } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || ((AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0)) ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) Global.ClientAltFire(0); else { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } } simulated function EndState() { AmbientSound = None; } } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { return false; } simulated function bool ClientAltFire(float Value) { return false; } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || ((AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0)) ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) Global.ClientAltFire(0); else { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } } simulated function EndState() { AmbientSound = None; } } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayAnim( 'Loading', 3.4, 0.05); PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_Misc,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); bMuzzleFlash++; } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_Misc,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); PlayAnim('Loading', 2.4, 0.05); bMuzzleFlash++; } PAclass ExcessiveCTFGame expands CTFGame; var string Mutators[16]; var int NumMutators; var string ReserveMessage; var globalconfig bool bUseHitSound; var globalconfig string ReservedPassword; var globalconfig int NumReservedSpots; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { local Mutator M; local class MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } _w [6`r 'tttttttttt^^^^t1=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e]excessive2.ExcessiveTimeexcessive2.ExcessivePowerupsexcessive2.EnforcerUpgradeexcessive2.HammerUpgradeexcessive2.BioUpgradeexcessive2.ShockRifleUpgradeexcessive2.PulseUpgradeexcessive2.RipperUpgradeexcessive2.MinigunUpgrade excessive2.FlakUpgrade excessive2.RocketUpgrade excessive2.SniperUpgrade excessive2.RedeemerUpgrade excessive2.TranslocatorUpgradeexcessive2.ExcessiveHUDexcessive2.ExcessiveGoreB"DNE Q] Excessive 2.0 Capture The Flag gD# -' \class excessivearmor expands armor2; function bool HandlePickupQuery( inventory Item ) { local inventory S; if ( item.class == class ) { S = Pawn(Owner).FindInventoryType(class'excessiveShieldbelt'); if ( S==None ) { if ( Charge MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } cF \6dX, tttttttttt^^^^t1=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e]excessive2.ExcessiveTimeexcessive2.ExcessivePowerupsexcessive2.EnforcerUpgradeexcessive2.HammerUpgradeexcessive2.BioUpgradeexcessive2.ShockRifleUpgradeexcessive2.PulseUpgradeexcessive2.RipperUpgradeexcessive2.MinigunUpgrade excessive2.FlakUpgrade excessive2.RocketUpgrade excessive2.SniperUpgrade excessive2.RedeemerUpgrade excessive2.TranslocatorUpgradeexcessive2.ExcessiveHUDexcessive2.ExcessiveGoreB"DNx Q]Excessive 2.0 Assault class ExcessiveHealthPack expands HealthPack; var int HealMax; auto state Pickup { function Touch( actor Other ) { local Pawn P; if ( ValidTouch(Other) ) { P = Pawn(Other); if (bSuperHeal) HealMax = Min(499, HealMax * 1.333333); if (P.Health < HealMax) { if (Level.Game.LocalLog != None) Level.Game.LocalLog.LogPickup(Self, P); if (Level.Game.WorldLog != None) Level.Game.WorldLog.LogPickup(Self, P); P.Health += HealingAmount; if (P.Health > HealMax) P.Health = HealMax; PlayPickupMessage(P); PlaySound (PickupSound,,2.5); Other.MakeNoise(0.2); SetRespawn(); } } } } hQ  qC# -' ^ ,@?^ *?% qxYa  x@class ExcessiveDomination expands Domination; var string Mutators[16]; var int NumMutators; var globalconfig bool bUseHitSound; var globalconfig string ReservedPassword; var globalconfig int NumReservedSpots; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { local Mutator M; local class MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } jp]6kQkLtttttttttt^^^^t1=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e]excessive2.ExcessiveTimeexcessive2.ExcessivePowerupsexcessive2.EnforcerUpgradeexcessive2.HammerUpgradeexcessive2.BioUpgradeexcessive2.ShockRifleUpgradeexcessive2.PulseUpgradeexcessive2.RipperUpgradeexcessive2.MinigunUpgrade excessive2.FlakUpgrade excessive2.RocketUpgrade excessive2.SniperUpgrade excessive2.RedeemerUpgrade excessive2.TranslocatorUpgradeexcessive2.ExcessiveHUDexcessive2.ExcessiveGoreB"DNw Q]Excessive 2.0 Dominationz@class ExcessiveTeamGamePlus expands TeamGamePlus; var string Mutators[16]; var int NumMutators; var globalconfig bool bUseHitSound; var globalconfig string ReservedPassword; var globalconfig int NumReservedSpots; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { local Mutator M; local class MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } lP ^6mc4}"#tttttttttt^^^^t1=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e]excessive2.ExcessiveTimeexcessive2.ExcessivePowerupsexcessive2.EnforcerUpgradeexcessive2.HammerUpgradeexcessive2.BioUpgradeexcessive2.ShockRifleUpgradeexcessive2.PulseUpgradeexcessive2.RipperUpgradeexcessive2.MinigunUpgrade excessive2.FlakUpgrade excessive2.RocketUpgrade excessive2.SniperUpgrade excessive2.RedeemerUpgrade excessive2.TranslocatorUpgradeexcessive2.ExcessiveHUDexcessive2.ExcessiveGoreB"DNB Q]Excessive 2.0 Team DeathMatchp9+K[r--( -6K333?a$>KKH   wn l# JSe6w*a4w*a t/A.aMH/'w.