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C Nc<<bNb  } g@: %@r.*g%Y.  g&Y?Y?g%.?8Y>.? u GJ)pGVWDpC4W& {Pp6{Ea  V{E p?WEW&   _nG_VL>?--3![ _{.>_=a $a!AV_{.>a!V>a![V h k Yb T ]JH::$ wB!I!!" M P JO OIƠA]BPak.BEightball}// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BEightballMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BEightballMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; H \[ Q b<.* nX xw * a  c 2ncC.?,a!^??-L> Z Y// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BEnforcer // Parent: Botpack.Enforcer // // // ==================================================================== class BEnforcer extends Enforcer; simulated function PostRender( canvas Canvas ) { local PlayerPawn P; local float Scale; Super.PostRender(Canvas); P = PlayerPawn(Owner); if ( (P != None) && (P.DesiredFOV != P.DefaultFOV) ) { bOwnsCrossHair = true; Scale = Canvas.ClipX/640; Canvas.SetPos(0.5 * Canvas.ClipX - 128 * Scale, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipY - 128 * Scale ); if ( Level.bHighDetailMode ) Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Translucent; else Canvas.Style = ERenderStyle.STY_Normal; Canvas.DrawIcon(Texture'RReticle', Scale); Canvas.SetPos(0.5 * Canvas.ClipX + 64 * Scale, 0.5 * Canvas.ClipY + 96 * Scale); Canvas.DrawColor.R = 0; Canvas.DrawColor.G = 255; Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0; Scale = P.DefaultFOV/P.DesiredFOV; Canvas.DrawText("X"$int(Scale)$"."$int(10 * Scale - 10 * int(Scale))); } else bOwnsCrossHair = false; } function TraceFire( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z; local actor Other; local Pawn PawnOwner; PawnOwner = Pawn(Owner); Owner.MakeNoise(PawnOwner.SoundDampening); GetAxes(PawnOwner.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + PawnOwner.Eyeheight * Z; AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2*AimError, False, False); X = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace = StartTrace + 10000 * X; Other = PawnOwner.TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); ProcessTraceHit(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, X,Y,Z); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local UT_Shellcase s; s = Spawn(class'UT_ShellCase',, '', Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + 30 * X + (2.8 * FireOffset.Y+5.0) * Y - Z * 1); if ( s != None ) { s.DrawScale = 2.0; s.Eject(((FRand()*0.3+0.4)*X + (FRand()*0.2+0.2)*Y + (FRand()*0.3+1.0) * Z)*160); } if (Other == Level) Spawn(class'UT_HeavyWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); else if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) { if ( Other.bIsPawn ) Other.PlaySound(Sound 'ChunkHit',, 4.0,,100); if ( Other.bIsPawn && (HitLocation.Z - Other.Location.Z > 0.62 * Other.CollisionHeight) && (instigator.IsA('PlayerPawn') || (instigator.IsA('Bot') && !Bot(Instigator).bNovice)) ) Other.TakeDamage(200, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 35000 * X, AltDamageType); else Other.TakeDamage(90, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 30000.0*X, MyDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } function SpawnDouble() { local Pawn P; local Inventory Copy; if (SlaveEnforcer == None) { P = Pawn(Owner); // spawn a double Copy = Spawn(class, P); Copy.BecomeItem(); ItemName = DoubleName; SlaveEnforcer = BEnforcer(Copy); SetTwoHands(); AIRating = 0.4; SlaveEnforcer.SetUpSlave( Pawn(Owner).Weapon == self ); SlaveEnforcer.SetDisplayProperties(Style, Texture, bUnlit, bMeshEnviromap); SetTwoHands(); } } function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'doubleenforcer' ) { AutoSwitchPriority = i; DoubleSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); bMuzzleFlash++; PlayAnim('Shoot', 3.2, 0.02); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayAnim('T1', 3.8, 0.05); bFirstFire = true; } simulated function PlayRepeatFiring() { if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.2, vect(325, 225, 95)); PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); } bMuzzleFlash++; PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim('Shot2', 3.8 , 0.05); } simulated function PlayNormRepeatFiring() { if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.2, vect(325, 225, 95)); PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); } bMuzzleFlash++; PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None,2.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim('Shoot', 3.2 , 0.05); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state NormalFire { ignores Fire, AltFire, AnimEnd; function Timer() { if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SlaveEnforcer.Fire(0); } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SetTimer(0.20, false); Repeater: if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { FlashCount++; TraceFire(0.2); PlayNormRepeatFiring(); FinishAnim(); } if ( bIsSlave ) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) Goto('Repeater'); } else if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); else if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) == None ) Pawn(Owner).bFire = int( FRand() < ReFireRate ); Goto('Repeater'); } PlayAnim('Shoot', 2.8, 0.05); Finish(); } state AltFiring { ignores Fire, AltFire, AnimEnd; function Timer() { if ( Slaveenforcer != none ) Slaveenforcer.AltFire(0); } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } Begin: if ( SlaveEnforcer != none ) SetTimer(0.20, false); FinishAnim(); Repeater: if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { FlashCount++; TraceFire(AltAccuracy); PlayRepeatFiring(); FinishAnim(); } if ( AltAccuracy < 3 ) AltAccuracy += 0.5; if ( bIsSlave ) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) Goto('Repeater'); } else if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); else if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0 ) { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) == None ) Pawn(Owner).bAltFire = int( FRand() < AltReFireRate ); Goto('Repeater'); } PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); Finish(); } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { if ( bIsSlave ) Global.ClientFire(Value); return false; } simulated function Timer() { if ( (SlaveEnforcer != none) && SlaveEnforcer.ClientAltFire(0) ) return; SetTimer(0.5, false); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( Pawn(Owner) == None ) GotoState(''); else if ( Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0 ) { PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bIsSlave && !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( bFirstFire || (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0) ) { PlayRepeatFiring(); bFirstFire = false; } else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else { PlayAnim('T2', 3.8, 0.05); GotoState(''); } } simulated function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); if ( SlaveEnforcer != None ) SetTimer(0.2, false); else SetTimer(0.5, false); } simulated function EndState() { Super.EndState(); if ( SlaveEnforcer != None ) SlaveEnforcer.GotoState(''); } } simulated function bool ClientAltFire( float Value ) { GotoState('Zooming'); return true; } function AltFire( float Value ) { ClientAltFire(Value); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state Zooming { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire == 0 ) { if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && PlayerPawn(Owner).Player.IsA('ViewPort') ) PlayerPawn(Owner).StopZoom(); SetTimer(0.0,False); GoToState('Idle'); } } simulated function BeginState() { if ( Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner).Player.IsA('ViewPort') ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ToggleZoom(); SetTimer(0.2,True); } else { Pawn(Owner).bFire = 1; Pawn(Owner).bAltFire = 0; Global.Fire(0); } } } \ OX eƠ|]BPak.BFlakCannon b x } u o  y// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BFlakcannonMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BFlakcannonMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; !BA g U ; P C:w.*:.%A* y i )M>-%%?%&-' * Z// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BDAmmo5 // Parent: UnrealShare.DAmmo5 // // // ==================================================================== class BDAmmo5 extends DAmmo5; U ?w cC.?,a!^??-L>  f rG -'  a kBe -' | // ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BFlakShell // Parent: Botpack.UTFlakShell // // // ==================================================================== class BFlakShell extends UTFlakShell; function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local vector start; local int i, j; HurtRadius(damage*2, 150, 'FlakDeath', MomentumTransfer, HitLocation); start = Location + 10 * HitNormal; Spawn( class'FlameExplosion',,,Start); Spawn( class'WarExplosion2',,,Start); j = 8 + Rand(8); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) Spawn( class 'BBelch',, '', Start, Rotator(VRand())); //Spawn( class 'UTChunk3',, '', Start); //Spawn( class 'UTChunk4',, '', Start); //Spawn( class 'UTChunk1',, '', Start); Destroy(); } _ m T)X S 2Ba! @$.@ {mk cƠOMBPak.BEnforcerM m 5-(  r .%(&-(&-R l{//============================================================================= // BFlakCannon. //============================================================================= class BFlakCannon expands UT_FlakCannon; // return delta to combat style function float SuggestAttackStyle() { local bot B; B = Bot(Owner); if ( (B != None) && B.bNovice ) return 0.2; return 0.4; } function float SuggestDefenseStyle() { return -0.3; } simulated event RenderTexture(ScriptedTexture Tex) { local Color C; local string Temp; if ( AmmoType != None ) Temp = String(AmmoType.AmmoAmount); while(Len(Temp) < 3) Temp = "0"$Temp; C.R = 255; C.G = 0; C.B = 0; Tex.DrawColoredText( 30, 10, Temp, Font'LEDFont2', C ); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local float EnemyDist, rating; local vector EnemyDir; if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 ) return -2; if ( Pawn(Owner).Enemy == None ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return AIRating; } EnemyDir = Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Owner.Location; EnemyDist = VSize(EnemyDir); rating = FClamp(AIRating - (EnemyDist - 450) * 0.001, 0.2, AIRating); if ( Pawn(Owner).Enemy.IsA('StationaryPawn') ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return AIRating + 0.3; } if ( EnemyDist > 900 ) { bUseAltMode = 0; if ( EnemyDist > 2000 ) { if ( EnemyDist > 3500 ) return 0.2; return (AIRating - 0.3); } if ( EnemyDir.Z < -0.5 * EnemyDist ) { bUseAltMode = 1; return (AIRating - 0.3); } } else if ( (EnemyDist < 750) && (Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Weapon != None) && Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Weapon.bMeleeWeapon ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return (AIRating + 0.3); } else if ( (EnemyDist < 340) || (EnemyDir.Z > 30) ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return (AIRating + 0.2); } else bUseAltMode = int( FRand() < 0.65 ); return rating; } simulated event RenderOverlays( canvas Canvas ) { Texture'FlakAmmoled'.NotifyActor = Self; Super.RenderOverlays(Canvas); Texture'FlakAmmoled'.NotifyActor = None; } // Fire chunks function Fire( float Value ) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local Vector X2,Y2,Z2; local Bot B; local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } GetAxes(pawn(Owner).ViewRotation,x2,y2,z2); x2=normal(x2); pawn(Owner).SetLocation(pawn(Owner).Location+vect(0,0,15)); if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); B = Bot(Owner); P = Pawn(Owner); P.PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); Owner.MakeNoise(2.0 * P.SoundDampening); AdjustedAim = P.AdjustAim(AltProjectileSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarnTarget); GetAxes(AdjustedAim,X,Y,Z); Spawn(class'WeaponLight',,'',Start+X*20,rot(0,0,0)); Start = Start + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Spawn( Class'BFireBelch',, '', Start, AdjustedAim); // Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start - Z, AdjustedAim); // Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start + 2 * Y + Z, AdjustedAim); // Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start - Y, AdjustedAim); // Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start + 2 * Y - Z, AdjustedAim); // Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start, AdjustedAim); // lower skill bots fire less flak chunks /* if ( (B == None) || !B.bNovice || ((B.Enemy != None) && (B.Enemy.Weapon != None) && B.Enemy.Weapon.bMeleeWeapon) ) { Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start + Y - Z, AdjustedAim); Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start + 2 * Y + Z, AdjustedAim); } else if ( B.Skill > 1 ) Spawn( Class'BBelch',, '', Start + Y - Z, AdjustedAim); */ ClientFire(Value); GoToState('NormalFire'); } } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayAnim( 'Fire', 7.5, 0.0); PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_Misc,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); bMuzzleFlash++; } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_Misc,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); PlayAnim('AltFire', 2.5, 0.05); bMuzzleFlash++; } function AltFire( float Value ) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); Spawn(class'WeaponLight',,'',Start+X*20,rot(0,0,0)); Start = Start + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustToss(AltProjectileSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bAltWarnTarget); Spawn(class'BFlakShell',,, Start,AdjustedAim); ClientAltFire(Value); GoToState('AltFiring'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state AltFiring { function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } function AnimEnd() { if ( (AnimSequence != 'Loading') && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) PlayReloading(); else Finish(); } Begin: FlashCount++; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated function PlayReloading() { PlayAnim('Loading',4.0, 0.05); Owner.PlayOwnedSound(CockingSound, SLOT_None,0.5*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } simulated function PlayFastReloading() { PlayAnim('Loading',7.5, 0.05); Owner.PlayOwnedSound(CockingSound, SLOT_None,0.5*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } state ClientReload { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { bForceFire = bForceFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceFire; } simulated function bool ClientAltFire(float Value) { bForceAltFire = bForceAltFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceAltFire; } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( bCanClientFire && (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { if ( bForceFire || (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientFire(0); return; } else if ( bForceAltFire || (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientAltFire(0); return; } } GotoState(''); Global.AnimEnd(); } simulated function EndState() { bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; } simulated function BeginState() { bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; } } state ClientFiring { simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else { PlayFastReloading(); GotoState('ClientReload'); } } } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else { PlayReloading(); GotoState('ClientReload'); } } } state NormalFire { function EndState() { Super.EndState(); OldFlashCount = FlashCount; } function AnimEnd() { if ( (AnimSequence != 'Loading') && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) PlayFastReloading(); else Finish(); } Begin: FlashCount++; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated function TweenDown() { if ( IsAnimating() && (AnimSequence != '') && (GetAnimGroup(AnimSequence) == 'Select') ) TweenAnim( AnimSequence, AnimFrame * 0.4 ); else if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount < 1 ) TweenAnim('Select', 0.5); else PlayAnim('Down',1.0, 0.05); } simulated function PlayIdleAnim() { } simulated function PlayPostSelect() { PlayAnim('Loading', 1.3, 0.05); Owner.PlayOwnedSound(Misc2Sound, SLOT_None,1.3*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } d&// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BFlameBelch // Parent: UnrealI.GasbagBelch // // // ==================================================================== class BFlameBelch extends GasbagBelch; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { SetUp(); Texture = SpriteAnim[0]; i=1; SetTimer(0.01,True); Super.PostBeginPlay(); } simulated function Timer() { Texture = SpriteAnim[i]; i++; if (i>=6) i=0; Explode2(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); } simulated function Explode2(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*2,40.