Áƒ*žEç@]Œ.|¸ť\~0уA‘[a‡óďńš]çNoneRoaming AttackingBeginRunAwayGiveWayMovingTakeHit TakeDamageNPCMaleOneBot SetEnemyAnimEndBotDesireabilityCamp PlayTurningTweenToWaiting wanderingBump BeginStateTweenToRunning TryAgainReCampShootDecoration LongCampLandedShareWithTeamFindAmbushSpot EndStatePlayOut NearWallSetFallPickupFindInventoryTypeDying AcquisitionPickDestinationAdjustFromWall SpecialNavig WarnTarget AttitudeToRestartPlayerMover PlayerPawnEngineTick UnrealShareInventorySpotUnrealISystemWeaponHitWall HearNoiseTimer SeePlayerHealthNPCNameAggressivenessBotNPC1PostBeginPlay NeedToTurnEnemyAcquiredDied AmbientGlow HandleDoor LongFallHandleHelpMessageFrom PlayWaitingTweenToFighter HidePlayerCoreTweenToPatrolStop FearThisSpot MeleeRange PlayRunning Spectator MenuNamedamageAttitudeTo SightRadius WhatToDoNext FireWeapon AmbushpointTweenToWalking FallingState PlayWalking ReSetSkill SpawnCarcassWaitingForStart CombatStyle bIsPlayerMaxDesireability LevelInfo GameInfoDesiredRotationPhysics bCanJumpMaxStepHeight Location AnimFrameWallXClassPropertyTeam AnimSequence DamageType Decoration LoudnessOtherPKillershooterYN HitLocationCollisionHeightbHiddenCollisionRadius Velocity ReturnValue AIRatingEnemyGameZTarget TimerRatespeed nextPawn SpecialPauseOwner NoiseMaker PawnList HitActorlookDir bDeleteMetaken markedItem contents Rotation instigatedBy MoveTimer Destination MoveTarget projSpeedInvFocus LastSeenPosASpot ViewRotationFireDir NextLabel NextStatebFire bAltFire EAttitudeSkill SpecialGoalObjectPropertyNavigationPointPlayerReplicationInfo Momentum InventoryFloatPropertyStructPropertyLevelActor BoolProperty IntPropertyPawni NamePropertyDeathMatchGameClass bTeamGamePackage TextBufferBots WalkingSpeedObject BytePropertyEnum Function InstigatorState StrPropertyVectorStruct SetAlertness TeamInfo PlayerName bSpecialGoal bCanFirebSpecialPausing bWantsToCampbNoShootDecorbReadyToAttack CampTime bCamping bWallAdjustbNoClearSpecial EnemyDropped OrderObject NextAnim AmbushSpotatt SeenPlayerBestInv bCanReach bHaveItem bIsHealth bOtherHas goalItemVelDir OtherDir KnowPath Bestweight NewWeight DroppedDist BestPathDecOldLastSeenPosNumBots TeamIndex MaleOneBotBotpackAssault Attacker DefenderDamage HitNormal DefenderTeam AccelerationDefenderFinal‚€„˜˜˜  @ ” ” €‚ €„´P”K„ߘ€„3€‚€„,€”€€‚"€‚*€”!€”$€%€‚&€”'€”€€„€€ €)€”ţ]5S)a(™**Ë$Ě$ ň&`Ř$z-w›:Œ.†Ž–‘Œ=.†Ž–‘čč›:Œ.†Žœ‘Œ=.†Žœ‘'"„š::$ š::$L ű.#x\ `z-w›:Œ.†Ž–‘Œ=.†Ž–‘čč›:Œ.†Žœ‘Œ=.†Žœ‘ž™ 8#$%&'(˜Ł% Wţ˛!˛!Ŕ!q!^q! 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FIXME - need some acquisition specific animation HearNoise and SeePlayer used to improve/change stimulus */ state Acquisition { ignores falling, landed; //fixme function WarnTarget(Pawn shooter, float projSpeed, vector FireDir) { local eAttitude att; if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } att = AttitudeTo(shooter); if ( ((att == ATTITUDE_Ignore) || (att == ATTITUDE_Threaten)) ) damageAttitudeTo(shooter); } function TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType) { if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } LastSeenPos = Enemy.Location; Global.TakeDamage(Damage, instigatedBy, hitlocation, momentum, damageType); if ( health <= 0 ) return; if (NextState == 'TakeHit') { NextState = 'Attacking'; NextLabel = 'Begin'; GotoState('TakeHit'); } else GotoState('Attacking'); } function HearNoise(float Loudness, Actor