* w.I.- r.$.-.-1r..*..zMJIJ ף=FMHJ::$r*?=.6 DM?/w.6 DM?/.IGa>_a/!s Q= B6 DM?/.-..- w*a1r*-a  M?,/wa/!Oaa  M?,/a M?,/w*::$a MPHw*a* ::$ w*] D /??/*i,r*-a  կ?,/fBa/!Oaa  կ?,/fa կ?,/w*a*r*a x /&H/I FAclass ExcessiveLastManStanding expands LastManStanding; var string Mutators[16]; var int NumMutators; var globalconfig bool bUseHitSound; var globalconfig string ReservedPassword; var globalconfig int NumReservedSpots; event InitGame( string Options, out string Error ) { local Mutator M; local class MutatorClass; local int i; Super.InitGame(Options, Error); // add all the mutators for (i = 0; i < NumMutators; i++) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject(Default.Mutators[i], class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } if (bUseHitSound) { MutatorClass = class(DynamicLoadObject("excessive2.HitSound", class'Class')); for (M = BaseMutator; M != None; M = M.NextMutator) if (M.class == MutatorClass) break; if (M == None) BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(MutatorClass)); } } function int ReduceDamage( int Damage, name DamageType, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy ) { if ( (injured == instigatedBy) && (DamageType != 'SpecialDamage') ) return 0; if( injured.Region.Zone.bNeutralZone ) return 0; return Super.ReduceDamage( Damage, DamageType, injured, instigatedBy ); } event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string Error, out string FailCode ) { local string InPassword; if (NumReservedSpots > 0) { Error=""; InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if( (Level.NetMode != NM_Standalone) && AtCapacity(Options) ) { if ( (NumPlayers - MaxPlayers) >= NumReservedSpots) Error=MaxedOutMessage; else if ( ReservedPassword !="" && (caps(InPassword) != caps(ReservedPassword))) { if( InPassword == "" ) { Error = NeedPassword; FailCode = "NEEDPW"; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; FailCode = "WRONGPW"; } } } if(!CheckIPPolicy(Address)) Error = IPBanned; } else Super.PreLogin(Options, Address, Error, FailCode); } event playerpawn Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string Error, class SpawnClass ) { local string InPassword; local int NumReservedPlayers; local playerpawn NewPlayer; NumReservedPlayers = NumPlayers - MaxPlayers; if ( (AtCapacity(Options)) && (NumReservedPlayers < NumReservedSpots) ) { InPassword = ParseOption( Options, "Password" ); if ( caps(InPassword) == caps(ReservedPassword) ) { MaxPlayers += NumReservedPlayers + 1; NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); MaxPlayers -= NumReservedPlayers + 1; } else { Error = MaxedOutMessage; return None; } } else NewPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass); return NewPlayer; } function eGiveItem(Pawn PlayerPawn, class ItemClass) { local Pickup newItem; if((PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(ItemClass) != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; newItem = Spawn(ItemClass,PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( newItem != None ) { newItem.RespawnTime = 0.0; newItem.AmbientGlow = 0; newItem.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newItem.Activate(); } } function NotifySpree(Pawn Other, int num) { local Pawn P; local int ii; local int HealingAmount; ii = num % 5; if(ii==0) { HealingAmount = Min(200, (499-Other.Health)); if(HealingAmount>0) Other.Health += HealingAmount; if(num>=10)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveShieldBelt'); if(num>=15)eGiveItem(Other, Class'UDamage'); if(num>=20)eGiveItem(Other, Class'ExcessiveInvisibility'); } if (num== 5) num = 0; else if (num==10) num = 1; else if (num==15) num = 2; else if (num==20) num = 3; else if (num==25) num = 4; else return; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('TournamentPlayer') ) P.ReceiveLocalizedMessage( class'KillingSpreeMessage', Num, Other.PlayerReplicationInfo ); } sM# vz _6xR8bbtttttttttt^^^^t1=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e=$:e]excessive2.ExcessiveTimeexcessive2.ExcessivePowerupsexcessive2.EnforcerUpgradeexcessive2.HammerUpgradeexcessive2.BioUpgradeexcessive2.ShockRifleUpgradeexcessive2.PulseUpgradeexcessive2.RipperUpgradeexcessive2.MinigunUpgrade excessive2.FlakUpgrade excessive2.RocketUpgrade excessive2.SniperUpgrade excessive2.RedeemerUpgrade excessive2.TranslocatorUpgradeexcessive2.ExcessiveHUDexcessive2.ExcessiveGoreB"DNkQ]! Excessive 2.0 Last Man Standing{Cclass ExcessivePBolt expands PBolt; var float ExplodeTime; simulated function Destroyed() { Super.Destroyed(); if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) PlasmaBeam.Destroy(); if ( WallEffect != None ) WallEffect.Destroy(); } simulated function CheckBeam(vector X, float DeltaTime) { local actor HitActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; // check to see if hits something, else spawn or orient child HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Location + BeamSize * X, Location, true); if ( (HitActor != None) && (HitActor != Instigator) && (HitActor.bProjTarget || (HitActor == Level) || (HitActor.bBlockActors && HitActor.bBlockPlayers)) && ((Pawn(HitActor) == None) || Pawn(HitActor).AdjustHitLocation(HitLocation, Velocity)) ) { ExplodeTime += DeltaTime; if (ExplodeTime > 0.08) { Explode(HitLocation, HitNormal); ExplodeTime = 0; } if ( Level.Netmode != NM_Client ) { if ( DamagedActor == None ) { AccumulatedDamage = FMin(0.5 * (Level.TimeSeconds - LastHitTime), 0.1); HitActor.TakeDamage(damage * AccumulatedDamage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * X * AccumulatedDamage), MyDamageType); AccumulatedDamage = 0; } else if ( DamagedActor != HitActor ) { DamagedActor.TakeDamage(damage * AccumulatedDamage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * X * AccumulatedDamage), MyDamageType); AccumulatedDamage = 0; } LastHitTime = Level.TimeSeconds; DamagedActor = HitActor; AccumulatedDamage += DeltaTime; if ( AccumulatedDamage > 0.22 ) { if ( DamagedActor.IsA('Carcass') && (FRand() < 0.09) ) AccumulatedDamage = 35/damage; DamagedActor.TakeDamage(damage * AccumulatedDamage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * X * AccumulatedDamage), MyDamageType); AccumulatedDamage = 0; } } if ( HitActor.bIsPawn && Pawn(HitActor).bIsPlayer ) { if ( WallEffect != None ) WallEffect.Destroy(); } else if ( (WallEffect == None) || WallEffect.bDeleteMe ) WallEffect = Spawn(class'PlasmaHit',,, HitLocation - 5 * X); else if ( !WallEffect.IsA('PlasmaHit') ) { WallEffect.Destroy(); WallEffect = Spawn(class'PlasmaHit',,, HitLocation - 5 * X); } else WallEffect.SetLocation(HitLocation - 5 * X); if ( (WallEffect != None) && (Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) ) Spawn(ExplosionDecal,,,HitLocation,rotator(HitNormal)); if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) { AccumulatedDamage += PlasmaBeam.AccumulatedDamage; PlasmaBeam.Destroy(); PlasmaBeam = None; } return; } else if ( (Level.Netmode != NM_Client) && (DamagedActor != None) ) { DamagedActor.TakeDamage(damage * AccumulatedDamage, instigator, DamagedActor.Location - X * 1.2 * DamagedActor.CollisionRadius, (MomentumTransfer * X * AccumulatedDamage), MyDamageType); AccumulatedDamage = 0; DamagedActor = None; } if ( Position >= 18 ) { if ( (WallEffect == None) || WallEffect.bDeleteMe ) WallEffect = Spawn(class'PlasmaCap',,, Location + (BeamSize - 4) * X); else if ( WallEffect.IsA('PlasmaHit') ) { WallEffect.Destroy(); WallEffect = Spawn(class'PlasmaCap',,, Location + (BeamSize - 4) * X); } else WallEffect.SetLocation(Location + (BeamSize - 4) * X); } else { if ( WallEffect != None ) { WallEffect.Destroy(); WallEffect = None; } if ( PlasmaBeam == None ) { PlasmaBeam = Spawn(class'ExcessivePBolt',,, Location + BeamSize * X); PlasmaBeam.Position = Position + 1; } else PlasmaBeam.UpdateBeam(self, X, DeltaTime); } } simulated function UpdateBeam(PBolt ParentBolt, vector Dir, float DeltaTime) { local actor HitActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; SpriteFrame = ParentBolt.SpriteFrame; Skin = SpriteAnim[SpriteFrame]; SetLocation(ParentBolt.Location + BeamSize * Dir); SetRotation(ParentBolt.Rotation); CheckBeam(Dir, DeltaTime); } function BlowUp(vector HitLocation) { HurtRadius(80,100.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation ); MakeNoise(1.0); } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local UT_SpriteBallExplosion s; s = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); BlowUp(HitLocation); } f_-N1 aQ8>$  uGHgGa G ia+G Air  Me"&-(a  E  Sx (A ( @A{s d)BB`jGs b? J BgF.i a  gl ?,dg k_  ;-jGa>_ 9?%  nw Su!"r*/.&-'-' @C?,.(w q!q!%  FWh u8w.*.g?,a!~?>L=$-' jDclass ExcessiveStarterBolt expands ExcessivePBolt; var float OldError, NewError, StartError, AimError; //used for bot aiming var rotator AimRotation; var float AnimTime; replication { // Things the server should send to the client. unreliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority ) AimError, NewError, AimRotation; } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( instigator == None ) return; if ( Instigator.IsA('Bot') && Bot(Instigator).bNovice ) aimerror = 2200 + (3 - instigator.skill) * 300; else aimerror = 1000 + (3 - instigator.skill) * 400; if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) aimerror *= -1; } simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local vector X,Y,Z, AimSpot, DrawOffset, AimStart; local int YawErr; local float dAdjust; local Bot MyBot; AnimTime += DeltaTime; if ( AnimTime > 0.05 ) { AnimTime -= 0.05; SpriteFrame++; if ( SpriteFrame == ArrayCount(SpriteAnim) ) SpriteFrame = 0; Skin = SpriteAnim[SpriteFrame]; } // orient with respect to instigator if ( Instigator != None ) { if ( (Level.NetMode == NM_Client) && (!Instigator.IsA('PlayerPawn') || (PlayerPawn(Instigator).Player == None)) ) { SetRotation(AimRotation); Instigator.ViewRotation = AimRotation; DrawOffset = ((0.01 * class'PulseGun'.Default.PlayerViewOffset) >> Rotation); DrawOffset += (Instigator.EyeHeight * vect(0,0,1)); } else { MyBot = Bot(instigator); if ( MyBot != None ) { if ( Instigator.Target == None ) Instigator.Target = Instigator.Enemy; if ( Instigator.Target == Instigator.Enemy ) { if (MyBot.bNovice ) dAdjust = DeltaTime * (4 + instigator.Skill) * 0.075; else dAdjust = DeltaTime * (4 + instigator.Skill) * 0.12; if ( OldError > NewError ) OldError = FMax(OldError - dAdjust, NewError); else OldError = FMin(OldError + dAdjust, NewError); if ( OldError == NewError ) NewError = FRand() - 0.5; if ( StartError > 0 ) StartError -= DeltaTime; else if ( MyBot.bNovice && (Level.TimeSeconds - MyBot.LastPainTime < 0.2) ) StartError = MyBot.LastPainTime; else StartError = 0; AimSpot = 1.25 * Instigator.Target.Velocity + 0.75 * Instigator.Velocity; if ( Abs(AimSpot.Z) < 120 ) AimSpot.Z *= 0.25; else AimSpot.Z *= 0.5; if ( Instigator.Target.Physics == PHYS_Falling ) AimSpot = Instigator.Target.Location - 0.0007 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot; else AimSpot = Instigator.Target.Location - 0.0005 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot; if ( (Instigator.Physics == PHYS_Falling) && (Instigator.Velocity.Z > 0) ) AimSpot = AimSpot - 0.0003 * AimError * OldError * AimSpot; AimStart = Instigator.Location + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + (1.2 * FireOffset.Z - 2) * Z; if ( FastTrace(AimSpot - vect(0,0,10), AimStart) ) AimSpot = AimSpot - vect(0,0,10); GetAxes(Instigator.Rotation,X,Y,Z); AimRotation = Rotator(AimSpot - AimStart); AimRotation.Yaw = AimRotation.Yaw + (OldError + StartError) * 0.75 * aimerror; YawErr = (AimRotation.Yaw - (Instigator.Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) & 65535; if ( (YawErr > 3000) && (YawErr < 62535) ) { if ( YawErr < 32768 ) AimRotation.Yaw = Instigator.Rotation.Yaw + 3000; else AimRotation.Yaw = Instigator.Rotation.Yaw - 3000; } } else if ( Instigator.Target != None ) AimRotation = Rotator(Instigator.Target.Location - Instigator.Location); else AimRotation = Instigator.ViewRotation; Instigator.ViewRotation = AimRotation; SetRotation(AimRotation); } else { AimRotation = Instigator.ViewRotation; SetRotation(AimRotation); } Drawoffset = Instigator.Weapon.CalcDrawOffset(); } GetAxes(Instigator.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); if ( bCenter ) { FireOffset.Z = Default.FireOffset.Z * 1.5; FireOffset.Y = 0; } else { FireOffset.Z = Default.FireOffset.Z; if ( bRight ) FireOffset.Y = Default.FireOffset.Y; else FireOffset.Y = -1 * Default.FireOffset.Y; } SetLocation(Instigator.Location + DrawOffset + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z); } else GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); CheckBeam(X, DeltaTime); } ]Hq9ow*7pthrow_translocatorS.w*7pthrow_translocatorS.a/!-'] 6y6w6D. . j]%''. ywDa | ]0w*- ' a/! aK.]7q!% z1//============================================================================= // ExcessiveBrowserMainClientWindow - The main client area //============================================================================= class ExcessiveBrowserMainClientWindow extends UTBrowserMainClientWindow; function Created() { local int i, f; local UWindowPageControlPage P; local UBrowserServerListWindow W; local class C; local class FC; local class MC; Super(UWindowClientWindow).Created(); InfoWindow = UBrowserInfoWindow(Root.CreateWindow(class'UBrowserInfoWindow', 10, 40, 310, 170)); InfoWindow.HideWindow(); PageControl = UWindowPageControl(CreateWindow(class'UWindowPageControl', 0, 0, WinWidth, WinHeight)); PageControl.SetMultiLine(True); // Add MOTD MC = class(DynamicLoadObject(UpdateServerClass, class'Class')); MOTD = PageControl.AddPage(MOTDName, MC); IRC = PageControl.AddPage(IRCName, class'ExcessiveBrowserIRCWindow'); // Add favorites FC = class(DynamicLoadObject(FavoriteServersClass, class'Class')); Favorites = PageControl.AddPage(FavoritesName, FC); C = class(DynamicLoadObject(ServerListWindowClass, class'Class')); ServerListNames[3]='ExcBrowserDeathmatch'; ServerListNames[4]='ExcBrowserTeamGames'; ServerListNames[5]='ExcBrowserCTF'; ServerListNames[6]='ExcBrowserDOM'; ServerListNames[7]='ExcBrowserAS'; ServerListNames[8]='ExcBrowserLMS'; for(i=0; i<20; i++) { if(ServerListNames[i] == '') break; P = PageControl.AddPage("", C, ServerListNames[i]); if(string(ServerListNames[i]) ~= LANTabName) LANPage = P; W = UBrowserServerListWindow(P.Page); if(W.bHidden) PageControl.DeletePage(P); if(W.ServerListTitle != "") P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); else { switch(i) { case 3: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Deathmatch"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; case 4: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Team Deathmatch"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; case 5: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Capture the Flag"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; case 6: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Domination"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; case 7: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Assault"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; case 8: W.ServerListTitle = "Excessive Last Man Standing"; P.SetCaption(W.ServerListTitle); break; default: P.SetCaption(Localize("ServerListTitles", string(ServerListNames[i]), "UBrowser")); break; } } FactoryWindows[i] = W; } } function Close(optional bool bByParent) { ServerListNames[3]='UBrowserDeathmatch'; ServerListNames[4]='UBrowserTeamGames'; ServerListNames[5]='UBrowserCTF'; ServerListNames[6]='UBrowserDOM'; ServerListNames[7]='UBrowserAS'; ServerListNames[8]='UBrowserLMS'; SaveConfig(); StaticSaveConfig(); Super.Close(bByParent); } wiclass