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } simulated function Explode3(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*2,120.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if (Other != instigator) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Other.TakeDamage(Damage, instigator,HitLocation, 15000.0 * Normal(velocity), 'burned'); Explode3(HitLocation, Vect(0,0,0)); } } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*3,120.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; Destroy(); } Begin: Sleep(3); Explode(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); } y C 2- ,-(%̌?R- ,q!a &r.*%?r.*.$-'b?.R M]; M Pu I--/-w.*%- v  t 0-w.*%f-:.%8 -:.%8 q!8 Us { U{ Z6r.*%"q!XK-q!Xxq!; z eT3 ] ~ tr*q!f } d$  i"VF  ^ R`^w w*a!I?'c$?.  (R*$  D O<::.% ,-q!a  R 2;$?.a!|@L= [" Q I >Z!j!@L>(--/-w.*%- ar// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BGalticAlt // Parent: Botpack.ShockProj // // // ==================================================================== class BGalticAlt extends ShockProj; var int cnt; var class Proj[5]; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); SetTimer(0.005,true); } simulated function Timer() { if (cnt > 4) cnt = 0; Spawn(Proj[cnt],,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(Proj[cnt],,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(Proj[cnt],,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); cnt++; } function SuperExplosion() { local int i, j; PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); j = 32 + Rand(32); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'BDAmmo1',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo2',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo3',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo4',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo5',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); } //Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (!Other.IsA('Projectile') || (Other.CollisionRadius > 0)) ) { Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } } function BeginState() { Velocity = vector(Rotation) * speed; } } function Explode(vector HitLocation,vector HitNormal) { if (cnt > 4) cnt = 0; Spawn(Proj[cnt],,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); cnt++; } s// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BEightball // Parent: Botpack.UT_Eightball // // // ==================================================================== class BEightball extends UT_Eightball; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; local name temp, carried; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'UT_Eightball' ) { // set to the same priority as the UT_Eightball AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } simulated function PlayLoading(float rate, int num) { if( Owner == None ) return; Owner.PlayOwnedSound(CockingSound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim(LoadAnim[num],3.0, 0.05); } simulated function PlayRotating(int num) { Owner.PlayOwnedSound(Misc3Sound, SLOT_None, 0.1*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); PlayAnim(RotateAnim[num],3.0, 0.05); } simulated function PlayRFiring(int num) { if ( Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) { PlayerPawn(Owner).shakeview(ShakeTime, ShakeMag*RocketsLoaded, ShakeVert); //shake player view PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(650, 450, 190)); } if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( bFireLoad ) PlayOwnedSound(class'RocketMk2'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None, 4.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); else PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None, 4.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); if (!bInstantRocket) PlayAnim(FireAnim[num], 3.45, 0.05); } state NormalFire { function AnimEnd() { if ( bRotated ) { bRotated = false; PlayLoading(1.1, RocketsLoaded); } else { //if ( bInstantRocket || (RocketsLoaded >= 6) ) //{ GotoState('FireRockets'); return; //} /* RocketsLoaded++; AmmoType.UseAmmo(1); if (pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) bTightWad=True; NewTarget = CheckTarget(); if ( Pawn(NewTarget) != None ) Pawn(NewTarget).WarnTarget(Pawn(Owner), ProjectileSpeed, vector(Pawn(Owner).ViewRotation)); if ( LockedTarget != None ) { If ( NewTarget != LockedTarget ) { LockedTarget = None; Owner.PlaySound(Misc2Sound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); bLockedOn=False; } else if (LockedTarget != None) Owner.PlaySound(Misc1Sound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } bPointing = true; Owner.MakeNoise(0.6 * Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); RotateRocket(); */ } } } state ClientFiring { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire == 0) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) FiringRockets(); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else if ( ( bRotated ) && ( ClientRocketsLoaded < 6 ) ) { PlayLoading(1.1, ClientRocketsLoaded); bRotated = false; ClientRocketsLoaded++; } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (ClientRocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { FiringRockets(); return; } Enable('Tick'); PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function BeginState() { bFireLoad = true; if ( bInstantRocket ) { Disable('AnimEnd'); ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; FiringRockets(); if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else { FiringRockets(); return; } } else { ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function EndState() { ClientRocketsLoaded = 0; bClientDone = false; bRotated = false; } } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire == 0) || (Ammotype.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) FiringRockets(); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else if ( ( bRotated ) && ( ClientRocketsLoaded < 6 ) ) { PlayLoading(1.1, ClientRocketsLoaded); bRotated = false; ClientRocketsLoaded++; } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (ClientRocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { FiringRockets(); return; } Enable('Tick'); PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function BeginState() { bFireLoad = false; if ( bInstantRocket ) { Disable('AnimEnd'); ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; FiringRockets(); if ( !bCanClientFire || (Pawn(Owner) == None) ) GotoState(''); else if ( bClientDone ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); GotoState('ClientReload'); } else { FiringRockets(); return; } } else { ClientRocketsLoaded = 1; PlayRotating(ClientRocketsLoaded - 1); bRotated = true; } } simulated function EndState() { ClientRocketsLoaded = 0; bClientDone = false; bRotated = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state AltFiring { function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if( (pawn(Owner).bAltFire==0) || (RocketsLoaded > 5) || bInstantRocket ) // If if Fire button down, load up another GoToState('FireRockets'); } function AnimEnd() { if ( bRotated && (RocketsLoaded <= 6) ) { bRotated = false; PlayLoading(1.1, RocketsLoaded); } else { if ( bInstantRocket || (RocketsLoaded >= 6) ) { GotoState('FireRockets'); return; } RocketsLoaded++; AmmoType.UseAmmo(1); if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) == None) && ((FRand() > 0.5) || (Pawn(Owner).Enemy == None)) ) Pawn(Owner).bAltFire = 0; bPointing = true; Owner.MakeNoise(0.6 * Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); RotateRocket(); } } function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); RocketsLoaded = 1; bFireLoad = False; if (!bInstantRocket) RotateRocket(); } Begin: bLockedOn = False; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state FireRockets { function Fire(float F) {} function AltFire(float F) {} function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function bool SplashJump() { return false; } function BeginState() { local vector FireLocation, StartLoc, X,Y,Z; local rotator FireRot, RandRot; local BRocket r; local BSeekingRocket s; local BGrenade g; local float Angle, RocketRad; local pawn BestTarget, PawnOwner; local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner; local int DupRockets; local bool bMultiRockets; PawnOwner = Pawn(Owner); if ( PawnOwner == None ) return; PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner); Angle = 0; DupRockets = RocketsLoaded - 1; if (DupRockets < 0) DupRockets = 0; if ( PlayerOwner == None ) bTightWad = ( FRand() * 4 < PawnOwner.skill ); GetAxes(PawnOwner.ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartLoc = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; if ( bFireLoad ) AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustAim(ProjectileSpeed, StartLoc, AimError, True, bWarnTarget); else AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.AdjustToss(AltProjectileSpeed, StartLoc, AimError, True, bAltWarnTarget); if ( PlayerOwner != None ) AdjustedAim = PawnOwner.ViewRotation; PlayRFiring(RocketsLoaded-1); Owner.MakeNoise(PawnOwner.SoundDampening); /*if ( !bFireLoad ) { LockedTarget = None; bLockedOn = false; } else */ if ( LockedTarget != None ) { BestTarget = Pawn(CheckTarget()); if ( (LockedTarget!=None) && (LockedTarget != BestTarget) ) { LockedTarget = None; bLockedOn=False; } } else BestTarget = None; bPendingLock = false; bPointing = true; FireRot = AdjustedAim; RocketRad = 4; if (bTightWad || !bFireLoad) RocketRad=7; bMultiRockets = ( RocketsLoaded > 1 ); While ( RocketsLoaded > 0 ) { if ( bMultiRockets ) Firelocation = StartLoc - (Sin(Angle)*RocketRad - 7.5)*Y + (Cos(Angle)*RocketRad - 7)*Z - X * 4 * FRand(); else FireLocation = StartLoc; if (bFireLoad) { if ( Angle > 0 ) { if ( Angle < 3 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw - Angle * 600; else if ( Angle > 3.5 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw + (Angle - 3) * 600; else FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw; } if ( LockedTarget != None ) { s = Spawn( class 'BSeekingRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); s.Seeking = LockedTarget; s.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if ( Angle > 0 ) s.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } else { r = Spawn( class'BRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); r.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if (RocketsLoaded>4 && bTightWad) r.bRing=True; if ( Angle > 0 ) r.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } } else { if ( Angle > 0 ) { if ( Angle < 3 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw - Angle * 600; else if ( Angle > 3.5 && !bTightWad) FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw + (Angle - 3) * 600; else FireRot.Yaw = AdjustedAim.Yaw; } if ( LockedTarget != None ) { s = Spawn( class 'BSeekingRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); s.Seeking = LockedTarget; s.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if ( Angle > 0 ) s.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } else { r = Spawn( class'BRocket',, '', FireLocation,FireRot); r.NumExtraRockets = DupRockets; if (RocketsLoaded>4 && bTightWad) r.bRing=True; if ( Angle > 0 ) r.Velocity *= (0.9 + 0.2 * FRand()); } /* g = Spawn( class 'BGrenade',, '', FireLocation,AdjustedAim); g.NumExtraGrenades = DupRockets; if ( DupRockets > 0 ) { RandRot.Pitch = FRand() * 1500 - 750; RandRot.Yaw = FRand() * 1500 - 750; RandRot.Roll = FRand() * 1500 - 750; g.Velocity = g.Velocity >> RandRot; } */ } Angle += 1.0484; //2*3.1415/6; RocketsLoaded--; } bTightWad=False; if (bInstantRocket) { Disable('AnimEnd'); bRotated = true; RocketsLoaded = 1; PlayLoading(1.5,0); } else bRotated = false; } function AnimEnd() { if ( !bRotated && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { PlayLoading(1.5,0); RocketsLoaded = 1; bRotated = true; return; } LockedTarget = None; Finish(); } Begin: Sleep(0.18); Finish(); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } te N T O %-(-(  |-(v-v!&7L-r.*q!sk-%?%q!;s7 &S&-'  R 6_ j!@L>(--/-w.*%- w e T nL( c QG+4a@*-G(8  $ mW   _    X  ?  k -'  Z r -'  [ ]   \ W  Z// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BDAmmo4 // Parent: UnrealShare.DAmmo4 // // // ==================================================================== class BDAmmo4 extends DAmmo4; S 86:.%%7  | b >C |d !xa( n vUp Hy '-r.*q!F-%?%q!;- ,%̌?-(- ,7 u! S&-'  ` 1w*%Rq!F-q!fr.*Rq!:.%8:.%8Rq!  k !k$-(=w*%.sb:.% :.%v!" pl (0a ף<;w.*.)#a ף<w.*.)w*}\¾#DBB)>D@:.% ! U=, k    $%"q!9-q!Yr.*"q!~:.%a!H:.%8"q! v Q(l  i ?6B$.@a! @L= p n s ax t kVa/!4J.a/!U.AaL>'.$.$8  u `tr:.%bw.* .a/!U.[a(q!! w 6a( R //$-(a>?(  k _F$-(-(  x e$&@-(-( x { R q!a' e } =$ T F   BJV#!w*q! CA(w*aL>(&a?(  D(r.*q!J%a!q33s@L=q!l- -q!-:.%M-(:.%8a!q33s@L=q!  y !-1&w*  a?( U$// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BFireBelch // Parent: UnrealI.GasbagBelch // // // ==================================================================== class BFireBelch extends GasbagBelch; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { SetUp(); Texture = SpriteAnim[0]; i=1; SetTimer(0.01,True); Super.PostBeginPlay(); } simulated function Timer() { Texture = SpriteAnim[i]; i++; if (i>=6) i=0; Explode2(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); } simulated function Explode2(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } simulated function Explode3(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if (Other != instigator) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Other.TakeDamage(Damage, instigator,HitLocation, 15000.0 * Normal(velocity), 'burned'); Explode3(HitLocation, Vect(0,0,0)); } } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; Spawn( class'BFlameBelch',, '', HitLocation); Destroy(); } Begin: Sleep(0.2); Explode(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); }  b6.!Q%i4 THLw*aL>(aE&#Ma^?,?-:.%% !M-q!b:.%%r.*.=A !Ma!q33s@L= M4I  K 7!w*   ~ iZDa!Q@L='$?. NL  JxDa!Q@L='$?. O   RI--/-w.*%- YB w -(-( \U(0w*aL>(B&#L>Ta-:.%% !M-q!b:.%%r.*.=A !Ma!h333@L= MVR  W !w*   YX Z   \ c~ p$-H'Fw.*.=L#CaCBg&#tnq!_ BTw*Esw.*.=L#CaCB.)$@.a!hL@L=  S -(-( _?a!B33s@L=-' ` 2cB$@.a!hL@ ף< m//============================================================================= // BGalticProj. //============================================================================= class BGalticProj expands ShockProj; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { SetTimer(2.0,true); Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } function Timer() { local UT_SpriteBallExplosion s; s = Spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); s.DrawScale = s.DrawScale * 6; HurtRadius(500, 500, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*2, Location ); } function SuperExplosion() { HurtRadius(Damage*3, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*2, Location ); Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { local UT_SpriteBallExplosion s; If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (!Other.IsA('Projectile') || (Other.CollisionRadius > 0)) ) { s = Spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); s.DrawScale = s.DrawScale * 6; HurtRadius(500, 500, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*2, Location ); //Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } } function BeginState() { Velocity = vector(Rotation) * speed; } } function Explode(vector HitLocation,vector HitNormal) { PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); if (Damage > 60) Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); else Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(Velocity)); } Z// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BDAmmo2 // Parent: UnrealShare.DAmmo2 // // // ==================================================================== class BDAmmo2 extends DAmmo2; U // ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BGrenade // Parent: Botpack.UT_Grenade // // // ==================================================================== class BGrenade extends UT_Grenade; simulated function Explosion(vector HitLocation) { local int i, j; j = 4 + Rand(8); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'BDAmmo1',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo2',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo3',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo4',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo5',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); } BlowUp(HitLocation); Destroy(); } | h(E  %Z6r.