NoiseMaker) { local vector OldLastSeenPos; if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } if ( SetEnemy(NoiseMaker.instigator) ) { OldLastSeenPos = LastSeenPos; if ( Enemy == NoiseMaker.instigator ) LastSeenPos = 0.5 * (NoiseMaker.Location + VSize(NoiseMaker.Location - Location) * vector(Rotation)); else if ( (Pawn(NoiseMaker) != None) && (Enemy == Pawn(NoiseMaker).Enemy) ) LastSeenPos = 0.5 * (Pawn(NoiseMaker).Enemy.Location + VSize(Pawn(NoiseMaker).Enemy.Location - Location) * vector(Rotation)); if ( VSize(OldLastSeenPos - Enemy.Location) < VSize(LastSeenPos - Enemy.Location) ) LastSeenPos = OldLastSeenPos; } } function SeePlayer(Actor SeenPlayer) { if ( SetEnemy(Pawn(SeenPlayer)) ) { MakeNoise(1.0); NextAnim = ''; LastSeenPos = Enemy.Location; GotoState('Attacking'); if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } } } function BeginState() { if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } if (health <= 0) log(self$" acquisition while dead"); Disable('Tick'); //only used for bounding anim time SetAlertness(-0.5); } PlayOut: Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } if ( (AnimFrame < 0.6) && IsAnimating() ) { Sleep(0.05); Goto('PlayOut'); } Begin: if (DefenderTeam) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } else { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; } } Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); if (NeedToTurn(LastSeenPos)) { PlayTurning(); TurnTo(LastSeenPos); } DesiredRotation = Rotator(LastSeenPos - Location); TweenToFighter(0.2); FinishAnim(); ////log("Stimulus = "$Stimulus); if ( AttitudeTo(Enemy) == ATTITUDE_Fear ) //will run away from noise { LastSeenPos = Enemy.Location; MakeNoise(1.0); NextAnim = ''; GotoState('Attacking'); } else //investigate noise { ////log("investigate noise"); if ( pointReachable((Location + LastSeenPos) * 0.5) ) { TweenToWalking(0.3); FinishAnim(); PlayWalking(); MoveTo((Location + LastSeenPos) * 0.5, WalkingSpeed); Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); } WhatToDoNext('',''); } // if (DefenderTeam) // { // if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) // { // PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; // } // } // else // { // if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex) // { // PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Attacker.TeamIndex; // } // } } state Roaming { ignores EnemyNotVisible; function Bump(actor Other) { local vector VelDir, OtherDir; local float speed; //log(Other.class$" bumped "$class); if (Pawn(Other) != None) { if ( (Other == Enemy) || SetEnemy(Pawn(Other)) ) { bReadyToAttack = true; GotoState('Attacking'); } return; } if ( TimerRate <= 0 ) setTimer(1.0, false); speed = VSize(Velocity); if ( speed > 1 ) { VelDir = Velocity/speed; VelDir.Z = 0; OtherDir = Other.Location - Location; OtherDir.Z = 0; OtherDir = Normal(OtherDir); if ( (VelDir Dot OtherDir) > 0.9 ) { Velocity.X = VelDir.Y; Velocity.Y = -1 * VelDir.X; Velocity *= FMax(speed, 200); } } else if ( bCamping ) GotoState('Wandering'); Disable('Bump'); } function HandleHelpMessageFrom(Pawn Other) { if ( (Health > 70) && (Weapon.AIRating > 0.5) && (Other.