ExcessiveRazor expands Razor2; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if ( bCanHitInstigator || (Other != Instigator) ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { Other.TakeDamage(damage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity)), 'shredded' ); } if ( Other.bIsPawn ) PlaySound(MiscSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); else PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); //destroy(); } } simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { local vector Vel2D, Norm2D; bCanHitInstigator = true; PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); LoopAnim('Spin',1.0); if ( (Mover(Wall) != None) && Mover(Wall).bDamageTriggered ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Wall.TakeDamage( Damage, instigator, Location, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType); Destroy(); return; } NumWallHits++; SetTimer(0, False); MakeNoise(0.3); if ( NumWallHits > 4 ) Destroy(); if ( NumWallHits == 1 ) { Spawn(class'WallCrack',,,Location, rotator(HitNormal)); Vel2D = Velocity; Vel2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = HitNormal; Norm2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = Normal(Norm2D); Vel2D = Normal(Vel2D); if ( (Vel2D Dot Norm2D) < -0.999 ) { HitNormal = Normal(HitNormal + 0.6 * Vel2D); Norm2D = HitNormal; Norm2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = Normal(Norm2D); if ( (Vel2D Dot Norm2D) < -0.999 ) { if ( Rand(1) == 0 ) HitNormal = HitNormal + vect(0.05,0,0); else HitNormal = HitNormal - vect(0.05,0,0); if ( Rand(1) == 0 ) HitNormal = HitNormal + vect(0,0.05,0); else HitNormal = HitNormal - vect(0,0.05,0); HitNormal = Normal(HitNormal); } } } Velocity -= 2 * (Velocity dot HitNormal) * HitNormal; SetRoll(Velocity); } } Va!5%q!- :&-' K?mr* ka/!.-n E?,?,nzD?,??n? N{$)F{RFL=FL=A,%sw* ::$/a/!\r. *a+- -ma #<  m#?vz.<wz*Yr*rz-k{?,=k{?,=KDKKkD!KKkD?KDD?Z|?%|{z-&zL>|z|*? @? 6*?,x6*>,6*?::$* ի47:nK** իo:nK*::$6 ?%**իRI9nK*E 6x6xկ?6?,wb$*# AE**# A xxw-P*E6-D?6-K|@?nn6-6 n  nGn6-6  6-6   w*-P  -  -a+-X- a+-m  xxw-66?666-6666a  m6x6x6wxxwAx{ pV7b.. omiJ 6o6m6i6N66NC6N6@ 6No6Nm6Ni6NA 6No6Nm6Ni. #qJD'-rA. #q@D'-rC. #qAD'-r@@ջm?,կ?,z,AiAAջm?,կ?,z,AiJJջm?,կ?,z,Aiff?ap @Aap ACap J y)class ExcessiveTime expands Mutator; var bool Initialized; var int AmpCount; var globalconfig int AmpTime; function PostBeginPlay() { local Pawn P; if (Initialized) return; Initialized = True; SetTimer(0.6, True); } function ModifyLogin(out class SpawnClass, out string Portal, out string Options) { switch (SpawnClass) { case (class'TMale1'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveMale1'; break; case (class'TMale2'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveMale2'; break; case (class'TBoss'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveBoss'; break; case (class'TFemale1'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveFemale1'; break; case (class'TFemale2'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveFemale2'; break; case (class'TSkaarj'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveSkaarj'; break; case (class'TCow'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveCow'; break; case (class'TNali'): SpawnClass = class'ExcessiveNali'; break; } if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyLogin(SpawnClass, Portal, Options); } simulated function GiveAmp(Pawn PlayerPawn) { local UDamage damage; if( (PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(class'UDamage') != None) || (PlayerPawn.Health <= 0) ) return; damage = spawn(class'UDamage',PlayerPawn,,PlayerPawn.Location); if( damage != None ) { damage.RespawnTime = 0.0; damage.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); damage.Activate(); } } function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { Other.Health = 300; if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyPlayer(Other); } simulated function Timer() { // regenerate ammo (except redeemer) & health in one fell swoop local Pawn P; local Inventory Inv; if (AmpCount < AmpTime) AmpCount++; else if (AmpCount == AmpTime) { BroadcastLocalizedMessage( class'ExcessiveAmpMsg',,, None, None ); // give all current players damage amps for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) GiveAmp(P); AmpCount = 0; } for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) { if (P.Health > 0) { // ammo for( Inv=P.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) if ( (Ammo(Inv)!