*%"q!XK-q!Xiq!; 9 ]N// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BHammer // Parent: Botpack.ImpactHammer // // // ==================================================================== class BHammer extends ImpactHammer; var float AR; var float GS; var float AS; var float WS; var float JZ; state Firing { function AltFire(float F) { } function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local Pawn P; local Rotator EnemyRot; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X, Y, Z; local actor HitActor; if ( bChangeWeapon ) GotoState('DownWeapon'); if ( Bot(Owner) != None ) { if ( Bot(Owner).Enemy == None ) Bot(Owner).bFire = 0; else Bot(Owner).bFire = 1; } P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { AmbientSound = None; GotoState(''); return; } else if( P.bFire==0 ) { TraceFire(0); PlayFiring(); GoToState('FireBlast'); return; } ChargeSize += 0.75 * DeltaTime; Count += DeltaTime; if ( Count > 0.2 ) { Count = 0; Owner.MakeNoise(1.0); } if (ChargeSize > 1) { if ( !P.IsA('PlayerPawn') && (P.Enemy != None) ) { EnemyRot = Rotator(P.Enemy.Location - P.Location); EnemyRot.Yaw = EnemyRot.Yaw & 65535; if ( (abs(EnemyRot.Yaw - (P.Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) > 8000) && (abs(EnemyRot.Yaw - (P.Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) < 57535) ) return; GetAxes(EnemyRot,X,Y,Z); } else GetAxes(P.ViewRotation, X, Y, Z); StartTrace = P.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; if ( (Level.NetMode == NM_Standalone) && P.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) EndTrace = StartTrace + 25 * X; else EndTrace = StartTrace + 60 * X; HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, EndTrace, StartTrace, true); if ( (HitActor != None) && (HitActor.DrawType == DT_Mesh) ) { ProcessTraceHit(HitActor, HitLocation, HitNormal, vector(AdjustedAim), Y, Z); PlayFiring(); GoToState('FireBlast'); } } } function BeginState() { ChargeSize = 0.0; Count = 0.0; } function EndState() { Super.EndState(); reset(Pawn(Owner)); AmbientSound = None; } Begin: setCharMode(Pawn(Owner)); FinishAnim(); AmbientSound = TensionSound; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; LoopAnim('Shake', 0.9); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { if ( (Other == None) || (Other == Owner) || (Other == self) || (Owner == None)) return; ChargeSize = FMin(ChargeSize, 1.5); if ( (Other == Level) || Other.IsA('Mover') ) { ChargeSize = FMax(ChargeSize, 1.0); if ( VSize(HitLocation - Owner.Location) < 80 ) Spawn(class'ImpactMark',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); reset(Pawn(Owner)); spawn(class'WarExplosion2',,,HitLocation); Owner.TakeDamage(10000.0, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, -69000.0 * ChargeSize * X, MyDamageType); } if ( Other != Level ) { if ( Other.bIsPawn && (VSize(HitLocation - Owner.Location) > 90) ) return; Other.TakeDamage(5000.0 * ChargeSize, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 66000.0 * ChargeSize * X, MyDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } function ProcessAltTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local vector realLoc; local float scale; if ( (Other == None) || (Other == Owner) || (Other == self) || (Owner == None) ) return; realLoc = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset(); scale = VSize(realLoc - HitLocation)/180; if ( (Other == Level) || Other.IsA('Mover') ) { Explo(HitLocation); } else { Other.TakeDamage(1000 * scale, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 30000.0 * X * scale, MyDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } simulated function Explo(vector HitLocation) { local int i, j; j = 4 + Rand(8); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'BDAmmo1',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo2',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo3',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo4',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BDAmmo5',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); } } /* simulated function PlayPostSelect() { setCharMode(Pawn(Owner)); if ( Level.NetMode == NM_Client ) { Super.PlayPostSelect(); return; } } simulated function TweenDown() { Super.TweenDown(); reset(Pawn(Owner)); } */ function setCharMode(Pawn P) { P.AccelRate = AR * 8; P.GroundSpeed = GS * 3; P.JumpZ = JZ * 3; P.AirSpeed = AS * 3; P.WaterSpeed = WS * 3; } function reset(Pawn P) { P.AccelRate = AR; P.GroundSpeed = GS; P.JumpZ = JZ; P.AirSpeed = AS; P.WaterSpeed = WS; } f?36.!Q%x4  dzL)zBa !a%!Ja&>xf&a&!J?xa!H?L=  n 2p3w.*.)a!A?>L=$-'  @ \ZtDa!Qff?L='$ff?.  cCFDw*$@@.a!mAL= lu_a  o    np *  okL -'  qr -'  E ?&*; $ff?.a!|@L= my(F(a8c !  v &vr** z7#$-' x?h'-($$* tDUm! P`6r.*%Cq!K-q!s:.%8:.%8Cq!}  ` E'-r.*q!F-%?%q!;- ,%̌?-(- ,7 u! S&-' zF}% u"I--/-w.*%- @ ~B{"I--/-w.*%- C A#-w.*%f-:.%8 -:.%8 q!8  D%!-(-(-(*  E%-(-(-( }JT * 7&`6r.*%Cq!^K-q!^!:.%!X -C?,.a!X33?r*w*Ew.*.)^I:.%8^C-(q!}  Hm)-' I)-( GP-Xa ף=c#!X !p !a ף=c !p p)@ M N*Rr**q!fP-H#:.%-nq!_  L#+V!X -C?,.a!X33?llr*w*E Nj,+$-H(-' O-'-($$*  V R ,=r*r.**-G( r*-Q   . ?%4 . ?,d8  lUT Ơt] BPak.BHammer ] 2=a!  @ @L= $ff@ Cp R.:.% ? ;- w*- w*a/! w.*&>33>.%; #,  33s?-G'q!G -G(* oX2mI$.@a!_@@L=  j ?K=a!  @ @L= $ff@  ["Q#!wa!!>>  \^lWL  ]`}\- L _be  cncw ' ^eqB6djZt1$:"@C] a 9$>6$A,$Afh#a  !  z A hk",l!]#a$a!maa!Ka- 'a&!@@q!w \u , @qz j// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BDAmmo1 // Parent: UnrealShare.DispersionAmmo // // // ==================================================================== class BDAmmo1 extends DispersionAmmo; n  iN //============================================================================= // BComboRing. //============================================================================= class BComboRing expands UT_ComboRing; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { PlayAnim( 'Explo', 0.1, 0.0 ); SpawnEffects(); } if ( Instigator != None ) MakeNoise(0.5); } simulated function SpawnEffects() { local actor a; if ( Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail ) { a = Spawn(class'BRingEx',self); a.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } Spawn(class'BigEnergyImpact',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); a = Spawn(class'shockexplo'); a.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; a = Spawn(class'BShockWave'); a.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } p.//============================================================================= // BChunk. //============================================================================= class BChunk extends UTChunk; var chunktrail trail; var Texture AnimFrame[12]; var int Count; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local rotator RandRot; if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { if ( !Region.Zone.bWaterZone ) Trail = Spawn(class'ChunkTrail',self); SetTimer(0.1, true); } if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { RandRot = Rotation; RandRot.Pitch += FRand() * 2000 - 1000; RandRot.Yaw += FRand() * 2000 - 1000; RandRot.Roll += FRand() * 2000 - 1000; Velocity = Vector(RandRot) * (Speed + (FRand() * 200 - 100)); if (Region.zone.bWaterZone) Velocity *= 0.65; } Super.PostBeginPlay(); } simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( (Chunk(Other) == None) && ((Physics == PHYS_Falling) || (Other != Instigator)) ) { speed = VSize(Velocity); If ( speed > 200 ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Other.TakeDamage(damage*10, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * Velocity/speed), MyDamageType ); if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) PlaySound(Sound 'ChunkHit',, 4.0,,200); } Destroy(); } } simulated function Timer() { Count++; Texture = AnimFrame[Count]; if ( Count == 11 ) SetTimer(0.0,false); } simulated function Landed( Vector HitNormal ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { local float Rand; local SmallSpark s; if ( (Mover(Wall) != None) && Mover(Wall).bDamageTriggered ) { if ( Level.NetMode != NM_Client ) Wall.TakeDamage( Damage*10, instigator, Location, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType); Destroy(); return; } if ( Physics != PHYS_Falling ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); if ( !Level.bDropDetail && (Level.Netmode != NM_DedicatedServer) && !Region.Zone.bWaterZone ) { if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) { s = Spawn(Class'SmallSpark',,,Location+HitNormal*5,rotator(HitNormal)); s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } else Spawn(class'WallCrack',,,Location, rotator(HitNormal)); } } Velocity = 0.8*(( Velocity dot HitNormal ) * HitNormal * (-1.8 + FRand()*0.8) + Velocity); // Reflect off Wall w/damping SetRotation(rotator(Velocity)); speed = VSize(Velocity); if ( speed > 100 ) { MakeNoise(0.3); Rand = FRand(); if (Rand < 0.33) PlaySound(sound 'Hit1', SLOT_Misc,0.6,,1000); else if (Rand < 0.66) PlaySound(sound 'Hit3', SLOT_Misc,0.6,,1000); else PlaySound(sound 'Hit5', SLOT_Misc,0.6,,1000); } } simulated function zonechange(Zoneinfo NewZone) { if (NewZone.bWaterZone) { if ( Trail != None ) Trail.Destroy(); SetTimer(0.0, false); Texture = AnimFrame[11]; Velocity *= 0.65; } } rt w%%-(-(  f  -'v-v!&7L-r.*q!sk-%?%q!;s7 &S&-' l-(a??,(E:.% j:.% D  S+ -( Rj Y,5$*-w * a *  }"C#!wa!@ #=> I ?I$.@a!Pff?ff?L=  U    h "yZr <!H !xa!YXX!Ia&!!= [([,dH%-m(a?' b// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBulletBox // Parent: Botpack.BulletBox // // // ==================================================================== class BBulletBox extends BulletBox; zQBa !a%!Ja&>Oa&!H> U C* W//============================================================================= // BFlakAmmo. //============================================================================= class BFlakAmmo expands FlakAmmo; T//============================================================================= // BBlade. //============================================================================= class BBlade expands BladeHopper; j I s\ 86:.%%7 KLM@ ?+P%&a ף<' N E+,%N# D Gn/$--(%̌?-q!a  PRxSJ C( -( q G+P%&a #<' X E+,%N# ~La 2' ]^_` I+P%&a #<' b E+,%N# Z// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BDAmmo3 // Parent: UnrealShare.DAmmo3 // // // ==================================================================== class BDAmmo3 extends DAmmo3; go%_-3A!Z 333?a$a!@]a!Za$a$  f B#X-3:ff>a $a $a!DVa$a$a!E jkA CA|:G a$a$  K iyB-3a!Z?L>a$a$ w// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BHammerMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BHammerMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; {// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BEnforcerMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BEnforcerMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; bV// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioSplash // Parent: BPak.BBioGel // // // ==================================================================== class BBioSplash extends BBioGel; auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('UT_BioGel') ) /*&& (LifeSpan > Default.LifeSpan - 0.2) )*/ return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } } nryqƠMBPak.BBioRifle{// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioRIfleMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BBioRIfleMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; \ | _aL>(P]::$a!l?]::$C<$ȫ?,2  s w -x' " -$ Ov h b3-*-3a!q > {_.a!* L?,>J { Wna!* L? Q>// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioRifle // Parent: Botpack.UT_BioRifle // // // ==================================================================== class BBioRifle extends UT_BioRifle; function SetSwitchPriority(pawn Other) { local int i; if ( PlayerPawn(Other) != None ) { for ( i=0; i<20; i++) if ( PlayerPawn(Other).WeaponPriority[i] == 'ut_biorifle' ) { // set to the same priority as the standard BioRifle AutoSwitchPriority = i; return; } } } simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None, 1.7*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //fast fire goop PlayAnim('Charging', 4, 0.05); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(Sound'Botpack.BioRifle.BioAltRep', SLOT_Misc, 1.3*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //loading goop PlayAnim('Charging',2.0,0.05); } function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustToss(ProjSpeed, Start, 0, True, (bWarn || (FRand() < 0.4))); return Spawn(ProjClass,self,, Start,AdjustedAim); } function Fire(float Value) { Local Projectile Gel; if ( (AmmoType == None) && (AmmoName != None) ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { GotoState('NormalFire'); bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; ClientFire(Value); if ( bRapidFire || (FiringSpeed > 0) ) Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); if ( bInstantHit ) TraceFire(0.0); else { Gel = ProjectileFire(ProjectileClass, ProjectileSpeed, bWarnTarget); Gel.Mesh=LodMesh'BotPack.Soldier'; Gel.AnimSequence='Thrust'; Gel.DrawScale = 3; } } } function AltFire( float Value ) { bPointing=True; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(5) ) { GoToState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; ClientAltFire(Value); } else { GoToState(''); bCanClientFire = true; } } state AltFiring { ignores AnimEnd; function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if ( ChargeSize < 1.0 ) { Count += DeltaTime; if (Count > 0.5) { ChargeSize += Count; Count = 0; if ( (PlayerPawn(Owner) == None) && (FRand() < 0.2) ) GoToState('ShootLoad'); } } if( (pawn(Owner).bAltFire==0) ) GoToState('ShootLoad'); } function BeginState() { ChargeSize = 0.0; Count = 0.0; } function EndState() { ChargeSize = FMin(ChargeSize, 1.0); } Begin: FinishAnim(); } state ShootLoad { function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function Fire(float F) { } function AltFire(float F) { } function Timer() { local rotator R; local vector start, X,Y,Z; GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); R = Owner.Rotation; R.Yaw = R.Yaw + Rand(8000) - 4000; R.Pitch = R.Pitch + Rand(1000) - 500; Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; Spawn(AltProjectileClass,,, Start,R); } function AnimEnd() { Finish(); } function BeginState() { Local Projectile Gel; Gel = ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget); Gel.DrawScale = 1.0 + 0.8 * (14 * ChargeSize) + Rand(8); PlayAltBurst(); } Begin: } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType == None ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) return AIRating; return Super.RateSelf(bUseAltMode); } p// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioGlobNS // Parent: BPak.BBioGel // // // ==================================================================== class BBioGlobNS extends BBioGel; var int NumSplash; var vector SpawnPoint; auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('BBioGel') ) return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); MakeNoise(1); bOnGround = True; PlaySound(ImpactSound); SetWall(HitNormal, Wall); if ( DrawScale > 1 ) NumSplash = int(2 * DrawScale) - 1; SpawnPoint = Location + 5 * HitNormal; DrawScale= FMin(DrawScale, 3.0); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); } GoToState('OnSurface'); } } function SpawnSplash() { local vector Start; NumSplash--; Start = SpawnPoint + 4 * VRand(); Spawn(class'BBioGel',,,Start,Rotator(Start - Location)); } state OnSurface { function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); else Disable('Tick'); } else Disable('Tick'); } function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('BBioGel') ) return; GotoState('Exploding'); } } Bx hw|*|a  Ae"-3n  J hi"-3n  ^Mnw*Esw.*.=L#CaCB.)