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team == PlayerReplicationInfo.Team) && (Other.Enemy != None) && (VSize(Other.Enemy.Location - Location) < 1200) ) { SetEnemy(Other.Enemy); GotoState('Attacking'); } } function TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType) { Global.TakeDamage(Damage, instigatedBy, hitlocation, momentum, damageType); if (DefenderFinal) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } if ( health <= 0 ) return; if (NextState == 'TakeHit') { NextState = 'Attacking'; NextLabel = ''; GotoState('TakeHit'); } else if ( !bCanFire && (skill > 3 * FRand()) ) GotoState('Attacking'); } function FearThisSpot(Actor aSpot) { Destination = Location + 120 * Normal(Location - aSpot.Location); GotoState('Wandering', 'Moving'); } function Timer() { bReadyToAttack = True; Enable('Bump'); } function SetFall() { bWallAdjust = false; NextState = 'Roaming'; NextLabel = 'Landed'; NextAnim = AnimSequence; GotoState('FallingState'); } function EnemyAcquired() { if (DefenderFinal) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } GotoState('Acquisition'); } function HitWall(vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { if (Physics == PHYS_Falling) return; if ( Wall.IsA('Mover') && Mover(Wall).HandleDoor(self) ) { if ( SpecialPause > 0 ) Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); GotoState('Roaming', 'SpecialNavig'); return; } Focus = Destination; if ( !bWallAdjust && PickWallAdjust() ) GotoState('Roaming', 'AdjustFromWall'); else { MoveTimer = -1.0; bWallAdjust = false; } } // // // // P I C K D E S T I N A T I O N // // // function PickDestination() { local inventory Inv, BestInv, KnowPath; local float Bestweight, NewWeight, DroppedDist; local actor BestPath, HitActor; local vector HitNormal, HitLocation; local decoration Dec; local bool bCanReach; local NavigationPoint N; local int i; if (DefenderFinal) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } if ( (EnemyDropped != None) && !EnemyDropped.bDeleteMe && (EnemyDropped.Owner == None) ) { DroppedDist = VSize(EnemyDropped.Location - Location); if ( (DroppedDist < 800) && ActorReachable(EnemyDropped) ) { BestWeight = EnemyDropped.BotDesireability(self); if ( BestWeight > 0.4 ) { MoveTarget = EnemyDropped; EnemyDropped = None; return; } BestInv = EnemyDropped; BestWeight = BestWeight/DroppedDist; KnowPath = BestInv; } else BestWeight = 0; } else BestWeight = 0; EnemyDropped = None; //first look at nearby inventory < 600 dist foreach visiblecollidingactors(class'Inventory', Inv, 600) if ( (Inv.IsInState('PickUp')) && (Inv.MaxDesireability/50 > BestWeight) && (Inv.Location.Z < Location.Z + MaxStepHeight + CollisionHeight) ) { NewWeight = inv.BotDesireability(self)/VSize(Inv.Location - Location); // log("looking at local "$Inv$" weight "$100000*NewWeight); if ( NewWeight > BestWeight ) { BestWeight = NewWeight; BestInv = Inv; } } if ( BestInv != None ) { bCanJump = ( BestInv.Location.Z > Location.Z - CollisionHeight - MaxStepHeight ); bCanReach = ActorReachable(BestInv); } else bCanReach = false; bCanJump = true; if ( bCanReach ) { //log("Roam to local "$BestInv); MoveTarget = BestInv; return; } else if ( KnowPath != None ) { MoveTarget = KnowPath; return; } //c if ( (Weapon.AIRating > 0.5) && (Health > 90) ) //c { // bWantsToCamp = ( bWantsToCamp || (FRand() < CampingRate * FMin(1.0, Level.TimeSeconds - LastCampCheck)) ); // LastCampCheck = Level.TimeSeconds; // log("FOUR" ); //c //c } //c else // bWantsToCamp = false; if ( bWantsToCamp && FindAmbushSpot() ) return; // if none found, check for decorations with inventory if ( !bNoShootDecor ) foreach visiblecollidingactors(class'Decoration', Dec, 500) if ( Dec.Contents != None ) { bNoShootDecor = true; Target = Dec; GotoState('Roaming', 'ShootDecoration'); return; } bNoShootDecor = false; BestWeight = 0; // look for long distance inventory BestPath = FindBestInventoryPath(BestWeight, (skill >= 2)); //log("roam to "$BestPath); //log("---------------------------------"); if ( BestPath != None ) { MoveTarget = BestPath; return; } // if nothing, then wander or camp if ( FRand() < 0.35 ) { GotoState('Wandering'); } else { CampTime = 3.5 + FRand() - skill; GotoState('Roaming', 'Camp'); } } function bool FindAmbushSpot() { if ( (AmbushSpot == None) && (Ambushpoint(MoveTarget) != None) ) AmbushSpot = Ambushpoint(MoveTarget); if ( Ambushspot != None ) { Ambushspot.taken = true; if ( VSize(Ambushspot.Location - Location) < 2 * CollisionRadius ) { CampTime = 10.0; GotoState('Roaming', 'LongCamp'); return true; } if ( ActorReachable(Ambushspot) ) { MoveTarget = Ambushspot; return true; } MoveTarget = FindPathToward(Ambushspot); if ( MoveTarget != None ) return true; Ambushspot.taken = false; Ambushspot = None; } return false; } function AnimEnd() { if ( bCamping ) PlayWaiting(); else PlayRunning(); } function ShareWithTeam() { local bool bHaveItem, bIsHealth, bOtherHas; local Inventory goalItem; local Pawn P; goalItem = InventorySpot(MoveTarget).markedItem; if ( goalItem == None ) // FIXME REMOVE { log(" No marked item for "$MoveTarget); return; } if ( goalItem.IsA('Weapon') ) { if ( (Weapon == None) || (Weapon.AIRating < 0.45) ) return; bHaveItem = (FindInventoryType(goalItem.class) != None); } else if ( goalItem.IsA('Health') ) { bIsHealth = true; if ( Health < 60 ) return; } else return; CampTime = 2.0; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.nextPawn ) if ( P.bIsPlayer && (P.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team == PlayerReplicationInfo.Team) && ((P.MoveTarget == MoveTarget) || (P.MoveTarget == goalItem) || (!bIsHealth && P.IsA('PlayerPawn') && !P.IsA('Spectator') && (VSize(P.Location - Location) < 1250) && LineOfSightTo(P))) ) { //decide who needs it more if ( bIsHealth ) { if ( Health > P.Health + 10 ) { GotoState('Roaming', 'GiveWay'); return; } else if ( (P.IsInState('Roaming')) && (Health < P.Health - 10) ) P.GotoState('Roaming', 'GiveWay'); } else { bOtherHas = (P.FindInventoryType(goalItem.class) != None); if ( !bHaveItem && bOtherHas ) { if ( P.IsInState('Roaming') ) P.GotoState('Roaming', 'GiveWay'); } else if ( bHaveItem && !bOtherHas ) { GotoState('Roaming', 'GiveWay'); return; } } } } function BeginState() { if (DefenderFinal) { if (PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex) { PlayerReplicationInfo.Team = Assault(Level.Game).Defender.TeamIndex; } } bNoShootDecor = false; bCanFire = false; bCamping = false; if ( bNoClearSpecial ) bNoClearSpecial = false; else { bSpecialPausing = false; bSpecialGoal = false; SpecialGoal = None; SpecialPause = 0.0; } } function EndState() { if ( AmbushSpot != None ) { AmbushSpot.taken = false; if ( Enemy != None ) AmbushSpot = None; } bCamping = false; bWallAdjust = false; } LongCamp: bCamping = true; Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); TweenToWaiting(0.15); if ( OrderObject.IsA('AmbushPoint') ) TurnTo(Location + (Ambushpoint(OrderObject)).lookdir); Sleep(CampTime); Goto('Begin'); GiveWay: // log("sharing"); bCamping = true; Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); TweenToWaiting(0.15); if ( NearWall(200) ) { PlayTurning(); TurnTo(MoveTarget.Location); } Sleep(CampTime); Goto('Begin'); Camp: bCamping = true; Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); TweenToWaiting(0.15); ReCamp: if ( NearWall(200) ) { PlayTurning(); TurnTo(Focus); } Sleep(CampTime); if ( (Weapon != None) && (Weapon.AIRating > 0.4) && (3 * FRand() > skill + 1) ) Goto('ReCamp'); Begin: bCamping = false; TweenToRunning(0.1); WaitForLanding(); RunAway: PickDestination(); SpecialNavig: if (SpecialPause > 0.0) { Disable('AnimEnd'); Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); TweenToPatrolStop(0.3); Sleep(SpecialPause); SpecialPause = 0.0; Enable('AnimEnd'); TweenToRunning(0.1); Goto('RunAway'); } Moving: if ( !IsAnimating() ) AnimEnd(); if ( MoveTarget == None ) { Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); Sleep(0.0); Goto('RunAway'); } if ( MoveTarget.IsA('InventorySpot') ) { if ( Level.Game.bTeamGame ) ShareWithTeam(); if ( InventorySpot(MoveTarget).markedItem.BotDesireability(self) > 0 ) { if ( InventorySpot(MoveTarget).markedItem.GetStateName() == 'Pickup' ) MoveTarget = InventorySpot(MoveTarget).markedItem; else if ( VSize(Location - MoveTarget.Location) < CollisionRadius ) { CampTime = 3.5 + FRand() - skill; Goto('Camp'); } } } bCamping = false; MoveToward(MoveTarget); Goto('RunAway'); TakeHit: TweenToRunning(0.12); Goto('Moving'); Landed: if ( MoveTarget == None ) //FIXME - do this in all landed: !!! Goto('RunAway'); Goto('Moving'); AdjustFromWall: bWallAdjust = true; bCamping = false; StrafeTo(Destination, Focus); Destination = Focus; MoveTo(Destination); bWallAdjust = false; Goto('Moving'); ShootDecoration: TurnToward(Target); if ( Target != None ) { FireWeapon(); bAltFire = 0; bFire = 0; } Goto('RunAway'); } ÍNV ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙Bœř ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙6jOôUŘÍ•Ł?Ľ€Gôˇ‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘ŸŇ—O÷˜ŻĐ“œĄXŠ'˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œŠŽ”‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtȉ{#Uż‰{#Uż‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ˜ŻĐ“œ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČĽ€GôˇĽ€GôˇĽ€Gôˇ‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘ĄXŠ'ĄXŠ'ĄXŠ'ĄXŠ'˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œ˜ŻĐ“œ´GŠ™Ŕ„œÔXĎyrŇŻ‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘„œÔX‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘ĄXŠ'‚žtȉ{#Uż‰{#Uż‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ„œÔX„œÔXĽ€Gôˇ„œÔXĄXŠ'„œÔXŠŽ”˝ŠŮŤŸŇ—O÷˜ŻĐ“œŸŇ—O÷˜ŻĐ“œŸŇ—O÷„œÔX‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‚žtȉ{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘„œÔX„œÔX„œÔX„œÔX‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtČ‚žtȉ{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‚žtȉ{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‰{#UżŠŽ”†—Źž ‹ôŞŞ‘‚žtČŠŽ”˝ŠŮŤŠŽ”ÂnŸüމ{#Uż‰{#Uż‰{#Uż‰{#Uż‰{#Uż9/-+E“07] Resident8$š™™>H$ BM$@œEW$ÍĚĚ=K] A Non Player>QľÁCS[@7×-‚r*w.Ľ•*.Ľ•Ów*-Ä'ˆ°á؝ Ť?,Ö¨ Aq!!' b•'•bťw•*'-Ä(*( €ÇR wž9-˘BI ęTƒƒ:.Ÿ•ťFr*çp No marked item for V• ˘a/!1„r°*°°Ăffć> -w Ó*ŃĎa/!6-'̖Ł,< Ń ¨@Ž×˙w*č‚‚-Ú*š:Œ:Œœ„„r••r•h‚‚‚‚-a/!*a/!J °áŘ ?â b[-—Ł’Ł, q!! 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