=None) && (P.bFire==0) && (P.bAltFire==0) ) if (Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount < Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo) { Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount += Ammo(Inv).Default.AmmoAmount; if (Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount > Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo) Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount = Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo; } // health if ( P.Health < 300 ) P.Health = FMin(300, P.Health + 5); } } } QJd&R>=$:etttttttttГttѸBѸBѸBѸBѸBѸBѸBѸBГttttt=$:ettt8 8 8 =$:eN"class ExcessiveHammerShockWave expands ShockWave; var name MyDamageType; simulated function Timer() { local actor Victims; local float damageScale, dist, MoScale; local vector dir; ShockSize = 13 * (Default.LifeSpan - LifeSpan) + 3.5/(LifeSpan/Default.LifeSpan+0.05); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { if (ICount==4) spawn(class'WarExplosion2',,,Location); ICount++; if ( Level.NetMode == NM_Client ) { foreach VisibleCollidingActors( class 'Actor', Victims, ShockSize*29, Location ) if ( Victims.Role == ROLE_Authority ) { dir = Victims.Location - Location; dist = FMax(1,VSize(dir)); dir = dir/dist +vect(0,0,0.3); if ( (dist> OldShockDistance) || (dir dot Victims.Velocity <= 0)) { MoScale = FMax(0, 1100 - 1.1 * Dist); Victims.Velocity = Victims.Velocity + dir * (MoScale + 20); Victims.TakeDamage ( MoScale, Instigator, Victims.Location - 0.5 * (Victims.CollisionHeight + Victims.CollisionRadius) * dir, (1000 * dir), MyDamageType ); } } return; } } foreach VisibleCollidingActors( class 'Actor', Victims, ShockSize*29, Location ) { dir = Victims.Location - Location; dist = FMax(1,VSize(dir)); dir = dir/dist + vect(0,0,0.3); if (dist> OldShockDistance || (dir dot Victims.Velocity < 0)) { MoScale = FMax(0, 1100 - 1.1 * Dist); if ( Victims.bIsPawn ) Pawn(Victims).AddVelocity(dir * (MoScale + 20)); else Victims.Velocity = Victims.Velocity + dir * (MoScale + 20); Victims.TakeDamage ( MoScale, Instigator, Victims.Location - 0.5 * (Victims.CollisionHeight + Victims.CollisionRadius) * dir, (1000 * dir), MyDamageType ); } } OldShockDistance = ShockSize*29; } } dTn=9=, S]excessive2.ExcessiveHammeruFclass ExcessiveUdpServerQuery expands UdpServerQuery config; var() globalconfig bool bShowStandard; function string ParseQuery( IpAddr Addr, coerce string Query, int QueryNum, out int PacketNum ) { local string QueryType, QueryValue, QueryRest, ValidationString; local bool Result; local int bFinalPacket; bFinalPacket = 0; Result = ParseNextQuery(Query, QueryType, QueryValue, QueryRest, bFinalPacket); if( !Result ) return ""; //Log("Got Query: " $ QueryNum $ "." $ PacketNum $ ":" $ QueryType); if( QueryType=="basic" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetBasic(), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="info" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetInfo(), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="rules" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetRules(), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="players" ) { if( Level.Game.NumPlayers > 0 ) Result = SendPlayers(Addr, QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); else Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, "", QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="status" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetBasic(), QueryNum, PacketNum, 0); Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetInfo(), QueryNum, PacketNum, 0); if( Level.Game.NumPlayers == 0 ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetRules(), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetRules(), QueryNum, PacketNum, 0); Result = SendPlayers(Addr, QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } } else if( QueryType=="echo" ) { // Respond to an echo with the same string Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, "\\echo\\"$QueryValue, QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="secure" ) { ValidationString = "\\validate\\"$Validate(QueryValue, GameName); Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, ValidationString, QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="level_property" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetLevelProperty(QueryValue), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="game_property" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetGameProperty(QueryValue), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else if( QueryType=="player_property" ) { Result = SendQueryPacket(Addr, GetPlayerProperty(QueryValue), QueryNum, PacketNum, bFinalPacket); } else { Log("UdpServerQuery: Unknown query: "$QueryType); } if( !Result ) Log("UdpServerQuery: Error responding to query."); return QueryRest; } function string GetInfo() { local string ResultSet; local string GameType; // The server name, i.e.: Bob's Server ResultSet = "\\hostname\\"$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ServerName; // The short server name //ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\shortname\\"$Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.ShortName; // The server port. ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\hostport\\"$Level.Game.GetServerPort(); // (optional) The server IP // if (ServerIP != "") // ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\hostip\\"$ServerIP; // The map/level title ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\maptitle\\"$Level.Title; // Map name ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\mapname\\"$Left(string(Level), InStr(string(Level), ".")); // The mod or game type GameType = GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)); // if server admin wants it to show up in regular tabs, change the game type reported if (bShowStandard) { if (GameType=="ExcessiveDeathMatchPlus") GameType = "DeathMatchPlus"; else if (GameType=="ExcessiveCTFGame") GameType = "CTFGame"; else if (GameType=="ExcessiveDomination") GameType = "Domination"; else if (GameType=="ExcessiveTeamGamePlus") GameType = "TeamGamePlus"; else if (GameType=="ExcessiveLastManStanding") GameType = "LastManStanding"; else if (GameType=="ExcessiveAssault") GameType = "ExcessiveAssault"; } ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gametype\\"$GameType; // The number of players ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\numplayers\\"$Level.Game.NumPlayers; // The maximum number of players ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\maxplayers\\"$Level.Game.MaxPlayers; // The game mode: openplaying ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gamemode\\openplaying"; // The version of this game. ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gamever\\"$Level.EngineVersion; // The most recent network compatible version. ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\minnetver\\"$Level.MinNetVersion; ResultSet = ResultSet$Level.Game.GetInfo(); return ResultSet; } ` z2- ,-(!̌?R- ,q!- &r.*%?r.*.$-'b?.a U_LWM!x'n 6fKq"Iclass WeaponUpgrade expands Mutator abstract; var class WeaponBaseType; var class WeaponNewType; var class WeaponReplaceType; var string WeaponNewString; function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other, out byte bSuperRelevant) { bSuperRelevant = 0; if (Other.IsA('TournamentWeapon')) // remove old weapon if ( (Other.IsA(WeaponBaseType.Name)) && (!Other.IsA(WeaponNewType.Name)) ) return False; if ( (Other.IsA('TournamentAmmo')) && (WeaponBaseType != class'ImpactHammer') && (WeaponBaseType != class'Translocator') ) // remove old ammo if ( (Other.IsA(WeaponBaseType.Default.AmmoName.Name)) && (!Other.IsA(WeaponNewType.Default.AmmoName.Name)) ) return False; return True; } function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { Super.ModifyPlayer(Other); if (WeaponReplaceType != None) GiveWeapon(Other, WeaponReplaceType); else GiveWeapon(Other, WeaponNewType); if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyPlayer(Other); } //this was lifted from the DeathMatchPlus class function GiveWeapon(Pawn PlayerPawn, class WeaponClass ) { local Weapon NewWeapon; if( PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(WeaponClass) != None ) return; newWeapon = Spawn(WeaponClass); if( newWeapon != None ) { newWeapon.RespawnTime = 0.0; newWeapon.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.bHeldItem = true; newWeapon.SetSwitchPriority(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.WeaponSet(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.AmbientGlow = 0; if ( PlayerPawn.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) newWeapon.SetHand(PlayerPawn(PlayerPawn).Handedness); else newWeapon.GotoState('Idle'); PlayerPawn.Weapon.GotoState('DownWeapon'); PlayerPawn.PendingWeapon = None; PlayerPawn.Weapon = newWeapon; if ( !newWeapon.IsA('ImpactHammer') && !newWeapon.IsA('Translocator') ) { newWeapon.GiveAmmo(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.AmmoType.AmmoAmount = newWeapon.AmmoType.MaxAmmo; } } } wclass ExcessiveSkaarj expands TSkaarj; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } ^bODS- wD[::$D* Dg ?!GD-a$@a$@ ` //============================================================================= // ExcessiveBrowserMenuItem. // original code written by N.Bogenrieder (aka Beppo) //============================================================================= // That's the menuitem in the UT MainDialog window (startup window) // you will find it under 'Mod' //============================================================================= class ExcessiveBrowserMenuItem expands UMenuModMenuItem; function Execute() { MenuItem.Owner.Root.CreateWindow(class'ExcessiveBrowserMainWindow', 10, 10, 150, 100); } [[R-'a$@a!z?w.C*.C-::$C* D?a a(b>,a&&a Pq6qL6LLLqq&qLw?qL6LLL&qLw&%#L=#L=&%#L=#L=ի?,i ]Ib2_VwTZє;aG նmo h=@]E&xcessive Server BrowserA]Excessive Server Browser. \s<<::.% ,-q!- sclass ExcessiveNali expands TNali; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } f G$#w* w{ {?%B{{@?BB{ HA{a+P- ::$ E-- ?fa f $ yclass ExcessiveFemale1 expands TFemale1; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } ~|"-(  h[ur igeS )'w.e* wer pdj q!J' jt dP)BBPCGt bL? Wmdr:da  d?da  V 5 D}% -(=w*%.Bb:.%:.% v! 5  cs  "tuvw A @C?,.a!nfff?v!  Y K hfw.K*E%^E,TE.K!X=E E$ Wp J IS ea/!\.g?.]̾#"DC>Cw*Z- $@.$@.-aJ \@L= Q^GuI GE Gn\EPasswordz\oG&f^EhUG&h*f^EhUf ln k=q i R+(oi - S-_a  "@_=-'= x `^w.x*P%^P,TP.x!r=P P z TW..rW**q! RR:W%5q!%   8 q!]  B=BY::$96?,xY6-333?{::$PGa!b>-(a jxk% GJ* c^? ^c bGLb*ja\S#=\a/!n ;w.\-8  Q}L q I[[o$b?-'af[f M?&yD?,&]?,[@@y%cy%cq!p hsc;:s.rsa  UVPVws ws ws*sa/! L>.sB.Cvw, , L>v @s3 w.Uի?wCvya  UV?, yy?,pBpB`jGUV?,  -class FlakUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; HHc2}yH]?,_w*Ya q HPHY^{a B HPH qclass ExcessiveCow expands TCow; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } aZG-q!Jhw.*Rr.*.$h.$D.rD**q! :D%5q!% Ga>ZZL>b??&zD\C?Y  ..E*!q a q a "@aq! OUpV<TC8/y%c%y%c,v!6v!  Se SQe a/!n q!] 0class MinigunUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; bYb1aXS=Xa/!B ;w.X-8 _ FC!X?