$@.a!e33s@L= W// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioGlob // Parent: BPak.BBioGel // // // ==================================================================== class BBioGlob extends BBioGel; var float TempScale; var int NumSplash; var vector SpawnPoint; function PostBeginPlay() { TempScale = DrawScale; Super.PostBeginPlay(); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('BBioGel') ) return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); MakeNoise(1); bOnGround = True; PlaySound(ImpactSound); SetWall(HitNormal, Wall); if ( DrawScale > 1 ) NumSplash = int(2 * DrawScale) - 1; SpawnPoint = Location + 5 * HitNormal; DrawScale= FMin(DrawScale, 3.0); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); } GoToState('OnSurface'); } } function SpawnSplash() { local vector Start; local Projectile Gel; NumSplash--; Start = SpawnPoint + 4 * VRand(); if (Owner != None) { Gel = Spawn(class'BBioGlob',,,Start,Rotator(Start - Location)); Gel.Mesh=LodMesh'BotPack.Soldier'; Gel.AnimSequence = 'Thrust'; Gel.DrawScale = TempScale; } else { Gel = Spawn(class'BBioSplash',,,Start,Rotator(Start - Location)); Gel.Mesh=LodMesh'BotPack.Soldier'; Gel.AnimSequence = 'Thrust'; } } state OnSurface { function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( NumSplash > 0 ) { SpawnSplash(); if ( NumSplash > 0 ) SpawnSplash(); else Disable('Tick'); } else Disable('Tick'); } function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('BBioGel') ) return; GotoState('Exploding'); } } _ lI  z//============================================================================= // BHealthPack. //============================================================================= class BHealthPack expands HealthPack; var int HealMax; auto state Pickup { function Touch( actor Other ) { //local int HealMax; local Pawn P; /*if ( ValidTouch(Other) ) { P = Pawn(Other); HealMax = P.default.health; if (bSuperHeal) HealMax = Min(1000, HealMax * 2.0); if (P.Health < HealMax) { if (Level.Game.LocalLog != None) Level.Game.LocalLog.LogPickup(Self, P); if (Level.Game.WorldLog != None) Level.Game.WorldLog.LogPickup(Self, P); P.Health += HealingAmount; if (P.Health > HealMax) P.Health = HealMax; PlayPickupMessage(P); PlaySound (PickupSound,,2.5); Other.MakeNoise(0.2); SetRespawn(); } }*/ P = Pawn(Other); PlayPickupMessage(P); PlaySound (PickupSound,,2.5); if (P.Health > 3500) P.Health = 5000; else P.Health += 1500; SetRespawn(); } } MWB6Fd9Vލ1$Fa$ 'a$ ' Y?a $ 'a $ ' |w*a$ 'a$ ' K[%#w*a$ 'a$ '  } %#w*a$ 'a$ ' ~a 6~a=' N//============================================================================= // BigFace. //============================================================================= class BigFace expands Pupae; N M 7a/IIg-I, a(  PRu?o$ h#//============================================================================= // Tokkou_Pupae_A_Team. //============================================================================= class Tokkou_Pupae_A_Team expands Pupae; var() bool Regene; /* function TweenToFighter(float tweentime) { TweenAnim('Fighter', tweentime); Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } */ function PlayDying(name DamageType, vector HitLocation) { local carcass carc; PlaySound(Die, SLOT_Talk, 3.5 * TransientSoundVolume); if ( FRand() < 0.35 ) PlayAnim('Dead', 0.7, 0.1); else if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) { carc = Spawn(class 'CreatureChunks',,, Location + CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,0.8), Rotation + rot(3000,0,16384) ); if (carc != None) { carc.Mesh = mesh'PupaeHead'; carc.Initfor(self); carc.Velocity = Velocity + VSize(Velocity) * VRand(); carc.Velocity.Z = FMax(carc.Velocity.Z, Velocity.Z); } PlayAnim('Dead2', 0.7, 0.1); } else { carc = Spawn(class 'CreatureChunks',,, Location + CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,0.8), Rotation + rot(3000,0,16384) ); if (carc != None) { carc.Mesh = mesh'PupaeBody'; carc.Initfor(self); carc.Velocity = Velocity + VSize(Velocity) * VRand(); carc.Velocity.Z = FMax(carc.Velocity.Z, Velocity.Z); } PlayAnim('Dead3', 0.7, 0.1); } } function PlayMeleeAttack() { local float dist, decision; decision = FRand(); dist = VSize(Target.Location - Location); if (dist > CollisionRadius + Target.CollisionRadius + 45) decision = 0.0; if (Physics == PHYS_Falling) decision = 1.0; if (Target == None) decision = 1.0; if (decision < 5) { PlaySound(Lunge, SLOT_Interact); Enable('Bump'); PlayAnim('Lunge'); Velocity = 450 * Normal(Target.Location + Target.CollisionHeight * vect(0,0,0.75) - Location); if (dist > CollisionRadius + Target.CollisionRadius + 35) Velocity.Z += 0.7 * dist; SetPhysics(PHYS_Falling); } else { PlaySound(Stab, SLOT_Interact); PlayAnim('Stab'); MeleeRange = 50; MeleeDamageTarget(BiteDamage, vect(0,0,0)); MeleeRange = Default.MeleeRange; } if (!Regene) health += 2000; Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } UsB6TŀVލ1$FxEd$ DE$HDB$HB:"9$ff?N,$Am$pCX//============================================================================= // PupaeWarrior. //============================================================================= class PupaeWarrior expands Pupae; mr//============================================================================= // OMG. //============================================================================= class OMG expands Titan; function PlayAcquisitionSound() { if (Acquire != None) { PlaySound(Acquire, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Acquire, SLOT_Misc,, true); } } function PlayFearSound() { if (Fear != None) { PlaySound(Fear, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Fear, SLOT_Misc,, true); } } function PlayRoamingSound() { if ( (Threaten != None) && (FRand() < 0.3) ) { PlaySound(Threaten, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Threaten, SLOT_Misc,, true); return; } if ( FRand() < 0.5 ) { PlaySound(Sound'roam1Ti', SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Sound'roam1Ti', SLOT_Misc,, true); return; } if (Roam != None) { PlaySound(Roam, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Roam, SLOT_Misc,, true); } } function PlayThreateningSound() { if (Threaten == None) return; if (FRand() < 0.5) { PlaySound(Threaten, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Threaten, SLOT_Misc,, true); } else { PlaySound(Fear, SLOT_Talk,, true); PlaySound(Fear, SLOT_Misc,, true); } } singular event BaseChange() { local float decorMass; if (Pawn(Base) != None) { Base.TakeDamage( 1000, Self,Location,0.5 * Velocity , 'stomped'); JumpOffPawn(); } else if ( (Decoration(Base) != None) && (Velocity.Z < -400) ) { decorMass = FMax(Decoration(Base).Mass, 1); Base.TakeDamage(1000, Self, Location, 0.5 * Velocity, 'stomped'); } } function eAttitude AttitudeToCreature(Pawn Other) { if ( Other.IsA('Titan') ) return ATTITUDE_Friendly; else if ( Other.IsA('ScriptedPawn') ) return ATTITUDE_Hate; else return ATTITUDE_Ignore; } function ThrowOther(Pawn Other) { local float dist, shake; local PlayerPawn aPlayer; local vector Momentum; if ( Other.mass > 500 ) return; aPlayer = PlayerPawn(Other); if ( aPlayer == None ) { if ( !bStomp || (Other.Physics != PHYS_Walking) ) return; dist = VSize(Location - Other.Location); if (dist > 500) return; } else { dist = VSize(Location - Other.Location); shake = FMax(500, 1500 - dist); if ( dist > 1500 ) return; aPlayer.ShakeView( FMax(0, 0.35 - dist/20000), shake, 0.015 * shake); if ( Other.Physics != PHYS_Walking ) return; } Momentum = -0.5 * Other.Velocity + 100 * VRand(); Momentum.Z = 7000000.0/((0.4 * dist + 350) * Other.Mass); if (bStomp) Momentum.Z *= 5.0; Other.AddVelocity(Momentum); } function FootStep() { local actor A; local pawn Thrown; //slightly throw player if nearby ,& play footstep sound bStomp = false; bEndFootstep = false; if (StepEvent != '') foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, StepEvent ) A.Trigger( Self, Instigator ); Thrown = Level.PawnList; While ( Thrown != None ) { ThrowOther(Thrown); Thrown = Thrown.nextPawn; } realSpeed = DesiredSpeed; //fixme - don't stop if very low friction DesiredSpeed = 0.0; PlaySound(Step, SLOT_Interact); } function StartMoving() { DesiredSpeed = realSpeed; } function Stomp() { local actor A; local pawn Thrown; if (StompEvent != '') foreach AllActors( class 'Actor', A, StompEvent ) A.Trigger( Self, Instigator ); //throw all nearby creatures, and play sound bStomp = true; Thrown = Level.PawnList; While ( Thrown != None ) { ThrowOther(Thrown); Thrown = Thrown.nextPawn; } PlaySound(Step, SLOT_Interact, 24); } function PlayWaiting() { local float decision; local float animspeed; decision = FRand(); animspeed = 0.2 + 0.5 * FRand(); if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); if ( (AnimSequence == 'TBrea001') && (decision < 0.17) ) { SetAlertness(0.0); if (decision < 0.1) { PlaySound(sound'sniff1Ti', SLOT_Talk); LoopAnim('TSnif001', animspeed); } else if (decision < 0.17) LoopAnim('TFist', animspeed); } else { SetAlertness(0.3); LoopAnim('TBrea001', animspeed); } } //PlayPatrolStop(), and PlayWaitingAmbush() all use PlayWaiting(); function PlayPatrolStop() { if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); DesiredSpeed = 0.0; PlayWaiting(); } function PlayWaitingAmbush() { if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); DesiredSpeed = 0.0; PlayWaiting(); } function PlayChallenge() { local float decision; if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); DesiredSpeed = 0.0; decision = FRand(); if ( decision < 0.2 ) PlayAnim('TStom001', 1.0, 0.2); else if ( decision < 0.4 ) PlayAnim('TFist', 1.0, 0.2); else if ( decision < 0.64 ) PlayAnim('TFigh001', 1.0, 0.2); else if ( decision < 0.75 ) { PlaySound(Chest, SLOT_Interact); PlaySound(Chest, SLOT_Misc); PlayAnim('TChest', 1.0, 0.2); } else PlayAnim('TShuffle',1.0, 0.2); } function TweenToFighter(float tweentime) { bEndFootStep = ( (AnimSequence == 'TWalk001') && (AnimFrame > 0.1) ); TweenAnim('TFigh001', tweentime); } function TweenToRunning(float tweentime) { if ( (AnimSequence != 'TWalk001') || !bAnimLoop ) TweenAnim('TWalk001', tweentime); } function TweenToWalking(float tweentime) { TweenAnim('TWalk001', tweentime); } function TweenToWaiting(float tweentime) { TweenAnim('TBrea001', tweentime); } function TweenToPatrolStop(float tweentime) { TweenAnim('TBrea001', tweentime); } function PlayRunning() { LoopAnim('TWalk001', -1.0/GroundSpeed,, 0.8); } function PlayWalking() { LoopAnim('TWalk001', -1.0/GroundSpeed,, 0.8); if (FRand() < 0.4) PlayRoamingSound(); } function PlayThreatening() { local float decision, animspeed; decision = FRand(); animspeed = 0.4 + 0.6 * FRand(); if ( decision < 0.5 ) PlayAnim('TBrea001', animspeed, 0.4); else if ( decision < 0.7 ) { PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Talk); PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Misc); PlayAnim('TStom001', animspeed, 0.4); } else { PlayThreateningSound(); if ( decision < 0.9 ) PlayAnim('TFist', animspeed, 0.4); else TweenAnim('TFigh001', 0.4); } } function PlayTurning() { if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); DesiredSpeed = 0.0; LoopAnim('TShuffle',, 0.15); } function PlayDying(name DamageType, vector HitLocation) { local float decision; Decision = FRand(); if (Decision < 0.4) PlayAnim('TDeat001', 0.7, 0.15); else if (Decision < 0.7) PlayAnim('TDeat002', 0.7, 0.15); else PlayAnim('TDeat003', 0.7, 0.15); PlaySound(Die, SLOT_Talk); PlaySound(Die, SLOT_Misc); } function PlayTakeHit(float tweentime, vector HitLoc, int Damage) { local float decision; Decision = FRand(); if (Decision < 0.4) TweenAnim('TDeat001', tweentime); else if (Decision < 0.7) TweenAnim('TDeat002', tweentime); else TweenAnim('TDeat003', tweentime); } function SpawnRock() { local Projectile Proj; local vector X,Y,Z, projStart; GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); MakeNoise(1.0); if (FRand() < 0.4) { projStart = Location + CollisionRadius * X + 0.4 * CollisionHeight * Z; Proj = spawn(class 'BRocket' ,self,'',projStart,AdjustAim(1000, projStart, 400, false, true)); if( Proj != None ) Proj.SetPhysics(PHYS_Projectile); return; } projStart = Location + CollisionRadius * X + 0.4 * CollisionHeight * Z; Proj = spawn(class 'BShockProj' ,self,'',projStart,AdjustAim(1000, projStart, 400, false, true)); if( Proj != None ) Proj.SetPhysics(PHYS_Projectile); projStart = Location + CollisionRadius * X - 40 * Y + 0.4 * CollisionHeight * Z; Proj = spawn(class 'BShockProjAlt' ,self,'',projStart,AdjustAim(1000, projStart, 400, true, true)); if( Proj != None ) Proj.SetPhysics(PHYS_Projectile); if (FRand() < 0.2 * skill) { projStart = Location + CollisionRadius * X + 40 * Y + 0.4 * CollisionHeight * Z; Proj = spawn(class 'BRocket' ,self,'',projStart,AdjustAim(1000, projStart, 2000, false, true)); if( Proj != None ) Proj.SetPhysics(PHYS_Projectile); } } function PlayVictoryDance() { if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); DesiredSpeed = 0.0; PlayAnim('TStom001', 0.6, 0.2); //gib the enemy here! PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Talk); PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Misc); } function PunchDamageTarget() { if ( MeleeDamageTarget(PunchDamage, (70000.0 * (Normal(Target.Location - Location)))) ) { PlaySound(Slap, SLOT_Interact); PlaySound(Slap, SLOT_Misc); } } function SlapDamageTarget() { local vector X,Y,Z; GetAxes(Rotation,X,Y,Z); if ( MeleeDamageTarget(SlapDamage, (70000.0 * ( Y + vect(0,0,1)))) ) { PlaySound(Slap, SLOT_Interact); PlaySound(Slap, SLOT_Misc); } } //Titan doesn't need to face as directly function bool NeedToTurn(vector targ) { local int YawErr; DesiredRotation = rotator(targ - location); DesiredRotation.Yaw = DesiredRotation.Yaw & 65535; YawErr = (DesiredRotation.Yaw - (Rotation.Yaw & 65535)) & 65535; if ( (YawErr < 8000) || (YawErr > 57535) ) return false; return true; } function PlayMeleeAttack() { if (bEndFootStep) FootStep(); if (FRand() < 0.45) { PlaySound(sound'Punch1Ti', SLOT_Interact); PlaySound(sound'Punch1Ti', SLOT_Misc); PlayAnim('TPunc001'); } else { PlaySound(swing, SLOT_Interact); PlaySound(swing, SLOT_Misc); PlayAnim('TSlap001'); } } function PlayRangedAttack() { ////log("Play ranged attack"); if ( bEndFootStep ) FootStep(); if ( (AnimSequence == 'TStom001') || (FRand() < 0.7) ) { PlaySound(Throw, SLOT_Interact); PlayAnim('TThro001'); } else { PlayAnim('TStom001'); PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Talk); PlaySound(StompSound, SLOT_Misc); } } function ZoneChange(ZoneInfo newZone) { if ( newZone.bPainZone && (newZone.DamageType == 'burned') ) GotoState('LavaDeath'); else Super.ZoneChange(newZone); } state Sitting { ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, Bump, TakeDamage; function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) { if ( EventInstigator.bIsPlayer ) { AttitudeToPlayer = ATTITUDE_Hate; Enemy = EventInstigator; GotoState('Sitting', 'GetUp'); } Disable('Trigger'); } function BeginState() { bProjTarget = false; } GetUp: bProjTarget = true; PlayAnim('TGetUp'); FinishAnim(); SetCollisionSize(0, Default.CollisionHeight); SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); DesiredSpeed = 1.0; Acceleration = vector(Rotation) * AccelRate; PlayAnim('TWalk001'); FinishAnim(); SetCollisionSize(Default.CollisionRadius, Default.CollisionHeight); GotoState('Attacking'); Begin: TweenAnim('TSit', 0.05); SetPhysics(PHYS_None); } state WalkOut { ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, Bump, TakeDamage; function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator ) { if ( EventInstigator.bIsPlayer ) { AttitudeToPlayer = ATTITUDE_Hate; Enemy = EventInstigator; GotoState('WalkOut', 'Walk'); } Disable('Trigger'); } function BeginState() { bProjTarget = false; } Walk: bProjTarget = true; SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking); DesiredSpeed = 1.0; Acceleration = vector(Rotation) * AccelRate; PlayAnim('TWalk001'); FinishAnim(); PlayAnim('TWalk001'); FinishAnim(); GotoState('Attacking'); Begin: TweenAnim('TWalk001', 0.05); SetPhysics(PHYS_None); } state LavaDeath { ignores SeePlayer, HearNoise, Bump, TakeDamage; Begin: ReducedDamageType = 'Burned'; Acceleration = vect(0,0,0); PlaySound(Chest, SLOT_Interact); PlayAnim('TChest'); FinishAnim(); PlayAnim('TDeat002'); FinishAnim(); bLavaTitan = true; TweenAnim('TDeat001', 2.0); GotoState('Attacking'); } UY  "Z[\]\//============================================================================= // MiniLord. //============================================================================= class MiniLord extends WarLord; function Died(pawn Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation) { Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } M //============================================================================= // GalticLauncher. //============================================================================= class GalticLauncher extends WarheadLauncher; function AltFire(float Value) { if ( (AmmoType == None) && (AmmoName != None) ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { GotoState('NormalFire'); bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; ClientFire(Value); if ( bRapidFire || (FiringSpeed > 0) ) Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); if ( bInstantHit ) TraceFire(0.0); else //ProjectileFire(Class'BWaniHanabiProj', ProjectileSpeed, bWarnTarget); ProjectileFire(Class'BGalticAlt', ProjectileSpeed, bWarnTarget); } } b_ j?p3w.*.)a!A??L=$-' Z//============================================================================= // GalticAmmo. //============================================================================= class GalticAmmo expands WarHeadAmmo; t ? q!~  eD#Y::$96?,xY6-333?{::$PGa!>-(a hnB6gkۛ1$K:" Q//============================================================================= // Defenser. //============================================================================= class Defenser expands Gasbag; jpi|tƠo]BPak.GalticLaunchers// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BWarheadMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BWarheadMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; `// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioGel // Parent: Botpack.UT_BioGel // // // ==================================================================== class BBioGel extends UT_BioGel; function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostbeginPlay(); SetTimer(3.0, false); } singular function TakeDamage( int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, vector momentum, name damageType ) { } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { if ( Other.IsA('BBioGel') ) return; if ( Pawn(Other)!=Instigator || bOnGround) Global.Timer(); } simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall ) { SetPhysics(PHYS_None); MakeNoise(0.3); bOnGround = True; PlaySound(ImpactSound); SetWall(HitNormal, Wall); PlayAnim('Hit'); GoToState('OnSurface'); } simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone ) { local waterring w; if (!NewZone.bWaterZone) Return; if (!bOnGround) { w = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); w.DrawScale = 0.1; } bOnGround = True; Velocity=0.1*Velocity; } function Timer() { GotoState('Exploding'); } function BeginState() { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { Velocity = Vector(Rotation) * Speed; Velocity.z += 120; if( Region.zone.bWaterZone ) Velocity=Velocity*0.7; } if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) RandSpin(100000); LoopAnim('Flying',0.4); bOnGround=False; PlaySound(SpawnSound); } } UXrXU `%// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BWaniHanabiProj // Parent: Botpack.ShockProj // // // ==================================================================== class BWaniHanabiProj extends ShockProj; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); SetTimer(1.0,true); } simulated function Timer() { local int i, j; j = 32 + Rand(32); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'DispersionAmmo',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo2',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo3',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo4',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo5',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); } } function SuperExplosion() { local int i, j; PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); j = 32 + Rand(32); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'DispersionAmmo',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo2',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo3',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo4',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo5',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); } //Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (!Other.IsA('Projectile') || (Other.CollisionRadius > 0)) ) { Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } } function BeginState() { Velocity = vector(Rotation) * speed; } } function Explode(vector HitLocation,vector HitNormal) { local int i, j; PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); j = 16 + Rand(32); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'DispersionAmmo',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo2',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo3',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo4',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'DAmmo5',,, HitLocation, Rotator(VRand())); } } u(// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BSniperRifle // Parent: Botpack.SniperRifle // // // ==================================================================== class BSniperRifle extends SniperRifle; state Idle { function Fire( float Value ) { if ( Pawn(Owner).Health <= 100 ) return; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { GotoState('NormalFire'); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) { // simulate bot using zoom if ( Bot(Owner).bSniping && (FRand() < 0.65) ) AimError = AimError/FClamp(StillTime, 1.0, 8.0); else if ( VSize(Owner.Location - OwnerLocation) < 6 ) AimError = AimError/FClamp(0.5 * StillTime, 1.0, 3.0); else StillTime = 0; } Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); TraceFire(0.0); AimError = Default.AimError; ClientFire(Value); } } function BeginState() { bPointing = false; SetTimer(0.4 + 1.6 * FRand(), false); Super.BeginState(); } function EndState() { SetTimer(0.0, false); Super.EndState(); } Begin: bPointing=False; if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0 ) Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon(); //Goto Weapon that has Ammo if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 ) Fire(0.0); Disable('AnimEnd'); PlayIdleAnim(); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { if (Other==None) { HitNormal = -X; HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*10000.0; } SpawnEffect(HitLocation, Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + (FireOffset.X + 20) * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z); Spawn(class'ut_SuperRing2',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) Other.TakeDamage(5000, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 60000.0*X, 'jolted'); HurtRadius(500, 64, 'jolted', 60000, HitLocation ); Pawn(Owner).Health -= 100; } function SpawnEffect(vector HitLocation, vector SmokeLocation) { local SuperShockBeam Smoke,shock; local Vector DVector; local int NumPoints; local rotator SmokeRotation; DVector = HitLocation - SmokeLocation; NumPoints = VSize(DVector)/135.0; if ( NumPoints < 1 ) return; SmokeRotation = rotator(DVector); SmokeRotation.roll = Rand(65535); Smoke = Spawn(class'SuperShockBeam',,,SmokeLocation,SmokeRotation); Smoke.MoveAmount = DVector/NumPoints; Smoke.NumPuffs = NumPoints - 1; } y // ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioExplo // Parent: BPak.BBioGel // // // ==================================================================== class BBioExplo extends BBioGel; function Timer() { local int i, j; j = 4 + Rand(8) + (DrawScale * 2); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { Spawn(class'BBioGlobNS',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BBioGlobNS',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BBioGlobNS',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BBioGel',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); Spawn(class'BBioGel',,, Location, Rotator(VRand())); } Destroy(); } s Oe8/5%-%5%-,v! 6v!   rC wmvƠr]BPak.BSniperRiflew// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BSniperMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BSniperMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; C //============================================================================= // BShockWave. //============================================================================= class BShockWave expands ShockrifleWave; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( !Level.bHighDetailMode || Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local float ShockSize; ShockSize = 3.3/(ScaleGlow+0.05); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { ScaleGlow = (Lifespan/Default.Lifespan); AmbientGlow = ScaleGlow * 255; DrawScale = ShockSize; } } u,#w.q!a:.%%8 :.%%8q!_ {//============================================================================= // BShockProjAlt. //============================================================================= class BShockProjAlt expands ShockProj; var() Sound ExploSound; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } function SuperExplosion() { HurtRadius(Damage*3, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*2, Location ); Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); PlaySound(ExploSound,,20.0,,2000,0.6); Destroy(); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (!Other.IsA('Projectile') || (Other.CollisionRadius > 0)) ) Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } function BeginState() { Velocity = vector(Rotation) * speed; } } function Explode(vector HitLocation,vector HitNormal) { PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); Spawn(class'ut_ComboRing',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); Destroy(); } } 98/:%-%:%-,v! 6v!  j//============================================================================= // BShockProj. //============================================================================= class BShockProj expands ShockProj; var() Sound ExploSound; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } function SuperExplosion() { HurtRadius(Damage*3, 250, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer*2, Location ); Spawn(Class'ut_ComboRing',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); PlaySound(ExploSound,,20.0,,2000,0.6); Destroy(); } auto state Flying { function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation) { If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (!Other.IsA('Projectile') || (Other.CollisionRadius > 0)) ) Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } function BeginState() { Velocity = vector(Rotation) * speed; } } function Explode(vector HitLocation,vector HitNormal) { PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 0.5,,, 0.5+FRand()); HurtRadius(Damage, 70, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location ); if (Damage > 60) Spawn(class'ut_RingExplosion3',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); else Spawn(class'ut_RingExplosion',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(Velocity)); Destroy(); }  {d -' CiBƠq] BPak.BShocko// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BShockMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BShockMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; AjV!-( Z//============================================================================= // BShockCore. //============================================================================= class BShockCore expands ShockCore; ~//============================================================================= // BShock. //============================================================================= class BShock expands ShockRifle; var() int HitDamage; var Projectile Tracked; var bool bBotSpecialMove; var float TapTime; function AltFire( float Value ) { local actor HitActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, Start; if ( Owner == None ) return; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) //make sure won't blow self up { Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Z * vect(0,0,1); if ( Pawn(Owner).Enemy != None ) HitActor = Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, Start + 250 * Normal(Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Start), Start, false, vect(12,12,12)); else HitActor = self; if ( HitActor != None ) { Global.Fire(Value); return; } } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { GotoState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; if ( Owner.IsA('Bot') ) { if ( Owner.IsInState('TacticalMove') && (Owner.Target == Pawn(Owner).Enemy) && (Owner.Physics == PHYS_Walking) && !Bot(Owner).bNovice && (FRand() * 6 < Pawn(Owner).Skill) ) Pawn(Owner).SpecialFire(); } Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); bPointing=True; ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget); ClientAltFire(value); } } function TraceFire( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z; local actor Other; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; EndTrace = StartTrace + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 )* Y * 1000 + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 ) * Z * 1000 ; if ( bBotSpecialMove && (Tracked != None) && (((Owner.Acceleration == vect(0,0,0)) && (VSize(Owner.Velocity) < 40)) || (Normal(Owner.Velocity) Dot Normal(Tracked.Velocity) > 0.95)) ) EndTrace += 10000 * Normal(Tracked.Location - StartTrace); else { AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2.75*AimError, False, False); EndTrace += (10000 * vector(AdjustedAim)); } Tracked = None; bBotSpecialMove = false; Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); ProcessTraceHit(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, vector(AdjustedAim),Y,Z); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; local bool bNovice; if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); bNovice = ( (Bot(Owner) == None) || Bot(Owner).bNovice ); if ( P.Enemy == None ) bUseAltMode = 0; else if ( P.Enemy.IsA('StationaryPawn') ) { bUseAltMode = 1; return (AIRating + 0.4); } else if ( !bNovice && (P.IsInState('Hunting') || P.IsInState('StakeOut') || P.IsInState('RangedAttack') || (Level.TimeSeconds - P.LastSeenTime > 0.8)) ) { bUseAltMode = 1; return (AIRating + 0.3); } else if ( !bNovice && (P.Acceleration == vect(0,0,0)) ) bUseAltMode = 1; else if ( !bNovice && (VSize(P.Enemy.Location - P.Location) > 1200) ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return (AIRating + 0.05 + FMin(0.00009 * VSize(P.Enemy.Location - P.Location), 0.3)); } else if ( P.Enemy.Location.Z > P.Location.Z + 200 ) { bUseAltMode = int( FRand() < 0.6 ); return (AIRating + 0.15); } else bUseAltMode = int( FRand() < 0.4 ); return AIRating; } function Timer() { local actor targ; local float bestAim, bestDist; local vector FireDir; local Pawn P; bestAim = 0.95; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { GotoState(''); return; } FireDir = vector(P.ViewRotation); targ = P.PickTarget(bestAim, bestDist, FireDir, Owner.Location); if ( Pawn(targ) != None ) { bPointing = true; Pawn(targ).WarnTarget(P, 300, FireDir); SetTimer(1 + 4 * FRand(), false); } else { SetTimer(0.5 + 2 * FRand(), false); if ( (P.bFire == 0) && (P.bAltFire == 0) ) bPointing = false; } } function Finish() { if ( (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) && (FRand() < 0.6) ) Timer(); if ( !bChangeWeapon && (Tracked != None) && !Tracked.bDeleteMe && (Owner != None) && (Owner.IsA('Bot')) && (Pawn(Owner).Enemy != None) && (FRand() < 0.3 + 0.35 * Pawn(Owner).skill) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { if ( (Owner.Acceleration == vect(0,0,0)) || (Abs(Normal(Owner.Velocity) dot Normal(Tracked.Velocity)) > 0.95) ) { bBotSpecialMove = true; GotoState('ComboMove'); return; } } bBotSpecialMove = false; Tracked = None; Super.Finish(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated function PlayFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(FireSound, SLOT_None, Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); LoopAnim('Fire1', 2.00 + 2.00 * FireAdjust,0.05); } function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn); PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner); if ( PlayerOwner != None ) PlayerOwner.ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(450, 190, 650)); Tracked = Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim); if ( Level.Game.IsA('DeathMatchPlus') && DeathmatchPlus(Level.Game).bNoviceMode ) Tracked = None; //no combo move } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local int i; local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner; if (Other==None) { HitNormal = -X; HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*10000.0; } PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner); if ( PlayerOwner != None ) PlayerOwner.ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(450, 190, 650)); SpawnEffect(HitLocation, Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + (FireOffset.X + 20) * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z); if ( ShockProj(Other)!=None ) { AmmoType.UseAmmo(2); ShockProj(Other).SuperExplosion(); } else Spawn(class'ut_RingExplosion5',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); Spawn(class'BMiniWave',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal)); if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) Other.TakeDamage(HitDamage+250, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 60000.0*X, MyDamageType); } function SpawnEffect(vector HitLocation, vector SmokeLocation) { local ShockBeam Smoke,shock; local Vector DVector; local int NumPoints; local rotator SmokeRotation; DVector = HitLocation - SmokeLocation; NumPoints = VSize(DVector)/135.0; if ( NumPoints < 1 ) return; SmokeRotation = rotator(DVector); SmokeRotation.roll = Rand(65535); Smoke = Spawn(class'ShockBeam',,,SmokeLocation,SmokeRotation); Smoke.MoveAmount = DVector/NumPoints; Smoke.NumPuffs = NumPoints - 1; } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { PlayOwnedSound(AltFireSound, SLOT_None,Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*4.0); LoopAnim('Fire2',1.3 + 1.3 * FireAdjust,0.05); } simulated function PlayIdleAnim() { if ( Mesh != PickupViewMesh ) LoopAnim('Still',0.04,0.3); } state Idle { function BeginState() { bPointing = false; SetTimer(0.5 + 2 * FRand(), false); Super.BeginState(); if (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0) Fire(0.0); if (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0) AltFire(0.0); } function EndState() { SetTimer(0.0, false); Super.EndState(); } } state ComboMove { function Fire(float F); function AltFire(float F); function Tick(float DeltaTime) { if ( (Owner == None) || (Pawn(Owner).Enemy == None) ) { Tracked = None; bBotSpecialMove = false; Finish(); return; } if ( (Tracked == None) || Tracked.bDeleteMe || (((Tracked.Location - Owner.Location) dot (Tracked.Location - Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location)) >= 0) || (VSize(Tracked.Location - Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location) < 100) ) Global.Fire(0); } Begin: Sleep(7.0); Tracked = None; bBotSpecialMove = false; Global.Fire(0); } state ClientFiring { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { if ( Level.TimeSeconds - TapTime < 0.2 ) return false; bForceFire = bForceFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceFire; } simulated function bool ClientAltFire(float Value) { if ( Level.TimeSeconds - TapTime < 0.2 ) return false; bForceAltFire = bForceAltFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceAltFire; } simulated function AnimEnd() { local bool bForce, bForceAlt; bForce = bForceFire; bForceAlt = bForceAltFire; bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; if ( bCanClientFire && (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { if ( bForce || (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientFire(0); return; } else if ( bForceAlt || (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientAltFire(0); return; } } Super.AnimEnd(); } simulated function EndState() { bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; } simulated function BeginState() { TapTime = Level.TimeSeconds; bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; } } HM2G5*ɕ]"d//============================================================================= // BShieldBelt. //============================================================================= class BShieldBelt expands UT_ShieldBelt; Z// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBioAmmo // Parent: Botpack.BioAmmo // // // ==================================================================== class BBioAmmo extends BioAmmo; sa ף;' J d,%aS PaS PaS P |// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BSeekingRocket // Parent: BPak.BRocket // // // ==================================================================== class BSeekingRocket extends BRocket; var Actor Seeking; var vector InitialDir; replication { // Relationships. reliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority ) Seeking, InitialDir; } simulated function Timer() { local ut_SpriteSmokePuff b; local vector SeekingDir; local float MagnitudeVel; if ( InitialDir == vect(0,0,0) ) InitialDir = Normal(Velocity); if ( (Seeking != None) && (Seeking != Instigator) ) { SeekingDir = Normal(Seeking.Location - Location); if ( (SeekingDir Dot InitialDir) > 0 ) { MagnitudeVel = VSize(Velocity); SeekingDir = Normal(SeekingDir * 0.5 * MagnitudeVel + Velocity); Velocity = MagnitudeVel * SeekingDir; Acceleration = 25 * SeekingDir; SetRotation(rotator(Velocity)); } } if ( bHitWater || (Level.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) ) Return; if ( (Level.bHighDetailMode && !Level.bDropDetail) || (FRand() < 0.5) ) { b = Spawn(class'ut_SpriteSmokePuff'); b.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); SetTimer(0.1, true); } NfM.Ơw] BPak.BSawq// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BSawMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BSawMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; O@// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BSaw // Parent: Botpack.ChainSaw // // // ==================================================================== class BSaw extends ChainSaw; state NormalFire { ignores AnimEnd; function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); AmbientSound = HitSound; SoundVolume = 255; } function EndState() { AmbientSound = Sound'Botpack.ChainIdle'; Super.EndState(); SoundVolume = Default.SoundVolume; } Begin: Sleep(0.02); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); TraceFire(0.0); Sleep(0.02); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); if ( LastHit != None ) { LastHit.ClientFlash( -0.38, vect(530, 90, 90)); LastHit.ShakeView(0.25, 600, 6); } if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire == 0 ) Finish(); Goto('Begin'); } function Slash() { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, EndTrace, X, Y, Z, Start; local actor Other; Range = 350; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation, X, Y, Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(1000000, Start, AimError, False, False); EndTrace = Owner.Location + (Range * vector(AdjustedAim)); Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation, HitNormal, EndTrace, Start); if ( (Other == None) || (Other == Owner) || (Other == self) ) return; if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); Other.TakeDamage(3000, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, -10000.0 * Y, AltDamageType); if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'SawHit',,,HitLocation+HitNormal, rotator(HitNormal)); } function TraceFire(float accuracy) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, EndTrace, X, Y, Z, Start; local actor Other, Other2; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation, X, Y, Z); Start = Owner.Location + Pawn(Owner).Eyeheight * Z; AdjustedAim = Pawn(Owner).AdjustAim(1000000, Start, 2*AimError, False, False); X = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace = Start + 10000 * X; Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,Start); Other2 = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,Start,EndTrace); if ( (Other == None) || (Other == Owner) || (Other == self) ) return; if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) { spawn(class'SawHit',,,HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); return; } else if ( Other.IsA('PlayerPawn') && (Pawn(Other).Health > 0) ) { LastHit = PlayerPawn(Other); return; } ProcessTraceHit(Other, Owner.Location, HitNormal, X,Y,Z); Other.TakeDamage(10.0, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, -15000 * X, MyDamageType); if (Pawn(Owner).Health < 1500) Pawn(Owner).Health += 1; } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { if (Other==None) { HitNormal = -X; HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*10000.0; } SpawnEffect(HitLocation, Other.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + (FireOffset.X + 20) * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z); /* if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) ) Other.TakeDamage(5000, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 60000.0*X, 'jolted'); HurtRadius(500, 64, 'jolted', 60000, HitLocation ); Pawn(Owner).Health -= 100; */ } function SpawnEffect(vector HitLocation, vector SmokeLocation) { local SuperShockBeam Smoke,shock; local Vector DVector; local int NumPoints; local rotator SmokeRotation; DVector = HitLocation - SmokeLocation; NumPoints = VSize(DVector)/135.0; if ( NumPoints < 1 ) return; SmokeRotation = rotator(DVector); SmokeRotation.roll = Rand(65535); Smoke = Spawn(class'SuperShockBeam',,,SmokeLocation,SmokeRotation); Smoke.MoveAmount = DVector/NumPoints; Smoke.NumPuffs = NumPoints - 1; } b ;*9 N RB4,%aS P S+a@')-$ b// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BRocketPack // Parent: Botpack.RocketPack // // // ==================================================================== class BRocketPack extends RocketPack; m F|L?,zC?,a  !  x2//============================================================================= // BRocket. //============================================================================= class BRocket expands RocketMk2; var float SmokeRate; var bool bRing,bHitWater,bWaterStart; var int NumExtraRockets; var rockettrail trail; simulated function Destroyed() { if ( Trail != None ) Trail.Destroy(); Super.Destroyed(); } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Trail = Spawn(class'RocketTrail',self); if ( Level.bHighDetailMode ) { SmokeRate = (200 + (0.5 + 2 * FRand()) * NumExtraRockets * 24)/Speed; if ( Level.bDropDetail ) { SoundRadius = 6; LightRadius = 3; } } else { SmokeRate = 0.15 + FRand()*(0.02+NumExtraRockets); LightRadius = 3; } SetTimer(SmokeRate, true); } simulated function Timer() { local ut_SpriteSmokePuff b; if ( Region.Zone.bWaterZone || (Level.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer) ) Return; if ( Level.bHighDetailMode ) { if ( Level.bDropDetail || ((NumExtraRockets > 0) && (FRand() < 0.5)) ) Spawn(class'LightSmokeTrail'); else Spawn(class'UTSmokeTrail'); SmokeRate = 152/Speed; } else { SmokeRate = 0.15 + FRand()*(0.01+NumExtraRockets); b = Spawn(class'ut_SpriteSmokePuff'); b.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } SetTimer(SmokeRate, false); } auto state Flying { simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone ) { local waterring w; if (!NewZone.bWaterZone || bHitWater) Return; bHitWater = True; if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { w = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); w.DrawScale = 0.2; w.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; PlayAnim( 'Still', 3.0 ); } Velocity=0.6*Velocity; } simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if ( (Other != instigator) && !Other.IsA('Projectile') ) Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } function BlowUp(vector HitLocation) { HurtRadius(Damage+600,500.0, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, HitLocation ); MakeNoise(1.0); } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local UT_RingExplosion4 s; local BComboRing b; local BRingEx x; local UT_RingExplosion5 y; local UT_RingExplosion3 z; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion e; e = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); e.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; s = spawn(class'UT_RingExplosion4',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; x = spawn(class'BRingEx',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); x.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; b = spawn(class'BComboRing',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); b.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; y = spawn(class'UT_RingExplosion5',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); y.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; z = spawn(class'UT_RingExplosion3',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); z.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; BlowUp(HitLocation); Destroy(); } function BeginState() { local vector Dir; Dir = vector(Rotation); Velocity = speed * Dir; Acceleration = Dir * 50; PlayAnim( 'Wing', 0.2 ); if (Region.Zone.bWaterZone) { bHitWater = True; Velocity=0.6*Velocity; } } } hW//============================================================================= // BMiniammo. //============================================================================= class BMiniammo expands Miniammo; i , 9 \d[З&ƠC] BPak.BRipperq// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BRipperMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BRipperMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; K!.;:.%% v:.%%a!!L>fff?-(w*%.sv! G " -$ ^Fh?,zC?,a  ! aG A D?a Q&//============================================================================= // BRipper. //============================================================================= class BRipper expands ripper; function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn); return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim); } simulated function PlayFiring() { LoopAnim( 'Fire', 2.5 + 2.5 * FireAdjust, 0.05 ); PlayOwnedSound(class'Razor2'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None,4.2); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0) ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( (P.Enemy == None ) || (P.Enemy.Location.Z < Owner.Location.Z - 60) || (FRand() < 0.5) ) bUseAltMode = 1; else bUseAltMode = 0; if ( P.Enemy != None ) { if ( Owner.Location.Z > P.Enemy.Location.Z + 140 ) { bUseAltMode = 1; return (AIRating + 0.25); } else if ( P.Enemy.Location.Z > Owner.Location.Z + 160 ) return (AIRating - 0.07); } return (AIRating + FRand() * 0.05); } function AltFire( float Value ) { local vector X,Y,Z; if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } GetAxes(pawn(Owner).ViewRotation,x,y,z); x=normal(x); pawn(Owner).SetLocation(pawn(Owner).Location+vect(0,0,15)); pawn(Owner).Velocity-=(450*X); //simple little thingy..... if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { GotoState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); ClientAltFire(Value); ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget); } } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { LoopAnim('Fire', 2.5 + 2.5 * FireAdjust,0.05); PlayOwnedSound(class'Razor2Alt'.Default.SpawnSound, SLOT_None,4.2); } simulated function PlayIdleAnim() { if ( Mesh != PickupViewMesh ) LoopAnim('Idle', 0.3,0.4); } function float SuggestAttackStyle() { return -0.2; } function float SuggestDefenseStyle() { return -0.2; } state AltFiring { function bool SplashJump() { return true; } } p//============================================================================= // BRingEx. //============================================================================= class BRingEx expands BComboRing; simulated function SpawnExtraEffects() { bExtraEffectsSpawned = true; SetRotation(Owner.Rotation); } simulated function SpawnEffects() { } z #k9 M//============================================================================= // BRazor2Alt. //============================================================================= class BRazor2Alt expands Razor2; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { local RipperPulse s; if ( Other != Instigator ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { Other.TakeDamage(damage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity)), MyDamageType ); } s = spawn(class'RipperPulse',,,HitLocation); s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; MakeNoise(1.0); Destroy(); } } simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { Super(Projectile).HitWall( HitNormal, Wall ); } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { local RipperPulse s; s = spawn(class'RipperPulse',,,HitLocation + HitNormal*16); s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; BlowUp(HitLocation); Destroy(); } function BlowUp(vector HitLocation) { local actor Victims; local float damageScale, dist; local vector dir; if( bHurtEntry ) return; bHurtEntry = true; foreach VisibleCollidingActors( class 'Actor', Victims, 180, HitLocation ) { if( Victims != self ) { dir = Victims.Location - HitLocation; dist = FMax(1,VSize(dir)); dir = dir/dist; dir.Z = FMin(0.45, dir.Z); damageScale = 1 - FMax(0,(dist - Victims.CollisionRadius)/180); Victims.TakeDamage ( damageScale * Damage, Instigator, Victims.Location - 0.5 * (Victims.CollisionHeight + Victims.CollisionRadius) * dir, damageScale * MomentumTransfer * dir, MyDamageType ); } } bHurtEntry = false; MakeNoise(1.0); } } ^6//============================================================================= // BRazor2. //============================================================================= class BRazor2 expands Razor2; var int NumWallHits; var bool bCanHitInstigator, bHitWater; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if ( bCanHitInstigator || (Other != Instigator) ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { if ( Other.bIsPawn && (HitLocation.Z - Other.Location.Z > 0.62 * Other.CollisionHeight) && (!Instigator.IsA('Bot') || !Bot(Instigator).bNovice) ) Other.TakeDamage(3.5 * damage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity)), 'decapitated' ); else Other.TakeDamage(damage, instigator,HitLocation, (MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity)), 'shredded' ); } if ( Other.bIsPawn ) PlaySound(MiscSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); else PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); destroy(); } } simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone ) { local Splash w; if (!NewZone.bWaterZone || bHitWater) Return; bHitWater = True; if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { w = Spawn(class'Splash',,,,rot(16384,0,0)); w.DrawScale = 0.5; w.