_ A?, ^ a AW,,@%@Wa } !AP@[a Vh]=, X]excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun `fs%-(-(  cIv-(v-v! &6L-r.*q!sk-!?%q!es6 &:&-'  Z Al ?%::$a!xa??(::$ b a  >9?,d6?, zDPCG-(6 -- 'v!?  i -:'-r.*q!F-!?%q!e- ,!̌?-(- ,6 u!:&-'  Y !w*   .class PulseUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; d  V~o VpPop count!!!!: SV/a6 jSCLSVV10?,C??a  ! a A D?V,,~%~Va D  ծ?,d?,d#?~a i FQLaC?,.a!nfff? <Shc \D#R V,oc l k m R "nlH;s.rla  ~}P}wl wl wl*la/! L>.lB.Cku, , L>k @l3 u.~ի?uCkva  ~}?, vv?,pBpB`jG~}?,  @JOi )[ $\Oa/!`\Oa/JOa/d(Oa/!W wJ  wJ Oa/J&Oa/d(' eiq^ͷ=, V]excessive2.ExcessivePulseGunlU \ ?w::$}A-,::$--aL= #=($  t- >???>a !ծ?,?,#??\ pB b?, ff>aL=L=(  Fr$o-#w*Z'$ff?.a![>L=b?::$q!k'( Q PA`@L=::$g,a ::$/a8 ?,::$ ^?^#>^ ?%uĎ?^  u?,_ Du ի??Q10 /a8 ?, ^?^#>^ ?%uĎ?^-.su?,  u?,_ Du ի??Q10?, uclass ExcessiveMale1 expands TMale1; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } ^/class RipperUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; uclass ExcessiveMale2 expands TMale2; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } /class RocketUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; HZ v  ^. .  I  Y  4B4B - '- '_ V. G'- '.^ H   Z!.  A BC*Ce. G'N ^N^ G O ^OP ,!J,!J,!V,!U,!W,!TZ%Z,Z!4^PZ|WZ 4.46- {4k{41Z ,Excessive Deathmatch41 ,Excessive Team Deathmatch41 [,Excessive Capture the Flag41 ,Excessive Domination41 ,Excessive Assault41 =,Excessive Last Man Standing41 441FServerListTitlesWZUBrowserZZ sclass ExcessiveBoss expands TBoss; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } 43class ShockRifleUpgrade expands WeaponUpgrade; yclass ExcessiveFemale2 expands TFemale2; exec function GetWeapon(class NewWeaponClass ) { // intercept old weapon calls and replace with Excessive versions if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Translocator') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveTranslocator'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ImpactHammer') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveHammer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Enforcer') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveEnforcer'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_BioRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveBioRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.ShockRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveShockRifle'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.PulseGun') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessivePulseGun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Ripper') NewWeaponClass = class 'Excessive2.ExcessiveRipper'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.Minigun2') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveMinigun'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_FlakCannon') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveFlakCannon'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.UT_Eightball') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveRocketLauncher'; if (NewWeaponClass == class'Botpack.SniperRifle') NewWeaponClass = class'Excessive2.ExcessiveSniper'; Super.GetWeapon(NewWeaponClass); } yE&1 @X DaJ k,!r,!T,!S,!U,!n,!pb -X   B <   L  A ACB ] ] ] S c S LS W S bS X S C S cpoFW S V S FS kS D S AS E S S ] 7S \S MS y S IS @ AgS }F[ S aS `I~ Ab S U S TFa ] =S AH S F S KMzFNS rcOMLFWS XS IAl S fIOAZS CS 9pnIPS `IPIWAoARS kS ,Fd S jS JMvILF]S dCS S oS vMFu S LS BS hpmFV Ko M0AvFi KF cKMY S dIgkUK^ Mm S GcBIv }H S pS n S ES  kU ItF_ kRc2Dvcs v B Mh ] \AZS J S uK^Fg S D}lS r FiS zID S sFJ F` K cMS eS o S T S g kwcGKE I~Fx DokJFv Dp AK IekmDoF[ Fq S M Fe kYS v S u ID F] K_Fe S _ AKFXkcc c&FZ FD I ] EIT KM S w cyIdFtk~k-KK FO_ Ink|pBMRIPS p Fe Mt I} k3Fm KSKhS c kO I\S z Ac S Z C[I~Kn KS}I }lkncKIXF/OkS v Agkbc@S I cp] CIq kkQkicK@ FP FP kYIq FO c_S VKp cNS h S ~ KHIq c?k|AK IM KPFm S t ] wS w AG IUFh FO A} Fekf S C K` IL KxkkkZ IV] fFeHcKDzkLk3S gS S IeI]FXI|kS Q II I\K@FcMtIU] hM<FC S Q k}rIYKFS KFfcLS a kCiS Y S _ S j k%S H FtKA cIS L }O}YS \KQk|IFMRMVIS -fS ` MJ S \Q S \P S \R Ig k3kk3cAGS k kJS t Iq Ka S m MW S l IJ MsMc AeS Mq S b KES EcGkbKHS j S CS w S { kkk|F] cNFx cES b cFl Ms S -dS B cFxS bcHFu S N ] mS kcD?Kd k|kkS B ccHS g kj9kkKbcDS y S h cHc*cPS  cPFpMsS AS z k%S [ S f S i S qF[KQ S CS hS \ I]c8c8MdIjFv S { S R S OFrc?LKjG Iw F`I^ MK }P kjMH }O c?Kcc?ciARS Z cScc@k9c+S N c8c8cMcMLUc8S i cC.c8IYS G IDc Okpc cALcLc S | cFJcS E S scLKVFP c8FVc}H KycHCacHcYcKq c)K[}J FjF FwcFcHcS}I c TF~ cITIN KnFN KuceS X AG }t Ke MI cDcHVK\ kmIf KckYc S x FbcjcYFkcg}XfcAS @S JFA cbFN KTcF@ cTFc[K@ Kj AT}QF;`cZPcFd c Aj FNS a Fp IWKDN cQS}U c[}A S e I}KMI[}p I` cCcC _c] KccVIoAf c4 cV}{}QFY n d c c&DiMeMW }| c}clcTc(Ii cUDT DR cIKhKo IL c1Rc1Sc1[cHKk IK MDycUFuc c*FqI+kNI`cISc] oc S s c Fo cPcMecQ[S ` IZcFYaS ^ KLSc c?c c:c!cFS HcD^ cWc>S Am FScc}u ccS d DS KLO cc c4 c4S \ F}W c(c4Cc4Dc>cWc@Kf cIwcPcP F~IzccFk ] ^t xb c* c*KDO Kac cWcKkc>cHcHcFc c>cWc>] J t fl cWcccUCcUDcUcU cU c>cr c+c+ c+aS ] cBc caKScc ccS ] cc cccTcT cTCcTDcTfcT c>cWFm p5uKic }^c S -WcHt r }v c1c1S Ev z v { v | v } v ~ cYocTc~KC Myt )b ] ({] {WW  DW  Q'W  ^?W  kW  xn En Sn an o(n } n Kn Yn gn  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