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } Velocity=0.6*Velocity; } simulated function SetRoll(vector NewVelocity) { local rotator newRot; newRot = rotator(NewVelocity); SetRotation(newRot); } simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { local vector Vel2D, Norm2D; bCanHitInstigator = true; PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, 2.0); LoopAnim('Spin',1.0); if ( (Mover(Wall) != None) && Mover(Wall).bDamageTriggered ) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Wall.TakeDamage( Damage, instigator, Location, MomentumTransfer * Normal(Velocity), MyDamageType); Destroy(); return; } NumWallHits++; SetTimer(0, False); MakeNoise(0.3); if ( NumWallHits > 20 ) Destroy(); if ( NumWallHits == 1 ) { Spawn(class'WallCrack',,,Location, rotator(HitNormal)); Vel2D = Velocity; Vel2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = HitNormal; Norm2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = Normal(Norm2D); Vel2D = Normal(Vel2D); if ( (Vel2D Dot Norm2D) < -0.999 ) { HitNormal = Normal(HitNormal + 0.6 * Vel2D); Norm2D = HitNormal; Norm2D.Z = 0; Norm2D = Normal(Norm2D); if ( (Vel2D Dot Norm2D) < -0.999 ) { if ( Rand(1) == 0 ) HitNormal = HitNormal + vect(0.05,0,0); else HitNormal = HitNormal - vect(0.05,0,0); if ( Rand(1) == 0 ) HitNormal = HitNormal + vect(0,0.05,0); else HitNormal = HitNormal - vect(0,0.05,0); HitNormal = Normal(HitNormal); } } } Velocity -= 2 * (Velocity dot HitNormal) * HitNormal; SetRoll(Velocity); } function SetUp() { local vector X; X = vector(Rotation); Velocity = Speed * X; // Impart ONLY forward vel if (Instigator.HeadRegion.Zone.bWaterZone) bHitWater = True; } simulated function BeginState() { SetTimer(0.2, false); SetUp(); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { LoopAnim('Spin',1.0); if ( Level.NetMode == NM_Standalone ) SoundPitch = 200 + 50 * FRand(); } } simulated function Timer() { bCanHitInstigator = true; } } Gt "" -$ fFh?,zC?,a  ! at A D?a i`hRƠsMBPak.BPulseGuno// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BPulseMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BPulseMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; \ $o9 V//============================================================================= // BPulseGun. //============================================================================= class BPulseGun expands PulseGun; var float Angle, Count; var PBolt PlasmaBeam; var() sound DownSound; simulated event RenderOverlays( canvas Canvas ) { Texture'Ammoled'.NotifyActor = Self; Super.RenderOverlays(Canvas); Texture'Ammoled'.NotifyActor = None; } simulated function Destroyed() { if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) PlasmaBeam.Destroy(); Super.Destroyed(); } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Level.NetMode == NM_Client) && (Mesh != PickupViewMesh) ) { if ( AnimSequence == 'SpinDown' ) AnimSequence = 'Idle'; PlayIdleAnim(); } } // set which hand is holding weapon function setHand(float Hand) { if ( Hand == 2 ) { FireOffset.Y = 0; bHideWeapon = true; if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) PlasmaBeam.bCenter = true; return; } else bHideWeapon = false; PlayerViewOffset = Default.PlayerViewOffset * 100; if ( Hand == 1 ) { if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) { PlasmaBeam.bCenter = false; PlasmaBeam.bRight = false; } FireOffset.Y = Default.FireOffset.Y; Mesh = mesh(DynamicLoadObject("Botpack.PulseGunL", class'Mesh')); } else { if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) { PlasmaBeam.bCenter = false; PlasmaBeam.bRight = true; } FireOffset.Y = -1 * Default.FireOffset.Y; Mesh = mesh'PulseGunR'; } } // return delta to combat style function float SuggestAttackStyle() { local float EnemyDist; EnemyDist = VSize(Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Owner.Location); if ( EnemyDist < 1000 ) return 0.4; else return 0; } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local Pawn P; if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 ) return -2; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( (P.Enemy == None) || (Owner.IsA('Bot') && Bot(Owner).bQuickFire) ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return AIRating; } if ( P.Enemy.IsA('StationaryPawn') ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return (AIRating + 0.4); } else bUseAltMode = int( 700 > VSize(P.Enemy.Location - Owner.Location) ); AIRating *= FMin(Pawn(Owner).DamageScaling, 1.5); return AIRating; } simulated function PlayFiring() { FlashCount++; AmbientSound = FireSound; SoundVolume = Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*255; LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0); bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2); } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { FlashCount++; AmbientSound = AltFireSound; SoundVolume = Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*255; LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0); bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2); } function AltFire( float Value ) { if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1)) { GotoState('AltFiring'); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); ClientAltFire(value); /* if ( PlasmaBeam == None ) { PlasmaBeam = PBolt(ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget)); if ( FireOffset.Y == 0 ) PlasmaBeam.bCenter = true; else if ( Mesh == mesh'PulseGunR' ) PlasmaBeam.bRight = false; } */ } } simulated event RenderTexture(ScriptedTexture Tex) { local Color C; local string Temp; Temp = String(AmmoType.AmmoAmount); while(Len(Temp) < 3) Temp = "0"$Temp; Tex.DrawTile( 30, 100, (Min(AmmoType.AmmoAmount,AmmoType.Default.AmmoAmount)*196)/AmmoType.Default.AmmoAmount, 10, 0, 0, 1, 1, Texture'AmmoCountBar', False ); if(AmmoType.AmmoAmount < 10) { C.R = 255; C.G = 0; C.B = 0; } else { C.R = 0; C.G = 0; C.B = 255; } Tex.DrawColoredText( 56, 14, Temp, Font'LEDFont', C ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state NormalFire { ignores AnimEnd; function Projectile ProjectileFire(class ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn) { local Vector Start, X,Y,Z; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn); Start = Start - Sin(Angle)*Y*16 + (Cos(Angle)*16 - 10.78)*Z; Angle += 1.8; return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim); } function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if (Owner==None) GotoState('Pickup'); } function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); Angle = 0; AmbientGlow = 200; } function EndState() { PlaySpinDown(); AmbientSound = None; AmbientGlow = 0; OldFlashCount = FlashCount; Super.EndState(); } Begin: Sleep(0.08); Finish(); } simulated function PlaySpinDown() { if ( (Mesh != PickupViewMesh) && (Owner != None) ) { PlayAnim('Spindown', 1.0, 0.0); Owner.PlayOwnedSound(DownSound, SLOT_None,1.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); } } state ClientFiring { simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if ( (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) ) AmbientSound = FireSound; else AmbientSound = None; } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) { PlaySpinDown(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner) == None ) { PlaySpinDown(); GotoState(''); } else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) Global.ClientAltFire(0); else { PlaySpinDown(); GotoState(''); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state ClientAltFiring { simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0 ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner) == None ) { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) LoopAnim('BoltLoop'); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else { PlayIdleAnim(); GotoState(''); } } } state AltFiring { ignores AnimEnd; function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local Pawn P; P = Pawn(Owner); if ( P == None ) { GotoState('Pickup'); return; } if ( (P.bAltFire == 0) || (P.IsA('Bot') && ((P.Enemy == None) || (Level.TimeSeconds - Bot(P).LastSeenTime > 5))) ) { P.bAltFire = 0; Finish(); return; } Count += Deltatime; if ( Count > 0.24 ) { if ( Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( InstFlash,InstFog); if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); Count -= 0.24; if ( !AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) Finish(); } Pawn(Owner).health += 10; Pawn(Owner).Fatness += 1; if (Pawn(Owner).health >= 1000 || Pawn(Owner).Fatness == 255) { Pawn(Owner).Fatness = 128; Spawn(Class'ShockWave',,'',Location, Instigator.ViewRotation); Pawn(Owner).Died(None, 'Fell', Owner.Location); Destroy(); } } function EndState() { AmbientGlow = 0; AmbientSound = None; if ( PlasmaBeam != None ) { PlasmaBeam.Destroy(); PlasmaBeam = None; } Super.EndState(); } Begin: AmbientGlow = 200; FinishAnim(); LoopAnim( 'boltloop'); } state Idle { Begin: bPointing=False; if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) ) Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon(); //Goto Weapon that has Ammo if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 ) Fire(0.0); if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 ) AltFire(0.0); Disable('AnimEnd'); PlayIdleAnim(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated function PlayIdleAnim() { if ( Mesh == PickupViewMesh ) return; if ( (AnimSequence == 'BoltLoop') || (AnimSequence == 'BoltStart') ) PlayAnim('BoltEnd'); else if ( AnimSequence != 'SpinDown' ) TweenAnim('Idle', 0.1); } simulated function TweenDown() { if ( IsAnimating() && (AnimSequence != '') && (GetAnimGroup(AnimSequence) == 'Select') ) TweenAnim( AnimSequence, AnimFrame * 0.4 ); else TweenAnim('Down', 0.26); }  Ma?' N//============================================================================= // BPAmmo. //============================================================================= class BPAmmo expands PAmmo; g+// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // Parent: Engine.Mutator // // // ==================================================================== class BPakWeaponMutator extends Mutator Abstract; var class WeaponBaseType; var class WeaponNewType; var class WeaponReplaceType; var string WeaponNewString; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Level.Game.RegisterDamageMutator(Self); } function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other, out byte bSuperRelevant) { bSuperRelevant = 0; if (Other.IsA('TournamentWeapon')) // remove old weapon if ( (Other.IsA(WeaponBaseType.Name)) && (!Other.IsA(WeaponNewType.Name)) ) return False; if ( (Other.IsA('TournamentAmmo')) && (WeaponBaseType != class'ImpactHammer') && (WeaponBaseType != class'Translocator') ) // remove old ammo if ( (Other.IsA(WeaponBaseType.Default.AmmoName.Name)) && (!Other.IsA(WeaponNewType.Default.AmmoName.Name)) ) return False; return True; } function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { Super.ModifyPlayer(Other); if (WeaponReplaceType != None) GiveWeapon(Other, WeaponReplaceType); else GiveWeapon(Other, WeaponNewType); Other.Health = 1500; Other.Fatness = 128; if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyPlayer(Other); } //this was lifted from the DeathMatchPlus class function GiveWeapon(Pawn PlayerPawn, class WeaponClass ) { local Weapon NewWeapon; if( PlayerPawn.FindInventoryType(WeaponClass) != None ) return; newWeapon = Spawn(WeaponClass); if( newWeapon != None ) { newWeapon.RespawnTime = 0.0; newWeapon.GiveTo(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.bHeldItem = true; newWeapon.SetSwitchPriority(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.WeaponSet(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.AmbientGlow = 0; if ( PlayerPawn.IsA('PlayerPawn') ) newWeapon.SetHand(PlayerPawn(PlayerPawn).Handedness); else newWeapon.GotoState('Idle'); PlayerPawn.Weapon.GotoState('DownWeapon'); PlayerPawn.PendingWeapon = None; PlayerPawn.Weapon = newWeapon; if ( !newWeapon.IsA('ImpactHammer') && !newWeapon.IsA('Translocator') ) { newWeapon.GiveAmmo(PlayerPawn); newWeapon.AmmoType.AmmoAmount = newWeapon.AmmoType.MaxAmmo; } } } function MutatorTakeDamage ( out int ActualDamage, Pawn Victim, Pawn InstigatedBy, out Vector HitLocation, out Vector Momentum, name DamageType) { local int BPakDamage; BPakDamage = ActualDamage; Victim.Health -= BPakDamage; ActualDamage = 1; if ( NextDamageMutator != None ) NextDamageMutator.MutatorTakeDamage( ActualDamage, Victim, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Momentum, DamageType ); } Y(// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BPakSpecialTimer // Parent: Engine.Mutator // // // ==================================================================== class BPakSpecialTimer extends Mutator; var int SPTimer; var int SPCount; var bool SPFlag; var float AR; var float GS; var float AS; var float WS; var float JZ; var float MSH; function PostBeginPlay() { SPTimer = 100; SPCount = 0; SPFlag = false; SetTimer(0.5,true); Super.PostBeginPlay(); } function setBoomTime(Pawn P) { BroadcastLocalizedMessage(class'BPakMessage',0,,None,None); PlayerPawn(P).ClientPlaySound(Sound'BotPack.CTF.CaptureSound3'); P.AccelRate *= 1.5; P.GroundSpeed *= 1.5; P.JumpZ *= 1.5; P.AirSpeed *= 1.5; P.WaterSpeed *= 1.5; P.MaxStepHeight *= 1.5; } function reset(Pawn P) { P.AccelRate = AR; P.GroundSpeed = GS; P.JumpZ = JZ; P.AirSpeed = AS; P.WaterSpeed = WS; P.MaxStepHeight = MSH; } function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { reset(other); if ( NextMutator != None ) NextMutator.ModifyPlayer(Other); } function ScoreKill(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other) { reset(Other); Super.ScoreKill(Killer, Other); } simulated function Timer() { local Inventory Inv; local Pawn p; if ( !SPFlag ) { SPCount++; if ( SPCount == SPTimer ) { SPFlag = true; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) setBoomTime(P); } } else { SPCount--; if ( SPCount == 0 ) { SPFlag = false; for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) { BroadcastLocalizedMessage(class'BPakMessage',1,,None,None); PlayerPawn(P).ClientPlaySound(Sound'BotPack.CTF.ReturnSound'); reset(P); } } } for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) { if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) { if (P.Health > 0) { // ammo for( Inv=P.Inventory; Inv!=None; Inv=Inv.Inventory ) { if ( (Ammo(Inv)!=None) && (P.bFire==0) && (P.bAltFire==0) ) { if (Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount < Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo) { Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount += Frand() * 5 + 1; if (Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount > Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo) Ammo(Inv).AmmoAmount = Ammo(Inv).MaxAmmo; } } } } } } for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn ) if ( P.IsA('Bot') || P.IsA('TournamentPlayer')) { if ( P.Health > 0 && P.Health < 1500 ) P.Health += 5; } } w // ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BPakMessage // Parent: Botpack.CriticalEventPlus // // // ==================================================================== class BPakMessage extends CriticalEventPlus; var localized String StartTime; var localized String EndTime; static function string GetString( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { Switch(Switch) { case 0: return Default.StartTime; break; case 1: return Default.EndTime; break; } } s\B6r0"D ?$$K[:":_//============================================================================= // BomberTentacle. //============================================================================= class BomberTentacle expands Tentacle; q ;9 { //============================================================================= // BMiniWave. //============================================================================= class BMiniWave expands BShockWave; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); if ( !Level.bHighDetailMode || Level.bDropDetail ) LightType = LT_None; } simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local float ShockSize; ShockSize = 0.3/(ScaleGlow+0.05); if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { ScaleGlow = (Lifespan/Default.Lifespan); AmbientGlow = ScaleGlow * 255; DrawScale = ShockSize; } } xYw3.Ơx]BPak.BMiniguns// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BMinigunMutator // Parent: BPak.BPakWeaponMutator // // // ==================================================================== class BMinigunMutator extends BPakWeaponMutator; D/::$a!z=ABw*b? u]&// ==================================================================== // Class: BPak.BBelch // Parent: UnrealI.GasbagBelch // // // ==================================================================== class BBelch extends GasbagBelch; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { SetUp(); Texture = SpriteAnim[0]; i=1; SetTimer(0.02,True); Super.PostBeginPlay(); } simulated function Timer() { Texture = SpriteAnim[i]; i++; if (i>=6) i=0; Explode2(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); } simulated function Explode2(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*2,150.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } simulated function Explode3(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*2,150.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; } auto state Flying { simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if (Other != instigator) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) Other.TakeDamage(Damage, instigator,HitLocation, 15000.0 * Normal(velocity), 'burned'); Explode3(HitLocation, Vect(0,0,0)); } } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { //local SpriteBallExplosion s; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion u; if ( (Role == ROLE_Authority) && (FRand() < 0.5) ) MakeNoise(1.0); //FIXME - set appropriate loudness u = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); //s = Spawn(class'SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); HurtRadius(Damage*3,150.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation); //s.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; u.RemoteRole = ROLE_None; Destroy(); } Begin: Sleep(0.5); Explode(Location, Vect(0,0,0)); } z-'a+  ~|Ah xc//============================================================================= // Bminigun. //============================================================================= class Bminigun expands minigun2; var float ShotAccuracy, LastShellSpawn; var int Count; var bool bOutOfAmmo, bFiredShot; var() texture MuzzleFlashVariations[10]; // set which hand is holding weapon function setHand(float Hand) { if ( Hand == 2 ) { FireOffset.Y = 0; bHideWeapon = true; return; } else bHideWeapon = false; PlayerViewOffset = Default.PlayerViewOffset * 100; FireOffset.Y = Hand * Default.FireOffset.Y; PlayerViewOffset.Y *= Hand; if ( Hand == 1 ) Mesh = mesh(DynamicLoadObject("Botpack.Minigun2L", class'Mesh')); else { Mesh = mesh'Minigun2m'; if ( Hand == 0 ) { PlayerViewOffset.X = Default.PlayerViewOffset.X * 95; PlayerViewOffset.Z = Default.PlayerViewOffset.Z * 105; } } } simulated event RenderTexture(ScriptedTexture Tex) { local Color C; local string Temp; Temp = String(AmmoType.AmmoAmount); while(Len(Temp) < 3) Temp = "0"$Temp; C.R = 255; C.G = 0; C.B = 0; Tex.DrawColoredText( 2, 10, Temp, Font'LEDFont2', C ); } function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode ) { local float dist; if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 ) return -2; if ( Pawn(Owner).Enemy == None ) { bUseAltMode = 0; return AIRating; } dist = VSize(Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Owner.Location); bUseAltMode = 1; if ( dist > 1200 ) { if ( dist > 1700 ) bUseAltMode = 0; return (AIRating * FMin(Pawn(Owner).DamageScaling, 1.5) + FMin(0.0001 * dist, 0.3)); } AIRating *= FMin(Pawn(Owner).DamageScaling, 1.5); return AIRating; } simulated event RenderOverlays( canvas Canvas ) { local UT_Shellcase s; local vector X,Y,Z; local float dir; if ( bSteadyFlash3rd ) { bMuzzleFlash = 1; bSetFlashTime = false; if ( !Level.bDropDetail ) MFTexture = MuzzleFlashVariations[Rand(10)]; else MFTexture = MuzzleFlashVariations[Rand(5)]; } else bMuzzleFlash = 0; FlashY = Default.FlashY * (1.08 - 0.16 * FRand()); if ( !Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') || (PlayerPawn(Owner).Handedness == 0) ) FlashO = Default.FlashO * (4 + 0.15 * FRand()); else FlashO = Default.FlashO * (1 + 0.15 * FRand()); Texture'MiniAmmoled'.NotifyActor = Self; Super.RenderOverlays(Canvas); Texture'MiniAmmoled'.NotifyActor = None; if ( bSteadyFlash3rd && Level.bHighDetailMode && (Level.TimeSeconds - LastShellSpawn > 0.125) && (Level.Pauser=="") ) { LastShellSpawn = Level.TimeSeconds; GetAxes(Pawn(Owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); if ( PlayerViewOffset.Y >= 0 ) dir = 1; else dir = -1; if ( Level.bHighDetailMode ) { s = Spawn(class'MiniShellCase',Owner, '', Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + 30 * X + (0.4 * PlayerViewOffset.Y+5.0) * Y - Z * 5); if ( s != None ) s.Eject(((FRand()*0.3+0.4)*X + (FRand()*0.3+0.2)*dir*Y + (FRand()*0.3+1.0) * Z)*160); } } } function GenerateBullet() { LightType = LT_Steady; bFiredShot = true; if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ClientInstantFlash( -0.2, vect(325, 225, 95)); if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) TraceFire(ShotAccuracy); else GotoState('FinishFire'); } function TraceFire( float Accuracy ) { local vector HitLocation, HitNormal, StartTrace, EndTrace, X,Y,Z, AimDir; local actor Other; Owner.MakeNoise(Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); GetAxes(Pawn(owner).ViewRotation,X,Y,Z); StartTrace = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z; AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(1000000, StartTrace, 2.75*AimError, False, False); EndTrace = StartTrace + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 )* Y * 1000 + Accuracy * (FRand() - 0.5 ) * Z * 1000; AimDir = vector(AdjustedAim); EndTrace += (10000 * AimDir); Other = Pawn(Owner).TraceShot(HitLocation,HitNormal,EndTrace,StartTrace); Count++; if ( Count == 4 ) { Count = 0; if ( VSize(HitLocation - StartTrace) > 250 ) Spawn(class'MTracer',,, StartTrace + 96 * AimDir,rotator(EndTrace - StartTrace)); } ProcessTraceHit(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal, vector(AdjustedAim),Y,Z); } function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z) { local int rndDam; local UT_SpriteBallExplosion s; if (Other == Level) Spawn(class'UT_LightWallHitEffect',,, HitLocation+HitNormal, Rotator(HitNormal)); else if ( (Other!=self) && (Other!=Owner) && (Other != None) ) { if ( !Other.bIsPawn && !Other.IsA('Carcass') ) spawn(class'UT_SpriteSmokePuff',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); else Other.PlaySound(Sound 'ChunkHit',, 4.0,,100); if ( Other.IsA('Bot') && (FRand() < 0.2) ) Pawn(Other).WarnTarget(Pawn(Owner), 500, X); rndDam = 9 + Rand(6); if ( FRand() < 0.2 ) X *= 2.5; Other.TakeDamage(rndDam+100, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, rndDam*500.0*X, MyDamageType); } if(Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) { s = spawn(class'UT_SpriteBallExplosion',,,HitLocation+HitNormal*9); s.DrawScale = s.DrawScale / 3; HurtRadius(80,120.0, MyDamageType, 60000, HitLocation+HitNormal*9); } } function Fire( float Value ) { Enable('Tick'); if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); bCanClientFire = true; bPointing=True; ShotAccuracy = 0.9; ClientFire(value); GotoState('NormalFire'); } else GoToState('Idle'); } function AltFire( float Value ) { Enable('Tick'); if ( AmmoType == None ) { // ammocheck GiveAmmo(Pawn(Owner)); } if ( AmmoType.UseAmmo(1) ) { bPointing=True; bCanClientFire = true; ShotAccuracy = 0.3; Pawn(Owner).PlayRecoil(FiringSpeed); SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; ClientAltFire(value); GoToState('AltFiring'); } else GoToState('Idle'); } simulated function PlayFiring() { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); PlayAnim('Shoot1',1 + 0.3 * FireAdjust, 0.05); AmbientGlow = 250; AmbientSound = FireSound; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; } simulated function PlayAltFiring() { if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); PlayAnim('Shoot1',1 + 0.6 * FireAdjust, 0.05); AmbientGlow = 250; AmbientSound = FireSound; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; } simulated function PlayUnwind() { if ( Owner != None ) { PlayOwnedSound(Misc1Sound, SLOT_Misc, 3.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening); //Finish firing, power down PlayAnim('UnWind',8.0, 0.05); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state FinishFire { function Fire(float F) {} function AltFire(float F) {} function ForceFire() { bForceFire = true; } function ForceAltFire() { bForceAltFire = true; } function BeginState() { PlayUnwind(); } Begin: FinishAnim(); Finish(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state NormalFire { function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if (Owner==None) AmbientSound = None; } function AnimEnd() { if (Pawn(Owner).Weapon != self) GotoState(''); else if (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0) Global.Fire(0); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0) Global.AltFire(0); else GotoState('FinishFire'); } function BeginState() { AmbientGlow = 250; AmbientSound = FireSound; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; Super.BeginState(); } function EndState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; AmbientGlow = 0; LightType = LT_None; AmbientSound = None; Super.EndState(); } Begin: Sleep(0.0001); GenerateBullet(); Goto('Begin'); } state ClientFiring { simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) { PlayUnwind(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) Global.ClientAltFire(0); else { PlayUnwind(); GotoState('ClientFinish'); } } simulated function BeginState() { AmbientSound = FireSound; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; } simulated function EndState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; Super.EndState(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state ClientFinish { simulated function bool ClientFire(float Value) { bForceFire = bForceFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceFire; } simulated function bool ClientAltFire(float Value) { bForceAltFire = bForceAltFire || ( bCanClientFire && (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ); return bForceAltFire; } simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( bCanClientFire && (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount > 0) ) { if ( bForceFire || (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientFire(0); return; } else if ( bForceAltFire || (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0) ) { Global.ClientAltFire(0); return; } } GotoState(''); Global.AnimEnd(); } simulated function EndState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; AmbientSound = None; } simulated function BeginState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; bForceFire = false; bForceAltFire = false; } } state ClientAltFiring { simulated function AnimEnd() { if ( (Pawn(Owner) == None) || (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0) ) { PlayUnwind(); GotoState(''); } else if ( !bCanClientFire ) GotoState(''); else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 ) { if ( (AnimSequence != 'Shoot2') || !bAnimLoop ) { AmbientSound = AltFireSound; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; LoopAnim('Shoot2',1.9); } else if ( AmbientSound == None ) AmbientSound = FireSound; if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); if ( PlayerPawn(Owner) != None ) PlayerPawn(Owner).ShakeView(ShakeTime, ShakeMag, ShakeVert); } else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 ) Global.ClientFire(0); else { PlayUnwind(); bSteadyFlash3rd = false; GotoState('ClientFinish'); } } simulated function BeginState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = true; AmbientSound = FireSound; } simulated function EndState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; Super.EndState(); } } state AltFiring { function Tick( float DeltaTime ) { if (Owner==None) { AmbientSound = None; GotoState('Pickup'); } if ( bFiredShot && ((pawn(Owner).bAltFire==0) || bOutOfAmmo) ) GoToState('FinishFire'); } function AnimEnd() { if ( (AnimSequence != 'Shoot2') || !bAnimLoop ) { AmbientSound = AltFireSound; SoundVolume = 255*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening; LoopAnim('Shoot2',1.9); } else if ( AmbientSound == None ) AmbientSound = FireSound; if ( Affector != None ) Affector.FireEffect(); } function BeginState() { Super.BeginState(); AmbientSound = FireSound; AmbientGlow = 250; bFiredShot = false; bSteadyFlash3rd = true; } function EndState() { bSteadyFlash3rd = false; AmbientGlow = 0; LightType = LT_None; AmbientSound = None; Super.EndState(); } Begin: Sleep(0.08); GenerateBullet(); if ( AnimSequence == 'Shoot2' ) Goto('FastShoot'); Goto('Begin'); FastShoot: Sleep(0.08); GenerateBullet(); Goto('FastShoot'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// state Idle { Begin: if (Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0) Fire(0.0); if (Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 && AmmoType.AmmoAmount>0) AltFire(0.0); LoopAnim('Idle',0.2,0.9); bPointing=False; if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) ) Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon(); //Goto Weapon that has Ammo Disable('AnimEnd'); } z8z6--$ ]m m A X m A W A w A o A ~Z V U O A \ A Z \ Wm 1A DA a A EA [ A `A l A 4A A A IZ NA [ \ w m $A n A kZ f A A ] \ YA M] 0A p [ P Z p A g A W U J [ J\ TA uZ t A rA A B\ s A tA R A d A \ [ \ `Z R^ }[ D [ eA w^ VA V] J ^ Y [ 9Y dY Y \ Q \ U ~h \ r] u~@ A _ \ M^ B m z A kA R ~X [ cU C A  ] L \ N A i] c] :[ [ 6Z v [ f ^ b ] K Z ^\ fA _ A qA X Z S^ Q A QA r \ k[ y[ ,Z r A J\ v^ `Z S\ LA S \ SA A[ bA Y A e \ q\ j ~^ h [ e[ ^ Z [ [ r\ i S |N [ dm ] A X ^ L \ fZ g\ \ A U [ { Z l \ x A i[ f aDTY dA H[ q\ q A \ U c A Z (Z gn Z t(^ HU;[ EZ @[ d\ M \ q [ O{}Z a Z o _^ j m _A x Z z[ _ A h [ b!Z BZ i ~Z h A ` \ _(T!A [ \ G^ ^UZ \^ b ~A @A A A~\ k ^ ][ F A GA Y m I~FZ yZ A A T TU^ L ~~[ aA M \ E Z V Z R\ m ] 8A L YG([ DZ p \ ][ F A nA hA S(Y Y \ |X +[ pX ^\ w [ b^ N[ J] Z\ o ~ [ c Z N [ mY z A DZ |A IZ d[ O[ n[ I[ ` ~eZ Z~ ^ c\ x Z h[ `UOP~ A jA N A O~vfA H yA s P j ~A F A t A ~~ Z s A y ~vA ^ \ H~ A c Z [\ n\ ^ 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